
Spiritual Unity Quotes

There are 255 quotes

"That their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."
"The uniting yourself with someone creates a powerful spiritual unity."
"To become one, unified in one, that is His goal for us as a church, for us as a world."
"We need the people of God. You and I are all bricks, all laid one on top of the other, into a spiritual house."
"Thank you also for each and everyone who prayed with us."
"May the love of God and the blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ and The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill our hearts AR fresh unite our lives in the grip of the Gospel."
"If you love yah, love him genuinely regardless of race or color or these other divisions Satan has created. He loves you and desires that you come to him."
"It's the love of God that joins people's hearts together in the spirit."
"We're all god divided, we're all equally divine."
"There's no room for hatred, there's no room for selfishness, we're all god."
"The same intelligence that flows through you is the same intelligence that flows through me."
"The church is one foundation is Jesus Christ our Lord."
"Think about this: the angels are joining in our worship of our Redeemer."
"You are one with the light, the light is one with you."
"In the kingdom of God, man, there's no race."
"We prophesy an anointing for mothers and daughters in 2020 and beyond to unite by the kingdom of God in advance in the name of Jesus."
"We're all feminized in a sense as the bride of Christ."
"We all have different pieces of the puzzle to formulate the picture of the tapestry of God's kingdom on earth."
"We are a family of light, soul brother, soul sister. That's why we love each other."
"Your heart is His heart... It's about His heart."
"Unity of believers is what we should strive for; it's Christ's prayer for us."
"Together in the embrace of divine grace, we shall overcome, we shall endure, and we shall triumph. Amen."
"When the father comes into our lives, we are one with him."
"Join in those mass meditations... the power of the people with one heart on one mind."
"Spiritual gifts can be used and should be used in operation with one another. These gifts are most powerful when we're united."
"God is not black, God is not white, and that is all that matters."
"It's time that we understand in the Body of Christ that we need both the men and the women to win."
"Let's start by going before the Lord in prayer. Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather together in your name."
"Once we reach unity consciousness, mine and yours does not exist."
"The unity we seek is to be one in Christ, to connect ourselves with Him, to connect our hearts with heaven." - President Henry B. Irene
"Can we unify spiritually in who we are? That right there takes precedence over anything."
"Father, I pray that they may be one as we are one."
"The Divine Feminine and the divine masculine are getting together and creating this new reality."
"Peace comes when people pray together, when they connect with God, and with their families."
"Allah will make us a united Ummah in the genuine sense of the word."
"With the Emperor at last defeated forever, Revan found peace and became one with the force."
"We belong to each other in the family of God."
"Let's all get into this together and reach a higher state of consciousness."
"Yoga means just this that if you sit here you're in union with everything else in your experience."
"God has given a scripture to you to me James and all of humanity if we come and submit to one god take Jesus as a prophet along with all the prophets take Muhammad peace be upon him as the final messenger."
"Together, they are unstoppable. When the divine feminine energy links into the divine masculine energy and they merge, nothing can stop that."
"He said I pray in my tawassul that me and Mu'awiya are like the ones whom Allah said in the Quran: 'We have removed the animosity between them and they are now brothers in Jannah.'"
"He's torn down the wall of partition that existed between us."
"There is only God in this world, so when you say I am and I say I am, it's the same God, but we have arranged the structure of our mind differently."
"That soul of yours comes from that place of the Creator and you called God that soul of yours is not separate from the Creator from God it isn't."
"Your connection feels like heaven on earth, a blissful union of oneness and joy."
"Jews who believe in Yeshua remain Jews even though we are now spiritually joined to non-Jews who also believe in the Jewish Messiah."
"A system notification alerts wildfire that he has become the Lord of sargo City."
"He shows up in the most powerful way when we come together."
"As we crossed that threshold, all things became one thing, and I realized that one thing was God."
"May we go forward together to fulfill our divine mandate, that is, preparing ourselves and the world for the second coming of the Lord. I so pray with my expression of love for you in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen."
"You connect the brain and the heart together and you've got your soul going."
"When God's people walk together in unity, God Himself commands the blessing of eternal life."
"The highest consciousness of supply comes when you have so completely lost yourself in the infinite that you no longer think of or speak as being in any sense apart from God."
"The Son of Man is the glue that holds all these things together."
"Lord, bring me to a state of total wholeness and unity with your will."
"Oneness, the central message of Adi Shankara and Advaita."
"Such love as that between perfectly mated men and women multiplies their power; for when husband and wife both belong to God, working knowingly with Him, each one is then knowing together, thinking together, and working together with God as one."
"Praying together brings us back to our ultimate foundation and connects us."
"The only reality is the oneness with you and your Creator."
"It shouldn't surprise us that God's own dream come true for us, that we be one, just happens to be our own deepest longing for ourselves."
"The families of the Earth are returning to worship God."
"The word talks about us needing each other and how much stronger we are when there are two or three gathered."
"We don't come dragging in one at a time trying to get through the gates."
"This ecstasy of coming together and singing and chanting comes in the age of Kali Yuga as harinam sankirtan."
"You are the entire universe and all the answers are within you."
"You are of the creator and the creator is of you."
"Sacred union of the divine masculine and the divine feminine."
"I'm a fan of orthodoxy. I am the way the truth and the life, but I am a fan of unity because if you are not one, you are not mine."
"In an era of radical individualism, focus on personal anointing. But Psalms 133 refers to a corporate anointing."
"The necessity of this time is in order to move as one... we have to recognize who God has anointed to lead."
"Focus on your light work and union will come."
"It's not about God's wrath, it's about standing side by side."
"If I am one with God and I am here as God right now would I fear would I doubt would I be negative or would I power through everything."
"I am one with the universe and abundance is mine to enjoy."
"Every act of devotion, every act of love... you are uniting yourself in a very profound way with Jesus Christ."
"This person feels this telepathic bond, they feel this oneness, this reunion on the other levels."
"The earth filled with joy and the burden we have placed upon the earth of being lifted and humanity brought together."
"All of us together we are all one in spirit in pure consciousness."
"Light Seekers all around will want to come together cuz they're likeminded."
"Surrender into your heart and divine source where there is no separation... without conditions."
"People are turning to faith from every tribe, nation, tongue, and people everywhere around the world."
"God dwells in all of us; we are all part of God."
"The church is his body, and he gave himself for her."
"It is time for us to accept our oneness with all life."
"The promise is all the nations coming to God."
"Dream softly of your sinless brother who unites with you in holy innocence."
"We know that God has our back... It's bringing people together. This has all been on God's timing."
"God is incapable of separation or division; therefore, my good is incapable of separation or division. I am one with my undivided good."
"The love of Allah and His messenger transcends so many different movements."
"We are simultaneously 100% bound together and 100% free... if we can learn to love here, we can love anywhere."
"We're no longer strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with saints and members of the household of God." - Ephesians 2:18-22
"And all of you who are coming into agreement with your pastor today, would you lose that hand and give God glory for what he is getting ready to do?"
"True insight is the fuel for the great brotherly union among human beings."
"The Holy Spirit's perfect will is for the body to come into unity."
"Naam is holding it together. That's the egg of Sikhi. The binding agent."
"For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus."
"Take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of my blood, the blood of the new and eternal covenant which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins."
"It's all light and it's all love... trust the journey."
"Yoga is unity, union with the higher self, a union of the body with the mind, body mind with the spirit, the higher Shakti you might say."
"I'm just thankful for your calling in our lives. God, thanks for bringing us together as a family seeking the Lord Jesus tonight."
"May Allah be pleased with them all and reunite us with them."
"We are the church, the body of Christ. Let's not focus on the church building or denomination."
"Our wisdom comes from the same Source. We move as one body. Our peace and our joy come from our heavenly father."
"The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself."
"Let me close by having prayer with you and let's all pray together for God's Spirit."
"You are one with the light, the light is one with you, and you are in the hands of God forever."
"May praise and glorify you through your son Jesus Christ through him and with him and in him oh God Almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit all glory and honor is yours forever and ever amen."
"My adorable Jesus, may our feet journey together, may our hands gather in unity, may our hearts beat in unison..."
"Separation is an illusion. You can't lose what you always have. Love is something that surrounds you."
"Separation without knowing that you are unified is a form of suffering."
"Marriage is a covenant, where death of two wills birth one."
"When there is unity, there's oneness in heart, oneness in mind, oneness in spirit."
"We are all children of the true and living God, let's get back to a place of love where we can look out and embrace each other."
"Empowerment supports our ability to show up fully and completely uniting us with others in the deep trust that we are all connected through the same source."
"This is our chance to offer our own hearts united with the heart of the Son of God."
"This is a great mystery but it's an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one."
"We all have our specific capabilities and unique characteristics that's part of being the body of Christ."
"The word of God is not chained, the house of God can't truly be locked, and the people of God, even if we are separated by distance, we're never truly separated because the Lord is bigger than a lockdown."
"We are all God, we are all one consciousness."
"This is one of the things I've seen in your ministry that I really appreciate, is the unity of the Spirit that you are working towards."
"When you make the two into one, and the inside like the outside, then you will enter the kingdom."
"The Church, a communion living in the faith of the Apostles, is the place where we know the Holy Spirit."
"God Himself exists in three parts and still be one God, just as water does not lose its uniqueness just because it's in three containers."
"We all need to be on the same frequency... to collectively create a new reality and the new Earth."
"Unity is not about being united with each other, it's about being united to Christ alone."
"Let's find our unity in Christ, in his holiness, in his perfection, not on 'well just this one part is sin.'"
"The secret of true unity in the church... is union with Christ."
"On the positive path, giving and receiving are one."
"We are called to unite together in a group initiation as one, binding the family of humanity into a collective whole."
"What if, in fact, God never separated itself from us in any way, and that returning to God was simply a matter of embracing and accepting the eternal truth that we were never separate to begin with?"
"These energies of this new moon in Aquarius are saying remember you're part of this diversity and this Oneness and find your right expression of your unique frequency in that Symphony of the Spheres in that music of the stars and Cosmos."
"Sacred convergence indicates a coming together of souls in alignment with a greater cause."
"In moments like those, there's just this flow, it was as if the Holy Spirit and I were moving as one."
"Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me."
"And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity."
"When you can get your will, your heart, and your mind unified on the same page, we know that the Trinity is really a Unity."
"The church itself is seated with Him where He ascended, He is not alone."
"In your relationship with your wife, work towards an increasing spiritual unity."
"He who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with the Lord. This is marital. Therefore, it is love."
"There's ultimately that dissolving of the separation of what we think of as us and what we think of as the Divine."
"The immortal Saints will be with their covenant head, and like him, we will be free from sorrow."
"Thou art that. You are God. You are Godness."
"We have a common goal in mind: to see his face in peace."
"Prayer is not something we do to God but to ourselves. It is not a position but a disposition. It is not flattery but a sense of Oneness. It is not asking but knowing. It is not words but feeling."
"God is my father. I am his child. This declares our Unity with God at the outset, which is man's greatest, perhaps his only need."
"I speak this anointing to cover you and fill you now with peace and joy. May there be unity and peace in your family, in your home, now in Jesus' name."
"We don't want to break the communion that we long for them to repent, to turn back, to come back to the Bible, to follow Jesus' word."
"We share in this song. When we sing our praises to God, we are right there along with that great choir singing that song of deliverance."
"We are sharing in the spirit with him; we're coheirs with Christ."
"From a higher perspective, it's all Source, it's all God; in three words, all that is."
"God with a capital G is Divinity itself or God self and God is all the gods combined."
"All of Scripture is teaching us that someday we will feast with our enemies, someday we will worship with our enemies, someday we will gaze upon the face of Jesus side by side with our enemies."
"The Lord is offering every single one of us exactly the same thing which is divine union."
"If we come together in prayer, then God's going to pour His spirit and strengthen, encourage the family."
"Only God's kingdom can bring true oneness and equality to mankind."
"Lord, thank you for this evening where we can join together our hearts and worship to you."
"This glorious salvation lifts us into the very presence of God and makes us one with Him."
"We're all part of the body of Christ and even people in heaven are part of the body of Christ."
"And he himself believed and his whole household."
"By grace you are saved and has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus."
"Your bodies are members of Christ."
"Then will your desires come true, your life become one grand harmony, your world a heaven, and yourself one with myself."
"If all of our members were right with God, what an awesome net this would be to bring souls to Jesus Christ."
"The church is made up of Jew and Gentile."
"By one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free."
"We're joining the choirs of Angels in their unending song of praise."
"True prayer is when the Holy Spirit and the believer come together in prayer."
"If the beloved of God in all America strive for unity and harmony, attain perfect love and accord, and act according to the divine teachings... this will prove a magnet attracting Abdu'l-Bahá."
"Be eager and strive earnestly to guard and keep the harmony and oneness of and produced by the Spirit in the binding power of peace."
"We only have one Lord, He is not divided."
"We are all the same consciousness, it’s just that ... To see God in everything and everything in God."
"In Jesus, we are all one; the church is universal."
"The unity of the mystical body triumphs over all human divisions."
"We are each unique and we all belong, a priesthood of all believers, baptized and filled with your Holy Spirit."
"The minute that we can get out of this spiritual set trip and this religious gangbang that has us at war with one another and begin being more concerned with the product than the formula used to get the product."
"It's important to always unite sutra and tantra."
"Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt God's name together."
"Provided that we suffer with him, we may be glorified with him."
"This shift creates a perfect opportunity for Christians and Jews to reconcile."
"Ten Gentiles will grab the hem of a Jew and say, 'Take us with you because we have heard that Hashem is with you.'"
"We can join with the living creatures... and worship with them."
"The central teaching of all Kabbalah is this unity of all things."
"There is one body, one spirit, just as you were also called with one hope of your calling."
"Redemption brings unity between us and God."
"Let them, Father, be in us; just like the Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father, let them be one in us."
"In Christ, the family of Earth and the family of heaven are bound together."
"Healthy churches are going to have to be made up of healthy families."
"It is true that you and your Guru are one reality; never fail to show respect to your Guru."
"Till we come to unity in the faith and to the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."
"When the body of Christ comes together to pray, encourage, and provide for one another, burdens are lifted and God is glorified."
"To unite the will of the spirit with the work of the flesh."
"We are not confusing the persons, for we confess that our communion is with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ in their one Holy Spirit."
"We all belong to God; we are all in the same Kingdom."
"Let us rejoice then and give thanks that we have become not only Christians but Christ himself."
"There is only one thing that joins us to Jesus; it's not our works, it's faith in Jesus Christ, and we're declared righteous."
"You were made alive together with Christ, raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus."
"Our baptism is symbolically the death and resurrection of Jesus; you now share in this."
"The Holy Spirit overlooks all these divisions and joins with everybody in a condition of oneness."
"Jesus said there are sheep not of this pen. In other words, there are other sheep."