
Tithing Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"The tithe is a test. When we tithe, we give God the opportunity to bless us."
"You will never be able to afford to tithe until you start tithing."
"I tithe first, and I always will be taken care of."
"He was seeing in the future where they would take the tithe and the offering up to God in heaven and God would in return bring the blessing down."
"If you choose not to tithe, God said I will rebuke the Devourer that Satan for your sake."
"What happens when you tithe? God said, 'Prove me in this, how pour out blessing. You ain't got room enough to care for.'"
"It's all about obedience and you doing what God asked of you to do which is to give 10."
"You give the tithe first. It's not just 10%, it's the first 10%. It takes faith to give the first."
"It's not the 10% that impacts the blessing. It's the faith that impacts the blessing."
"The tithe belongs to God and it is to be brought to the house of God."
"It's amazing how many people say they won't tithe and then as soon as you don't tithe, they go to your washing machine, there go your dryer..."
"The tithe is Holy and belongs to God; it doesn't belong to you." - "It belongs to God; it is Holy to the Lord."
"The tithe is the minimum testimony of our Christian commitment." - "The tithe is the minimum testimony of our Christian commitment."
"God promises to pour out blessings upon those who tithe."
"We tithe because it shows to whom we belong."
"You will never be able to afford to tithe until you tithe."
"I want you to send me a copy of that check, I just want to see what a $1.2 million tithe check looks like."
"Tithing makes God your business partner, and I want to tell you, God makes a great business partner."
"The Bible didn't tell you that when you tithe, you will prosper. It is you interpreting it that way."
"When you don't tithe, you rob God of the opportunity to bless you."
"Paying tithing is more of a sense of commitment than it is the church needing the money."
"If paying tithing means that you can't pay for water or electricity, pay tithing."
"No one is ever too poor to pay tithing, and the Lord has promised that he will open the windows of heaven when we are obedient to his law."
"If you make a hundred bucks, then ten belongs to God. If you have a thousand dollar check, you write a hundred dollar thank you note to God. And if you don't tithe, you rob God. There it is. Can it be any clearer than that?"
"Tithing reaches beyond me to show the world that God is good."
"If you're tithing, God will be faithful to you because you are faithful to him."
"I've never met anybody that tithed for at least 10 years who didn't become wealthy."
"Giving our tithes to God is an act of gratitude."
"Tithing is an old Testament concept, but after the death of Jesus Christ, Jesus fulfilled the law."
"That’s what makes temples possible because of so many of you and those who throughout the world who pay their tithing, those sacred funds, that make these blessings for the living and the dead possible. So thank you so much."
"Tithing is a spiritual practice to keep the flow of abundance consistent."
"There's not an amount you could ever pay me not to give, because I've met a lot of people who have told me over the years they can't afford to tithe, and I've met no one who ever has consistently tithed and doesn't just say, 'I'm walking in God's blessing.'"
"Tithing is not a theological strategy for supporting Church business, it is helping to secure your destiny of financial fortune in Christ."
"Tithing is the covenant master key to a world of financial fortune."
"The first mention of tithing had to do in response to God's victory... 'God, thank you,' and we're not buying anything. We're expressing our gratefulness."
"The law of tithing... you shall truly tithe all the increase of your grain that the fields produce year by year."
"Tithing is like a detail, and when we can't even give 10% of our income to the mission of Jesus, how much do we actually really love Jesus?"
"Tithing is not a principle of decreasing what you have, it is a principle of supernaturally increasing what you have because the bottom line is you can't out give God."
"Tithing is not just money. Yes, it is. I'm sorry. You giving 10% of your time is not the same as giving 10% of your money. I don't care the amount of money you have. If you get 300 a month like I did, I gave $30 every month to a church."
"We believe your tithes belong to your local church, and your donations to our ministry are received as offerings for the advancement of the Great Commission."
"What if the members had decided instead of paying their tithing to invest their money?"
"You are robbing God if you don't give 10%."
"Tithing is never commanded in the New Testament"
"There is no biblical mandate that says a person who doesn't pay tithes or offerings to the church will go to hell. Moderation is subjective, and men of God reflect their backgrounds and orientations."
"You can never break the backbone of poverty with tithing alone."
"God set aside the first 10% to go to his house not to support his house but to build faith in your heart and bless you."
"Pay your tithing before you feed your family."
"everybody knows if you're a Christian that you honor God because everything you has is his and if you don't honor God everything else is gonna fall apart on some level because you're not honoring the source of your finances so you give God his and then you save a tenth"
"The first tenth belongs to God. Whatever's left is yours."
"Your income is either consecrated or cursed. To tithe is consecrated to the Lord."
"The foundation of giving, though, is tithing."
"Tithing is the way to never go without."
"So tithing isn't – isn't as much a financial law as it is a spiritual law, from my perspective."
"For me, the bottom line with tithing is that it has very little to do with this, with the physical money. It has a lot to do with me saying to God, I love thee more than I love this, and I want thee to be my God, not money to be my God."
"Tithing is not an act of generosity, it's an act of obedience."
"If your tithing dollars are going to the active oppression of a group of people, do you support that person?"
"Start off tithing with the 10 percent, but if you want to be a millionaire, activate the spiritual realm."
"God said, 'Prove me in the tithe and the offering.'"
"Thank God for the tithes here and I thank God for you."
"If you tithe from the heart you honor God you worship Him"
"Giving in the early church was voluntary, nothing was said about 10% either as a maximum or as a minimum."
"'But is this a form of replacement theology? Not at all. We are not replacing the Levitical tithe by supporting modern ministries. We're applying the spiritual principle behind the tithes.'"
"God wants you to tithe because it teaches you to be generous, it teaches you to be more loving in giving and that type of thing."
"You don't rob God of money, you rob God of the opportunity to bless you."
"It takes faith to give the first 10%."
"I learned the principles of paying tithing and the blessings that follow."
"Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing."
"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this," says the Lord of hosts, "if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it."
"100% of your money belongs to God and you show Him that you trust Him with it by giving 10% into the kingdom."
"When you're tithing, you are actually blessing your family, blessing your business."
"The tithe protects the one that tithes."
"The tithe was given to support those in full-time ministry service in the house of God."
"The benefits of the tithe will continue to reverberate throughout generations that are yet unborn."
"Scripture is clear that Christians should tithe on their income as an act of obedience and a recognition that all of our resources are given to us by God."
"Your word declares that when we tithe, you open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings."
"Abraham paid Melchizedek tithes of all that he had, of all the riches which he possessed, which God had given him more than that which he had need."
"Paying tithing requires faith and it also builds faith in God and his son Jesus Christ."
"Tithing to me is a matter of faith."
"God gives back to us when we do pay our tithes."
"The thing that changed my outlook is actually the concept of tithing, right? So giving money away."
"The tithe is a redemptive work; it's not a debt we owe, it's a seed we sow."
"You tithe where you're fed; that keeps the feeding of God's Word coming to you."
"I think we all have these tithing stories and we have proved the Lord and he has come out proving himself to us over and over and over again."
"I pay my tithing not only because it is a law of God but because I expect a blessing by doing it."
"A tithe is one-tenth where God invites us to dedicate one-tenth of our income to him for the glory of his name."
"The one who saved me from drugs and immorality in a motel room said I ought to give the first 10% of my income to God."
"That day I learned the principles of paying tithing and the blessings that follow."
"Your tithing, your giving, is a demonstration of the honor that you have towards Him."
"Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for God and others."
"Thou shalt surely tithe all the increase of thy seed."
"Tithing is not biblical in today's day. Tithes went to the Levite priests and it was never money."
"Tithing connected to learning how to fear the Lord... it actually trains us to fear the Lord because we put down our earthly fears and choose instead to fear the Lord alone, that's coming back to reward to each man, according to what he's done."
"The prophetic act of the tithe opens the windows of Heaven, God pours out a blessing upon you."
"If I faithfully pay my tithing, God will open the windows of heaven and pour out His blessings upon me and my household."
"This is a way for me to exercise faith in God and gratitude and worship is to say, 'Hey, you gave me this 100%, I'm going to give you back 10% to do whatever you see fit to do with.'"
"The purpose of tithing is it's an act of worship before it's ever an act of philanthropy."
"I admire people like Jan Reese who have chosen to give their tithing to other entities... they're not their faith isn't in the church, their faith is in God."
"God will bless those who are faithful with their tithes and offerings."
"Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, 'How do we rob you?' In tithes and offerings." - Malachi 3:8-10
"Abraham's tithe was completely voluntary; it was not compulsory." - Author
"The widow's fatherless and strangers were the rightful recipients of the tithe." - Author
"You have been set free from the bondage of tithing and from the obligation to support the unbiblical clergy system." - Author
"The tithe belongs to God, and all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's."