
Frameworks Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Creating Frameworks is what I like to do. I like to question the frameworks of other people and understand them."
"You should definitely learn vanilla JavaScript before a framework."
"Dependency injection is a concept... where the framework injects the object rather than you creating it."
"Using frameworks to give you structure when you're practicing your power skills."
"If you're ready to bust out of the frameworks effectively, the only thing I have to say is I love everything this article is stating."
"Use this as a framework and adapt it to your needs."
"Django is a high-level framework and it does a lot of the heavy lifting for you."
"The best place to start is to give people practical frameworks for approaching nutrition and decisions about the food that we consume."
"Frameworks and libraries are simply a simplification process."
"A lot of the newer Frameworks do things in a much easier and more intuitive way than React does."
"But I would recommend in almost any project you're working on, try to use the stuff that's built-in, use reducer, use context, use Next.js, or whatever other meta framework you're using to do that kind of State Management."
"Frameworks really count, because at the beginning, that's all you got."
"React, Vue, and Svelte are leading the charge in modern web application development today."
"HTMX is not an alternative to React or Angular."
"Front-end frameworks and libraries are the essential part of web development process. It makes developers life easy."
"When you have a good understanding of these frameworks, it helps you in your chances of getting a job tremendously."
"Adapting compliance frameworks and conducting audits."
"Nitro is the new starting point for full stack frameworks."
"We have to struggle against these kinds of frameworks that tell us, for example, that growth is always a good thing."
"There are a few other Behavior type Frameworks that we could try to implement something like this with like Behavior tree and gope."
"In reality, I will argue that field, the field that came to be known as racial science, was in fact characterized by several different and competing conceptual frameworks."
"Frameworks like these are really the future."
"You want to make sure you learn enough CSS before you jump into a framework."
"Frameworks are wonderful things... But the author of the framework does not know you and does not care about you."
"And so there's, and so, and so like I'm pretty convinced there's no way to synthesize all of their kind of different approaches and views and frameworks into a single model like it's just, it's too complicated."
"Vue offers the easiest learning curve compared to other frameworks."
"We all know and love Spring Boot."
"...thinking carefully about whether or not you need a framework or whether you could actually build the solution yourself."
"A very fresh new framework that can compete with all these others so people can create beautiful web applications."
"Frameworks are there to wrap around what you're already doing to reduce risk."
"Align your existing controls with frameworks for better management."
"Frameworks provide structure, simplifying communication."
"Apply common prioritization frameworks like RICE and MoSCoW."
"When developing new components for frameworks and libraries such as React, Vue, etc., you need some way of seeing what you're building as you're building it."
"We're really focusing on individuals in history, not systems or frameworks."
"Let's briefly talk about security best practices and security Frameworks."
"A conceptual framework allows for understanding the likely solutions that may exist in relation to the research problem."
"This is what it means that Svelte is a disappearing framework."
"The real challenge is do you know how to drive it? Most people are consumers of frameworks rather than people who drive the framework."
"When it comes to Python, there are different options and frameworks that you can use for building APIs and for building full-stack websites."
"Proven Frameworks get desired results."
"These frameworks are the foundation for a set of very powerful ecosystems."
"The most miserable people are those who have passively and unwittingly adopted frameworks that work against their own interests."
"Frameworks are often more opinionated; they have a structured way of doing things."
"Frameworks for almost every kind of hardware make it possible to standardize the interface with the user."
"Python can be used for web development using frameworks like Django, Flask, Pyramid, and CherryPy."
"It supports a lot of different languages and frameworks."
"React and Svelte are very good for functional programming."
"I'll use some of the latest frameworks like Next.js and React.js to build out the front end and backend."
"Could one suspend all frameworks?"
"In this series, we will use the following frameworks: Laravel, Vue, and Inertia."
"The big takeaway here is that this asynchronous framework and programming is very much ingrained in ASP.net core and a lot of modern frameworks, and it's for good reason."
"I've pretty much tried to emulate that in every framework going forward because I think that's the best system for staying organized."
"This is the beauty of reactive frameworks, that it's going to display automatically."
"Frameworks are where all of this code, this prepackaged code, has been brought together in a single package so that you can simply reference that code when you're creating your projects."
"We don't have to get attached to these theoretical frameworks; we can actually create our own."
"In reality, you actually need to create your own or adapt your own conceptual frameworks."
"Think about AdonisJS as similar to the frameworks like Rails, Laravel, or Django, but for Node.js."
"Frameworks and standards can be used together; it's not an either/or."
"Flask is a Python micro-framework, and Django is just like a big web framework."
"Using a framework, developers can focus on creating functionality unique to the projects instead of repeating the repetitive coding tasks associated with building a web application."
"You're going to be able to see exactly what makes a framework really good."
"In 2009, frameworks started becoming a thing and made PHP an object-capable programming language."
"No, jQuery is not a programming language, but a well-written JavaScript framework."
"Keep in mind, this works for React, Vue, and Angular."
"When you think of JavaScript frameworks, the first thing that might not come to mind is Visual Studio."
"Think of a PHP framework as a skeleton that already provides a running system where you can embed your code without having to go through every detail from scratch."
"By using a framework, you usually get a fully functional template and you only have to focus on building the features specific to your project."
"Frameworks are designed to make our lives easier... they provide services that everybody can use all around the world."
"Postmodernism defines itself by moving away from all grand narratives and all kinds of limiting frameworks and binaries."
"It brings all these productivity frameworks together in a no-nonsense template that's going to help you get things done more effectively."
"I can't stand when people bash Bootstrap... when you're just building your prototyping applications and you just need to build something that's functional and make it look decent, Bootstrap and other frameworks are incredible for that."
"The standards can be a common ground that you can then pick and choose different frameworks and get something better."
"Software design is about trade-offs. So are front end framework designs."
"Having major frameworks covering the whole spectrum ensures everyone gets what they want."
"It's nice that the framework landscape is like a multi-dimensional space with multiple ever moving entities."
"You have to understand some of these internal trade-offs the frameworks are making."
"If you're working together with third-party frameworks, there are sometimes dependencies to other frameworks and Cocoapods makes it really easy to manage those dependencies."
"It's called hyper metrics, so you can either sort of build it your own or you can use a framework like this."
"That's where something like React or Angular becomes really helpful."
"We believe in frameworks; they provide built-in support for a lot of these concerns."
"A framework is kind of like a whole kitchen... React said, 'Hey, I only care about this whole idea of components and virtual DOM.'"
"Web frameworks serve up web pages and we're going to use one today for making our website."
"Frameworks are here to stay and there's a lot of value in them."
"We work with frameworks; we don't compete with them, we want to make them better."
"We don't compete with frameworks; we collaborate with them, we work with them to make everyone much better."
"The best way to learn the good stuff about JavaScript is to look into frameworks because behind those products there are very smart people who build something that all of us can use."
"Next JS is probably the closest thing that the React community has to a React framework."
"If you use lots of such frameworks, it is memory intensive."
"We're going to talk about first a few frameworks that you can use to build these stories with the data that you have."
"Frameworks are used in a lot of sites, so it's not just about advancing the ecosystem itself but ultimately advancing the web as a whole."
"Making sure frameworks and custom elements can be best friends forever."