
Gaming Goals Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"So that's the idea, doing every career, every aspiration, every skill, maxing them out."
"I want to get this man to 90 overall, that's the only thing I want to do in this."
"If you make a game with the goal of telling a story, I think it's wrong."
"Eventually I do want to get his 94 rated card."
"Our goal is to go out, take missions, annihilate loads of monsters, blow them up all over the screen and giblets, and then collect their Loot."
"The dream is just to make your spell weakness as high as possible."
"The goal for the game should be to have an experience that is memorable and worth enjoying."
"I might even continue with this challenge and try to get the true ending if y'all are down."
"I want to make this a consistent series where I hopefully can win multiple Super Bowls in a row. That is the goal, to win as many Super Bowls as possible."
"BDO has ultra rare items and legendary status gear that provides players with true long-term goals."
"My goals within these 24 hours are: first, build a base; second, unlock every transformation; and third, complete the entire Dragon Ball Z and Super story. Let's get the clock started!"
"If your only goal is shinies and hundos, you're always going to feel disappointed at some point."
"We want you to have to aspire to pinnacle activities."
"So what did I end up doing? Well, the only option I had left was to at least get all the purple coins and get 500 power moons to unlock all the levels."
"The goal of any game of Magic the Gathering is to win but in addition to Victory the goal of a game of Commander is to have fun."
"We wanted players to have something aspirational to strive towards."
"Our goal from the feedback is that we want to move people through Battle Passes faster."
"Grabbing three stars is always what everyone wants to do."
"Season 10: will this be the time we make Shelborne from the world's poorest Club to not only the richest but the best?"
"We want to make OverWatch the best version of OverWatch it could be."
"The whole point of Warframe really is to collect and level up as many frames and weapons as possible so that you can indulge in increasingly interesting build options."
"I hope so. I would just like to get to 12 at this stage. Eleven and three is a real possibility."
"We're only going to worry about the golden fishing rod and the golden bug net for right now."
"They freaking nailed it, that's what they needed to do."
"We kept grouping up again and again and again, determined to see our raider.io score climb."
"Imagine being a Keystone Master, imagine being able to tackle that kind of content."
"I want to have every trait in the game and every aspiration completed and every career."
"Making World of Warcraft immersive is our North Star."
"We are going to be the highest level this game has to offer."
"Let's keep trying to rank up as much as we can!"
"Obviously the main objective is to get awesome gear and be a badass and beat the hardest content in the game."
"If we beat this, we're gonna unlock a rainbow friend."
"My goal for this video is definitely to get one of these T-Max and change the budget squad forever."
"I've always wanted to be an entertainer for Fortnite. The goal of this game is to win the game, so that's how I've always played."
"We've completed it, this is my mission to win with every single character."
"I think people have a strong misconception of the goal of this game."
"The base line is gonna be for me just to get one single victory royale before we begin."
"The goal of the game is to reach the castle on floor 100, beat the final boss, and win the game."
"Waifu until you can beat everything in the game and then do everyone."
"That was my biggest objective of this entire series completed, the entire generation one pokedex."
"I want to get to 10,000 rank one day, I will."
"If D&D wants to be about more than just killing monsters and exploring dungeons then I want to see the next supplement do better."
"My goal before 'Endwalker' comes out is to beat all the fights. Oh my, I'ma beat every Ultimate fight, that's my goal."
"I kind of want to max out as soon as possible."
"The overall goal of buying apex packs is to eventually get the heirloom."
"We have to grind, we have to continue our grind to get more and more prized bulbs."
"Although I technically didn't catch them all in the time frame I wanted I think this is just about as good as I can do believe it or not."
"Catching every Pokémon is in reality a very small but also very big part of obtaining every medal in the game."
"The early strategy is to basically become Byzantium."
"One day I will get the power claw, I know it."
"The whole point is going to be that we're gonna try and collect all of the mob skulls, and that's sort of like the goal of season 3 cake wars."
"Our goal is to reach the end and Nene the ender dragon."
"If we were to go to the end and raid 100 cities, just exactly what kind of loot would we get and how overpowered would we become?"
"Kill the enemy leader as quickly as you can."
"Let's see if we can get a victory this time."
"Our goal has always been to reach as many players as possible."
"Please, please, let me get the dragon fruit."
"If your goal is just to have fun as a Seto course is that play the better option if your goal is to progress as a driver and learn and practice and develop muscle memory and stuff I think this."
"We're not trying to max, we'll probably end up maxing along the way."
"Can we get to a million points before this ends? A million points, that doesn't even seem fair guys, does that seem fair?"
"You're literally just wasting your time if you're just trying to hit a rank. It doesn't matter."
"Stick with me, and together we'll become the greatest Pokémon masters the world has ever seen."
"Having a ranked system would give them something to work towards, something to grind towards."
"The primary drive of the gameplay was to collect loot, power up your guys, and ultimately become a nearly unstoppable killing machine."
"To get the achievement, all we have to do is restore Byzantium itself."
"114,150 gold and that is in fact enough to finish all of the JoJo membership that we have left."
"The thing is like with Lost Ark, for example, the reason why people care about getting their engravings, the reason why people care about getting their cards is because they know that will lead them to an overall meta goal in the future."
"Our long-term goal is still to become an independent handheld gaming platform. We want most games to be optimized for our handheld so that players can achieve the optimal gaming experience."
"My aim for road to glory is to have the best possible club that we can at the end of the year without spending a single penny on it."
"S-ranking every hunt requires hunting under a certain time, breaking every part, and avoiding damage—a daunting task but one worth the challenge."
"Now my current goal going forward is to reach 1500 total level at which point the series will be definitively done."
"Now, what are we going to do today, ladies and gentlemen? We're going to try and aim for one of these more stranger wins, actually viable in this game."
"This is the last season for him to get to 99 overall, I think it's gonna happen."
"What's your next goal? I want to save up more tickets to really spruce up all of the theme park stuff because a lot more was added."
"The number one goal your players have when they come to D&D is to have a fun time playing D&D."
"At this point, we kind of have to grind for the blade of saeldor because a completed gauntlet log would look absolutely gorgeous."
"Even if you do bad in the end isn't to actually win tournaments... just to become a little bit better at the game."
"Hopefully we can continue, maybe go 30 and 0, which would be insane."
"It just wants to be the very best game it can be. That’s a fair goal, and, impressively, it succeeds."
"I cannot wait to start grinding on the purple Ironman, I need to make sure to get this guy to 340 trophies."
"Pumpkins aren't exactly top sellers on the Hermitcraft server, but you know when you get an idea in your brain in Minecraft and you cannot rest until you get it done."
"The same billionaires and corporations want you to stay neck-deep in student debt."
"My hope is to get at least two victory Royales in a row."
"Damascus follows the trend that I'm sure a lot of you guys have already picked up on by now. It is the final end game goal for completing gold camo on every single weapon within the game."
"We gotta beat that. We only had like 70 people, I think, like 70, 75 maybe, like 60 people. If we can have 85 people in the game and they're all coming to us, that's gonna be insane."
"Wushi 999 accumulated tens of demons with his goal being to clear the entire top 50."
"If I could find a diamond really quickly and make the wolf pet today, I think that would pretty much make my life complete."
"By the end of the campaign, you should aim to own basically everything that's south of Texas"
"I strive for the world record; everything in RuneScape as fast as possible."
"Once you reach level 500, there's nothing to work towards—give us some long-term goals, it would be really, really fun."
"It's not even scratching the surface of what I was wanting to do in Minecraft hardcore."
"Ex+1 is what everybody should be shooting for, even for units like Cloud. It's where you really want to aim."
"Level 1000 here I come, I don't care what it takes."
"Oh, man, I haven't even done a million yet, bro. So, I mean, I would have preferred more dark matters by now, but I think we got one of the best ones."
"It would be my absolute dream to win a game of Fortnite stacked solos."
"The initial goal for the road to glory was just a, you know, Division 1. We didn't really know much about Foot Champs. It's just to, like, see what you can get with an account. We don't spend money."
"Brilliant, let's get the people of London on board. That Sec chapter started squad goals, bro."
"My main goals are to make actual land, fully enchanted, and defeat the Ender Dragon."
"The goal is a netherite Ingot. If I can get that, I will have completed the mission."
"All we're here for today is to get back into the game and clicking champions and become the biggest YouTuber ever."
"Third age pickaxe, holy [ __ ] my God, that is one of my goals."
"I'm only halfway there to my first rank four... by the time I get my first one some players might already be moving on to their second."
"Spending thousands of hours on video games? No, I've already decided in this video I'm getting every achievement with only a sword."
"It's really one of the major goals of the trip, is to get a Mega."
"I have to become the strongest in the game and also the strongest in Roblox, period."
"Let me know if I should return for 200 days where my aim would be to defeat the seasonal Giants and also finally find my way into the ruins beneath the mines if they really do exist."
"Welcome back to Iron Completionist, the series where I'm aiming to fill the collection log and do all of the completable non-repeatable content in RuneScape."
"When people actually play the game and if they're having fun playing the game then that's what that was our goal."
"I know in my heart that I got it, alright? And then the next one on the achievements list for me is baked bread and ally bread's not important though."
"The goal in Pixelmon is to be the very best there ever was."
"In 2023, I'm going to complete the Pokedex."
"I've taken it upon myself to level up from a measly level zero all the way up into a level 100 beast mode."
"I'm excited to continue it further and hopefully we can make it to a thousand days down the line."