
Performance Measurement Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"The loss is a single number that... measures how well the neural net is performing."
"Purple means that the driver has gone the fastest of everyone either in the sector, the sub sector, or the lap time."
"The balanced scorecard offers a more holistic approach to strategy implementation and performance measurement."
"The measurement phase is not just measuring sales; it's finding out if you're achieving what you've expected to achieve."
"What matters most is price to performance ratio."
"Free cash flow: an alternative to profit number, a measure of performance based on cash flows."
"Anything measured improves, anything measured and reported improves exponentially."
"The average return of all stock picks since inception of service is over 500 percent as of January 2021."
"Good governance is when you have the ability to objectively measure reality, have a KPI to Target, measure it, and everybody agrees that that measurement's accurate."
"Ads with a higher click-through rate tend to perform better in the long run."
"Results infinitely scalable but immeasurably harder."
"When a measure becomes a target it's no longer a good measure... You can't let your measures become your target and your happiness."
"One thing you have noticed is our set sentiment amplification scores have been skyrocketing."
"The audience score is the only one that matters."
"He's up 4.75 units on NBA props this season... he's got a little fire to him."
"Look at this, just 450, 460 watts, which is an incredible power-to-weight ratio."
"Numbers are upgrades, well at the moment numbers matters more."
"Have at least one metric for acquisition, behavior, and outcomes."
"It's just for him to lay down the fastest lap."
"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Lord Kelvin
"If I could get a dead nuts lap time, that would've been a victory for sport touring." - Zach Courts
"Consistency is the truest measurement of performance."
"Oh, this guy's wrong he's got 1,500 inches Jordan's leading by like 24 inches he's got a 100 point 5 inches that's badass."
"The numbers don't lie. If you suck at a game mode, you suck."
"In our 60 to 0 braking test, we ran from 60 miles an hour back to zero in 120 feet."
"It's a good season because we're exceeding our preseason expectations."
"You are what your record says you are." - Brian Campbell
"Performance in the gym, you can see it. Just take a go, take a training log with you and take down the numbers. And then take down the numbers. And seven days after a week on foundation, it's that good."
"What gets measured gets improved. What doesn't get measured doesn't get improved."
"Redemption is sweet, now let's see how fast that really was."
"Launch control in the C43 achieves impressive 0-60 times, making it a daily driver with serious speed."
"For every dollar under budget, one percent score increase – now we're talking strategy."
"Show me how you measure me and I'll show you how I'm going to behave."
"Power meters: quantifying performance in ways dreamt of before."
"At six feet it did 17.2 miles per hour, that's incredible."
"I tend to view the success of a particular scene as to how well I sat my horse."
"Above Average means you are beating the average."
"Measurement is a very important part in coaching."
"They're kind of a little bit of a benchmark, a little bit."
"The Azure Compute Unit measures the relative performance of different virtual CPUs for different series of virtual machines."
"Building a network is all about recruiting the right publishers, giving them the materials they need, measuring the performance of the publishers, and then communicating. It's just so key."
"Shot timers are a great way to kind of show if you have seen any improvements or gain any speed or anything else when it comes to efficiency."
"Essential technique in making training programs effective is to provide meaningful measures of employee performance."
"You cannot improve what you cannot track."
"Indexes typically measure the performance of different sectors like the Russell 2000 Index track small cap stocks."
"KPIs must measure what's within the supplier's control."
"Results are the only thing that counts."
"He's actually first when you look at win shares per 48 minutes."
"We've got great successes because we're actually knowing how to keep score."
"You cannot optimize what you don't measure."
"Gauges are good at monitoring things that have a natural upper bound."
"The ability to measure the effectiveness of a knowledge management system is critical for every business."
"You need to test your algorithm, you need to actually get a quantifiable way of knowing did I do good or did I do bad."
"Level four is results... this is what your company cares about."
"It's going to track and measure every shot you play without you having to do anything."
"You are going to have to measure it, start with activity measures of participation, contributions to a knowledge repository."
"Benchmarking is a process of measuring one's company's success against other companies to find the gap in performance between the two."
"It is very important to keep measuring the performance and optimizing further."
"From 15 mile an hour, we did the brake test four meter stop, you know, that's very good."
"You need key performance indicators... I highly recommend having some week metric."
"A really useful example of decorators is a timer decorator when you're debugging."
"Instead of measuring how many hours people have spent in training courses... wouldn't it be better to measure the value of those training courses?"
"Every day I will measure my performance not just on the P&L but also on whether or not I was able to follow my rules."
"KPIs are crucial because they provide a benchmark against which to measure your performance going forward."
"By using KPIs, you may define objectives, plan a course of action to achieve them, and assess your progress as you go."
"A KPI is a Key Performance Indicator."
"We are within about one percent to the best possible that we can achieve."
"Conversion tracking is key for your key performance indicators."
"The ranking system was heralded as a revolutionary sports-centric approach to emphasize wins and losses."
"It's going to be a very important part not just to show results but to actually do some reporting for your results."
"It's always important... that's why evaluation metrics, which are like this secondary measure that you have on your model performance, become extremely important."
"Benchmarking is important; this way you know where you stand."
"The punctuality performance of Delhi Metro was 99.97%."
"Measure your content performance. Make sure you're leveraging Google Analytics."
"Using performance as a metric is brilliant."
"Performance isn't just simply numbers on a spreadsheet. At the end of the day, there is a human being on the start line."
"Your KPI is not just the number, but it is the performance improvement metric to indicate whether your performance is improving year over year or not."
"These things measure the quality of our work and the efficiency with which we can produce work of that quality."
"You can't improve what you don't measure."
"The rate of CPU time rather than just the counter of how much CPU time there has been since the machine was started."
"This measure is a measure of how well you planned, not a measure of how good a team is."
"It's anti-lag, that's crazy, so what's the fastest time so far? One minute flat, that is very fast."
"Your KPIs are actually your five rights."
"We need to measure our buildings to understand how they perform to then improve our future designs."
"Accomplished X as measured by Y by doing Z."
"Have clear performance measurement in the environment that shows that not only are we measuring the right things but we are as an organization moving ourselves in alignment with the business."
"Pearson's law says: When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates."
"Key performance indicators are a really good way to have just a summary of different KPIs."
"It's all about your slugging percentage, not your strikeouts."
"Once you have these two components known, then you can find other measures of performances like how much the customer has waited in the queue, how much the customer has waited in the system, for how much time the server was idle."
"You measure your performance, analyze, and understand the model."
"Every time they get stories done in every iteration, begin to measure their velocity."
"It's not a speed contest; it's not a strength competition, you're just taking readings and you're going to do it as smartly and as efficiently as possible."
"The balanced scorecard measures the performance from four perspectives: customer, innovation and learning, financial, and internal business process."
"These two scores were then used to calculate what's called a gap score."
"The most important guideline... is always measure your code."
"We need to remove seasonality to really see how a campaign did."
"We need to measure how well are we performing; how are our measures improving things or not."
"Slack is a measure of how well a design is meeting or missing its timing requirements."
"The efficiency of this assembly line is the total task time divided by the actual lead time."
"Efficiency is measuring the rate of work handled by staff."
"Key performance indicators are very valuable; they allow you to evaluate quickly the progress made against measurable goals."
"A more standard method is to look at the area under the curve."
"Assurance is making sure that a program is underway that's accomplishing what it set out to accomplish."
"Indicators should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound."
"Return is defined as the total gain or loss experienced on an investment over a given period of time."
"It's where your score is all made; it's where it's all defined."
"Reliability is a measure of the ability of a product or part or a system to perform its intended function under a prescribed set of conditions."
"The average fund generated a return of 1% per calendar month."
"The version with the highest conversion rate is the winner."
"Always measure, always be sure that you have metrics to measure if you're doing good or not."
"KPIs are financial and non-financial metrics used to help an organization define and measure progress towards an organizational goal."
"KPIs are measures that help you understand how you're doing against your objectives."
"It's all about being comfortable with yourself, being comfortable with your trading, and at the end of the day, the P&L will tell you your income, but it won't tell you what kind of a trader you are."
"Keep a view on the big picture, understand your customers, create key performance indicators so you measure what counts."