
Vegan Diet Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"A vegan diet is not inherently healthy nor is it inherently unhealthy. It's possible to eat a healthy vegan diet and it's possible to eat a very unhealthy vegan diet."
"The blood circulating through the bodies of vegans has nearly eight times the stopping power when it comes to cancer cell growth."
"A vegan diet won't solve climate change...it's industry and burning of coal."
"A 2021 Polish study found vegan children to have weaker bones and were three centimeters shorter than their meat-eating counterparts."
"Eating a whole food vegan diet makes your skin a lot clearer, improves your digestive system, and enhances your mood."
"You can do a vegan diet, you can be fine, you can be really healthy. But you need to plan, and you have to... there's a good chance you're gonna need to take supplements."
"It's super possible to have an amazing vegan bodybuilding diet."
"When you're avoiding all the animal products and following a really healthy diet, your LDL bad cholesterol will fall."
"The evidence now is overwhelming that when people who have diabetes go to a vegan diet... they do great."
"Vegans achieve greater weight loss than any other trial without limiting energy intake."
"Vegans have cholesterol levels so low, they almost never get heart attacks."
"A vegan diet is four times more effective at sequestering carbon."
"The large amount of fiber in a whole food vegan diet does increase our protein needs a little bit."
"High carb vegan diets have been clinically shown to reverse heart disease and diabetes."
"You can eat a healthy vegan diet and that certainly isn't boring."
"If you eliminated also poultry and eggs and so on, you get to a vegan diet, which is the best diet for the planet."
"Take your B12. Please, take your B12. It is so, so, so important."
"Clear evidence that vegan diets are nutritionally adequate and suitable for all stages of life."
"I just had this vision in my mind I was just like and again I felt so good on the vegan diet so I'm like why am I again like experiencing this annoying thing."
"The point is you can gain muscle on a vegan diet."
"Vegan diets leave out many important nutrients that humans need."
"A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth."
"Feeding your child vegan should not immediately result in people saying all kinds of things to you."
"Vegan is awesome, don't get me wrong. It's unfortunate not all vegan is actually created equal."
"Misinformation about the healthiness of plant-based diets drives me mad."
"In certain cases, people have reversed hospice level cancer with a vegan diet."
"Diabetics generally have higher levels of blood sugar throughout the day, and vegans have as high as 78% lower risk of all diabetes."
"Curiosity has got the best of me, I'm gonna go ahead and try this vegan mac you guys."
"You can do anything on the vegan diet that you normally would be able to do on an animal-based diet."
"My weight is such a tricky business you know overall I would say that of course there's no evidence to back me up on this but I would say that it really does help me keep my weight down the vegan diet."
"Make sure you're consuming these important vegan food sources which contain B12, like nutritional yeast, shiitake mushrooms, lion's mane, spinach, beetroot, etc."
"A purely plant-based or vegan diet can be incredibly healthy but it does require in my experience some special considerations."
"UN urges global move to meat and dairy free diet... a global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world."
"Going vegan made my cholesterol go even lower, felt better, and had more energy."
"Just with a little bit of creativity you have no excuse not to make some gains on the vegan diet."
"Heme iron, B12, and D3: vegans aren't at a disadvantage."
"The most important thing that he's done for his life quality of life longevity and ultimately his the continuation of his muscle career has been the transition to a vegan diet."
"If you have acid reflux, run, don't walk, to a vegan diet and see what it'll do for you because we see people where it really ends up curing them."
"I feel like the vegan diet makes me think a bit more about what I'm gonna cook, so planning meals is a big thing when it comes to vegan."
"During in the research studies that you and I have talked about, when people transition to a vegan diet, their moods often improve."
"Being on a low-fat vegan diet had real benefits for both genders and across race. It's equal opportunity; everybody wins."
"Weight loss becomes effortless, right? If you're talking about weight loss, it becomes a joke when you're going on a raw vegan diet."
"You can eat a raw vegan diet high in greens and low in fruit and be very healthy, but I would also say the other way around, you can eat a raw vegan diet high in fruit and low in greens and be very healthy."
"This is where you're gonna get all of your yummy protein on a vegan diet."
"The vegans had a statistically significant drop in cholesterol and weight loss."
"The vegan diet having statistically significantly higher Bifidobacterium than the meat one."
"The group that went vegan lowered their cholesterol."
"Meal prepping is one of the best ways to stay on track of your fitness goals."
"A proper vegan diet where you stay healthy requires lifelong planning and it requires supplementation."
"Plant exclusive and vegan diets can be helpful for cardiometabolic disease risk reduction."
"Vegan diets literally contain every nutrient required to grow."
"People put on a vegan diet have lower inflammation by about a third."
"You can be jacked on a vegan diet."
"A vegan diet requires less crop deaths than the non-omnivore one."
"There is nothing like a low-fat vegan diet for getting diabetes under control, in some cases it even makes it go away."
"Your meal doesn't have to be fancy or look like a work of art every time you eat it, and you can still definitely thrive on a vegan diet even if you're on a budget."
"Consider not killing animals that are like your pets and consider trying out a vegan diet."
"My position is so long as protein intake is adequate, meeting minimum recommended intakes for muscle growth for bodybuilding, there doesn't seem to be any difference in terms of ability to grow muscle and strength on a vegan diet."
"A well-planned vegan diet is healthful at all stages of life."
"The president of the American College of Cardiology, Dr. Kim A. Williams, is a vegan himself and he recommends a low-fat, whole foods vegan diet for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease."
"A healthy vegan diet led to improved cardiometabolic outcomes compared with a healthy omnivorous diet."
"This level of pain went much better after several weeks of being on a vegan diet."
"Vegans have the lowest risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic disease across the board compared to any diet group."
"The vegans had 31 to 38 percent lower rates of chronic kidney disease."