
Game Dynamics Quotes

There are 440 quotes

"That's part of the game, and that's what makes today one of the more exciting days."
"I can't believe Z has managed to take such a wholesome game and make it so cutthroat."
"The game was close, and then all of a sudden, it wasn't."
"That's the thing about Minecraft luck: you have none, and then after that, all at once, it comes."
"Health systems are really interesting in particular because they force players into a cool risk/reward dynamic."
"The weather will have a really big impact on the game."
"The games only work and the ecosystem only exists if the winning players are good for the game."
"Most people do not like having their time wasted inside of the limited time frame that they can play."
"Pets would make the world feel so much more dynamic."
"Remember, in order to gain something in a chess game, you have to give something up."
"If trust breaks down, bad behaviors crop up."
"The meta is actually pretty dynamic, I would say. The faction diversity is really good."
"Learn to Fly 2, now this game is not only pog, it has gone beyond and achieved major problem."
"It's living up to its expectation maybe you'll be disappointed from Barcelona fans point of view but certainly Real Madrid contributing to an intense game here at the Nou Camp"
"Having Phelps rifle off some scripted monologue about his personal philosophy or argue politics with his partner while barreling down the sidewalk in a truck we just stole and watching NPCs go flying over the dashboard is always always great."
"Every single map starts off with tiny little factions, and the tiny factions mostly will be eliminated pretty quickly."
"By shaking things up and surprising the player, Furi revitalised its momentum riiight when I thought it was starting to run out of steam."
"It's just like, if the same five people win all the time, then you can't say it's not [competitive]. But there is a huge factor of luck that goes into it."
"It's refreshing to see two closely matched teams brawl it out with different styles."
"Companions definitely contribute to this - they’re very present in the action by chatting with each other as you explore or butting into conversations."
"Halo is such a [ __ ] awesome spectator sport because its sandbox is able to produce all of this stuff."
"It injects plenty of sandbox 'only in Battlefield' moments and solid gunplay... it's certainly not the most fun launch experience... but it's still quite a bit of fun."
"So, Holly is back, we need to invite old mate Stan over. Octavio never here as well, I didn't even notice that."
"These areas are a breath of fresh air that really help to change up the game’s pacing."
"Dungeons & Dragons is not a game of the DM versus the players."
"Every character is gonna react differently to this, probably."
"One bad decision in the game, a red card, anything can happen, it's a lot less predictable."
"The game is at its best when you're running around and dodging all over the place."
"We're knocking it about, it's not boring anymore."
"The combat movement system and the core gameplay loop itself, while not difficult, is extremely fun and dynamic."
"My game is more about the players dealing with the world than it is the world dealing with the players."
"Honestly that best describes the world of Dragon Age as well a bunch of people dealing with a bad situation and some of them making it worse wherever the DM is at this game they just like watching you squirm and saying consequences good good."
"This isn't even about monopoly anymore. It's about the lines we draw in the sand with our friends."
"The shift to 5v5 invigorates the pace of the game. This language makes me salivate."
"One team's cheating, the other team isn't even playing."
"Morale will be influenced by a multitude of different factors ranging from playtime and wage expectations to a player's performance on the pitch."
"It's not over when the clock runs out... Every time he gets 10 yards, he gets another point."
"There's never a dull moment in this game, we are surviving, we're actually doing very well."
"You really want us to play out again? Did he do that sometimes? Yeah, absolutely."
"Every second early game the game is in a really snowball heavy state."
"You want to step outside or do a business here? He's a good man to their children."
"Did you guys just see that? I just flung this Blaze all the way off over here with my webs!"
"It only took the Seahawks 44 seconds to turn a 12-point deficit into a three-point lead."
"Because I felt like it, and oh, there's a battle strategist right here, time to get my third OP sword."
"Absolutely insane crap happens as a result, usually makes no sense whatsoever."
"I think that the anger that gets thrown at josh is that it's it's the fault of the other players for not keeping him in check."
"Pawn structures can crop up quickly in a game, shaping the play."
"Pawn breaks can be a weapon to open up closed positions."
"This mission genuinely makes you feel powerless and it takes a long time for that to play out."
"Every time somebody who plays a very solid opening with black actually gets to play with white you have that game open."
"The game can naturally resolve itself very quickly through combat and death or reapings."
"Momentum is important when you're attacking."
"Roadhog, he's just about flanking... he's playable because if you get a good hog player on your team, the whole dynamic of your team changes."
"It's good when that happens, when you get like a really bad run of luck and then the opponent gets thought of even it out."
"There's no denying that thrill of weaving in and out of enemy attacks laying the smackdown where possible super fast."
"Chess is unique in that as a game, the longer you play, the fewer moves that are available."
"And speaking of drawing and power, let's talk about Temur Ascendancy, Shamanic Revelation, and Return of the Wildspeaker."
"Overall looks like a scary list with a lot of pressure lots of threats that you just can't really ignore too much."
"In a match when you haven't got to score and someone else does you're almost more likely to score."
"Games with monarch are just fun games. They're better, they're faster, more stuff happens."
"No reaction is definitely visible. NRG refused to lose, barring something crazy on the kickoff."
"It's very hard to slow a format down once it's sped up."
"When monarch gets involved in a game of commander, universally that game is more fun than it would have been."
"This isn't about killing you. It's just about putting you in a slow dance with death."
"Decision-making is going to be king in this game."
"Stardust dragon is just very, very powerful."
"Games often come down to who can draw and play the most cards out of their hand."
"Exactly this looked like a very slow grind in favor of SKT and suddenly this play happens."
"They are as big of a part of the game as the actual roster itself."
"You're always inches from death but then there's always something you can do to get out of that situation."
"The truth is Gonta and I work together. We formed a duo to end this killing game."
"Have we just witnessed another Houdini act in this game?"
"The gameplay here feels a lot faster paced, at least in my opinion. I like this a lot and I hope this is something that future games in the series keep around. It's just more fun this way."
"It's quite literally a game of two halves... the spirit world is just so much more interesting than the rest of the game."
"The game was hunting for someone who was seeking what the game offered."
"When somebody enters a game and they're truly great, the game doesn't just change, it changes to the opponents."
"That was amazing. You know, so often in football, the games come down to who wants it more."
"The tension inherent in this game's day-night cycle has the power to completely flip your experience in seconds."
"This is a dynamic of fantasy football that everybody enjoys/hates."
"The power of your Sims' persistence, teamwork, and magic is truly something."
"Counter-Strike would be a lot less interesting without it."
"This will give us the ability to ball out of control. The game giveth and the game taketh, and sometimes it taketh more than it giveth."
"Witness the evolution of the city based on your actions."
"Crazy turn of events. This game was super topsy-turvy."
"There's no alpha gaming here at all because you just don't have time."
"Scoring in the last minute is more satisfying than winning 2-1 from the first two minutes."
"The hectic nature of this is actually really, really fun."
"Without sheep, there's no content. Without content, there's no game."
"Players want the risk of failure... if you give them everything, the game loses its appeal."
"Most players are not going to mind or argue with getting inordinate high amounts of treasure, but in the long run, it's not going to give them the same satisfaction as if they were slowly amassing all of that treasure over time."
"Player characters should face some sort of risk during their careers, whether that risk be of death, loss of items, imprisonment, banishment, or whatever it is."
"How big a difference is it to be the team in possession than out of it on days like this?"
"Interesting that fairly late in the season Maple Grove took the first set actually against Champlin Park."
"The ball floats at the last second, so it's ace."
"I think a huge part of that is just understanding the nature of the game."
"Who lives, who dies, how you govern your people... it's just awesome."
"People actually bow to you and respect you when you walk by. Seriously, it is one of the game's strongest assets."
"Reinforcing the chaos and bloodshed is incredibly effective in making us feel Shan's invincibility."
"I love that the game world is affected with all value and I love it in the world is not level to the player and that you have to play carefully to get going at the beginning."
"No NFL game this season has had seven lead changes"
"Eventually, a drought will come every so often, blowing a sandstorm throughout the entire map."
"It's great for the game to be polarizing and controversial."
"The opponent messes up one time and the game's virtually over."
"But with power level plus homogeneity, now it sort of starts."
"A kink adds different types of hirelings for players to boss around."
"It really will highlight how vicious some of these spells that people seem to overlook can really be."
"Let's remind the fans... if Barça did score then Juve would need a two-goal difference."
"It may be late game but it's not over yet, the comeback is real."
"Age of Empires 4 overall has a quicker pacing in the early game, making it more enjoyable."
"Our son now attacks the enemies. That's really cool."
"OverWatch should aim for a version where crazy combos and counterplays are the norm in matches."
"That injection of speed and intensity was what the game needed."
"The whole battlefield can change at a moment's notice."
"That freedom is always there, and the game's feedback from your choices is a lot of fun."
"Daniel wins about 100k, fights back a little bit."
"That was entertainment, man. That was some pretty thrilling stuff at the end."
"It's amazing how quick the game goes when you're nil down as well." - Unknown speaker
"Competition is nothing friendly whenever a baller is playing something."
"Lead the Industrial Revolution where the path you choose will define your world."
"Survive and carve out your niche on islands teeming with danger and opportunity."
"The elves are really cutting through my men. My army is pretty much spent at this point."
"Wide receiver and DB interactions are also another area that I think most people, if you pay attention, will notice a big change here."
"Relevant things should be next to each other."
"The game remains consistently challenging, ensuring you're always feeling strong and in control."
"Sometimes things look bad because their opponents are good."
"Seeing an entire horde moving through the wilderness never ceases to give you that 'oh [__]' moment."
"Crypto is fast but it's also harsh it's not an easy game."
"I think the PvP in the game is generally pretty interesting."
"Make sure every role on the conquest map has something to do, have something important to do can change the game."
"You can see straight away there, so much energy."
"When you don't set expectations for yourself, everything is an accomplishment."
"That's when we talk about the momentum, yeah. You get strangers pulling for you. That's pretty strong."
"Expect Borderlands 3 slides, ground pounds, vaulting, and faster ground movement."
"Solo star generator in the game and she's firmly a hybrid support who's managed to stand to test the time as an SSR assassin who's always relevant."
"The game has changed but some things still stay the same."
"Breakneck was such an underrated weapon that in today’s game a lot of players would actually like to have it!"
"The pacing of the game picks up, and I found some pretty decent fights there."
"I think the fisherman is a fun card. It's dynamic, it adds a new mechanic, and it hasn't made other cards obsolete."
"Nice and early, know who get in the pin millet ow god damn it you're equalized oh there we go advantage is out the window everything is tied up to to."
"Equalizing just before half-time, dominating chances."
"This act starts really strong because it's all about exploration."
"Mutations modify the game in interesting ways."
"Once you get hit with a Stone Cold Stunner, son, it's one, two, three, lights out."
"The game feels alive, looked after, and appears to be moving in a positive direction."
"I was worried that it's not gonna be as good if they can't pace where I turn around a corner and there's a giant snake looking at me. The reality is the absolute opposite."
"It's certainly a cooperative game, but it feels very strongly like a role-playing game."
"Tottenham fought back from two nil down after a double from Hakim Z expert Chelsea in the ascendancy."
"Let's troll these guys. That's actually one way of trolling crewmates."
"Embracing the weirdness: Kevin the Cube, from movement to explosion, a player-driven phenomenon."
"It seems as though the things we really hated ended up being the things that, without us realizing at the time, were keeping the game alive."
"Why don't they have a round where some big robot guys pop out... something like that even adds a little bit of dynamics to it."
"Baby Park is pure chaos and my placement can change in a second."
"Action is where we go from a 17 turn game to a much more reasonable 10 to 12 turn game."
"He's right to be human, it bounces off him back onto the defender's leg, that's how we move."
"We endure the worst of Yu-Gi-Oh so that we can experience the best of Yu-Gi-Oh."
"Very quick game also but full of energy and intense."
"They didn't deserve to go one nil down, but they do go one nil down, and then ten minutes later they're two one up, and that shows what we know about this Liverpool side."
"Getting a goal just before halftime changes how Arsenal and Wolfsburg are thinking about the game."
"I thought Wolfsburg had the ascendancy, but now it's a different thought process."
"Even though Minecraft is a sandbox, that doesn't stop the game from having unspoken rules."
"Drama actually does have a role in keeping this game fresh and interesting."
"Utilizing the time of day to hide rare encounters is both a genius move and one that sells the idea of a true day and night system."
"Fortnite changes a lot; that's probably another reason it's so successful."
"The idea of routing and retreating is exactly a manifestation of that if they if one side even if they're not really losing but especially if they are losing they don't want to die and so the way to survive that is to retreat."
"It's just an endless thing that could just so many things can shift and it's really fun and engaging."
"It's like you have to work against the game, you know? It's like the game is kind of plotting against you a little bit. It's a cool idea."
"Dead Space 2 never stays on one note for too long, always has something exciting up its sleeve."
"Wolf may be Fox's nemesis but there's also a mutual respect between them."
"Typical Arsenal! They score an absolute worldie and then they can't even keep the lead for a minute."
"Nothing got accomplished, we all generated a victim to the game."
"A turnaround, look at that! Three goals in what 16 minutes."
"Spurs can't defend, but they can definitely attack! What a game!"
"Ghouls go from zero to 100 real fast in this game."
"I want to see a reverse, where the treasure and the monsters only serve to make me realize how awesome the other players are."
"It's challenging, it's fun, it's exciting, it's the sum of its parts."
"The Bon Cloud becomes much more effective when there are no queens on the board."
"This feels like one of those pivotal points in the game."
"Ensuring player choices actually matter in the game."
"You're going up, you're going down, you're walking on walls."
"Personally, I love inciting chaos in Mario Party, it’s what keeps the energy high and fun."
"Every vote of five to one, Cades, you are safe. Oh ding, Robloxian, you have been evicted."
"There's usually a point in pretty much every Sims game where either by virtue of the story or how you're playing it, things just evolve into complete madness."
"If you dunk on a guy in the game... are you still humiliated? Yeah, you still got dunked on."
"These games have been pretty back and forth and very, very competitive."
"The game had literally just flipped the tables on me."
"The game is on a knife edge like that. It forces you to make these very important decisions all the time."
"Neymar running in very nicely into the box, waits for the pass, this guy's sticking it out, he still thinks he can get back in the game, fair play to him."
"It's been a brilliant end-to-end game with some great goals."
"Um the referee won't be turning that over um people saying uh um they're here to watch Ahmad he's not done anything yet but um an early goal in the game like this is always a good thing isn't it always a good thing."
"Philly is up, they fouled on that, oh yeah, right, his own shot clock. World be free is getting free, uh, free throw chance. Yes, free throw chance, MVP chance."
"When everything goes right meta wise... he is terrifying."
"We all know pets can be an important part of the Minecraft experience."
"Chickens are my new favorite mob once again."
"There is a new beginning here starting off for you. There is a new opportunity here starting off for you."
"Just an amazing game of football, an amazing kind of difference in two halves."
"Even when he's not open, he's open... can push down the football field."
"Generally a series doesn't start until a game is won on the road but with the Warriors you're trying to make sure you get one of the first two at home before going out to the bank."
"Not even the purple girl can stop me now, you ready to be stopped?"
"Maybe that's what makes it fun, you know, the moment to be the hero but also you have the moment to be the villain."
"Wow, what a massive flop and Queens just gets out of there."