
React Quotes

There are 595 quotes

"Every child in an array or iterator should have a unique 'key' prop."
"Redux helps manage application states, and it is often used with React."
"Instead of having to tell the browser how to go from the previous version of your app to the next version, you could just tell React what the next version should look like, and it would handle everything in between."
"Functional components are the future of React."
"Learning some form of front-end framework right now the most popular is by far React."
"The full course includes eight hours of content jam-packed with the latest techniques and best practices."
"React just took care of it for you. That is incredibly nice to have because I don't have to use the mental capacity to think about when to re-render. React just does it for me every single time and it does it when it should do it which is perfect."
"React is by far the most popular and fastest-growing of these frameworks so that's why I highly recommend you learn React as your first front-end framework."
"If you start with React, I think it's easier because it's just plain JavaScript and all you really have to think about is components and the React way of doing things is just writing normal JavaScript."
"React Strict Mode helps find unintentional side effects by double-invoking certain functions."
"There are limitless things that you can do with React."
"React Router allows for single-page applications."
"It solves so many problems that we really don't think about because we're using React."
"The big takeaway from this section is really just understanding how state works and react, how you can update state and react, and how the asynchronous nature of setting the state works."
"Essentially inside of this advanced component, we're using this user variable inside of our useEffect but it doesn't appear inside of our dependencies here."
"React: the go-to JavaScript framework for building SPAs."
"React's approach UI is a simple function of state with standard JavaScript values and idioms."
"React Canaries allow us to develop these features individually and release the stable APIs incrementally."
"React is still dominant... it's still the number one way that you're probably gonna find a job as a web developer."
"React and associated technologies provide an efficient way to create both aesthetically pleasing front ends, as well as help us developers to facilitate a great UX user experience."
"I hope you've enjoyed building this front end using React."
"It is hands down the best resource available if you're interested in React."
"The amount of code you have to write just to do a fetch call properly in React has always been a bit much."
"You've heard for too many years now that for a rich UX on the web, you need to go the React way."
"This went way longer than I initially planned and wanted but we did a lot, you know, we learned about components, props, state, the react router, data loaders, use effect, use state, use params, all those hooks with react router Dom."
"React hooks are functions that enable functional components to use state and other React features."
"A lot of people try to search for this because I remember me myself when I started learning React searching for the same thing and never getting a concrete answer."
"Ternary operators are extremely important and will be very useful for your React development journey."
"A lot of the newer Frameworks do things in a much easier and more intuitive way than React does."
"React compares everything using Object.is, and that means objects and arrays are compared by reference and not by their contents."
"React has no way of knowing that you made that change."
"And I would say that this would probably be React but not because I like the way you write React code the most."
"Understanding these five [questions] means you're basically understanding how React works from rendering to SSR to Global State Management."
"React's team enjoy experimenting with new ideas but this is killing the ecosystem. They should be brave and take blame for it."
"React is only as bad as the programmer using it. I disagree with that statement."
"Server components are just one piece of the new react architecture."
"UseReducer is a nice way of managing more complex state."
"It all starts with getting to know React hooks really well."
"Component composition in React: creating parent components that can contain custom child components."
"In React, component composition is useful for embedding processes like cards or shopping items."
"The hardest part about learning React is not actually learning how to use React, but instead learning how to write good, clean React code."
"React keeps track of its virtual DOM. Whenever a change happens, all components are re-rendered."
"Mutating state directly in React can lead to logical bugs and make components hard to optimize."
"React mainly focuses on building the view layer of the application. It also has a robust ecosystem and remarkable flexibility."
"React uses the virtual DOM, which allows for efficient rendering of components."
"In React, everything is a component, so we can create reusable components."
"With the latest version of React, we can use React hooks which makes our code lighter."
"React uses the virtual DOM, which compares data changes in the UI and only updates the part of the UI that actually needs updating."
"Everything in React is a component, making it easy to break down complex UIs into reusable pieces."
"Use memo returns the previously computed value instead of recalculating it, making it more efficient."
"I'm genuinely hyped to see more and more solutions like this cropping up because people recognize the strength of react as more than just a solution for the browser."
"React is good for all sorts of different interfaces not just ones that you use on the web."
"It's cool to see developers using react for things that aren't just the Dom."
"The good thing about React is that the data flow is unidirectional, generally, unless you change it yourself. So, one good way to test React is kind of using some test library, passing the components, and checking the state."
"The best practice is modularizing React. That's very important. Any component should be responsible for simple things, small things."
"Start writing React. It's not very difficult once you start. It's very easy to pick up, and the documentation at ReactJS.org is very good."
"So, if the project had complicated logic, if I wanted more control, I would probably use React class components because not all of the lifecycle events that you can look into in React components have their corresponding React hooks at the moment."
"You don't know how badly you need react."
"Never let anybody make you react to war when you should be offering peace."
"For Python developers like myself, this means that we can build responsive web apps using React without writing a single line of JavaScript."
"I feel like states is a good example of that because it is something that isn't too hard but at the same time it will open up so many doors for you in your React journey."
"Learning every single hook that is core to React. I don't exactly mean that you need to know all of them, but I just think that you should at least get an idea of what they are and when to use them."
"React's spa optimization plus Django's powerful features make it even better."
"Both React and Django are the most popular libraries and frameworks in their respective domains."
"Validation in React can be done with libraries like React-Form or custom validations using controlled components."
"I'm actually loving these React videos because I feel like through seeing what other people recommend, I remember the things that I recommend and that I did."
"Error boundaries are the way to handle the errors in React."
"First thing is using react.memo everywhere in every export, we should use."
"UseEffect runs on every render, which means that when the count changes, a render happens."
"Cleanup function is not required in every case; it is only required in a few cases such as when you need to stop a repeated side effect when your component unmounts."
"So, whatever value you pass in this context provider, you can access that value by using useContext hook."
"React utilizes a virtual DOM, keeping track of changes and only applying specific changes to the real DOM without needing to refresh the entire web page."
"Use Context in React allows you to share values between multiple levels of components without passing props through each level."
"If we were using props, this is what we would have to do..."
"By passing props down each of these nested components, this is known as prop drilling."
"The Use Context hook allows us to share values between multiple levels of components without passing props through each level."
"This is a way to avoid that, and well everybody, that is the Use Context hook in React."
"Use Ref, meaning Use Reference, is very similar to Use State..."
"The beauty of React components is that you can pass in what we call props, and props give flexibility to your components."
"React really introduced an idea of a component."
"There's no pressure on me except to just be in the scene and hopefully react honestly."
"Composability is one of my favorite parts about React."
"This is designed for beginners who are new to React or Next.js, but if you've used React or maybe Next.js before, hopefully, you'll still pick up some new tips along the way too."
"Explore React by following tutorials and reading documentation."
"React official document is here, excellent resource to learn React from scratch."
"Weather app, movie library, and e-commerce store are good practice projects for React developers."
"Okay, and then we'll go ahead and name it, so I'm just going to go ahead and call this React login sample."
"So there you have it. Four different ways of maintaining local state in React."
"...react query mutations... pretty simple API... you can manage so many stuff."
"Now, let's jump into the code and see how we can use React context inside the app router to share a global theme inside of your whole application."
"React 18 running effects twice on mounts in strict mode: it's React's way of telling you, 'Hey, you're using the use effect hook wrong.'"
"UseReducer is good to know and it's also kind of a Gateway into understanding reducer functions."
"And that leaves us with the last best solution for you to handle errors in React, which is using this really awesome package called the React Error Boundary."
"Thank you guys for watching. Hopefully, this actually gave you an explanation of how you can handle errors the right way in React and how you can use this awesome React Error Boundary package to catch your errors the right way."
"I hope that you learned something new in this section and don't hesitate to head over to all the other sections of this handbook to learn more about all the topics on React."
"So now as we have done that integration, now my React components know about the Redux state."
"So now we want our entire React app to access this store."
"We can utilize the on Mount hook as soon as our application is loaded."
"React also utilizes a virtual DOM, reducing rendering performance overhead."
"You will need to know JavaScript since React is a JavaScript library."
"We'll quickly cover the project structure of our React application."
"The source folder contains our main JSX file and components like app, header, footer, etc."
"React components are capable of returning a single element, but you can place children elements within."
"React memoization: rename it in your brain to 'render if the props have changed'."
"Memoization in React: understand the call patterns of your components."
"Use memo for referential integrity of arrays, objects, and functions."
"React.memo: understanding the difference between traditional memoization and React's memoization."
"React memo, use memo, and use callback: optimizing performance in React."
"Most people might not do it exactly this way, but this idea where you can pass in a prop which will determine the styling of something is pretty common in React."
"React's probably the most popular front-end library at the moment."
"React is what we use to create elements. React is used to create the content, it's used to create all these different things."
"This is the environment where you want to be writing most of your React code."
"When we're talking about React, we always want to put things in their own files. We always want to separate things out as much as possible because then it's easier to maintain the code."
"React only wants to update the DOM when it absolutely needs to. It's because this is a very expensive operation, this is something that takes a lot of time, and it's something that takes a lot of computing power."
"React is really concerned with user interfaces or UIs."
"If you're going to learn React, the first thing that you have to know is JavaScript."
"React is basically a collection of code that allows us to do stuff like this really easy and in a way where we can reuse it over and over again."
"Using Create React App is like industry standard."
"Another cool thing about create react app is you don't have to refresh the page anymore."
"Props define what's a component and then state define at what a component nose in react."
"It really give you a good overview of how to develop react apps."
"React is a collection of code that some really smart developers have been working on for the last decade or so."
"One of the easiest ways to build React apps."
"This is a good reason to use React."
"React will give us the ability to manipulate the DOM in a way that's really efficient, fast, and reusable."
"This current count thing is what we call a piece of state, and this idea of state is another big concept that we're going to be learning about more when we get into React."
"This is one of the main problems that React is trying to solve: the idea that if I want to duplicate this counter, then I essentially have to duplicate the code."
"That's really where like react is really powerful."
"You can also pass in multiple props."
"One of the most common use cases with building react apps and user interfaces is that we need to load data from somewhere else."
"I will be teaching you react and react context about best practices."
"How to architect a proper react file folder structure like a true professional."
"Finally, we are going to be putting it all together and building a complete dashboard."
"Writing unit tests in React using the React Testing Library allows us to ensure our components behave as expected."
"That's how we write and run tests in React to ensure our components work correctly."
"Lifecycle methods in functional components: managed using the useEffect hook."
"You will become a very, very good React developer very quickly."
"One of my favorite features of React itself is its ability to compose into reusable components."
"You can pass server action functions as props down to client components and invoke them from the client side."
"With server rendering becoming the default, the thing that we once knew as react router I think it's fair to say it's finally dead."
"React content is a thing, just saying."
"React perhaps is most loved for its rich hierarchy of reusable components."
"With React, everything is in JavaScript, even markup is represented as JavaScript via a JSX file."
"The JSX syntax is a mix of HTML and JavaScript."
"You're gonna notice a reference to both properties and the state."
"It's the best practice to bootstrap the main React component to the DOM within the office initialize callback."
"React applications are perfectly positioned to use the office UI fabric as well."
"Or if you want to learn more about how we can work with browser events inside of react such as using the keyboard to navigate through search autocomplete results check out my video Browser event listeners and react for search and autocomplete."
"Safely integrate authentication in less than five minutes with React AuthKit."
"React Query Library: Not just for fetching data, but also excellent for state management."
"...if you're obsessed with trying to make your website as best as you can, trying to write the best coding in React possible, you will end up having a pretty good solution for whatever problem you have in React."
"Use state will return an array with two items in it for us."
"Building this react app with a visual IDE is pretty cool."
"Now the first step that we want to do is create react app."
"So hopefully that gives you a basic understanding of how we can create our own components in react."
"Let's take a look at how we can create this drag-and-drop functionality in React."
"We are going to be taking a dive into React and Next.js, learning about things like server-side rendering, client-side routing, and we're going to be using pretty much all of the React hooks that come out of the box with React."
"Next.js is an open-source framework built on top of Node. It's specifically designed for use with React applications."
"Along your journey of developing and publishing your own React component library, you might find that you do things different and that's perfectly fine."
"React solves several problems... it allows to focus on describing the UI you want rather than sitting on the details that the UI actually gets inserted into the page."
"React 3 Fiber is a wrapper of 3 JS, which is the easiest way to do 3D rendering in WebGL and the canvas."
"I highly recommend taking a look at this code base if you're curious what crazy 3D games and things in React look like; it's a phenomenal example."
"We're going to lean on a phenomenal library called React 3 Fiber."
"We're going to make a GSAP context and that's how you do GSAP with React."
"Highly recommend this library when you're working with React."
"These features are absolutely crucial if you want to develop using front-end frameworks such as React."
"Nice asynchronous loading and we're using the React out lazy feature built into the framework."
"Will React make the front end easier? React makes more complicated front ends easier and makes your code more reusable."
"React has another hook API called useEffect for when you need to perform some action as the side effect."
"Whenever anything changes over time in React, we need to use React state."
"React comes with a context API and the context API is a very powerful API."
"Suspense lets you lazy load entire React components."
"I'm going to walk you through setting up a development workflow for React apps within Docker containers."
"Define a state of an empty array called 'Data' to store the fetched data."
"We're gonna learn how we can take our SEO up another level for single page React apps with Next.js."
"That's where Next.js comes in, where we're able to still wield the power of React but we're able to do things like static generation and server-side rendering."
"We have a single running Nest server that is serving up this React client build to the browser."
"You've got an end-to-end full stack setup for React and Nest.js."
"We're going to be using React Router DOM, Context API, and Firebase."
"React fast refresh is the new hot reloading thing for React that is really, really cool."
"It's going to be supported by the React team, Dan Abramov has been working on it for quite some time doing a lot of cool integrations with it."
"We'll be doing React with JSX, production and development builds, source maps, hot module reloading, CSS, and outputting that CSS from a JavaScript import to an actual file."
"React is a JavaScript front-end library for building user interfaces."
"If you are familiar with React, we should have some kind of props here."
"Hooks bring a level of composition that we haven't had in React."
"I was just so excited about the composition that we get with React, or with hooks."
"React takes a different approach."
"Next.js is a web app framework built upon React, which is a great way for spinning up a new application really quickly."
"Simple React Snippets adds even more snippets that are really React specific."
"In a couple days time, we'll introduce React, which will actually simplify a lot of this."
"Emphasize thinking in React, thinking about how it is that we take an application that we're going for, decompose it into pieces, and then try and put it back together."
"Using React just so that you have more familiarity with it and can talk about which parts you like and which parts you don't like is a valuable thing."
"We are not relying on the React dev server for example and all of the fancy processes that run in the background there, so this is the optimized production build."
"We mainly talk about modern web dev topics like React and Next.js."
"That's a wrap for this video, folks. We looked at drag and drop file uploads in React using React Drop Zone."
"Gatsby is built on top of React; it builds blazing fast websites and apps."
"Using Bootstrap with React is one of my favorite things to do because it's combining a library and a framework I really like using."
"Event listeners are a great use case for use effect."
"Hooks are cool. I love what you can do with them."
"React was an amazing iteration and allowed for a lot of cool ideas to be tested."