
Media Adaptation Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"We've had a few satisfying episodes recently, some very loyal adaptations that really understood the message of the source material."
"Maybe this shouldn't be a movie... I think there's themes here that would be great for a different format."
"The reinvention of the Daily Bugle as... Daily Bugle dotnet is [expletive] fantastic."
"It's a standalone, yet canon, story about Layton and his assistant Luke, allowing it to appeal to both those familiar with the games and those who just want to watch an animated Sherlock Holmes who ingests marginally less opium."
"Slender Man didn't really take off until Marble Hornets decided to run with its IP."
"I feel like we should delete that, Lifetime could fully make a movie out of this, holy [__]."
"This whole situation will turn into a Lifetime movie."
"Something as complex and historical as Star Trek, I mean it goes back 50 years. How do you do that with a new cast and a new crew?"
"It’s not perfect, but it’s one of the more effective adaptations of the Slender Man concept."
"Perhaps the most inventive Casper, however, was 1959's 'Down to Mirth,' a Superman cartoon parody."
"The story has been told a hundred times over and over again in comic books and different media."
"This is the best video game adaptation of all time."
"If it works live, it's going to work on YouTube. If it works on YouTube, there's no guarantee of it working live."
"Young men launch revolutions when they feel hopeless, sexually frustrated, and left out of the system."
"Older classics have been redubbed to better honor the spirit of the original property, and some Japanese companies like Aniplex have even started supervising the dubbing of their own shows."
"In a world where a lot of teen drama adaptations like Pretty Little Liars are not well liked, this show is a lovable diamond in the rough."
"Avatar has finally gotten a live-action adaptation."
"I'm maybe the most excited for this adaptation of any we are getting."
"It's obvious why Netflix wanted to adapt this franchise possibly making it into the next Game of Thrones and I promise you it wasn't because of the books it was because of the popularity of the games."
"I think regardless of whether you enjoy the book or you don't, objectively speaking, all the characters here were written so much better than how they were portrayed originally."
"The last of us hits HBO Max couple things to be really excited three reasons to be absolutely thrilled and excited for this show number one it's based on a video game that has I think the best narrative story ever in the history of video games."
"How would we... what kind of things do we want the anime version of the moral arc to do to improve upon the manga version?"
"Books can become movies, books can become hit TV."
"At the very least we got a satisfying action-packed adaptation of the classic Comic character and the Grim future he inhabits."
"I think this is the most faithful true Superman you can make."
"Sephiroth's voice in Advent Children was chosen for its perfect fit."
"Star Blazers didn't start life as Star Blazers. Its roots go back a few more years and a previous attempt to bring it to America. Star Blazers is the adaptation of a Japanese series called Uchu Senkan Yamato or Space Battleship Yamato."
"I want to see a live-action TV show... I want to see what the potential of the material is."
"The 40K universe is incredible, there's an incredible amount of lore to it, and so it would be great to see it represented on screen."
"I think that's a great way to turn Miss Marvel into a fan favorite in the MCU."
"It's everything a video game adaptation should be."
"The winner of the Best Adaptation of 2021 is Arcane."
"Let's hope the HBO adaptation ends up becoming a more captivating experience."
"A Zelda movie could work, especially animated."
"It would be such a valuable thing if someone could produce a historically accurate version of the Crusades in something like a TV series or a movie."
"This was likely done to remove a religious references in the anime and avoid angering certain American groups."
"Perhaps most infamously however the original North American English dub changed the two characters from Girlfriends to cousins."
"Osama bin Laden's takedown turned into thrilling docudrama"
"Changes like this insult the character they're adapting and frustrate the audience."
"Tokyo Ghoul's popularity: from best-selling manga to top-rated anime."
"I either want to see it as a movie or... a ten-part Netflix series."
"It just has to be that these adaptations stop ignoring the stuff that's already there."
"I think Superman fits really well on TV especially these days."
"Since the Joker’s debut nearly 80 years ago, his constant evolution reflects an ongoing conversation between comics, television, video games, and movies."
"I just wonder how they're going to do a movie, like, oh, the news of the live action - is it going to be like, you know, that Disney movie Zombies?"
"It's not easy to let go of the Nostalgia and feelings associated with fond childhood memories, yet Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could be for a new generation what the '80s series was for many of us."
"It's important that Aang is this age, not here."
"The Last of Us TV show features familiar faces, but Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson won't play Joel and Ellie."
"Out of all the big licensed IPs that have been video gamed over the last few decades, there are few that have been treated better than the James Bond franchise."
"There was one Marvel television adaptation..."
"That was from the Kids Bop version of the Amanda Knox story."
"It's so much better and it's also in movie form."
"You can take what a manga tried to convey and translate into something only anime can do."
"Sonic X: the coolest adaptation of Sonic the Hedgehog since sonic schoolhouse."
"Thrilling potential: from literature to cinema, the Orient Express captivates."
"Batman proved that a series of comics could translate successfully into a big-budget blockbuster."
"Sometimes a film concept can make the jump from the silver to the small screen and bring you that same cinematic flare on a week to week basis."
"The manga does a lot of things better, but the emotional scenes with kayo strike a much more powerful blow when given music and voice acting."
"The anime also no longer shows Pucci paying the driver."
"Perfectly blend together the tones for both the original titles."
"Netflix eventually scooped up the film rights to the Umbrella Academy but wisely chose to turn it into a series instead of a single movie."
"The next logical step seems like a live-action remake."
"The Pokemon anime TV series has become the most successful video game adaptation ever."
"Jynx's skin color was famously changed to purple in all future appearances and even retroactively changed sometimes too."
"One of the cornerstones of Spider-Man comics and even the movies 60 years later."
"I would love to see an invincible live-action television made."
"I'm curious what books video games comics or whatever that you'd like to be seeing made into a movie"
"I'm cautiously optimistic for Netflix's version of Death Note."
"I loved the Amazon Prime show adaptation of this. I honestly feel like it's perfect."
"Stephen King's brand of literary horror will remain enormously popular with film and TV audiences for a long time to come."
"In the three seasons Four Kids dubbed, she speaks with a British accent."
"In the manga, Boruto is freaking ticked that Naruto used the ninja tool against him and accuses him of cheating, while in the anime he's like, 'I knew it the whole time. I'm not like other shonen protagonists, I'm smart. My IQ level's 189.'"
"A lot of bullishness, guys, we usually do State of the Nation live recorded, we weren't able to do that this week just because of time zone conflicts so this is pre-recorded and playing to you right now."
"It executes on exactly what I wanted it to be, but it's more than just a remake."
"They better not [ __ ] it up, that's what I'm saying."
"Transcend the genre by putting a different skin on familiar beats."
"It's a fun story. I could actually see this... made into an anime."
"Sometimes they take liberties with the dubbing, like in 'High School of the Dead,' but it ends up with priceless lines."
"Adaptations are supplementary bonus content."
"I love the idea of like taking a really popular like established property and you think it's going to be like emoji movie maybe you get like a lego movie or something"
"The collapse of journalism's print business model led to increased reliance on aggregation."
"With so many politicians embracing live streaming it has become the latest medium of a choice to connect with older younger audiences."
"Disney has proven they have what it takes to make it in any medium."
"This might be one of the greatest adaptations of one thing into another medium that I've ever seen video gamer otherwise."
"While Lynch's 1984 attempt was a failure, it would eventually be integral to the development of the most successful adaptation to date: the computer game."
"What did you see? I'm gonna go on like a quick little saying here, wouldn't it be great if Berserk got the same treatment as Lord of the Rings?"
"I guess my thing is like if you're localizing something did you read it before you brought it over here?"
"It's a very awkward situation to be in right now at Redmond TV. We're not used to supporting the bodies, we're not used to having to show any sort of allegiance with this."
"Spongebob in China was simply an edit of scenes from the Spongebob movie which happened to go on to become one of the first viral hits on early YouTube."
"After playing the game several times, I thought I was ready for Sarah's death in the live action. I was wrong."
"The Dogman sightings have inspired books, documentaries, and even a horror film."
"Werewolf By Night may have just cracked the code on how something R-rated can work in Disney's family-friendly environment."
"Remakes are inherently weird, but if the original is a classic like Link's Awakening, I also don't want the developers to mess with it too much and ruin a good thing."
"Your audience is your audience all the same and if you don't start catering to them you might just find that they no longer exist."
"What do you guys think? Was the adaptation of Voltron beneficial to its success?"
"The reason the Goosebumps TV show is easier to appreciate and more fun to get behind is because it feels like the only adaptation that is wholly committed to embodying the point of the Goosebumps franchise."
"A television adaptation for the last of us was officially announced with craig mason of chernobyl writing and creatively producing alongside druckman."
"Respect the fans. Creators should respect the source material."
"These major media organizations cannot adapt to internet culture; they're so ensconced in their smugness and elitism that they are forever disconnected and irredeemably uncool to millennials in Generation Z."
"Bionicle was essentially revitalized and brought to life in a new form for a new generation."
"They've got these great 'from toy to tune' little bio things here which basically shows the evolution of the character from the original toy."
"To be honest, when I first got into webtoons, I was reluctant to interact with this new media I was foreign to."