
Healthcare Economics Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"There's more money in treating something than curing it."
"17% of the premiums that you pay for private health insurance are not used for health care. They are used purely for administrative costs, executive salaries, and insurance companies."
"Medicare for All is cheaper than the system we have now, but that's only if you take a look at the total cost."
"There's a huge burden here. We're hemorrhaging money into our healthcare system to manage these diseases and that could bankrupt us."
"Healthy patients don't make them any money and dead patients don't make them any money, but patients that we're keeping alive make a lot of money."
"The central finding from the study is that it saves 2 trillion over a decade."
"We're putting America first when you hear other countries getting a much better deal on drug prices."
"Doctors make money... they know that they're gonna make a buck off of this."
"If the market worked the way it was supposed to work, then you would have a large number of vaccine manufacturers competing with each other."
"The drug companies are coming up with some amazing cures... But the industry itself sees their function simply as making as much money as they possibly can."
"That something that saves lives should be, not profitable."
"Unlike most other goods and services, healthcare has some unique facets that result in a highly competitive market not actually creating the best healthcare system through those competitive forces."
"Medicare for all will save the average American family thousands of dollars a year."
"The pharmaceuticals spend about 17 of our total medical budget."
"The profit in the United States... distorts our health care system."
"The whole philosophy is broken but there's no money in prevention. It's too cheap."
"Why do we pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs?"
"They released this study trying to show Medicare for all cost 30 trillion dollars or whatever, but they actually showed it spent less."
"It's cheaper to take care of everyone than to pay so much more to exclude people."
"Price transparency is the solution to this problem when patients become healthcare consumers it will drive prices down quality up and most importantly help doctors serve their patients better."
"Patients for rare diseases never bear the brunt of the cost."
"That's like literally putting a price on people's health. That could be a hole in the video for me makes me really angry."
"For doctors the new rules for telemedicine and insurance means they stand to make more money."
"Moving to a universal healthcare system, we can actually save money."
"Overall healthcare spending would be lower under single-payer."
"Health insurance is incentivized for us to be sick. Even prominent health scholars with good credentials - health insurance wants prices to go down, so they raise premiums."
"As inflation goes up, people still need their teeth drilled so you can increase your wage accordingly."
"They can't make money off a cure, that's very true actually."
"You save a shit ton of money under a single-payer system because you take out the profit-making middleman; it's that simple."
"The business model was simple: pay doctors less, don't pay them at all if you can get away with it, and ration care." - This quote encapsulates the profit-driven motives behind certain healthcare practices, shedding light on ethical concerns.
"The thing is, they don't make more money off of your death, exactly, while you're alive."
"What we've got is a market failure where the money is invested in high-cost therapies whereas the benefit could be reaped much more quickly, less expensive, more effectively by attending the preventive approaches."
"The irony also is that when it comes to healthcare, short-term cost-cutting doesn't work."
"An adjustment to premiums in the middle of the year would be unprecedented experts say, but it was difficult to predict just how few patients would receive Alduhelm."
"Expanding Medicaid means creating 56,000 jobs in Georgia."
"It is the market system that makes health care affordable."
"Getting people healthy and getting them off medication doesn't make anyone money."
"Our health care System itself is incentivized to actually make more money doing more stuff rather than making people healthier."
"Everybody is in this market, so that makes it very different than the market for cars or the other hypotheticals that you came up with, and all they're regulating is how you pay for it."
"More competition and less regulation will finally bring down the cost of care."
"For every dollar invested in mental health care, there will be a four-dollar return on investment."
"We're paid far better to do the operation than to take the time for the conversation to plan whether it's the right thing to do."
"We could literally spend 2/3 as much and be no less healthy."
"The longevity dividend is more than just medical costs; it's adding a lot of value to life."
"For every one dollar we spend on clinical pharmacy services, we're going to return approximately ten."
"If you care about healthcare systems... you should care about the cost of implants."
"Price transparency is a solution to this problem. When patients become healthcare consumers, it will drive prices down, quality up."