
Tension Release Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"Stay very still, these women are about to release years of pent-up resentment."
"When the body is free of tension, we have the clarity to listen to our intuition."
"Let go of any tension in the neck and the shoulders, the forehead or the brow."
"Let's begin our practice today and just take an opportunity to let go of any sort of tension any sort of heaviness that we may be feeling right now."
"Soon I will be talking about some relaxing things to help you release all tension or trapped energy you have been holding on to from your day to help you relax deeply and sleep soundly."
"The release from maximal tension into maximum sonority is the most gorgeous thing."
"I want some of the tension to be released... I want a president I don't have to think about for a few weeks..."
"These pressures are gonna... cause a jailbreak."
"Conflict can't always stay below the surface though sometimes the unspoken has to boil over into the open."
"Creativity is the release of tension that results in a breakthrough."
"Remember to breathe deeply using the breath as a tool to soften into each stretch and release any tension you may be holding."
"Let's take this opportunity to let go of any tension and restrictions, internally and externally."
"Let's press back into a child's pose releasing any tension through our spine."
"That was fun," Jason said with a lopsided grin. Alex burst out laughing, which released some of the tension he'd been holding in his chest. It felt great, yeah, it kind of was, wasn't it?"
"Can you relax even more, wherever there's tension in the body?"
"Release all this frustration and this tension because people carry a lot of tension and they get lost in the tension unless you release that"
"Comedy at its simplest is tension release."
"The more people who are able to express themselves in more different ways, the better of a world we're all going to live in, because drawing is just a great way to release tension and to express ourselves."
"Or tuck your toes just to release some of that tension."
"Notice if there's any tension in the spine or the back, and breathe through it."
"Our goal is to create a release of tension where we have spinal stenosis."
"Tension will be released, if somebody invites you to a certain place, go."
"There will always be a moment in every argument that something funny happens."
"The tension in his shoulder slackened."
"I think laughter is a release of tension."
"Dangle here, just gently sway side to side, releasing any tension from your low back."
"If the tongue is active, you then can release tension where the tongue connects to the larynx or the hyoid bone."
"Breathing in and on your next exhale think of letting your rib cage just gently sink down so releasing any tension you may have in your upper body."
"That first fold, you always feel that tension grip."
"Inhale, exhale, let go of any tension that you don't need to keep yourself in this position."
"Just working on creating space, we're working on releasing muscle tension."
"I relax all my neck muscles and I let go of any tension in my shoulders."
"Many thanks from Majorca, just what I needed to release tension from busy days."
"See if it's possible to relax in the shoulder area, you might place your awareness inside the shoulders and just let whatever tightness is there float in awareness."
"Relax in your shoulders, sit up nice and tall, but try to release the tension from your body."
"I must admit when I finished yesterday, I wasn't expecting it. I was just like, oh, I think it's just the release, you know, all the tension gets released."
"Feel every fiber of every muscle relax, become more loose and limp, and release all tension."
"Feel every fiber of every muscle relaxed, become loose, limp, and release all tension."
"See if you can release any tension around the eyebrows, slow down the fluttering of the eyelids."
"I choose to release all the tension in my body."
"Release the tension in your neck, soften the shoulders."
"Relax any unnecessary tension in the shoulders, in the neck, in the arms."
"Scan your face for any tension you can soften, letting go of any facial expression."
"Allow your body to relax; let all the tension in every fiber of every muscle dissipate into wherever tension goes when it is not needed anymore."
"Notice if there's any unnecessary tension that you can let go of."
"Let your shoulders, wrists, neck, base of the skull, jaw all relax."
"Shake it out, bend your knees right and left, relax your neck, relax your shoulders."
"Relax into the flow, so you're riding this wave of energy using less and less tension and force to move."
"Notice in your body if you're holding tension anyplace; if you are, let it go."
"Gently unhinging the jaw, just allowing yourself to come to rest."
"Just do nice, low-controlled breathing also. Let the tension out."
"With deep gratitude and humility, the parts of me that hold on to tension and contraction, that feel pain and discomfort, honor the parts of you that feel tension and contraction, pain and discomfort."
"Really letting go all the tension in your back and neck."
"Release any tension we're holding on to in our neck."
"Notice if you're holding tension anywhere, and if so, can you intentionally soften those areas of the body?"
"Turn your belly toward the sky, nice long, smooth inhales and exhales, releasing any tension."
"Relax your neck, let your head hang down, breathe."
"Breathe into any areas of tension."
"And then with each exhale, you just allow the tension to melt off the body, relaxing all of the muscles."
"Release stress, release the tension; this is the healthiest way to manage a stressful life."
"Relax the shoulders down away from the ears."
"Good, keep breathing, and again gently shake your head side to side, no tension in the upper body here."
"Soften the muscles in your face, relax your shoulders away from your ears."
"Soften your shoulders and your jaw, always checking the body for any tension and letting it release."
"The goal here is to relieve stress, release tension in your body."
"Keep breathing, this time if you'd like, maybe give the shoulders a little shimmy shake, taking out any tension."
"Let everything go, the tension in your neck, your shoulders, your upper body, your back."
"Relax all the tension on your body from head to toes."
"Relax the shoulders here, don't make any tension."
"Feel your lungs fill with fresh air on the inhale, and then feel them release all the tension you may be holding with an exhale."
"Be aware of tension you're holding in your mouth, in your throat, in your tongue, even in the teeth."
"With each exhale that you take, continue to imagine that all tension from your muscles are being released."
"Take a nice deep inhale and then exhale and release all that tension."
"Letting go of all the tension we have in our body."
"Through yoga and meditation, you release tension from your body and from your mind."
"By believing that things happen exactly the way they should have happened, I have released about half of the tension and anxiety and worry and frustration that I had in my life."
"The air, which had been stretched taut with excitement, relaxed again; it was as if water had been poured on the tightened skin of a drum."
"Let go of any tension that you're holding in your head and your neck and your shoulders."
"Just kind of think about shaking off stress, releasing any tension."
"Consciously release physical tension as well as emotional and start getting your mind quiet."
"The fluid coordination of the contralateral movements releases tension in the shoulders, neck, and upper back, and increases communication between the hemispheres of the brain."
"As you continue to relax and sink deeper into your bed, your muscles are melting over your joints and your bones, letting go of any tension."
"The neck is a very protected area, and to be able to sink down to get to those attachment sites creates for a release of deep tension that has often been there for years."
"Let this practice let all tension just simply float away from the body as you enter a timeless space of your yoga practice."
"Relax your entire body, letting go of any tension you're holding on to."
"Check in and see if you have any tension around your neck or your shoulders, and if you do, just let that go."
"Feel your shoulders dropping away from your ears and invite your breath to start to expand."
"Gently scanning your body for any pockets of tension you can let go now."
"Play with the breath, letting it move you, letting it comb through any tensions that you have."
"Shake your head from side to side and let go of any tension in the back of the neck."
"Gravity is going to do the work for you, stretching your chest and shoulders, releasing that tension."
"I let go of all tension. I am safe and secure."
"A little bit of strength, but really the emphasis on this is on opening up our body, releasing any tension that we've accumulated throughout the day."
"Relax your hips, breathe through the tension in your muscles."
"Let go of any tension you're holding that's not necessary right now."
"We're going to release tension in our jaw now."
"Use your breath to help you soften, gently releasing tension with each inhale and exhale."
"Let go of any tension you're still holding on to."
"Unshrug your shoulders, unclench your jaw, relax your forehead, and completely relax."
"Don't worry too much about what the head or neck is doing, but maybe release the muscles in the back of the neck just to release some tension here."
"Try to release any of that tension from the week, from the day, from the month, whatever it is."
"Imagine that the tension is draining away from your shoulders through your arms and away through your hands and fingers."
"When we're dealing with deep tension that the body holds on to, it's important to use the power of our breath."
"Every ounce of tension that you release has such tremendous impact."
"Soften the space between the brow, soften the space behind the ears, soften the space behind the jaw."
"It's important to remember how important that internal heat is and allowing our body to release the tension in the hamstrings and the hips, so building that heat with the intention of melting away that external shell feeling of tension that we get."
"Stretching is more about letting your muscles relax because when your muscles relax, they don't fight against you."
"Let them just release all that tension we hold and hopefully feel so much better after we step off the mat."
"Relaxing and releasing any tension that you're holding on to."
"Let that tension melt, get out of the way of the healthy flow of vital energy through your body."
"The key here is to relax, a conscious state of relaxation, making sure that the consciousness is focused on any points of tension and then letting them go."
"This is a great way to start to open up and to relax and to let go of some of the tension that we might not always be conscious of in our posture."
"As much as possible, relax your shoulders, relax your head and your neck, just using a little bit of arm strength."
"Take the opportunity here to fully relax the face, the space between the eyebrows, the little muscles around your eyes."
"Try to soften through your forehead, through the eyebrows, the face, the jaw."
"Exhale deeply through your mouth and relax all the tension in your shoulders, head, and hips."
"Relax your shoulders, relax all the muscles on your face from your head to your toe."
"You can feel how that feels and experience the space in the body, release of any tension."
"Let go of all the tension you're holding in your body until your bones get heavier into the mat."
"The breath is really the most important thing here that you are using the breath, you're bringing that awareness and creating that space for yourself and releasing the tension."
"It really helps you release all the tension in your body."
"Let your exhalation be longer, releasing any tension, especially if you're having cramping."
"Sometimes I lie in bed, I try and relax, and as I do a body scan, I realize I'm holding tension."
"Everything wants to be with you when you're empty of intention; too much intention creates tension."
"And then try to relax your shoulders as much as you can, so you're not crunching up or holding tension."
"Insofar as one leads a centered life, tensions disappear."
"Allow your breath to help you soften into any places where you might be holding some tightness."
"His smile soothed away some of her tension."
"Let the head relax down, feeling the shoulders relax."
"So this is kind of what we want to get out of this, reactivating the muscles in your core area to release tension in your low back."
"Relax through those hips, relax the spine, through the shoulders, through the chest, let out any tension in your body, just breathe naturally."
"Allow your body to find its natural range of motion and then begin to explore the opportunity to release tension there."
"Completely relax, release, and unwind, feeling all of the tensions melt away."
"Take a really full breath in, and on your exhale, just release any tension that you're holding."
"Relax your ankles, relax your wrists, relax your toes, your fingers."
"Notice if you're holding any unnecessary tension... just release wherever you can find release."
"Really try to connect your breath here with warming up and opening places in the body where you hold tension."
"We're purposely building strength in the back to open up the tension in the front."
"Release shoulders, release the neck."
"Bring the palms to the heart, take a moment to be grateful for this practice, for all the tension you were able to release from the body."
"The tense atmosphere dissipated and everyone chuckled."
"Let your arms and shoulders go, releasing any tension there."
"You've released the tension from those parts that felt tense and tight in your body, and you feel calm and relaxed and you are ready to take on anything."
"There's a sense of melting any tension in the neck, the face, the shoulders, all the way down through the chest, arms, and fingers, all the way down through your legs."
"It's all about the phrasing and understanding the points of tension and release."
"Just take a moment here to allow your body to settle, just releasing any tension from your hips, your shoulders, your jaw, your face."
"Just trying to release any tension in the hips or in the low back."
"Use your breath to comb through any tension."
"Relax your jaw, your shoulders, your tongue."
"Letting go of all the tension you might be holding in your body."
"Breathe into your hamstrings, and again look over to your left and right, releasing any tension you may have in your neck, in your jaw, in your face muscles."
"Relax the neck and shoulders, release the tongue from the roof of the mouth."
"Relax your shoulders, unclench that jaw."
"Bentley wins at Paul Ricard. Delight in the garage, the release of all the tension as well."
"Release the tension, lift that chin up, lift that chest up, stand up nice and tall and proud."
"Letting go of stored tension and just feeling good."
"If you actually lean into that tension instead of backing away from it, you get this really pleasurable stretch response."
"This is a really nice stretching routine to help de-stress, help release muscle tension."
"With the intention of being present, connect your mind and body, just letting go of any tension and letting go of any expectations."
"Feel as if you are melting with each exhalation, letting go of all the tension."
"Gentle sway side to side, yeses and nos with the head, release tension in the traps and in the neck."
"Draw on ancient techniques to let go of tension in both the mind and the body."
"Let your body relax, feel especially your neck, your shoulders, your jaw, your tongue, they can all soften."
"Relax, this is a rounding posture, a place where you can release unnecessary tension."
"No matter what tensions there might be in your life, they dissipate on sighting a scene like we have just witnessed."
"Let your jaw unhinge, sending that smooth wave of relaxation into the neck, into the shoulders."
"Turn your palms toward the floor and stretch your arms down."
"Breathing nice and relaxed here and just focus the mind on these muscles opening up and tension releasing."
"Imagine your in-breath was this powerful force that could dissolve tension."
"Take a moment to release any tension in the face, forehead, eyebrows, jaw, and tongue. Soften."
"Anything else you're holding on to, any tension that crept into any part of your body, see if you can exhale that out here."
"Use your breath like a laser to zap away any tension you're experiencing through your face, so that you are feeling calm and even."
"To decrease stress and unwind the tension."
"Scanning your entire face and using the breath like a laser to zap any areas of tension, bringing immediate calm and peace."
"Seeing if you can make your arms a little heavier so there's no tension through your shoulders, especially the tops of the shoulders."
"All that tension and everything, you guys are going to have a breakthrough."
"With each breath, see if you can comb through any tension that you're feeling."
"Find a rhythm for your breathing and inhale and exhale, releasing tension from your body."
"Notice where you may be holding some tension and breathe through those spaces."
"Breathing in through the nose, out through the mouth, we're leaving any tension."
"Relaxing the shoulders, relaxing the neck, relaxing the jaw."
"Notice if you're holding tension anywhere, and if you are, can you let it go?"
"Inhale through the nose, exhale out through the mouth, sending oxygen to wherever you're holding tension in your body, releasing it."
"Breathing into that edge, into that tension, allowing your body to get used to the sensation."
"Let out that big deep breath, feels so good to do this right before bed, really just allows your body to lengthen, feel long, release all that tension."
"Press your chest towards your feet; this will help you get more length in your spine and open up any tension in your shoulders."
"It relaxes the nerves in your traps which obviously can help release a lot of tension within your neck and within your shoulders."