
Presidential History Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"The Hall of Presidents was actually Walt Disney's dream come true."
"Donald Trump is the first president in American history to support gay marriage before becoming president."
"Lincoln was a incredibly brilliant politician, perhaps the most brilliant politician we've ever had in this country that has become president."
"The former president will surrender to authorities at the jail."
"He was more than a president, he was a singular personality, perhaps the most unique of the 45 men who have led this nation."
"Since Charles de Gaulle, every subsequent president of the Fifth Republic has taken up residence at the Elysee."
"If he is convicted... Donald Trump will be in a category of his own."
"A former American president now charged with obstruction and conspiracy to defraud the US."
"President Trump is the first president in the last 39 years to not start a war or to enter a war that's already been in existence."
"Biden is the first U.S president in the last 30 years with deep foreign policy experience."
"The final full year of the Bill Clinton presidency was dominated by the tight but boring 2000 presidential election."
"The most relaxing and yet at the same time invigorating place in the Reagan White House was the Oval Office in the presence of Ronald Reagan himself."
"The Democrats by this prosecution have shattered and wrecked 234 years of American president."
"Carter's foreign policy accomplishments, you can stack them up with just about any president since Truman."
"President Kennedy has been assassinated. It's official now, the president is dead."
"James A. Garfield - The fact remained that the President was dead and Guiteau had shot him, which turned a 1st degree murder case to a Capital crime case."
"Donald Trump is officially the first former president of the United States in the United States history to officially be criminally indicted by a grand jury."
"Like FDR who was partly paralyzed and still was able to... successfully be president... that was before the amendment."
"A woman without whom Ronald Wilson Reagan would never have become the 40th President of the United States or succeeded as well as he did."
"Says something good about our country that we elected a black man president of the united states in a majority white country. That's a pretty amazing thing that's unprecedented in virtually all of world history."
"Barack Obama had hope and change... Ronald Reagan was famously optimistic."
"Presidents have tried to get away with stuff like this in the past, and they've lost."
"That crisis is one of the best two weeks of any presidency I think there's ever been. He just handled that, I think, flawlessly."
"Parr's quick reactions saved Reagan from greater harm, and he saw his calling to become an agent as a sign from god."
"Presidential history is something that has always been quite fascinating to me."
"Benjamin Harrison, unlike many presidents, is widely regarded as being a real straightforward honest man."
"Benjamin Harrison was the first president to have electricity in the White House."
"Since Franklin Delano Roosevelt, presidents had secretly recorded conversations in the Oval Office."
"In the final days of Donald Trump's presidency, we're learning more about his relationship and falling out with former Attorney General William Barr."
"Priceless memorabilia line the walls, none more expensive than the collection of presidential portraits."
"Lincoln's black cat of a son: Robert Todd Lincoln's uncanny encounters with death, narrowly escaping multiple fatal incidents linked to presidential assassinations."
"Plenty of content creators like Nation News."
"Every president elected or reelected in a year ending in zero died in office until Reagan."
"If you've googled James Buchanan, you may have come across the claim that he was America's first gay president."
"Jimmy Carter was the UFO president, but I think he regrets having done it."
"Roosevelt mounted high on Horseback and charging the rifle pits at a gallop and quite alone made you feel that you would like to cheer."
"The most corrupt president in our history, the most incompetent president in our history."
"Garfield was one of our smartest Presidents."
"Every president with the exception...were completely compromised."
"Joe Biden has had the most successful year and a half in the presidency since Lyndon Johnson or FDR."
"It's astonishing, it's shocking, it's one of the most shocking scenes in the history of the American presidency."
"Forget about the dozens of allegations against Trump before he became president, it turns out that there are dozens of allegations against Trump while he was in the White House."
"He's the only president who is a graduate of the US Naval Academy."
"Herbert Hoover lived 31 years after leaving the White House amidst the Great Depression."
"This was the infamous presidential limousine that JFK was unfortunately shot in on that horrible day on November 22nd 1963 in Dallas."
"...William Henry Harrison's grandson, another Benjamin Harrison uh, he wasn't born here but this would be his ancestral home uh, yeah he was our 23rd president."
"It's history both ways. I mean, you got the first woman who could potentially be the president of the United States and the first African-American male can be the president of the United States, so either way, we're looking at history."
"President Ford's pardon, hugely unpopular probably why he lost in '76, now looked upon as one of the better decisions in presidential history."
"William Henry Harrison's tragedy has become the laughingstock of presidential history."
"John Hanson was president before George Washington."
"Springfield is the hometown of Abraham Lincoln, which is rich in history related to the 16th president of the United States."