
Electoral Impact Quotes

There are 190 quotes

"There's just no question that abortion had a big effect on the election."
"People don't want me to be president because they know that I'm going to do a good job again."
"If Donald Trump appears to be a victim, he will gain support. If he appears to be prosecuted, persecuted, he will gain support." - Frank Luntz, political strategist
"So if they throw all this stuff at me and it doesn't work and I win anyway, oh my god that's gonna be a cannon shot straight across the heads of Washington DC."
"The threats to democracy are real, and the only way to defeat them is showing up and voting."
"There are electoral consequences to not abiding by the law."
"A red wave at the very least is a bump in the road."
"Democrats need to separate high skill and low skill immigration or they will lose with that message."
"I went literally door-to-door for Obama, got to move 500 votes there, knocking on doors, grinding for him because I just felt in my heart like this is going to be a new beginning."
"56 percent said they would be dissatisfied or angry if Trump returned to the White House in 2024."
"Your vote matters so much at the local level."
"Republicans either held the majority or gained seats every time I was on the ballot."
"The movement comes as several voter groups are giving Republicans a boost." - Ben Shapiro
"Redistricting makes insane people electable in red districts and blue districts as well."
"Banning political ads favors incumbents and favors whoever the media chooses to cover."
"If people feel like this is their only recourse, then it's probably worth addressing."
"I'm only in this seat you know I won re-election because black people showed up at the ballot box and said we don't want to go back that we believe in restorative justice."
"Larry has shot up to the first place in the polls. That should teach a lesson to all the other people in the race."
"The lesson Democrats should take is if we run a very good candidate in a red district it turns purple and if we run a very good Democratic candidate in a purple district it turns blue."
"The left understood...that their policy prescriptions would not Prevail at The Ballot Box."
"Thanks to you, we now have a three-party system."
"If these people get their way, we get four more years of Trump. It's just that simple."
"Fantasy and conspiracy theory... if Donald Trump wins, it's a victory for fantasy and conspiracy theory."
"Minority growth in these states is turning these states Bluer it is turning them Bluer in a way that makes Republicans unelectable on the national level in a way that we have not seen before."
"Abortion politics have been a total electoral disaster for Republicans wherever you stand on the issue."
"If you ever want an example as to how electoralism can make a difference look at which states are about to pass total abortion bans."
"Elections matter there you go and when folks vote they order what they want and in this case they got what they asked for."
"Democrats flipped a state house seat in Florida that Ronda santis in that District won by 11."
"If Bernie Sanders were elected president, there would be a wave election for Republicans in 2022."
"If Donald Trump wins 15 of the black vote in 2024 it is game over Democrats."
"Imagine what would have happened if we hadn't won in Georgia. That's because people stepped up."
"25 million Christians are going to sit this one out."
"Elizabeth Warren staying in the race hurt Bernie Sanders, orchestrated pre-Super Tuesday turn."
"If Republicans start cutting into the Democratic base to the tune of 20 of black voters and 50 of Hispanic voters Democrats do not have a coalition the Coalition simply does not exist."
"Trump's appeal to patriotism and his calls for America first food policy were going to cause problems on the world market. Predictions were shuttering exports would cost Trump the farm vote."
"Democrats thought this was gonna unite them oopsy-daisy it turns out that the Quinnipiac ballot shows that the Jeanette the the Democratic generic ballot lead has been sliced in half in a month."
"Merry Christmas to you this was an amazing gift we've all been given you're going to see people rally around Trump like never before I do believe you just saw the 2024 election one def facto."
"How many more times does he have to say it how much more specific does he have to be before everyone starts treating him as the 2024 republican frontrunner."
"Democrats will have substantially more leverage in negotiations if they win both seats in Georgia."
"This is the most important election of our times."
"We now know based on several polls that if the American people were properly informed about what was on Hunter Biden's laptop and what Joe Biden was accused of doing, they would not have voted for him. Donald Trump would be president."
"A split party will be doomed to defeat. It compromises Labour's chances of a general election victory."
"If she won, and it took so little for her to win, one person and not even in every state, that at least now, we are talking about these guys."
"When people see the truth, they absolutely wake up."
"Voting for what you don't want is throwing your vote away."
"The decision of culinary workers in Nevada go against the union leadership and come out overwhelmingly for Sanders shows that the politics of delusion is losing its grip"
"Everything that we've built, low taxes, strong military, taking care of our vets, all of the things we've done can be decimated very quickly if the wrong person gets in."
"Please keep up the fight. It does matter. We are moving the needle. The results of last night's elections tell us that we're moving the needle. But it's all because of the energy that we all bring together to fight for our country."
"He's actually uniting the entire country uniting the people and the impact of Lord RAM and then this Ayodya is going to have Tamil Nadu in electoral politics sorry I cannot miss any action without an electoral or without a political angle to it."
"I think Trump could do better in 2024 based off of what we're seeing with inflation with what's going on at the border potential Suburban reversion."
"If you can be discouraged to not go vote as Amir just said, if you don't vote you're giving the vote to Biden."
"Turns out who you vote for does make a difference."
"The democrats want to see portland burn between now and election day as a way of defeating trump even if they kill a few people along the way."
"If you take all the Republican-held districts and average them, they're down to a one-point lead against the Democrats. That's not a wave, that's a tsunami."
"If we focus on turning out 60 to 70% of our vote, we literally can win elections statewide."
"More extreme candidates tend to lose more often."
"That's the purpose of having your vote, it's your only leverage, but all your votes, or at least 90 percent of your votes, already counted for the other team."
"Donald Trump partly won because he's a dick."
"We're now looking at an amount of votes that could have changed the outcome of the election."
"President Trump is attracting new voters from outside his base."
"When America votes, the message is going to be out loud and clear: it's time for Donald Trump to pack his bags and go home."
"What if the left says [] you, we don't support you, we're withdrawing our support? You can't [] win without us, and then he does."
"The idea here would be that the only way to save America is to literally take Donald Trump off the ballot in 2024."
"You take out that consistency and... you get... voters... having a candidate they believed was consistent..."
"Release murderers and rapists... it becomes I don't want to vote for that guy because he's you know Lawless."
"The foundation for a massive full reagan-like Red Wave is there."
"Only long-term demographic trends are going to cause the electoral map to kind of gradually evolve."
"Does it matter who we vote for? Oh yeah. I'm not going to vote for candidates, I vote for life."
"If we vote up and down the ticket like never before we will elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and we will leave no doubt about what this country we love stands for and what we believe in and who we are as a people."
"Our brothers and sisters in Florida, we know statistically that if 65% of the registered African-American voters had voted we wouldn't have DeSantis as Governor right now."
"The last thing that Russia wants and China wants and Iran wants would be for Donald Trump to win."
"If Donald Trump holds out and never joins these debates it will not be a good look for GOP Primary voters."
"He's broadened the scope of Nigerian elections."
"Republicans have ultimately gerrymandered this state into Oblivion giving them an undeniable majority election after election."
"I don't see how like if V removes himself or whatever if Trump and V are removed from the running I feel like that's a win for the establishment."
"If black people turn out at 65, 70, and 75% of our capacity we can sweep elections."
"For someone who calls himself a socialist and who really occupies the most leftward point possible in the very narrow United States political consensus, I mean he came closer to winning than anyone ever did."
"Texas is our chance to change what's politically possible in this country."
"What should scare them is return to 75 to 80 million people."
"This is literally the right Georgia saying we don't want as many people to vote because when they do, Republicans lose."
"We have never had a true, honest-to-god champion of social, economic, and climate justice this close to the White House."
"What happens here in this election impacts our kids for future generations and the entire planet."
"This election will end up being decided by women who have watched Donald Trump."
"This is an example of how elections have consequences."
"We can't have a guy like this. The guy doesn't have a clue."
"Okay, let's have a trial and see like did he do this thing. Let's give him the process and then have it out and have a conclusion about the man's, you know, a filming or not before we decide to vote for him."
"It's a pretty clear choice, so let's make it happen."
"A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for our democracy and our decency."
"Life always continues, right? People always think that, 'Oh, there's an election, everything is going to change now.' There's always another stage."
"It's mind-blowing because if they implement this it's gonna make Republicans dominate."
"Georgia, we turned Georgia blue. We won this election decisively."
"Do we need leaders like him? The world is showing that we need it by his election."
"Your vote matters and you can't take anything for granted."
"It feels like people are starting to realize that your vote matters whether you think you live in a blue state or a red state, a left state or a right state."
"A narrowed bill would very likely be political suicide for Republicans it would create such a massive rallying cry for Democrats especially right before an election that would help so many people..."
"You want laws that are going to protect them, you have to elect lawmakers who are going to pass those laws."
"We got this wrong... we were damaging to the cause of defeating Trump."
"Regular Americans might vote for Trump; this stuff might scare them."
"You can't underestimate how important this race is in showing where the country's going."
"Democratic socialism is now not a liability but it's becoming a strength for candidates across the country."
"Nearly everyone thinks that truthful coverage of Hunter Biden's laptop would have changed the outcome of the 2020 election."
"A brand new political movement that in as I say, a month goes from not existing to topping the polls in a national election."
"I don't like using the word Witch Hunt at all but here's the thing when they go in and they try to demand a ludic iously speedy trial nakedly for the purpose of getting it done before the election you feed that narrative."
"I think capitalism has always had a terrible trouble with elections and voting."
"Apathy loses let those polls scare you a little bit."
"Once Trump is out of the White House anyone who mimics him or identifies as a Trump Republican they're probably going to be voted out next."
"It's like, this will help galvanize his base. He's probably going to win reelection because it is such a fraud."
"This line of message is what is catapulting them in the polls."
"We want a blue tsunami to basically spread across the entire country."
"Just the same, one of the biggest areas, the storage is, and the utility in space, the rivals still are not really catching up with this."
"Republicans are hurting the chance to add to their achievements."
"I was in Georgia for a good chunk of it, helping Reverend Warnock and John Ossoff flip the Senate."
"Elections do have consequences... the 2018 midterms this November will be the most important midterms in history."
"Even in these liberal places like San Francisco, you see the DAs that are weak on crime actually losing."
"Bernie is the only candidate who doesn't leave anyone behind."
"Every vote counts. Keisha Lance Bottom won mayor of Atlanta by 832 votes."
"They can't say that Donald Trump is the biggest threat to America and then run the most lackluster candidate and lackluster campaign that they possibly can."
"What we have to focus on is that in 60 days, as of this interview, in less than two months, we are looking at a midterm election in which so much is on the line."
"One vote never makes a difference? Wrong. Elections often come down to whether the people who wonder if their vote matters actually show up or not."
"She definitely will make a difference in these states."
"That sort of base is eroding now, whether that's one or two percent, Donald Trump can't even afford to lose 0.77 because if he does, Joe Biden would win."
"There is a targeting of a hatred of us that's different than the targeting of the hatred of our fellow black brothers and sisters."
"Voting has a key piece... if you don't vote, then you're not changing anything."
"Midterm elections are always tough for the party holding the White House; they are especially tough when the president's approval rating is sagging."
"Trump did everything he needed to do. He obliterated Biden with this debate performance."
"There's a potential that there's the same kind of sense of frustration and disaffectation that existed in 2016."
"A Biden administration with people like Yang and Tulsi is preferable to Trump."
"If we can vote in numbers overwhelming, I mean if we win Florida and we win Texas, you know Trump doesn't have a legal argument."
"Gerrymandering would not be a thing if your vote didn't count."
"Should be very scary for the Republican party."
"Abortion wins elections. Treat it like the winning issue that it is."
"You vote for Trump, a democratic house, a democratic senate, you give them the biggest defeat in the history of America."
"Black women showed up in record numbers and brought us to victory. They saved this country."
"The right is going to meme her into the presidency."
"Engage with candidates on a retail basis... all politics are local... creates better candidates and presidents."
"January 6 was not only a pretext to get around the election problems, but to derail Trump's election contest in Congress."
"If the popular thing had been done, it would show everywhere." - Senator-elect Victor Umay
"Tell me, what is a better punishment: kicking him out of parliament or reducing him to between 25 to 35 seats in the next election?"
"She's a damn fool, and when she's up for re-election, she needs to be voted out. But here's the problem, Michael, here's the problem."
"Stop telling us that not voting for Biden is us voting for Trump."
"There are some hard choices that make somebody unelectable if they talk about these things but they're very simple to do and they would fix the problem."
"Judges matter. This is why who we elect matters."
"Democrats need to pull back from the brink of stupid wokeness or they will lose more elections."
"We've made the tragic decision to remove Trump from the ballot."
"It will forever change the election landscape in the United States."
"The idea that Michael Bloomberg can dump... like 500 million dollars into the election, congratulations Republicans, that's the money that helped Democrats retain control of the House."
"Third parties can take away enough votes to make Donald Trump win. Third parties don't take away votes."
"The choice issue is going to matter a lot in the House Seats." - Celinda Lake
"It's not often that you see immediate results from announcing a political campaign."
"There is a lot to talk about with regard to this debate...this debate may actually change the dynamics of the Democratic Party primary."
"If you don't show up and vote, guess what? He loses."
"Resistance being countenanced now doesn't negate the threat posed by leftist candidates."
"Massive red wave in November's midterm election."
"Well done Brits... Corbin's surprisingly competitive showing was fueled by young voters who rallied behind labour by a whopping 34 point margin."
"If all the media outlets had shifted as far left as the New York Times, Obama would have won 61-38 over McCain."
"They got so hoodwinked by Trump... he laid waste to them."
"The investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency."
"22% is Unthinkable in the United States for a president to get in the black vote... if Donald Trump gets 22% of the black vote the Democratic party you will have to go to a museum to find a Democrat."
"It's the 63 million people who voted for Donald Trump and put the power of Supreme Court nominations in Donald Trump's hands for four years."
"If that picture is not on every single campaign ad from this point going forward, then every Republican candidate should be locked up for political malpractice."
"No amount of melon ballots will matter if Trump gets 537 or 36 or even 538."
"This is a huge victory for Trump an enormous enormous Victory."
"This is going to confuse voters. This is going to end up being a form of voter suppression." - Arie Berman
"Labour can use it to bash The Tories; it will actually be damaging to the Tories."
"The conventions are not where you win or lose. The debates are."
"It's time to wake up, this election will determine our country's future."
"We got to come out in numbers y'all, and if you ever thought that your vote did not matter, look at what they're doing now."
"Anybody sitting on the sidelines right now, that's a vote for Trump."
"Temporarily, things will get worse if the left wins this election cycle."
"The only thing that could ever move anything in this country is a major Republican losing."
"...this is going to be a national phenomenon and again it's going to get so big that you're going to have open Klan members running for office."
"Even marginal improvements can produce outsized political benefits."
"Sometimes when you get a wave in politics, it's a wave that sweeps a lot of people away."