
Cinematic Quality Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"Chainsaw Man does a fing incredible job in making this show feel cinematic."
"Arrival from Denis Villeneuve is as good as it gets."
"This movie is a vivid dream, a haunting moment, or an intense personal connection."
"This is an absolute feast when it comes to cinematic storytelling."
"This game took the Batman Arkham series and took it to a place of significant cinematic improvement."
"This is gameplay captured on PS5. This is cinematic. There's no shame in doing this, I think it's absolutely fine."
"When the game is cinematically running on all cylinders, it's truly sublime."
"That is actually very true. The fall would have looked amazing in 240 frames per second."
"The changeling is a masterpiece, it's a classic for a reason."
"The pacing and expertise of each cinematic moment and new reveal is so well executed."
"Tenchu: where every stealth kill is a cinematic takedown."
"We're not sitting there going well they kind of look like the characters... they're literally giving you an epic movie that looks like what you know, smells like what you know, and then it's like nothing you've ever seen before."
"The overall presentation is like indistinguishable from some of the greatest movies."
"ND filters are invaluable for adding motion blur, making your footage look smooth and cinematic."
"The Last Black Man in San Francisco may just be the top film of the year."
"I love the car chase at the end of the film... it's amazing, it's a well-made car chase."
"The amount of times I've gotten movie quality scenes from like an hour of gameplay is unreal."
"Looking at it through the lens of a film student, this movie isn't necessarily a badly made movie."
"It feels like the most cinematic any of the Star Wars shows have been."
"For a film that cost about as much as the meal budget for some blockbusters, it looks outstanding."
"It's pretty easy to see why this fight has some breathtaking set pieces and phenomenal choreography."
"I think this is one of the most pure Star Wars movies ever made."
"Blizzard has always had a legacy of just great cinematics."
"The graphics do look stunning. It's just basic cinematic shots we've seen before, but that's a really good idea of how much different the game looks."
"This whole first section of the trailer is so beautiful to look at."
"It's a brilliant fight scene. It's really good."
"It's so cinematic. Napoleon is such a beautiful game."
"Even upon revisitation, it is overwhelmingly clear that the matrix absolutely holds up as an entertainment and a real piece of auteur cinematic art."
"The shootout scene from 'Parabellum' was a touch of class mixed with an overdose of bullets."
"There's nothing close to the Darth Maul fight in Phantom Menace."
"The game hits a lot of fantastic cinematic highs."
"The second half is some of the best [ __ ] ever."
"This movie really does punch above its weight."
"For the runtime of this movie, this is a pretty excellent little experiment of a movie."
"It's natural, cinematic, and moving all at once."
"This is footage where both the video and the audio is being captured on the phone...there's a certain cinematic quality that's pretty unmatched right now."
"A beautifully cinematic, believable, lovely work of cinema artistry."
"Cutscenes also look superb in action, thanks to carefully crafted cinematic animation, smooth camera work, and Insomniac's super impressive per pixel motion blur."
"The visuals, the grandness, the scope, and the sound design."
"It was a consistent story, and man, those action sequences were terrific."
"Rogue One... proved to me that it's possible to recapture what made the original trilogy so fantastic."
"It's hard to get much better than this in terms of legal dramas yet it's just not regarded as a classic the way that I think it should be."
"This movie is amazing... blew me away when I watched it."
"The first game has such an incredible story. It is one of the most solid cinematic stories for any video game."
"The cinematics is what really made these games."
"Better Call Saul, Euphoria, Ozark, Severance, Squid Game, and Succession are like eight hour movies that are on par with what the best movies are."
"Every single frame in that movie looks like it could be the poster."
"Black Rain looks and feels like a much older film than it is."
"For me, the efforts undertaken put this film in the same league as Fury Road or even the Mission Impossible films."
"The entertainment value of this movie is impeccable."
"How incredibly unsatisfying and disappointing it's a it's best it's almost getting there and I think that it would be neat to see a Saw someday that's like a really great film that takes it seriously and is also good."
"Ghost in the Shell: a masterpiece not just because of its painstakingly detailed animation but also because of its fantastic storytelling."
"At the heart of this immersive adventure, you'll find cutting-edge cinematic storytelling."
"The cinematics look good, they are very visually appealing, they're exciting, they're action-packed, they make you just a little bit more enthralled with what's going on in the game."
"In 2006's Casino Royale, Martin Campbell came back to the franchise - a knockout film, one of the great films of the last millennium."
"Best directed film in the saga since Empire."
"I'll even go so far as to say the majority of this movie is very impressive to watch."
"There's a lot of love, care, and attention put into the cinematic elements of Street Fighter."
"Cinematic is a quality that comes from effectively using the tools of cinema to tell a story or express an idea in a way that would not be possible in another medium."
"The chase at the end of the movie in my mind still holds up as one of the best in the entire genre."
"The action in this movie is totally mad and is easily the best thing about it."
"When this film does control its tone it can lead to some amazing drama."
"Hereditary has to go in horrifyingly beautiful; it is a top-tier movie."
"Black Panther is a great movie that might not even if it had nothing to do with Marvel, it would be an amazing movie just by itself."
"I like how this was put together. Nikhil Advani overall, I thought, did a really good job with this film."
"I think this has the best in-game cinematics cutscenes one thousand percent sure it's film like right."
"Oppenheimer is good though I'm glad that a movie like this is still getting made."
"Watching Rogue One is watching Star Wars in its greatest form at its fullest potential."
"Parasite is a better movie than Joker in every regard honestly I think it's a great movie."
"It's familiar but it's not, there's something so well done already about the graphics, the cinematics."
"I would prefer not to see Darth Vader... unless you're gonna top that."
"Sometimes a film concept can make the jump from the silver to the small screen and bring you that same cinematic flare on a week to week basis."
"Cinematic spectacle and I only have the highest expectations for this film."
"The cutscenes are a joy to watch... and it never feels out of place."
"That's the best take which is that hybrid of the physical and the digital."
"Straight out of a multi-million dollar movie."
"It's pretty obvious that Sony has the cinematic single-player experience down pat, it's more or less their multiplayer side they need to continue working on."
"The Dark Knight is a cinematic masterpiece, absolutely legendary."
"If you're someone who is working with clients or you just want to have footage that looks good and has more of this filmic quality, then these tips are gonna help you achieve that."
"I love Shape of Water, that's a great movie."
"The effects in that are great. That is like a filmmaking achievement in many ways."
"Visually the movie is amazing, the cinematography is beautiful."
"Shin Godzilla stands out as not only a great mainstream film but also one of the most meaningful, visually stunning, and well-directed entries in the series."
"These are some of the most amazing battle sequences I have ever seen."
"I'd rather have Matt Reeves take the time to show great villains that deserve the spotlight."
"The third act is just amazing cinema and the payoff it really has some iconic Joker moments."
"It's like a piece of art honestly and it's like a motion picture."
"Legends of the Fall, best shampoo commercial ever."
"The action on display is mesmerizing which showcases truly alien spaces."
"I think it's gonna be a movie that stands the test of time."
"Thinking outside the box and creating quality cinematics really helps to sell people."
"Most of the time the best cinematic videos use Simple subtle motion."
"The Blob 1988 is one of the best examples of how to do a proper remake."
"A good movie is a good movie is a good movie."
"It was so everything about this is whether the movies are good or great there's nothing awful here."
"That's the most impressive part because they've really kind of got a cinematic flair to them."
"You've also now got slightly improved quality when recording videos in cinematic mode."
"I'm glad we're part of a movie that I genuinely love and think is really good."
"I love the B-movie quality live action scenes."
"There's something about this film, it's so visceral."
"The movie surprisingly felt like it had way more heart."
"The way that it is able to rack focus in autofocus is so smooth you would swear it was a fully manual lens being pulled by a focus puller."
"The fight scenes are so good, particularly the swordplay."
"The visuals, shot selections, clothing design, production design, visual effects, and sound design were amazing."
"The fight scene on the bus in Shang-Chi is the best fight scene they've had in the MCU."
"The space battles were great, got some new types of bombers dropping some bombs."
"This movie hits all the notes that right there is if not number one certainly in the top tier sword fight moments in any movie for me."
"The effects were very good, they did a lot with a little."
"This is the greatest thing I've ever seen. This honestly looks like a Pixar movie scene happening in real time in front of me."
"Nothing about this felt cheesy, everything just felt so natural."
"This game impressed me with its cinematic fighting."
"We just had two firework scenes that felt very earned, not performative."
"Leia scene and Paige, beautifully so well done."
"Death Note... one of the greatest pieces of animated cinema ever."
"This is the best theatrical Batman movie since The Dark Knight."
"This was a cinematic entirely focused on characters."
"Holy crap, I can't believe a Metroid game looks this good. I can't believe that it is this cinematic and epic."
"It still holds up not just as a fond childhood memory but as a piece of cinema."
"Why does it have to be better than The Godfather? What like it's this movie could be nominated for best picture of the year and not be as good as The Dark Knight and that's okay."
"It wasn't just a good superhero movie. It was a good movie that features superheroes."
"I still say pick it up it's worth reading it's good it's fun it's very cinematic I enjoyed it a whole lot."
"This has to be one of the best fist-fight scenes I've seen in the movie."
"From a technical standpoint, this movie is beautiful."
"The editing was damn near perfect in this movie."
"once you get to that throne room scene and on there's some of the best Star Wars stuff that we've ever gotten"
"I thought all that stuff was just top-notch intense just horrifying scenes so I really loved those parts."
"As far as I'm concerned, Thanos is the gold standard in terms of designing large CGI characters."
"Shoot in 24 for short films to look cinematic."
"The trench scenes in the movie are simply spectacular just claustrophobic and gritty enough without sacrificing visual Clarity on the audience's behalf"
"I think so much of this movie is stunning particularly like the first couple of acts."
"It's most visually stunning Star Wars film the characters speed with elegance and wit and the acting is often outstanding."
"This one is infamous for taking over a year to develop and it really shows for how cinematic it turned out."
"It's one of the best superhero origin movies I can think of."
"It's amazing films like this that prevent me from excusing their less inspired or more shallow films because Spider-Verse is proof that they can do better, much better."
"There's a cinematic feeling to the entire thing."
"The diversity presented within well-defined and written characters shines through in all three of the available films."
"This is a good movie... the Joker really elevates this movie into an excellent movie."
"This trailer looked straight up cinematic, like absolutely straight up cinematic."
"It's cinematic, you know, it really sets a new tone."
"The action 1000% delivered when it was present on screen."
"We're going to try to get those budgets to go up so that we can put more on screen basically."
"It feels absolutely like some long-lost Ghibli movie."
"I thought that for a game that seemed as cinematic and awesome as this new Tomb Raider, we should do it justice."
"Sunshine is almost a Stanley Kubrick level sci-fi flick."
"Nightcrawler's first live-action scene still holds up to this day."
"Technically it's the best mcu location set ever."
"There is one scene within it that I think is genuinely [__] great."
"This movie is Cinema with a Capital C."
"16 millimeter film truly feels like a cheat code to get beautiful cinematic footage."
"Lighting elevates the world you are building and gives that commercial look we as cinematographers want to achieve."
"We had Ripley kicking ass, we had the beautiful cinematography and directing."
"It felt like a Wes Craven movie, and it felt like one of Wes Craven's better movies."
"That period in and place in America particularly cinematic."
"This film is mysterious, captivating, mesmerizing and even nail-biting."
"The garden of words is a solidly constructed film in every sense that it could be."
"It's very organic... Cinematic and emotional in rendering."
"I really just love the cinematic look from this lens, I cannot say that enough."
"Every one of his films is rich, astounding, patient, moving, and visually inspiring."
"It's almost sad to categorize it as a horror movie; it's just a really good movie."
"The cinematics are gorgeous, they're absolutely stunning, and are literally next level."
"This is some of the best pacing I've seen ever in a movie."
"Alien is the kind of film you get when you don't treat your audience like children."
"The opening scene was fantastic, good villains."
"Purchasing a diffusion filter... has made the biggest difference in terms of getting photos to look filmic, cinematic, soft, just amazing, very buttery smooth photos."
"That was single-handedly its own movie; it was a cinematic masterpiece."
"Every single scene served an excellent purpose on top of also looking quite good."
"There's definitely been sparks of greatness that remind me, 'Oh, yeah, this is handled by a really good director.'"
"The whole ambush from the Harkonnen was awesome."
"Hello cows, can you get much more cinematic than some cows? I don't think so."
"Scream 2 is similar to the original in terms of tone and quality."
"There is a lot more that goes into making a video look cinematic than just the settings on your camera."
"This gave the game a cinematic flare that not many early 2000s games could even fathom."
"Children of Men is always on the top of everybody's list for good reason."
"Loads of fantastic scenes, all the performances are great, incredible ending, great writing - couldn't ask for much more."
"That magical piece of firmware that just makes your GoPro footage look like buttery dreamy cinematic goodness."
"If you want your footage to look smoother and more cinematic, you want to be following something called the 180 degree shutter rule."
"If you see yourself mapping out missions like that and wanting some cinematic views, I really do like this functionality."
"This is cinematic, it's cable quality, I love it a lot."
"That is so extra, it's so cinematic, I literally feel like I've just watched a trailer for like the newest Marvel film or something."
"Iron Man's suit... they did a phenomenal job."