
Non-interference Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"Letting these kids' lives unfold the way they're naturally going to unfold."
"There is a freedom in knowing people will mind their own business about whatever you're doing, as long as it's not hurting anyone."
"Live your life, do your thing, and leave others alone."
"If you look at China they come in with lots of cash and they offer to do things and expand their relations but they're not interested in involving themselves in the internal affairs of other societies."
"This is about a disruptive interference in private affairs of a stage two culture using any section of the Prime Directive without approval from the High Council of the Galactic Federation of Worlds." - Thorhan
"Mutually beneficial transactions are beneficial. So we should not interfere with them."
"What someone is doing has nothing to do with you."
"Ibrahim Tori knows that he must never give any excuse to the West to interfere in the African region."
"Don't tell other people how to live their life unless it's hurting someone."
"Let's be real Americans and just let people live their lives freely so long as it's not hurting other people."
"Leave people alone and let people be who they want to be as long as they're not hurting you."
"When you start doing your thing, I don't be like [__]."
"It is morally wrong to have any interference into independent countries elections."
"This is a battle between warriors; do not interrupt."
"If someone's doing something you don't like and it's not hurting anybody, just move on with your life."
"If you're not supporting someone being successful, you shouldn't be trying to stop the success."
"Just leave people alone, let people live their lives."
"It doesn't affect you, just shut up and let people exist and just live your own life."
"Wow, we just hit 7 million. Thank you so much."
"If they're not hurting you, leave them alone."
"If they're not hurting anybody then what's the big deal."
"You don't have to approve of it, you just have to mind your own goddamn business."
"What is meant for you will not pass you. Let things be as they are instead of trying to control all outcomes of your life."
"Leave folks alone, let people do what they want."
"Just observe without interfering for a while."
"Freedom of movement: I'm allowed to move from point A to B without you interfering."
"ISPs are now classified as title 2 communications providers meaning that they provide the infrastructure necessary for communications and they don't interfere with or concern themselves with the contents of that communication."
"As long as they don't bother you, don't bother them."
"They're just chilling, they're not bothering anybody."
"If people are making choices that don't affect your life, why the [ __ ] do you care?"
"Divorce is good if you need a divorce, get one; it's none of my goddamn business."
"Live by a simple moral system: Harm no one, mind your own business."
"If your child is playing, even just for a few minutes, or just for one minute, don't say anything. Do not evaluate."
"God is sovereign, but he is not a god who interferes in our free will."
"There won't be any problems and it's not going to interfere with the single-player mode in any way."
"Let sleeping dogs lie, Cancer. Other people's problems are their own."
"Each of us has the right to live our own life however we see fit, so long as we're not violating the natural rights of others."
"Don't stop other people from doing it if they want it."
"This is not anyone else's life and therefore they don't have the right to say that you shouldn't take medication."
"It's always a good day. Yeah, it is. You don't have to get anybody's approval. You don't have to get any... you don't hear notes from non-creative people."
"Perhaps a well-worn concept within science fiction is Star Trek’s prime directive."
"If what you believe in doesn't harm me, then it's none of my business."
"It doesn't intervene with the gameplay, it is simply for storytelling."
"Let people live, why do you care? It literally has zero impact on your life."
"The least you can do is get out of the way of somebody else's blessings and honor it."
"The prime directive dictates our interference until a society reaches stage three."
"China's foreign policy orientation is formed around the principle of non-interference and respect for national and territorial sovereignty."
"Live and Let Live. If it doesn't apply to you, it doesn't work for you, don't do it."
"Regardless of what Pokimane did, regardless of which you dislike or like about her... she's minding her business, she's chilling, she's harming, she's not doing anyone doing anything to hurt anyone."
"Not being an ally, as long as you're not harming people, you're not harassing people, you're not posting on social media that these people suck, then I don't think you're a bad person for that."
"Whoever ends up stepping up on team vertical hey that's none of my business."
"I don't make it my business to try to D converter from anything I feel like it's none of my business and if I start doing that I'm just witnessing evangelists for something else."
"As long as it's not affecting anybody else, be you."
"Is this prime directive like 'you must not interfere' an absolute thing that they would never just make themselves known to us and say, 'Hey'?"
"They're enjoying themselves, who am I to tell them otherwise?"
"You aren't here to do that I suppose you can hang around if you want just don't touch anything."
"The President has made it clear that his administration will not tolerate foreign interference in our elections."
"Let everybody do their thing and focus our energy on the things that really hurt someone."
"You don't make anything happen, you don't prevent anything from happening."
"A sovereign human doesn't change another sovereign human."
"China never bets against the United States and never interferes in its internal affairs."
"Parenting as a father... I am not one that pushes my kids to do anything. I don't force them. I don't try to live vicariously through them."
"Our priority is to ourselves and we will not allow any group to impede the progress of African people."
"It's not up to me to save anybody, so I'm there as a loving witness and I represent possibility."
"Accept people in situations as they are... It's not your job to educate or change them."
"Let your situation evolve naturally, don't force anything to happen."
"You might as well just leave them [] alone like what the []."
"The best feminism is telling somebody to mind their own [ __ ] business, yeah, leave me alone, what do you need?"
"I don't care what someone else does as long as it doesn't hurt someone else, right? So I mean if it doesn't hurt other people, do whatever you want."
"That's just brand policies let's leave them at that don't question it just watch curiosity."
"I feel like everyone should do what makes them happy and everyone should just mind their business."
"I'm sorry, I don't want to be an emperor. That's not my business. I don't want to rule or conquer anyone."
"...coo feels concerned about hu but decides not to interfere in her romantic relationship..."
"I've been there before, I keep to myself and I don't bother anyone."
"Your job is to not get in the way and just let it happen."
"Sometimes it's better to leave things as they are."
"She decided not to interfere as it would only make things more complicated."
"Sometimes you just gotta let people do what they do."
"Just leave it well alone. Walk away."
"Leave something be. Leave it well alone."
"Some things are just meant to be left alone."
"We don't ever go around trying to like mess with anyone."
"This fight is Naruto's fight and his alone. I cannot interfere."
"If someone's not hurting someone, leave them the [ __ ] alone."
"People be horny, let them have their fun. It's not hurting anyone."
"What do I look like trying to police women who were doing sex work when this country was built off of murder, deception, scams? I'm gonna just mind my business, you get what I'm saying?"
"Sometimes mankind's highest calling was to simply let them be."
"This is none of our business. This is something that concerns two consenting adults."
"Let them live their best life honestly."
"I'm digging it. I'm not going to touch it."
"Leave them people live over there... Let them settle their own problems."
"Just try to keep my nose out of other people's business. Like, I don't really care how other people live their life, you know? If people are happy, then just have a good time."
"I think they very much want to be left to their own devices and they are not interfering with humanity on a grand scale."
"There's no desire in changing others; the true desire from the heart is to affirm lovingly of self."
"General Longstreet’s clear head and brave heart left me no apology for interference."
"It's not your business to dictate what value looks like. It's not your business to dictate what resistance looks like. It's not your business, period."
"The androids were programmed to raise the Kepler-22b humans and to not disrupt any life that already existed on this new planet."
"The greatest gift you can do is don't try to fix it. You know, I'll pray, we're gonna be here with you."
"Leaving things alone is better than messing with them."
"ISPs do not get to interfere with our choices by blocking, speeding up, or slowing down apps or kinds of apps."
"People should do what they want to do, and we should strive to stay out of other people's business."
"As long as you're not pushing your own values onto someone else, it's not hurting anybody."
"Biorthogonal chemistry is chemistry among functional groups that neither interact with nor interfere with a biological system."
"The effort needed to tend the heart isn't to change it or fix it; you need the attention of love."
"We decided long ago not to meddle in the affairs of man."
"You're creating a life or reality where nothing or no one can ever interfere with you and your happiness."
"I've always prided myself on never getting involved in anybody else's business."
"We just want to live our lives in peace and quiet. We're not trying to fix relationships and we aren't harming anyone."
"Non-interference means not interfering with free will."
"The imamat will never get involved in politics per se."
"True mastery can be gained by letting things go their own way. It cannot be gained by interfering."
"You'd be surprised how long you live when you stay calm and mind your own business."
"The Prime Directive is Starfleet's non-interference rule."
"Let these people just do their job and go home. Why do you have to mess with them?"
"Tolerance, you do whatever you want to do as long as it doesn't affect me negatively."
"The Star Trek directive of non-interference... you cannot interfere with the development of that civilization."
"Life is what you make it, you know, as long as you mind your business and don't try not to get involved with nobody else's BS."
"Everybody deserves their own personal lives, you know, just so long as they're not getting any trouble or getting any harm."
"We should not be dictating to others how to live their lives."
"Live your life, be happy, leave other people alone."
"People just need to leave each other alone a little bit, you going to live your life the way you want to live it."
"Sworn never to interfere, only to watch."
"They must find their own destinies, Wesley. It's not our place to interfere, but have faith in their abilities to solve their problems on their own."
"You are the property of yourself; you have the right to conduct your life in any way that you see fit so long as you do not interfere with the rights of others."
"Live and let live is my motto; I mind my own business."
"Why bother the tree if the tree ain't bothering me?"
"Allow people to do what they're doing without pulling their legs."
"China's foreign policy is very much around the idea of non-interference and the principles of peaceful coexistence."
"Keep political influence out of things, keep financial interest out of things."
"Don't like something that doesn't affect you? Then don't try and change it."
"For centuries, the Valar did their best to avoid interfering in the affairs of Middle-earth."
"Why on earth is it anyone else's business if no one's being hurt or abused?"
"Let things happen as they happen; they will sort themselves out nicely in the end."
"Just leave people alone and let people have their journeys."
"There is not a shadow of right in the general government to intermeddle with religion... Its least interference with it would be a most flagrant usurpation."
"We will not intervene in the domestic affairs of others in this hemisphere."
"Angels never interfere with your free will."
"True awareness... is a state of pure witnessing without the least attempt to do anything about the event witnessed."
"If you ever see one in the wild, what you should do is just leave it alone and observe it."
"It'll happen when it's meant to happen. I will never push it."
"Nine times out of ten, I feel it's always best to leave them to it, let them get on with things."
"Don't get involved in anyone else's mess, especially if it doesn't concern you."
"This should be just no issue for people to just live their lives the way that they want to, and as long as they're not hurting others, then we can coexist."
"Courts are not going to get involved in trying to settle religious disputes."
"Leave them alone if you can't help them."
"It's not your life, sweetheart, let this person live a life."
"The less we interfere in the affairs of Indians the better."
"You have to allow people to grow on their own and not butt in every single time someone you see is hitting a bump in the road."
"View them with that level of compassion without trying to help them in any way; it just gives you a clearer view of who you're dealing with."
"I will not brook any interference with the course of justice."
"If you see somebody in peace or happy, let them be."
"If all is good in the world, leave him alone."
"I hope there will be no persecution, no bloody work after the war's over... if we expect harmony and union, there has been too much of a desire... to be masters, to interfere with and dictate to those states, to treat the people not as fellow citizens."
"Leave people alone, let them live their lives."
"The prime directive is fairly straightforward: non-interference in other cultures."
"Trans people were just existing, right, and like bothering nobody."
"Trusting exactly what is in our lives instead of needing to change, fix, or even understand."
"I don't want the technology to get in the way of the creativity."
"Fear gripped us all, and a pact was forged among the space-faring races to refrain from interfering with human affairs."
"If it doesn't physically affect me, I accept it right there, I don't try to change."
"And I expect none of you who call yourselves decent members of our colony will interfere."
"We're here to learn how to rise without any interferences."
"Just let us be, we won't bother you, that's just it, that's the bottom line."
"I deeply believe that in a very highly Democratic Society, it's good to respect every individual unless they go and interfere in anyone's life."
"The whole objective of what we do is to view them naturally, safely, in their natural state without influencing them."
"Our goal is to do no harm, so we don't take any direct action on your primary platform."
"Everyone should be on their path towards whatever this is, not worried about knocking other people off theirs."
"They can all grow and develop together without getting in each other's way."
"These people, they are not bothering anybody, they're just minding their business."
"The moral of the story is sometimes you're better off just leaving well enough alone."
"The more you leave it alone, the better off you are."
"We're not here to try and interfere or to touch or to try and disturb what they do day to day when we're not around."
"We don't interfere with the natural world; we just merely observe."
"I'm not the kind of person who likes to meddle in other people's business."
"We are purely here to view and observe the animals; we're not here to interfere."
"This vehicle is not a threat to those animals; it doesn't harm, it doesn't hurt them, and it shouldn't interfere with their life."
"Spend your time in Vedantic thought, in this Vedantic paradigm, it won't interfere with your life."
"They ain't harming anybody else; what the [__] does it matter to you? That's what freedom is."
"We should all just live our lives, mind our business, as long as we're not hurting somebody else or anyone else's happiness."
"Let that man be, just let him be."
"Let this energy play out, don't get in the universe's way, do what you want to do, make your own decisions."
"The best way to help the birds stay calm is not by petting it or talking to it but by leaving it completely alone."
"You're free to do whatever you want with your life, provided you don't interfere with the freedom of someone else."
"We are just observers; we're not here to disturb."
"Through observation, through understanding, with no interference, with no judgment."
"What Steve does doesn't affect Terry."
"If it's none of my business, I'm like, does it make you happy? Okay, that's all that matters."
"One thing about him, he never got in the way of progress."
"The whole idea of infrared is to make sure we do not interfere or influence the animals in terms of their behavior."
"We want to observe, we do not want to participate."
"Take all the time that you need... don't try to force anything to happen."
"You don't have to do anything out of the way, you don't have to force anything to work, it's going to work."