
Ethical Dilemmas Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"We've raised a whole generation that really does believe it's the same thing to shoot a pregnant woman and shoot all four girls and execute them, that's the same thing as blowing apart with an Apache helicopter a mastermind who ordered that. And I don't think it's the same."
"It's my job to investigate the murder, ask the hard questions, commit probably worse crimes than the one I'm solving, and crack the case."
"Putting in the wrong objective is not the only part of the problem. There's another part. If you put an objective into a machine, even something as simple as, 'Fetch the coffee,' the machine says to itself, 'Well, how might I fail to fetch the coffee? Someone might switch me off. OK, I have to take steps to prevent that.'"
"The worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions."
"Dawn refuses to end her life because it goes against his moral code."
"I understand the risks... it is better that 100 guilty persons Go free than one innocent person suffer."
"An emotional story that blurs the lines but ultimately puts a child's life first."
"There couldn't be a more perfect example this is a great example when a leftist says well you know what the right thing is just to take it and just share that candy what do you think when they're taking something that's earned for free."
"Deep fakes can go one of two ways: political cartoon funnies or intentional manipulation of the truth."
"A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law."
"Consciously admitting the moral inconsistency makes it worse."
"How do you express the love of Jesus and and do so in a way that doesn't just compromise everything how do you honor God obey his word and treat your neighbors and your friends and your family members who have decided to go down this wrong path."
"What seems to be evil or good, it's actually what must be done in order to maintain the balance."
"Do whatever it takes versus do the right thing."
"How should we react to the deaths of the backsliders, reactionaries, cool acts or ideological enemies? Oh yes, well it's like the Nazis saying how should we react to the deaths of Jews and gypsies."
"At some point, a referee, reffing a game between one team that's cheating all the time and one team that's not has to decide."
"It is a question about a woman's rights over another human's body. It is not a question about her rights over her own body."
"Maybe doing no harm isn't the same as doing good."
"Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling, makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary, the definitions blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another, I’d rather not choose at all." - Geralt of Rivia
"It's not the same as Killmonger. But I'm saying he probably thinks he's doing right. His intentions are probably like, 'I need to do what's right for the world.' But it's like you're trying to create an enemy out of Wanda Maximoff."
"People have this emotional problem with doing that because it means killing an animal but you're actually killing something with kindness."
"If you think it's okay to lie for Jesus, then you're probably a creationist."
"The way that the criminal viewer is dealt with in this futuristic world may raise questions about how far the power of the law should extend."
"But the question I'll leave you with is is it the case that in being better people we will lose the fight to others who are less scrupulous less principled and far more vicious than we would ever dream of being."
"The conflict between Daredevil and Punisher isn't just kill or not kill; it's moral grey versus black and white absolutism."
"There are situations where cheating is okay."
"Soma explores the concept of clones and the ethical and philosophical dilemmas associated with that in a much more substantive way than infinity pool does."
"Is it a crime if you legalize crime? But that's some 40 chess right there."
"If you have to lie to defend your truth then it was never truth to begin with."
"Legal, immoral, or an unethical order...that has Ripple effects today."
"Nobody should be surprised Beyonce has performed for dictators why y'all surprised that she's in Dubai to step in I'm not shocked you know gay Ally or not Beyonce's about her money."
"Satan will sell you the benefits via designer babies."
"If we attack King's Landing with Drogon and the Unsullied, and the Dothraki, tens of thousands of innocents will die. Do not become what you have always struggled to defeat."
"If it turns around from this and he just exclusively does good things, even though he's like a sociopath, like if he gives us a million dollars, but like that's fine too."
"Ethical choices are rarely between good and bad but between two goods."
"Do we build gods or do we build our potential exterminators?"
"I think the most powerful argument against the position for that reason is the intuitive repulsion that we have to an idea like that."
"With one person ruling, it could be good as it's all one set goal, but if he started doing questionable things, taking out groups he didn't like, who or what is there to stop him and his securitrons from doing that?"
"There are some very specific cases where your ability to consent to something is heavily compromised."
"We're gonna be drawing murder, we're gonna be drawing ethical decisions and Quong yeah, lots of men of the trolley and of the trolley Charlie."
"Imagine thinking that if you're unlawfully pointing a gun at someone, you're then entitled to shoot them if they try to take the gun that you are unlawfully pointing at them."
"What we're interested in is the gray area between good and bad."
"Ultimately, the trolley problems reveal how complicated and unclear ethical decision-making can be."
"The battle between good and evil is at its peak."
"Die on your sword. A lot of you are staying quiet because you know it will help you grow but you're not, you guys are agreeing to things you don't actually believe in."
"Would you rather be a good godly person or would you rather not endure abuse?"
"Muslims will make it lawful even though it is forbidden."
"Even after killing somebody, he's still sticking by his morals and ethics."
"Peterson in some ways was no better than the German by killing an unarmed combatant..."
"The man who guides his actions solely by what is considered good and what is considered evil is guided by his ego only."
"The show wants us to be perplexed and to struggle with this, we're supposed to have as many different interpretations as we do about the trolley problem."
"If a democracy allowed incest you would say okay he doesn't even believe in democracy."
"There'll be a day when you will wish you had done a little evil to do a greater good."
"Having a conversation with somebody about geopolitics... do you do some what look like kind of evil things because you are feel obligated that you have to do that in order to protect the people."
"What would you do if you found a way to make an infinite amount of money? A glitch that allowed you to practically print cash. People all over the world are claiming that these methods are the real deal."
"Death Note leaves us with less answers than questions when you realize how truly invested you can get in someone's plot of world domination for the greater good."
"Is it right to deport someone permanently to a country they've never known? What happens when the children of war and genocide are displaced all over again?"
"That monster deserves to be put down? I don't think so. There's only one monster here."
"I think the survival of humanity is far more important than the lives of a couple hundred kids."
"Most people want to keep their job and they put their own career above doing the right thing."
"You know, for some reason, the people that it happened to, but mostly as a kid, you didn't move people, you know. You tried to pass somewhere, you did it. That's not the way the world works now. You do the bump and run."
"It's not about what's right anymore, it's about winning at all costs."
"Anything can be justified if you can justify the killing of the innocent."
"Why are we allowing these countries to commit genocide and then going to the Olympics while COVID is raging?"
"Most choices in the realm of power are between evils. There are very frequently no good options."
"Do you want villains to learn before they have to pay the ultimate price? That's such a Christian question."
"The real battle in healthcare is one of truth versus money."
"Tyrannicide, the moral obligation to kill the tyrant, to prevent him from killing a lot of people... If you have a tyrant, kill the bastard."
"The challenge of our time is a struggle between those who follow the rules and those who recognize no rules at all."
"What you have that's worth losing your soul over?"
"There's a moral problem in sending him home if he's telling the truth because if he gets tortured, well then, we kind of just sent him to his death."
"China commits genocide but we still gotta work with them."
"You're following a God who supports evil, that makes you evil."
"The darkest realities of warfare: child soldiers."
"We were hurting people, we were helping people. But it doesn't mean that it was the right thing to do."
"It's calling what is evil good and good evil."
"The line between good and evil and the need for forgiveness and mercy."
"Sometimes you have to do seemingly immoral things for the greater good."
"Politically, if driverless cars kill a few people but save tens of thousands of people, that's a problem for the politicians."
"Can a bad man do good things? Or a good man do bad things?"
"That's [ __ ] up, but how interesting would it be?"
"Dr. Fauci said, 'If hospitals get any more overcrowded, they're going to have to make some very tough choices about who gets an ICU.' But that choice doesn't seem so tough to me."
"It's a binary Choice very few things in life are binary."
"Are you within your rights yes should the guy have moved on yes are you an a-hole for collapsing a tent on a toddler yes."
"So when we do things like boycott a factory that was using child labor it might result in those children not having that job anymore."
"At what point do we draw the line in the sand?"
"The reasonable thing to do is not always the right thing."
"The moral dilemmas and conflicts are just so fascinating."
"To be a good parent, you've got to be totally selfless. So, when you are making the decision to get rid of your disabled baby, is that being selfless?"
"What are you gonna choose? Good versus evil or situational right versus wrong?"
"A practical dilemma requires a must and a moral dilemma requires an ought."
"Sometimes you've got to do the wrong thing for the right reasons."
"Hail Jesus Christ and you'd pick it up and kiss it right and trample the crucifix if a cardinal handed you a baseball bat and said smash this statue of Mary or throw this bible into a fire you would say no I resist you right."
"It's a lot of complex morality going on with this."
"What kind of girl would do you for a million dollars?"
"Desires and what's good are often two very different things. What feels good isn't always what's good."
"What would you guys do? Sound off in the comments. You're Taylor, you make a mistake, you're trying to be sneaky, you're trying to hide the money."
"The rules of honour and chivalry in this world allow bad people to call themselves righteous."
"It's not about doing what's easy; it's about doing what's right... would you rather live knowing you did the wrong thing or would you rather die knowing that you stood up for what was right?"
"If he succeeded, then he felt there was no need for him to change the world in a terrible way."
"I don't think the answer is necessarily cheating, I think it's like you should just break up with it."
"Two things can be true at once: her sentence was harsh but also if we're gonna get her back it shouldn't come at this cost."
"Sometimes good people do bad things... Are we happy moving on?"
"It's the issue is that it's murder that's not it's not like oh I'm going back to Cinnabon again this is probably stupid you're talking about killing a person."
"When you lack self-control, you may find yourself saying yes to things that you know are wrong."
"Playing God has its own consequences, as we've seen many times before, and it seems that we're destined to see it many times again."
"If we become what they are, ultimately we lose because I think this is a spiritual battle at its core."
"Bang very much could have defeated evolved Garo if he had just dipped his toes into ethical gray areas."
"Transcranial magnetic stimulation... you can change the moral decision someone will make about a runaway trolley problem."
"Where does the most selfish decision become the most selfless and those selfless become the most selfish?"
"I mean, it's not illegal, but god, isn't it kind of shitty?"
"The moral ambiguities of all this is really... compelling."
"It's almost like you can think both of these people were [ __ ] bags okay you could think Osama Bin Laden was like a scumbag who deserved to die and the American government is a shitty force of evil around the world."
"There are real life consequences here... this whole thing with superheroes causing collateral damage."
"This whole series addresses what if people have been asking about for years... what about when they go out and they just... they're saving the world but they're just doing it any which way they want to."
"Old habits die hard but when you're emotionally invested in something it's hard to do the right thing."
"Once we get to the end, it's not going to be so obvious that taking down these Celestial Dragons is the right answer."
"Is there a way for us to fight the evil without actually turning to the darkness?"
"There's always a choice. Did you have a choice to enter that home and see what's going on inside? Not a safe one."
"He may not like using violence but when he must it should be deadly."
"You have to save some of the people because you can't keep this thing a secret."
"The moral that can be learned from this movie is that changing someone for the better is a good thing. But should we lie to them to achieve that goal?"
"I don't think things are that random in life."
"Reverse sweep, you guys! What on earth is this?"
"What are the limits of love when someone's no longer themselves?"
"If you're made to pick the lesser of two evils, it means you're still picking evil."
"It's like saying murder is bad, but then you have everything else on the border."
"You can't play God without being acquainted with the devil."
"I think I can still do good with the Death Note. I know you guys think I can do some bad [ __ ], but I think I can still get rid of some bad people who didn't get justice."
"People are going to ask you to do things that you know are wrong, and you're in one of those moments right now."
"I don't think we've ever really delved into moral dilemmas quite like this."
"It's okay to separate the art from the artist, but it's also okay to outgrow the art after the artist is revealed to be scum."
"Is this prime directive like 'you must not interfere' an absolute thing that they would never just make themselves known to us and say, 'Hey'?"
"It really questions the human moral and humanity in general."
"Shuri realizing her revenge will lead to the suffering of her people."
"I don't think you have the right to inflict suffering upon someone for your own benefit, even if the suffering is minuscule and your own benefit is quite large."
"Breaking Bad is a story about potential. How high can you fly and should you still utilize your skills if your talent is destructive to the world around you?"
"The Wire offers a compelling exploration of morality and ethics."
"You might have a moral and ethical problem with doing this to get rich, but nobody said that getting rich would be easy."
"Violent games can teach when it's appropriate to oppose evil."
"Putting people into nice neat little boxes of good and evil just isn’t that simple."
"To the doctor, there is always another non-violent solution."
"How do you stop a genial artificial intelligence from taking over the world inadvertently?"
"How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?"
"If I tolerate something that is intolerant, am I also being intolerant? The answer there would be yes."
"Sometimes I lie to spare other people's feelings... sometimes it's just nice to lie to other people isn't it?"
"Most of us do not have to eat animals to be healthy. Eating meat just because you like the taste of eating meat or you don't find cows cute? Well, good for you. You can't train them to do a trick. That's the definition of self-absorbed."
"Now we're kind of in bed with the same people we were supposed to be covering."
"Make them somebody that we can admire truly but also make them somebody we can question morally at times."
"Concealed moral corruption is more deadly than open moral corruption."
"If the NHS were overwhelmed and certain groups of people had to be abandoned, in other words, can't provide care for you, sorry if you're going to die, Matt Hancock wanted to be the one who decided which groups lived and which died."
"Everybody kind of just goes corrupt in regards to just absolutely, just in regards to your Rules of Engagement because you completely lose your Rules of Engagement and your morals and your principles."
"He probably was better off being killed than that's the sad reality that's sort of that Tragic Truth."
"If your standard is going to be the man or your standard is going to be the principle, now your principles may differ from mine."
"The moral dichotomy between good and evil can be easily blurred into a grey area where a person who is supposed to represent a hero commits action not befitting of its role."
"What is right, what is wrong if we can see anything wrong?"
"You just have to believe that what you're doing is right, even if you might not necessarily in real life do what your character does."
"Oppenheimer and Einstein's conversation ends with the former questioning whether his invention has destroyed the world anyway, because its very existence and the bigger bombs that were going to be built, could result in complete annihilation."
"Be nice to each other. But wait though, there's no consensus then for you. Like, was it right? Was it wrong? There's probably 114 critique points where this could have gone in different directions."
"There are some specific situations where a Kinder Killing in the name of humanity can be the right thing to do as a morally responsible act of compassion."
"He just wanted to do the right thing, but every step of the way, it's like there is no right thing."
"Allow for there being real dilemmas and then argue what the best trade-off solution is for the dilemma whenever derive."
"The empathic attitude is engaged again and again in moral judgments for dilemmas involving potential victims."
"Harder to tell the good from bad, villains from heroes these days."
"The moral law within allows us to get along with each other but also creates the modern moral problems that we face."
"The philosophical themes that come up in Black Mirror include the philosophy of mind, dualism, simulation theory, free will and determinism, AI and personhood, personal identity, digital identity, afterlife, justice and punishment, technology and ethics, and so much more."
"They understood not only evil, it seemed, but the extravagance of tricks with which evil presents itself as good."