
Attachment Theory Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"The attachment circuitry and the molecules of attachment, in this case, oxytocin, to reward pathways and to motivational pathways."
"We have a biological need to become attached; it's simply a biological fact."
"Our early caregiver relationships are the greatest predictors for how we're going to behave and how we attach in our adult relationship dynamics."
"A securely attached child...is able to communicate their needs. They're able to be independent, but at the same time, also get close to people without much problems."
"Attachment is what makes you connect to another person."
"If you don't have secure attachment, it is very hard to cooperate to solve problems."
"Understanding breakups: if you don't understand attachment, how can you understand detaching?"
"You form your attachment style primarily in the first two years of your life, and it usually stays that same way throughout your life."
"Understanding attachment theory and attachment styles is really the key to understanding romantic relationships."
"People with secure attachment styles tend to have a high level of happiness and a decent income."
"If you haven't watched that video yet, I suggest going back to watch it because I break down the four different types of attachment styles, one which is healthy, three which are unhealthy."
"People with anxious preoccupied attachment styles... feel incomplete like they feel like they need a relationship to fully complete them."
"Your mind just starts to topple over itself when you have this attachment style."
"A secure attachment implies that, in the home, the parents are emotionally available, perceptive, and responsive to the infant’s needs."
"These early bonds color our relationships throughout life by forming an initial framework to go by and build on."
"But the revisionist perspective provides hope for those who were insecurely attached, asserting that early representations of relationships can be modified by new experiences over time."
"You got to understand this: the attachment style that we formed with our caregivers... tends to be the same attachment style we form with our romantic partners."
"If you can form healthy, stable attachments, the rest of it kind of comes along for the ride."
"You can be securely attached, and ambivalently insecurely attached, and anxiously or you can be securely attached."
"Attachment theory suggests that our early attachments with our parents shape our relationships for the rest of our lives."
"It's more of like a self-help book but it basically lays out these different styles of attachment in psychology."
"The neural circuitry that defines healthy secure attachment or insecure attachment in childhood can be repurposed in romantic relationships in adulthood."
"If we can fix attachment issues, 99% of our problems in the West will go away."
"No relationship can survive while one person is educated about attachment and the other refuses to go over that hill."
"A secure attachment style means being mutually reliant on each other while still maintaining your own identity."
"Attachment is a fear-based energy that kind of repels love."
"Language of attachment theory is more helpful than romantic notions."
"Everyone has issues in relationships obviously but people with this attachment style probably have the least amount of unnecessary issues in relationships."
"Secure, healthy, loving attachments are what you should aim for."
"Kids attached to their caretakers and having a revolving door of caretakers when you grow up will cause you to develop some pretty severe psychological issues."
"A bond with primary caregivers during childhood has an overarching influence on their Futures social and intimate relationships."
"The monkey mother experiment: highlighting the critical role of comfort and emotional support in attachment."
"Attachment style impacts every relationship: your friendships, your work colleagues, your family, yourself."
"Attachment to outcome is the root of all anxiety."
"As with the living, spirits can attach themselves to us."
"A child just needs one securely attached person in their life to help them feel securely attached."
"It's like losing your best friend. And if you go through relationships, like different styles of attachment, right?"
"Having a fearful avoidant attachment style is not your fault."
"Don't use methods of discipline that undermine the attachment relationship."
"It's like you confer personhood on the baby by having an attachment."
"Secure individuals tend to... balance independence with dependence."
"Corrective experiences... actually change your attachment style."
"...the brilliance of attachment styles is that we always have the opportunity if we are willing and able to do the work to move towards security."
"...secure attachment is all about having a healthy balance of processing both emotional and intellectual information..."
"A securely attached person doesn't run away from emotions but they're also not overly emotional."
"Securely attached person means that there is low anxiety and low avoidance. The secure couple has the ease and the skills and the personal safety to fix and repair conflict."
"Fearful avoidance is high anxiety, high avoidance. They want to be in a relationship but they're highly uncomfortable being in one."
"Is attachment theory useful? Absolutely."
"A strong sign of secure attachment is that they're able to see a lot of nuance and really understand that both good and bad intentions and actions can co-exist within a singular person."
"Attachment is the root of suffering."
"Attachment theory says that we're wired for love and relationships, and we do our best and flourish in life when we're connected with those who are meaningful to us."
"Fearful avoidant attachment involves negative models of self and others."
"If your primary caregivers are available and responsive to your needs, then you create an environment where that infant is allowed to feel safe."
"Attachment theory is the best science has come to explaining how relationships actually work."
"There are also terrific data that indicate that through specific processes, both psychological and some biological adjustments, that people can change their attachment style, and that indeed people who have different attachment styles can change the attachment styles of others."
"The secure attachment style is the one that leads to the most stable and predictable long-term relationships."
"The attachment research says secure attachment is built not only just on the ability to relieve distress but to prolong positive states."
"Secure attachment is correlated with all sorts of positive outcomes. You have overall better mental health if you have a secure attachment. You also are more likely to have better relationships."
"We tend to have the same attachment style with God that we have with earthly caregivers."
"Securely attached people generally tend to be attracted to other securely attached people who are also going to mirror these healthy traits back to them."
"Attachment plays a significant role in how a child forms friendships and relationships throughout their life."
"Most avoidants I've met want love more than anyone else."
"Safe, secure, seen, and soothed with the four A's of attachment."
"It might be more helpful for people to focus less on the categories of avoidant and anxious and more on the broad category of insecure attachment."
"My belief is that attachment theory has given us the best way to explain how relationships work, the closest science has come."
"Attachment theory has given us the best way to explain how relationships work, the closest science has come."
"Therapists must deconstruct attachment patterns and help clients move towards secure attachment."
"Attachment theory has tons of problems; people can have avoided attachment and secure attachment simultaneously."
"Being securely attached is kind of like having a really strong immune system."
"Attachment is the quality of the relationship with the caregiver characterized by trust, safety, and security."
"The quality of the infant-parent attachment is a powerful predictor of a child's later social and emotional outcome."
"Children's attachment with their primary caregiver leads to the development of an internal working model which guides future interactions with others."
"These are the six major themes from integrated attachment theory that help the AP become securely attached in the fastest way possible."
"The anxious attachment style is usually pretty charismatic, desiring to connect with people to feel soothed and safe."
"As a baby, we start to form an attachment to our caregivers or our parents... we form an emotional bond."
"People with a secure attachment style... got their needs met most of the time, so in their world, love is more safe."
"That's what secure attachment looks like."
"I'm going to talk a little bit about the fearful avoidant attachment style and their relationship to sex."
"Learn all of the stuff that I teach, especially about attachment styles and how to be a better partner."
"Attachment styles are formed in relationships, maintained in relationships, and reformed in relationships."
"With attachment theory, there's three broad categories: there's anxious, there's secure, and there's avoidant."
"What's called a secure attachment."
"Traditional attachment theory was developed by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth."
"How can you become securely attached while dating somebody? In other words, how can you become securely attached with your partner?"
"Secure attachment is formed in a childhood where your caregivers are very consistent."
"Babies have an innate attachment drive to survive; security equals survival."
"The influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships is significant."
"You can absolutely neutralize your attachment style."
"Some kids develop insecure attachment in part due to their experiences in daycare and preschool."
"Children classified as securely attached tend to have better social, emotional, and academic outcomes in later childhood and adulthood."
"Attachment is a strong emotional bond that forms between an infant and their primary caregiver."
"Our attachment style generally develops around the age of 0 to 2."
"You can learn to be securely attached at any age and stage of life."
"Infants... can't move, they can't talk, so when we're talking about attachment, we're talking about how well the caregiver responds to their cries, responds to their needs."
"Adult attachment is very similar to child attachment but may be spread across different people."
"Remember, we have that deep need for connection, that attachment thing; it's in our DNA."
"Knowing both of your attachment styles can act as a guide in how to communicate with each other."
"If you develop this secure attachment, you'll feel way less anxious and way less depressed."
"Our attachments as adults are guided by a template or model that we form as infants."
"The fearful avoidant attachment style can actually be quite hypersensitive and really attuned to the needs of others."
"Jealousy itself is a trauma response for the anxious preoccupied attachment style."
"Welcome to Improve Your Relationships where I like to talk about attachment injuries and healing attachment trauma."
"This is my expertise, and I love watching the show because I like to look at it through the lens of attachment styles."
"There's something called the fearful avoidant... it's kind of like anxious attachment and avoidant attachment sandwiched together."
"The essence of the disorganized attachment is a really deep desire for intimacy and closeness while feeling completely unlovable."
"Secure attachment is the most common type of attachment across the world."
"The primary attachment figure was the person who interacted with the child."
"Childhood attachment styles map onto adult attachment styles; that's real, that's physiological."
"The very nature of the attachments we make at the start is going to predetermine what we think of and what we expect from relationships later in life."
"Attachment theory... had a major impact on child care across the board, it impacted on education, health, and social care in other areas."
"Good quality early social interactions are associated with successful development of attachment."
"What we call this kind of almost love concept of attachment and bonding."
"Secure attachment is the most adaptive and helpful way of being as an adult."
"Secure attachments were the most common with around 66% of babies being classified as secure in the strange situation."
"Food isn't the most important thing when it comes to forming attachment, it's all about comfort and security."
"This attachment is kind of how we develop into how we interpersonally relate to other people."
"This matters because it supports Bowlby's monotropic theory, in particular the idea of the critical period, suggesting that animals form attachments within a short period of time to help them survive."
"According to Bowlby, attachments are adaptive, which means they give our species some type of advantage which helps us to survive."
"Attachment to a main caregiver is crucial for survival."
"If you had a good quality attachment with your primary attachment figure, then you're more likely to go on and have good quality attachments later."
"...where do our standards for intimacy come from...these differences arise in childhood in infancy when we develop our models of what attachment what intimacy is all about."
"Attachment is an intimate emotional bond... that provides for us a secure base."
"Understanding attachment styles is absolutely critical in turning your relationships around and having healthier relationships."
"Attachment style theory basically states that there are four main attachments that people have when it comes to relationships."
"Attachment simply put is the emotional bond between you and your partner."