
Emotional Storytelling Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Arthur's last ride is an emotional wreck for myself, Arthur saying his goodbyes after rescuing Abigail, his last thank you to his horse, his passing of his iconic hat to John, and his final scene with Dutch."
"Maya cried tears of joy before realizing that Gamora and Wardy were truly gone and had sacrificed themselves for her sake."
"The idea of parents giving up their child so that they could have a better chance at life... is a relatable, emotionally powerful, and ironically human story."
"Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door pulls at your heartstrings more than any other Mario RPG game does."
"The story of Arthur Morgan was a beautiful 50 to 60 hour journey that was an emotional roller coaster by the end that I will cherish forever without a doubt."
"If what you miss about Joel and Ellie's story are the emotional gut punches, the writers knocked you breathless with, A Plague Tale is happy to serve up a second helping."
"If you want to emotionally destroy your audience with a robot, that robot can have as much or as little personality as you want it to have."
"No Way Home makes the over-addition of new characters work by positioning them around emotional components."
"Hawkeye's tears, anger, and frustration are palpable as the audience is taken through his stages of grief resulting in an utterly heart-wrenching scene."
"The whole last chapter is basically reflecting on the whole story with each character. Oh my God, I'm gonna cry."
"Big Fish engages with the core function of fantasy in our lives, investigating the emotional roles of story and authenticity."
"Brilliant continuation of the story, gut-wrenching heartbreak."
"If they had taken those flashbacks with Ellie and Joel and put them leading up to his [death], that would have had so much more of an emotional impact."
"It's an emotionally engaging story we're rescuing is rewarding, failure is devastatingly hilarious, and the memories should last you a lifetime."
"But the story has plenty of emotional impactful moments with characters that are a blast to spend time with."
"The relationship that Kratos and Atreus have with Freya... is so powerful." - Alana
"As a colorist, I help tell the emotion of the scene."
"I think the success of God of War... was a bold choice to change Kratos and transform God of War and make it a more emotional story in a way the others hadn't been."
"Shazam is an emotional ride with great character development."
"The editing should tell me how you are feeling during that night's sleep."
"It didn't really feel like a sappy love story. It felt like a genuine story to tell within this environment."
"Cutscenes are the easy way out, but it takes true talent to let the playing mechanics themselves involve the player in the emotion or message."
"So why bring the story up and sadistically torture viewers with what might have been the most heart-wrenching story in all of Pokemon canon?"
"It's a difficult scene to watch because, as a viewer, you can't help but feel for Lori as he pours his heart out and is then spurned by the woman he's loved for so long."
"The show's embrace of its emotional core and more cartoonish aspects created the Golden Age Simpsons."
"A quality promoter will get you listeners that will follow you and eventually listen to future releases."
"Up proves its power within the first 10 minutes. With just a few lines of dialogue and opening montage, it introduces us to the main character Carl and shows us the story of his life and love Ellie."
"The Alliance story is like an emotional tale about a mother and daughter and you're like I was not even prepared for this in Warcraft."
"Action shooter side-scrolling game with a lot of heart"
"You're using emotion and tone to tell the story."
"This is a story about family finding family, protecting family, failing your family, and forgiving your family."
"It would be pretty emotional but it would be good storytelling."
"One thing that Ken Burns really mastered was giving life to the dead and bringing emotion into history."
"Our show is about what it's like to be a human being on this planet, feelings and development have been a very rich garden for us to harvest." - Cheryl Wagner
"You cry, you laugh, you cry again because Jesse gets, you know, abandoned in that box."
"The relationship between the two of them is the emotional heart of the game."
"The wrestler is an effective moving and at times chillingly accurate sports fable."
"This is a death that was supposed to be felt hard..."
"What I want is a serious and emotional arc that makes me feel something."
"Warrior: my go-to recommendation for a phenomenal emotional ride."
"It's wonderful how Dune has such an emotional relatable heart to it deep down."
"It's like, tell me about the pain of your experience. Show me the lowest moment, the moment worthy of asking for people's time to watch."
"It’s a bittersweet ending that does really well to encapsulate the actual messiness of coming out."
"Pixar's secret to success: Balancing heart and humor."
"Some standout social links of the game... tell incredibly touching stories... reflecting on life and the nature of death."
"We were in a special place at a special time telling a special story."
"The baseball scene is meant to illustrate Sonic's emotional growth into someone who has a group of friends and a family."
"I care more right now about the Wano arc getting good emotional moments, getting good resolution to character arcs, getting important character moments and interactions, and payoff to certain themes that seem to have been set up throughout the arc."
"They usually start extremely skinny or overweight, then as the music goes from sad to upbeat, the progress explodes."
"For a show that some consider mean-spirited, they sure do excel at tugging at the heartstrings when they want to."
"The darkest moments affected me the most, with tragic yet triumphant endings."
"He talks about Pinocchio, and the reason that you have to wish upon a star, and what that means, and then he would link it to a biblical story and he would tear up, and he would cry and you could hear the crack in his voice and it was real."
"Character is a tool with which an emotional journey, story, or sequence of events is told to an audience."
"The emotion, the action, the loss, the hope - it's all there and it's a gut punch of excellent game storytelling."
"Cooper's emotional beats tend to hit much more explosively."
"It is a labor of love not because of how the story can make you feel and how well it plays just how much they have put into this experience."
"The ending is portrayed so earnest, so introspective that it's hard not to be won over."
"The first 10 minutes of Together Again were a wacky fast-tracking of the grieving process, and I am just in awe that such a concept was pulled off so spectacularly."
"No article has affected me more than the one I wrote about this kid..."
"Big character send-offs, tearful departures, mining all of the emotional depth that we can."
"It's another compelling fold to complement Ratchet's isolation from his own family."
"It does what some of my favorite movies of all time do, takes a rich complicated feeling and boils it into a tight hilarious and quaint story."
"Life is Strange delivers an emotional experience that elevates the sum above its parts."
"Reboot is a tearjerker, telling the story of three friends who accidentally result in the death of one of them."
"But if the stories that you look for are more about motherhood and like desperate love for your child and all about sacrifice and trying to escape the situation..."
"If you need a kawaii romance, emotional love story, bad boy good girl trope, or any other thing you need in a romance anime, then this is the best show you can watch."
"The goodbye here is really quite lovely and sad. It hurts, especially if you've soaked in the pain of Sebastian's story."
"I love everything about how emotional this story is."
"Shoot your shot, but man, what a cool, what a cool way to end that, you know, it was about losing his friend, the guy was there the whole time."
"It's really a father-son story. It's about the family and the bond between these two people."
"The last act of La La Land is actually like one of the most devastating pieces of film ever made."
"Damn, such beautiful narrative, make me shed a tear."
"Moonlight is a compassionate, remarkable story that, diverging from the heightened out-there genres that populate much of this list, digs deep into pulverizing human drama."
"Our first story is heart-wrenching and has an unbelievable resolution to the hideous crime."
"God of War tells a very relatable character-driven story that will tug at your heartstrings and never let go."
"What schools are doing is exactly what the CIA does with Pixar films and Disney films. They make Bambi's mom die in the beginning, right? And off that pain comes."
"I truly without a shred of Doubt or hyperbole believe that no other creative team has found a way to modernize Peter Parker in a way that feels so very fresh so very faithful and so brilliantly emotional."
"When tragedy strikes an advertising professional played by Will Smith, he writes letters to time, death, and love."
"I watched 'Haunting of Bly Manor' expecting a ghost story, I got a gothic love story with ghosts."
"The Elite storyline continues to pull at our collective heartstrings."
"This is a story about memories and about letting go. It's a love letter and a slow farewell between a man and his grandson and between a dad and his boy."
"This battle of brothers gives us the feels like a sword through the chest."
"I just cried it was really really wholesome and it was really cute i think the integration of grief as a theme in this book just worked so well."
"Emotional connections with enemies - a journey on the road."
"It's tough not to get emotional with Kiryu's story in this game."
"Firewatch is stunningly beautiful and tells one of my favorite stories in all of gaming."
"Gaming has matured and learned to tell more stories about the power of being considerate and caring."
"Julian Fellowes gives everybody a story, telling moments of humor and emotion."
"The facial expressions and the looks on all of the ape characters' faces really tell the story."
"'Life Story manages to take this and tell a deeply emotional story of a young hero growing up, making mistakes, and trying to leave behind a legacy.'"
"I'm not finished with the story yet. I'm gonna try to get through it without breaking down. I have to."
"I consider myself a raconteur. I'm a storyteller. It's true stories. But I don't want to just read it, you know, or recount it. I try to put as much emotion into it."
"There have been some emotional scenes that have had very little dialogue or no dialogue at all and the viewer has been left to come up with their own interpretation of what's going on in the scene or what the character is feeling."
"It's a gut-wrenching story, it's very authentic and realistic."
"Monsters Inc, aka we realized we could make you cry in every movie, so now we're gonna do it every time."
"The story is greatly written that both expands the original concept and has a powerful emotional core."
"I can almost guarantee that this film will tell an emotional story through a powerful message."
"Sometimes there are tears, sometimes there is laughter, but always there is a story to be told."
"F1 is always trying to show the emotion behind the race."
"I really loved making the bear and the hare; it was a commercial I did for John Lewis back in 2016 for their Christmas campaign. That really had a nice emotional punch to that commercial."
"There's an emotional significance given to the story."
"It was very much a game about feelings exclusively; they didn't tell you how to feel, they showed you."
"The prequels are criminally underrated. They deliver a compelling emotional story with outstanding spectacles."
"Are you okay? A lot of character beats in this movie are told through just two people looking at each other."
"I think a story arc and the whole show was just absolutely very emotional and sad at the same time."
"You're reading this beautiful story, this tragic story, that literally makes you... you're heartless if you're not crying by the end of this book."
"It is mind-blowing to me how sad One Piece gets regularly."
"It's a smaller, character-driven, beautifully emotional film without feeling manipulative."
"It's heartbreaking, but those heartbreaking books are the ones that leave me with the most impact."
"Melodrama is exactly what it runs on; its characters are highly exaggerated and the most compelling parts of the story are tailor-made to hit those emotional sweet spots."
"One Piece always nails the emotion."
"When a story is so inexorably emotionally driven that portraying how the characters are feeling takes priority over portraying what's literally happening to them."
"It was a very emotional novella - there were just like a lot of difficult scenes to get through."
"It was a very, very emotional book. It's told over 28 summers, but it follows one main character."
"If you liked the space element of it, if you liked going to different planets and heart-wrenching storytelling, Saga's probably the way to go."
"It's a lot more emotional and a lot more human than I was anticipating."