
Media Strategy Quotes

There are 449 quotes

"Russian information warfare generates dozens of different narratives and pushes them out at alarming frequency."
"Trump plays the media up. He does it on purpose because it distracts from bigger issues."
"Conservatives have done a very good job at building out a large propaganda network, making it in quick, digestible bites."
"We need to put out a thousand videos showing happy Uyghurs."
"Every way you can think of to fight against disinformation, except, you know, telling the truth and being trustworthy."
"What Tucker's doing with his own thing... is a way forward."
"It slowly morphed with social media started finding out how much more popular their clicks were when you got angry."
"Elon needs to get to the next next phase where he goes to prominent high profile individuals and says how much do you want for your show to be an exclusive X show."
"All of this is to try and get his eye off the ball get his eye off the prize make him stumble as he's trying to run for president."
"JoJo's trolling is working, the more you make fun, the fatter her wallet gets."
"JoJo's trolling is definitely working for her."
"Gossip Girl is a show that broke all the rules and it was rewarded for it on every front. It's what people call lightning in a bottle, a recipe that's impossible to recreate."
"You need to produce content in written, audio or visual, clearly video form for what you do, across the 10 platforms that matter."
"Content is always going to be our primary driver."
"The game is won by relentless content over big splashes."
"This is a distraction for a bigger, broader story."
"Trump was all in, and the media called his bluff. Game on!"
"The only way to win the culture war is simply higher quality."
"How can we keep the populace distracted from world issues while they sit at home?"
"You could change what just like it used to be Upworthy style headlines."
"Corcoran advised against public appearances to regroup, but Bennett's family pushed for them."
"One of the greatest, most non-partisan solutions to mass shootings... just don't use the offender's face or the offender's name."
"Horror belongs to China oh it does no it does and they they put out a guide on how to co-opt quora how to use quora to use the English language to change everyone's mind about the International image of the Chinese government."
"The tentacles are just reaching out in every direction, and hopefully they can snag something that will be sufficient to move the public."
"We have to be, we have to control the narrative, own the narrative, and set the agenda and not let somebody else edit."
"I think Tucker Carlson masterfully played these people because now they're gonna have to pull the source material and actually ask questions."
"There's many forms of video and it's not in or it's an and."
"Hope eventually the hostilities can settle and Ladder with Crowder can show that standing on principle can be profitable."
"A couple of interviews in a tournament, doesn't do as much as multiple interviews every week, with honest genuine answers from players who are willing to open up to someone, who became their friend as the seasons went on."
"You're a public figure right now, beautiful sweetheart, and you just can't respond to things and try to make them fit your narrative all the time."
"Kris Jenner is one of the most genius PR strategists of the last decade, or even all time."
"Invite people on your show that you disagree with, that discourse is very important."
"Everything thinks about content, what are they going to say; nobody's paying attention to the context of the platform."
"If you want to get clicks, tell the truth. If you want to get people to watch what you're doing, just serve up the truth."
"Doing something solely to solicit response... that's what click baiting is."
"Trump learned early on about how to game the media... he knew how to generate free press."
"Earned media is an incredibly powerful tool."
"Framing is everything. Peaceful protests result in positive coverage emerging and winning over supporters."
"Media is in the business of generating clicks and capturing your attention."
"I really don't care what people think of me as long as it continues to keep Lacey's picture description tip line in the media. Make me the biggest villain if you want to as long as it keeps her picture in the press." - Scott Peterson
"Elon sure knows how to keep himself in the news."
"Your content value is way more important than your production value."
"I just want them to pick a lane and tell us what the lane is."
"The content value will overpower the production value."
"Watch out you never know all the members of steve rogers the musical yes."
"I always use the Kardashians as an example to this - every single time they're coming out with a new season they have some type of scandal or some type of drama going on."
"They don't own the internet... they've just used the existing establishment social media and news platforms more effectively."
"So one person who will not be talking about or reacting in any way to Donald Trump's CPAC speech is President Joe Biden."
"The real win for the studio here isn't about who wins. It's that neither monster loses."
"I think getting a reaction is absolutely critical. Most people react to what we do. What we need to happen is to get them to react to our exposure."
"Media is warfare, so family they're not going to promote us. It's our job. So when we ask for you to like to share to subscribe, we're asking you to help us to expand this most important message."
"What makes this new business interesting is that both Partners Warner Brothers and Discovery had their own streaming services before the merger HBO Max and Discovery Plus."
"I'm so excited to see what Netflix decides to do after this because they ain't letting this go nor should they. Squid Game looks to be a real sleeper hit."
"Refuse to answer any speculation... there is only one emotion that the public will relate to: sadness and sorrow."
"Media is the king. We need to create our own media to amplify our message."
"Every time the left is pushing some story like this... it's because they don't want you to be looking at another story." - Michael Knowles
"Every YouTuber's been manipulative in some way. We have to manipulate an audience to describe it to you. That's literally what YouTube is."
"The Muppets were brought on to ease the fears of executives at the new show named Saturday Night Live."
"They want to be the one-stop shop for anything and everything in the conservative media space."
"Creating this dichotomy of a saintly Monarch or heir and their sinner sibling serves the firm well as the monarchy only survives because of continued support from the public."
"They're making content that is not political because they get it. You need to create a space for regular people."
"If a person is engaging in that strategy deliberately to promote right-leaning voices, I think that's bad."
"Faces on thumbnails actually do way better than thumbnails without faces."
"The job of right-wing pundit is to pretend to be stupid in the hope that your listening audience will follow suit."
"The Biden Administration likes to keep the president off of the podium... President Biden hasn't dropped the microphone he appears to have lost it. Mr. Biden is turning into a news media evader and it's harmful to his presidency and the nation."
"President Trump doesn't need to outrun the public opinion polling bear; he needs to outrun you."
"So brother, we tried not covering Trump back in 2015. Didn't work."
"But at the same time we know that Trump loves counterprogramming."
"Content is king and this applies very interestingly to the next console generation."
"The Daily Wire has turned anger into an art form."
"Meanwhile, one of my favorite things is the Chinese government trying to put out propaganda."
"Disney has already trained people to wait for Disney Plus for animated movies."
"Apparently a subscription model to ease their dependence on ad revenue is something they've been considering for years but one that's become a greater priority given the current global pandemic and pressure from investors to accelerate growth."
"The implied gay ending was only allowed by Nickelodeon because that last season was being released through online streaming and not being broadcast on television."
"It was fantastic. Whoever made it's better than fox news."
"Did Marvel bury this show and do it a disservice with this release strategy?"
"Content is king. You just gotta do the good work, expose it, put it out there."
"Disney's lineup of streaming services will contain Disney Plus, ESPN Plus, and Hulu."
"Disney went after it and that's why they are as big and as influential in pop culture as they are today."
"That's hard. It's been a lot, oh, no, man, that's a hard one too. It is hard to answer. I don't think I had a favorite one, but I think probably like the Jimi Hendrix thing was dope."
"JoJo Siwa is a media genius. She knows how to market herself."
"High quality photos are how you make a magazine or a website look nice. Memes? That's how you grow on social media."
"Joe Rogan attracted such a massive audience that Spotify realized it would be wise for them to link him into an exclusivity deal."
"Disney owns some of the most beloved IP on the planet and they've been pulling it all off the shelves to try and keep their content offering on Disney plus robust and most importantly sticky."
"Weekly releases leads to a lot more longevity for a production."
"Never complain, never explain has now been jettisoned by Prince William. He's far more hands-on, he's far more prepared to come out fighting for his family and for his wife's privacy."
"I believe if there was some type of progressive summit and a coming together of individual people with audiences both commentators and journalists we could create a network that really does start to counter the propaganda."
"I think sometimes the online conversation that we're all in is we spend a lot of time just trying to go after them and debunk their and not enough time pushing out to people what we want our message to be."
"Pot-stirring gets views and creates situations like this."
"Everything about that story was carefully engineered, planned out to cause a viral moment, and it worked beautifully."
"People don't think of things three-dimensionally. TikTok's winning because you're just getting a lot more eyeballs for the price."
"A marketer that's not prepared for that constantly shifting atmosphere is really missing where audiences are going."
"That connection and partnership between creative and media is happening."
"There's no such thing as bad press for anybody. It's all promotion of something."
"Russia's warfare doctrine is only one part military, and actually, the areas that supposedly are invested in more heavily are the informational space."
"Tucker is not team Trump, and Tucker is not team DeSantis. Tucker is team audience."
"They know they are just fueling controversy."
"Celebrities are weapons of mass distraction. Anytime the media is telling you about something that a celebrity did, the question you should be asking yourself is: what kind of important news in the world are they trying to cover up?"
"He's building a universe to allow the conservative media and platforms to come together to fight against this corrupt big tech Silicon Valley monstrosity."
"I think more content is better than no content."
"I think mass shootings would go down... if you didn't show their name or face and you never read their manifesto."
"If it shows up best in Game Pass, that's what we want to see." - Tim Stewart
"Fox pioneered a new way to make money in media... you pick a group... and dominate it by feeding it news."
"This is now the world that the DC Universe is going to have to fit in this is the world that they just set up and I think it's a very good world."
"Netflix offers that, I just want as many people as possible to f*cking see it."
"That's why they're going after me now because they're like our audience will like an urban liberal New Yorker in the Bronx will watch Tim cast."
"The longer you can keep it in the news cycle, the more that a large portion of the electorate will believe that it is true."
"We believe every time Disney spends a buck attempting to push its woke agenda, it's pushing more people into our corner."
"This is a media campaign masquerading as a legal campaign until proven otherwise."
"Media attention, public relations, and reputation management have been a key part of this story since the beginning."
"Tyler Perry does damage control. Here is a wonderful PR team."
"I think LTT may end up collapsing under its own weight and our future may be many smaller channels that only need to get a hundred thousand or 150,000 views average."
"You had to cover Trump with the truth sandwich."
"Marvel investing in creating the new identity of the MCU."
"Advertisers beware: the weaponization of old comments can backfire."
"There's information that he has access to because he has access to Tucker and Tucker's Inner Circle that cannot wait to be published until July 18th."
"Everything converges and it becomes an opportunity to distribute your content in a way where there's almost no top down right."
"We're going to be losing the silent majority of our viewers at Fox as we chase the nuts off the cliffs." - Fox News editors
"Cuomo uses the egregious over-the-top nature of one so as to attempt to legitimize and justify the other."
"They'll start pushing your agenda or what you're talking about and making it bigger, and then they turn the script."
"Trump's ability to game the media even to this day proves it."
"They've done such a good job of not deliberately hyping things up giving us a little taste there they were like well this could happen on night one."
"The overwhelming majority of right-wing media is designed to be a messaging weapon for the party and its candidates."
"Controversy equals attention and attention equals brand recognition."
"Influencer and media outreach is so powerful. It's how I started and established a consistent income for all my businesses."
"They're talking like that to prepare people for what's already going to be exposed."
"Morgans seeds these figures as supernovas, then he cultivates them as worst generation members, and finally one of them is intended to be harvested as the next pirate king."
"It's about owning the conversation... HBO makes everybody feel welcome to watch the show."
"Maybe that's why people chase rage for money... it's so easy to get people angry and then they agree with you and then they ad revenue."
"I think the CEO or head of the time of programming at CBS at a certain point during the right before Trump won gave up the cards and said look, Donald Trump winning is good for ratings."
"She used that negative attention to say she was being picked on she was being bullied it is a game plan from day one."
"March 2024 brings a whirlwind of energy and transformation for the intense and mysterious Scorpio."
"I think like a normal show that way the shows aren't always overtly political my main channel will still be exactly what it is and then my second channel Tim cats news is gonna take clips from the show and upload them throughout the day."
"When you're making a successful YouTube video, three things you want to consider: number one, the thumbnail; number two, the title; number three, the content."
"It doesn't always do anyone good in public life to always be answering and rebutting those claims."
"Do not ever give viewers a reason to turn us off."
"The more they bash Cardi the more they put her name out there."
"They've cracked the code of how to communicate with ARMY."
"SpongeBob's ability to address multiple audiences at once didn't start with SpongeBob."
"So I think there's like this duality of like bring attention to issues and let them share or get shared but but don't make advertisers run away from you Elon because we need Twitter right."
"Warner Brothers has brought on James Gunn, writer and director of Guardians of the Galaxy, to shepherd their movies back to financial and critical success."
"We're going to be starting our own channels."
"If you've got thousands of titles that you need to optimize, where do you start? People have so many different favorites."
"The Ukrainians are winning the media war for sure."
"Perhaps it's better if I make one big documentary on it as opposed to multiple smaller videos."
"It's a PR stunt, get this out there and let everyone see it."
"They just have to keep dribbling it out... more and more people have to be awake."
"Reboot or not, Cartoon Network was always better off just jacking Netflix's style."
"CNN cut it short because Trump was doing so well."
"Integrity is so important because that's how you build an audience." - The Freckled One
"It was very interesting how Skip Bayless set up his eight mints knowing very well how it would influence the other members of the panel to speak on Floyd Mayweather."
"The next wave is leveraging shorts and long form."
"Feature headlines in various ways to create impact."
"We show for the first time the actual Lordstown pre-order agreements... while the agreements entail zero commitment on the part of the buyer, they include clauses about the parties agreeing to work on press releases to announce the deals."
"If NASCAR blew up the story as a way where they could then showcase how accepting and how willing to fight against racism they were, which is what they did the next day, right? Like all the people rolled him out and the whole crowd is going crazy."
"If you act real on camera people will know it and people will get behind you."
"Hijack the stories they want to publicize with the one they don't."
"Every time he bypasses the media, people respond to him enormously."
"Is she gonna talk about it on Thursday? She definitely will release a Patreon... it's a crisis for someone's career."
"I think conservatives are getting the message, but there's the next step where maybe the big benefactors have to say I'm going to write a big check to Breitbart or to you know the Daily Caller and get them in the movie business as well."
"My only real hope here is that I think the Daily Wire will be successful but that someone will look at that and say hey we could do that too."
"She's gotta become a better liar. Keep it vague, don't say it was the one South African cast member, because the Daily Mail is 100% gonna go find that guy."
"Donald John Trump rose to fame by knowing how to use the media to get people to like him."
"There's a strategy, there's some thinking in why they're releasing this now."
"It's time to be smart, bring your eyeballs home." - Roland Martin
"You make a connection on TV and you build a relationship on YouTube. It's a very big difference."
"He's hiding from reporters, he's hiding in the basement." - Chris Wallace
"This is masterful the way that he has kind of flipped this around on this dude."
"It'd be great for them if Trump is elevated as the nominee, and two, they get to make a lot of money off Donald Trump."
"They plan to create a left YouTube where we do not exist."
"If you don't have a product or service attached to your business and you're creating media you're choosing to be a lady of the night with your business."
"Advertising actually does work, especially through ad reads in the middle of a YouTube channel."
"Playing the victim is something that pokey Maine does from time to time."
"Bernie Sanders crushed it on Fox News and emerged triumphant."
"I always say we want your views to be the news because that's what the most important thing."
"Jimbo is a perfect example of the fact that you don't have to win the show to win the show."
"They must fix it again, maybe with a great HBO Max show like Disney Plus has done so much to fix Star Wars."
"Despite his old-fashioned style, Pope Francis understands the need for more openness with the media."
"Do you think news networks will catch on to the fact that they could have days of election results coverage instead of just one night because of mail-in voting?"
"For now our mission is simply to change our culture through our media."
"If you're able to get 200 000 people to watch 30 20 minutes of a video what the [ __ ] if you get a million people to watch you for 30 seconds come on it's different it's different it's not gonna hit the same."
"Average content doesn't cut it anymore if you want to stand out."
"We are a media company that happens to be really, really, really good at eSports."
"I don't know how many analogies we can come over but fuck this trailer was fantastic who's Greg Kot trailer great fuckin positioning in terms of like let's get that out there now you know and it's insulin use experiment."
"Quest for eyeballs ear balls and fucking attention building franchises and world building so my god these movies are only getting better and better at least the trailers are and fucking when you see the movies you're like fuck they did it."
"We've got to use every platform that we possibly can knowing that we live in a world of censorship."
"Invader Zim was set off to carve a space on the network."
"Keep people angry, keep them mad. You'll have a better and more loyal audience if they're angry with you. Trust me."
"Jill Stein is one of the few politicians that can actually handle media this way and handle bullshit this way."
"If you can't see that, that's ten Hogg having a dig back at Ronaldo but doing it in an intelligent way."
"He's basically he's basically he basically has slammed him in a very public way in a very polite way."
"That's the right way to do it, there is no future interview now for the Burnley game or The Forest game or the Wolves game where people can sit down at Carrington and go what about Ronaldo."
"PR for Trump Is Like Oxygen to a fire so they maybe they may have given him the kiss of life." - Pollster on Trump's public perception.
"Having a direct relationship with the audience with no editor... that's the way to do it."
"Titles, thumbnails, and hooks are crucial. Spend as much time crafting them as you do the actual video content."
"Netflix just was like kid from stranger things who makes us lots of money do you want to have a show and he's like cool."
"We don't just want to be reactors, we're looking at trying to become better content creators, better entertainers."
"Once he made the apology video, it made sense to a degree."
"Little Nas X isn't that talented, but he's trying to get people to talk about this."
"You don't let the Press public into your private matters."