
Foundational Skills Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Writing is the foundation of any and all content."
"The kick turn is a fundamental trick, and basically, you really need to get the kick turned down because it's one of those tricks that really is a foundation to all mini ramp skating."
"Foundational skills like programming and Linux, I think are just becoming more and more important."
"We're not pretending remotely that we have the answer to every possible scenario, just that we have the foundational tool set that allows us to come up with the right answers."
"Thinking is the foundation of willpower and knowledge."
"Graphic design is still the foundation of really good form design."
"Education is cool and creativity is cool... those two enable everything else."
"You get your technique right, then everything else will follow."
"Anything that ends with expertise begins with education."
"The more you practice, the stronger your fundamentals become."
"Imagination is as vital to any advance in science as learning and precision are essential for starting points."
"Early education before school is really important."
"The first thing that you learn is the hardest to forget."
"What I want to give you is five things that I believe are the key foundation of Fusion 360."
"It's all about nailing the basics, then kind of understanding what you can add on top of that and what you don't really need—what is just marketing, I guess."
"Communication is foundational to everything."
"Have some foundational knowledge in CSS grid."
"Foundational drawing is foundational drawing, no matter what the style is."
"You see a lot of professional writers now on YouTube that don't do basic foundational work with their horses and they just let their horses walk off."
"You can build a very good physique and a very good foundation."
"It's really important to note that the only way that rendering is really effective or cross hatching is really effective on a figure is if your underlying structure and your lighting is well established."
"Once you can draw boxes and you're very comfortable in boxes, trust me, this is going to help you in everything."
"It's fun how those foundational elements are still something that I go back to in writing like really frequently."
"Training weight and pitch is both foundational and functional."
"Financial wholeness is when these 10 components... create the strongest foundation possible that the rest of your financial goals and dreams can be built off of."
"Start with the wheels up. If you don't get the wheels right then everything that you've tried to accomplish thereafter might not mesh."
"It's about building a foundation and then solving more complex problems."
"Everything should start with the pen... everything must start with knowledge and the pen."
"Develop real muscle, real strength, and a real solid foundation."
"Do not be deceived if these early exercises seem trivial. Learning this skill to a high level is the backbone of musicianship."
"If you learn sheet music and all the scales, you're closer to learning any other instrument." - Recognizing the foundational skills in music education.
"Your feet are really important because they are kind of the base or foundation of your jump shot."
"What's important is you have to learn how to crawl before you learn how to run."
"Listening is really the foundation, not just of negotiation, but of everything worthwhile in life." Well said.
"You'll learn how to code from the ground up."
"Your drawing is like building a house. If the foundation is good, everything on top is going to be better."
"Half my hidden agenda here is to make sure Trish continues to have fun and that we start with the basics."
"He's definitely a great athlete, he's definitely got some great skills but the thing that he seems to be lacking is a foundation."
"It's good you have the baseline, you clearly have a passion for it."
"The best way to go about it: get really good at one thing you can hang your hat on and then build from there."
"Master the fundamentals early on to set yourself up for success later."
"Fundamentals win. Skills win fights. Basics are the backbone of skills."
"Translate everything into boxes and then into more complex shapes for backgrounds."
"Now she's got the basics right, she moves forward, and this place does have a chance of surviving for the next 30 years."
"The value of [basic skills] should not be underestimated because if you want to be a good reader, developing these basic skills is really not optional."
"Good concepts with what you're doing down below in the ground is gonna help everything as it moves up the chain."
"You have to have strong fundamentals."
"Setting up helicopters is all part of the hobby, and you know you're always learning new things, but the basics and the foundation still remain."
"Basic operating systems and networking skills are going to be the foundations or the building blocks of your cyber security skills."
"We gotta build stability before you go off in the world creating all these dynamic movements."
"Dressage is the foundation for everything when it comes to horses."
"We can't get to words and understanding words without those foundational pieces with joint attention and turn-taking."
"Make sure you understand the skills first and then apply those skills to solve any problem."
"Without having a strong foundation in terms of your technical and analytical capabilities, you won't be able to focus on solving business-critical problems."
"You have to have these fundamentals, these building blocks to get there."
"Climbing happens from the feet up."
"Concentrate on the basics, and the rest will follow."
"I've become more confident with both playing and singing. My guitar skills might not have increased all that much, but I feel I have a much more solid foundation to build upon."
"All of these ideas are really going to help your students build a strong foundation in number sense and be able to think about numbers flexibly."
"The most important thing is how to read, how to write, how to connect letters."
"I think figures gave you a lot of things."
"Grammar is more important than anything else you're going to have to master."