
Rational Thinking Quotes

There are 314 quotes

"If you want to become a more rational thinker, what you actually need to do is gain emotional awareness."
"Science is the best method that we as humans have... to reduce to negligible the fact that we love to ascend to things because they're beautiful when there's not actually a pattern there."
"But being one of the few people that can notice when they arise in your mind and knowing situations they are likely to act upon your decision making is one of the first steps to becoming a more thoughtful and rational thinker."
"Stay spicy, know how valuable you are, and continue to think rationally."
"Common sense is going to eventually prevail."
"I believe in facts. I believe in a fact-based reality and fact-based politics."
"There's no world in which a sane rational person looks at what Tucker Carlson does and says he's making this up."
"The fundamental presuppositions of this worldview are at odds not only with biblical Christianity, they're at odds with basic rational thinking."
"Emotion clouds judgment, leads to impulsivity, and has no place in the framework of a well-constructed expose."
"Unconditional loyalty is stupid, and I'm surprised that you don't understand that."
"Treating the past reasonably is among other things sensible because it gives you a glimpse into how your own life is going to go."
"If you are giving me that's giving me a reason to do something not nostalgia, right?"
"Don't fall for the end of the world mentality."
"We are able to reason, we're able to talk, we're able to analyze, we are able to apply god-given common-sense."
"It's time for common sense, for logic and reason to come back into the conversation." - Dr. Chris Martenson
"It takes an enormous amount of bravery to simply look at the evidence and the facts in the case and come to a logical conclusion."
"I'm all about facts over feelings, and I mean it from the standpoint—I don't allow my feelings to dictate the facts."
"The point is to not believe something until there's a good reason to believe it... nobody ever comes up with anything."
"The time to believe is when you have evidence."
"Individuals that choose to always think will positively influence others."
"Ciconia is a battle between Foreknowledge versus Rationality, Willpower, and Knowledge."
"If you approach your decisions more rationally, then you will have better outcomes overall because these biases limit you in pursuing what would otherwise be your end goals."
"It's irrational to dismiss something just because you think it's folk."
"Keep sifting out the reasonable from the unreasonable."
"Science is the greatest engine of just demystification the world has ever seen."
"It's time that we start looking at the actual scientific evidence."
"I believe in them because I believe the scientists aren't lying to me."
"Stop believing things that you already know are false and that are not even possible."
"The first principle of science is, you must not fool yourself. And you are the easiest person to fool." - Richard Feynman
"The truth is more magical in the best and most exciting sense of the word than any myth or made up mystery or miracle. Science has its own magic, the magic of reality."
"People have to take emotions out of these kind of decisions."
"There's always a logical explanation for things, even if they do seem absolutely petrifyingly scary."
"This logic and reason can actually break through and be picked up. I love hearing that."
"We ought to adhere to rationality because it adheres to necessary conditions of human experience."
"Being one of the few people that can notice when they arise in your mind and knowing situations they are likely to act upon your decision making is one of the first steps to becoming a more thoughtful and rational thinker."
"Thank you for being so rational and reasonable and actually looking at science."
"Claims require sufficient evidence for belief period."
"It's not a hole, it's a contrivance. Winning the lottery isn't nonsensical, it's just unlikely."
"Good science, rather than romantic, should be listened to."
"Can reason lead us in directions that are good or decent or moral?"
"Simply becoming aware of this factor enables us to reclaim our rationality and freedom of choice."
"The only thing I worship is evidence. You know, I need data to believe what I believe. Show me the data. Show me good data."
"All you focus on the facts, you use your cognitive abilities to stay logical."
"Just because you don't personally understand something doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense or that there's not an explanation."
"Listen to science and the scientific consensus."
"Do not make decisions off of emotion. Try to remain cool and collected."
"We're logical thinkers over here on this channel."
"Develop a healthy balance between your logical and your emotional mind."
"Best-selling author Dr. Gad Saad is a man of science, logic, and common sense."
"If they come to a scientific world view, they would lead a better, more fulfilled life."
"Knowing that it's crazy to go up means that you are sane."
"Facts over feelings. I want you to know the truth."
"Anger and emotion are strategically counterproductive. You must always stay calm and objective."
"It's absolutely critical for us to be as clear-headed as rational and non-emotional."
"I think you would like, like I said before, apportion your belief to how it affects your day-to-day life."
"If the purpose is to demonstrate something is true, you shouldn't believe it until evidence has been presented."
"Allow emotion to be the gas in your car, but make sure logic and information are at the steering wheel."
"Sincere Believers are the only ones who will change their mind when it is appropriate to do so."
"It's important to question the things that you believe and try to rationalize them on your own."
"I care about the truth, I want to have the best methods to make sure that I believe as many true things and as few false things as possible."
"I am NOT a conservative. I am a philosopher which means the only things I want to conserve are reason and evidence."
"What are the facts, what are the emotions, and how do we move our brains to The Logical thinking to refute irrational beliefs that aren't validated by facts?"
"Reason has liberated us from superstition and given us centuries of progress."
"Carl Sagan was right. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
"He's not necessarily conservative, but he lives in the world of reality and rational thought."
"My views are based on rational thought. This is not an ideological war for me. I care about truth."
"Facts and evidence must be evaluated by reason... it's consistent with what will lead us to truth."
"Your experience goes beyond your five senses. You have the ability to rationally think."
"Ultimately, I think rational minds will prevail."
"I can have rational boundaries and standards that don't always correlate to whether I feel good or bad because people feel bad all the time about things that are irrational."
"I've never been a big believer in the paranormal and I think most things can be explained rationally, but there are a few things that happen there that I still think about a lot."
"So let's get beyond that and come together and understand this rationally so we can make good decisions."
"Don't follow THE science 'cause that's dogma, follow science 'cause that's a process."
"The Earth is round. Keep doing your homework."
"Panic is always amiss. You need to think rationally."
"If people honestly look at the evidence, they will come to the right conclusion."
"I think we're in a real danger now of attacking vaccines, attacking science and the scientists and the rationality and the reason behind them." - Dr. Amish Adalja
"The universities have given up on the foundational idea of rational debate based on facts, logic, and evidence."
"Feelings are not your friends. Facts are your friends."
"Logic and emotion are not in conflict; it's possible to care passionately about justice and think clearly."
"This is more than just debunking a silly myth."
"It's important to be rational and reason about these things."
"Welcome to Dr. Osborne Zone, a world of science, common sense, and sanity."
"The most remarkable thing about science is that it works, it consistently produces reliable results that have revolutionized our species in a way that no other way of thinking ever has."
"You can't invoke the supernatural for something you can't explain because there's no other explanation."
"The key for any of this to work is you got to put your emotions on the side."
"Multiple things can be true at the same time."
"I've always been very scientific in my approach."
"I think the best suggestion I can make is take a deep breath and don't hit the panic button."
"Follow the science? Science has empirical evidence."
"Human reason is the most powerful agency on earth."
"We feel that if you apply your reason and common sense, I'm confident that you will return a verdict of guilty in this case."
"Reason can prevail over ideology, consistency over hypocrisy, common sense over academic quackery."
"Put the priority on rational thinking, not just feelings."
"Be led by the evidence and what's actually going to make a difference."
"Don't let your personal dislike of somebody taint your ability to understand otherwise rational arguments."
"Logic rationality the intellectual process for everybody now is the one that can save the day."
"Rage shouldn't overtake our hearts and subdue our ability to think."
"One of the main goals is to move conjecture and conspiracy towards science and sanity."
"Feelings are not facts, feelings tell us to check the facts."
"To move conjecture and conspiracy towards science and sanity, you do that with data."
"Don't get motivated by fear. Just look at the information."
"Evidence-based belief systems are the best way to go about it."
"Evidence ought to trump narrative obviously."
"Now is it the end of the world? No, one can calm down."
"Fairness doesn't always mean everybody is happy; decisions should be based on logic, reason, and fairness, not emotional bias."
"You've got to look at what are the facts, not just what feels right."
"There are things that you can do that nobody else can do and if you can realize what those are the world is your oyster because all that executives in Hollywood are looking for is new voices doing new things."
"Focus on the fundamentals and think rationally."
"Don't lose your mind don't get scared we're not fear-mongering here we're only looking at we're trying to suss out what the most rational likely scenario is."
"When everyone else is freaking out you have to be the logical person."
"When we are not in a physically ideal circumstance, we should be highly suspicious of our ability to use reason."
"Would you rather believe something that's true or something that's not?"
"Reason is a gift, and we should use it. That's why I don't like panic."
"You do it because it's the appropriate thing to do because somebody has to be the person who carries the torch for rationality and reason and scientific literacy in these communities."
"It's not magic, it's not mystical, and it's not psychic capabilities either."
"You're almost ready to give up hope here, and logic is telling you that you need to walk away from this person, from this connection, because you've been waiting way too long."
"I want to eliminate religious and superstitious thinking."
"A paranormal explanation is only a rational conclusion when all other options are exhausted."
"Exceptional claims require exceptionally good evidence."
"Skepticism is different from cynicism... you're just not hopping on the hype bandwagon just because it happens to check a few boxes."
"Hate is totally fine, I think you just don't want to attack people and you want to be reasonable."
"You're allowed to hate people. Hate is a fine emotion, but you should be rational about it."
"But since natural explanations have always overturned supernatural ones and never the other way around, it's reasonable to expect future answers to continue this way."
"We want to believe as many true things as possible."
"Equality of opportunity, I can't see how you can be a sensible person and not."
"I invest, I am a rational person and you all should invest as well."
"Nobody should ever fall in love with logic too deeply I don't believe or their own sense of rationality."
"It's preferable to believe only true things and as few false things as possible."
"Don't let emotional thoughts get you married to an idea, just trade what you see."
"The antidote to anxiety, to fear, to these false personas is facts, it's data."
"I just happen to think that those reasonable thinkers will not be religious..."
"Don't be distracted by speculation, guesses, or assumptions."
"Evidence, experience, and facts are a lot more important than feelings."
"When such an unproven theory goes against all experiments, experience, and common sense, it is high time to drop the theory."
"There are no excuses... you just need to use your brain."
"God is on the bottom of the list, it's the least likely explanation of almost anything you run into."
"Everyone in the maturity of his faculties as a human being, everyone who has learned to think rationally."
"Let's stop the stupidity let's stop this Insanity let's stop supporting Ukraine yeah no I mean everything you say is is it's so logical."
"Don't let fear get out of control and make you irrational."
"We can challenge reasons for belief and determine if it's rational."
"The fact that you've done the hard work to think through this is what virtually guarantees that neither end of the spectrum runs amuck."
"Nice to start with a win and what a way to win it as well."
"People call this Bayesian rationality, but you might as well just call it rationality... it's just being rational about a world where you are not sure about things."
"I have no philosophy. I just go where the overwhelming amount of evidence leads."
"We must choose facts over fear, science over hysteria, hope over despair, and the common good over partisan politics."
"Intelligence: Our global capacity to think rationally, act purposefully, and deal effectively with our environment."
"If you're going to be emotional, rationality has to come down with it."
"The real lesson from this is that anytime a politician tells you he spotted a flaw in the laws of physics that scientists have overlooked, put your money on the scientists knowing something he doesn't."
"Emotion is not a good way to make important financial decisions."
"I only look at data. I'm a data-driven guy. I have no emotions."
"This underlying issue of what we pay attention to, what matters to us, is to me a crucially important part of being more rational, of understanding the world better."
"We've got to start thinking a little bit more rationally... we've got a big financial problem in this country."
"We've raised an entire generation of people that think it's their responsibility to pay for kids' schools... we've got to start thinking a little bit more rationally."
"We always need solid data and evidence to make a point. Speculation without evidence is dangerous."
"Believing as many true things and as few false things as possible."
"You don't have to be that worried, it's not that bad. I mean, it's still dangerous and you should take proper care, but there's no sense in just going crazy over everything and buying all the toilet paper rolls."
"When it became clear that I didn't have a good reason to believe them, it's not like I chose to stop believing them."
"I don't consciously hold any beliefs I can't rationally defend."
"This is not like some vast conspiracy, this is just due diligence."
"Leave your emotions at the door and start bringing common sense and truth back into the equation."
"I don't believe in common sense. I believe in science."
"It's not wrong for people to weigh the costs and benefits of the approach."
"Removing emotion from it because emotion is not a good driver."
"Remarkable claims require remarkable proof." - Carl Sagan
"The truth needs no help, the evidence mixed with common sense will give you all you need to know."
"Without truth, you can't have reason, and without reason, you can't have modernity in the West."
"Reality or the evidence must come first before the interpretation."
"There's a hatred now that kind of wipes out rationality."
"You understand how to distinguish emotion from facts and logic."
"We must favor verifiable evidence over private feeling; otherwise, we leave ourselves vulnerable to those who would obscure the truth."
"I want to confront the epidemic of irrational superstitious thinking."
"There must be a logical explanation for all this."
"We tend not to be the best, most precise rational fair-minded objective thinkers."
"Extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence."
"If there's anybody in the world who shouldn't be confused by the world it's scientists. Their whole job is to make sense of the stuff that fools like us can't comprehend."
"Please don't make lifelong decisions based on what you feel right now."
"The time to believe a thing is when there's evidence for it."
"You are not alone. The tide for reason is rising."
"You can never ever disagree with the findings of science."
"But when you focus on what is right and good and true, and you're using your higher level of reason and instinct for this, then this gives us something that's that is not constantly changing. And that's why it gives us real freedom."
"I'm teaching people how to stop magical thinking."
"If you're merely sane and accept reality and make decisions based in those realities, you're going to be a lot better off than the past three generations before you."
"Mental approach - examine life objectively, be more grounded, level-headed."
"I think we need to vote with our brains. Your heart can get you to the doorstep of why America First matters but now voting with your brain is asking, are you going to look back?"
"Claims consistent with facts are more rational."
"If you care about whether your beliefs are true, you cannot accept things on faith."
"Even if belief was a choice, that's a separate issue from whether or not that belief is warranted."
"Common sense tells us that yes, extraordinary claims do require extraordinary evidence."
"Intelligent people never dwell on the extremes, idiots always dwell on the extremes."
"Make decisions based on information, not emotions or past performance."
"Absolutely, we have to start thinking things out, ladies and gentlemen. We just can't run off emotions."
"It's not that hard to comprehend. The advancements of Science and Technology should be trusted when the results are overwhelmingly positive."
"When you remove the emotion and when you remove the feelings you can start to look at things objectively."
"Trust is evidence-based and granted in accordance with the evidence that supports it."
"The true battle I think is to be grounded to have projective reasoning and truth and to really know what's really happening what's really going on."
"The logic is sound, mate. It's rational. Very rational."
"It's a ridiculous proposition to anyone who's a normal thinker."
"What isn't helpful to anybody is to assume that a story that we have no evidence for is a better explanation than the things that we do have evidence for."
"We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason."