
Computer Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Sometimes he does this, and he just decides that, you know what, I like your keyboard for a pillow, and you can't use these keys anymore."
"I'm running the game on the maximum settings and on my computer it seems to be performing exceptionally well."
"The PC, I don't think we even need to conversation, go, yes, go."
"Come on, come on, yeah! Finally, a brand new gaming computer to do gaming on!"
"I think this proves that this is a beast of a PC."
"The computer itself is such a well-built really awesome computer."
"If you're paying over one grand for a pc, it should look like you paid over one grand."
"I don't care what you use your computer for, but don't just use it for one thing, okay? Give it some other stuff to do."
"You've got your documents, your downloads, your pictures, your videos... same thing."
"If you're gonna buy this machine, you're going to have a more than capable computer to be able to do a lot of professional work."
"This will have absolutely no effect on your saved files on the computer."
"Overall, I think we ended up with a pretty sweet looking PC."
"Radio Shack used space technology to create a compact computer for home and business."
"You're a gamer, this is all you need, you don't need to spend more than one thousand dollars on this computer."
"When in doubt, you can right click."
"You're not really going to break anything and it's just going to help you learn about your computer more because you'll be able to see what's possible."
"This is a really, really cool computer."
"The 9,000 Series is the most reliable computer ever made. We are all, by practical of the words, foolproof and incapable of error."
"In terms of value, the six core model is significantly better for gaming."
"It's an obscenely powerful computer in a box here with more than enough power to handle everything that you throw at it."
"Did you know that you can make good money online by just writing stuff on your computer?"
"One challenging troubleshooting task is when you power on your computer it seems to start up normally and then suddenly restarts the entire system and begins from the beginning again and this happens over and over and over in a cycle."
"When someone's reading on a computer, it just makes it easier for them not to have to go all the way across the screen with their eyes."
"Having so many different ways of using this computer actually make this super versatile."
"Depending on your use case, there are plenty of things you can do to make Linux more secure."
"It's like any computer isn't it? If you switch off the fan, it's going to get really hot."
"But this thing is the closest to an actual pocket-sized computer that I've ever experienced."
"Anyone can build a computer and it doesn't have to be outlandishly expensive."
"48 gig dims here and my dream of 192 gigabytes on a 16 core system can finally be realized, right?"
"Most of us know that thermal paste belongs on top of the CPU, but that hasn't stopped some folks from spreading it underneath, which is cringy."
"This is so cringe. I can see residue from the paste just lingering on other pins now."
"No matter how bad your computer is you can easily fix it."
"The base model M2 Mac Mini comes with 8 gigabytes of memory and can be upgraded to 16 gigabytes for 200 extra."
"The M2 Pro Mac Mini comes with 16 gigabytes of memory already and you can pay 400 to upgrade to 32 gigabytes."
"So what can you tell me about this motherboard?"
"This is the one and only Computer Reset!"
"This is only 16 gigs, dual channel, which we highly recommend you get for the best speed and bang for buck."
"For every basic command you see here, hundreds of machine language instructions are happening."
"If you do learn it, you'll probably wind up finding out a whole lot more information about how computers actually work."
"Color accuracy is definitely something to keep an eye on when buying a computer."
"Which of the following is the component responsible for interconnectivity of internal system devices? Motherboard."
"Which of the following software types protects a desktop from malicious attacks? Antivirus."
"64-bit Pro Enterprise will support up to two terabytes of RAM, while Home is only limited to 128 gigabytes."
"It definitely raises a couple eyebrows, especially when you leave it up to the computer."
"A computer that writes software itself."
"A computer can be cut into four main layers: hardware, operating system, software, and users. The hardware layer is made up of the physical components of a computer, like laptops, phones, monitors, keyboards, you get the idea."
"This computer has double the RAM of the C64 at 128k, runs at two megahertz compared to the Commodore 64's one megahertz."
"Now I'm going to create a new file."
"Computer instructions are kind of like text where each instruction is given its own number."
"Gotta say though, this computer really works well."
"This bad boy cleans your computer like a buttoned."
"If you're looking to buy a new computer and you plan to run Linux on it stop buying devices that were made to support Windows and might or might not work well with Linux buy something that supports Linux out of the box."
"I think probably a good idea would be to try to well, let's open the computer up and take a look at like what it looks like inside."
"CPU is like the brain of your computer."
"...every time you build a computer you learn a lot about doing it... it's complicated."
"If you want to flex on your friends about how much RGB you can fit on your computer, these are definitely a head-turner."
"Why don't we try that out? Why don't we try to turn this thing into a Hackintosh?"
"Big flop for me, computer-wise. So, learn from my mistakes."
"The first thing that we need to do is open the command prompt."
"This computer is not exactly the fastest, but it's more than enough for older games."
"RGB sells computers. You can't argue me on that. It is a fact."
"I think I just found my new computer background image."
"If you give the computer internal representations of itself, including of its own internal states, then you would know that you won."
"...it's an absolute Beast of a computer..."
"Odds are you won't get to sit on Santa Claus's lap this Christmas season, but I'll bet if you did get to talk to Santa, you probably would ask him for something having to do with your computer."
"You need to drag it out of your main system folder because this interferes with Copeland booting."
"Like when you delete something on your computer, it goes to a central recycle bin repository."
"We tell the computer which elements we want to change and then how to change the appearance of these elements."
"If you're beating a computer at tic-tac-toe, it's not implemented very well."
"The computer era is old enough now that there are a lot of people who want the early stuff."
"Let's take a moment and think about what you just did. Not only did you learn about each component of a computer but you figured out how they work individually and then we built one together. It's quite an accomplishment."
"This is a video card for the original Mac SE that gives it a high-resolution external monochrome output."
"That's how a computer can only run when all of its parts are working."
"It's got something to do with setting or fixing the master boot record on the C drive."
"If your system gets hang often, it can be a sign that cooling system is not providing enough cooling."
"Why would you put your password on my computer?"
"The brain is a kind of computer, but it's very different from a digital computer."
"Curiosity is fine and curiosity may have killed the cat, but it might also kill your computer."
"You gotta do a lot of homework to get the computer the information that's needed."
"If you'd like to pin an application from this menu to the first screen, then we would just right click and pin to start."
"My computer is very unstable though and I don't know what to do and I like buy a new computer it's a [ __ ] work expense you're an editor shut the [ __ ] up."
"Windows administrator needs to change the size of a paging file."
"Get as much memory as you can afford... never have to use your virtual memory."
"Running code is basically the only thing that you can trust a computer to do."
"16 gigabytes is the minimum for any computer these days."
"My computer has been absolutely bamboozled."
"...she's getting into computer Compu and I don't like her messing with my computers cuz the last time she did that she clicked something and let's just say I lost a lot of files in a couple of videos."
"Once you turn off the computer it's going to destroy the boot sector of the computer."
"If you are restarting your computer by turning it off and on again specifically to close everything out and fix something, the actual way you want to do it is to do the Start menu and then 'Restart'."
"So if you open up the registry editor and go to the Computer/HKEY_Classes_root directory, you'll see a lot of different registry keys."
"Everything about this computerized system just makes it fantastic."
"Generally, the more memory you have, the faster your computer is going to run."
"I have the fans divided up into two sections I've got the lower fans and the front fans."
"What you should do is go ahead and instead of shutting your computer down, occasionally select restart from the list instead of shutdown."
"Never be afraid to experiment with your computer; you're not going to break anything."
"It enables you to talk directly to the operating system. It strips away the layers of abstraction between you and your computer."
"The computer BIOS, you may know it, is just that screen that comes up before the computer boots into the operating system."
"To turn the machine into a 486, we disable only the processor, but leave the motherboard enabled."
"The age-old question of can it run Crysis? And no, no, it just can't."
"Where do you use that company's account? You use it in your computer, in your work computer?"
"I'm gonna do the best that I can to show you like what my computer screen looks like but also have some clips of me actually planning and like showing you stuff."
"I'm in survival mode over here. I never realized how much I rely on my computer until it's broken."
"We right-sized your motherboard and the cooler."
"The processor is the brains of the computer."
"This is really wonderful if you spend a lot of time on the computer."
"Look at the underlying base level of what's happening in the computer... if you can do that, then you're going to be miles ahead of most of the folks."
"Don't sell someone an SSD upgrade based on the assumption that the hard drive has failed. Work on upselling an SSD because it's going to make their computer significantly faster."
"This might be the most yellowed old computer I've ever seen."
"Cheers for the 32 GB of super fast RAM."
"This also has a PCI Express Gen 4 M.2 in here."
"Process Monitor is a tool that captures file registry networking and profile information."
"I found nothing in the computer I went to the next computer I found nothing there and started getting very discouraged."
"The right-click is used to fill in the outline."
"Apple Mac's are specially designed... for graphic designing, music and movie production."
"I'm not doing command z to go to undo."
"You have way more than that. That's like a super computer that never gets turned off."
"The Tandy 1000 was a big hit and even took over from the PC Jr. in popular lexicon."
"The Tandy 1000 was a successful hybrid itself of the PC Jr. and an XT Class PC."
"A computer is just a machine. It needs instructions to tell it what to do and how to do it. That's what a program is, a list of instructions the computer understands."
"...if you don't want to fiddle with the back end of your computer if you're not computer savvy then you want to get the G Center Software because it's so super user friendly."
"We should do it and not tell Sass it's starting, and you just leave your computer open in his room. Yes, I would love to see him wake up and be panicked."
"Take the extra step and back up your settings file on your computer."
"What would you do with an arm keyboard computer with a silent low energy Computing device like this?"
"Your job isn't really a remote job? It's probably 75% computer work!"
"It's the hardware of a laptop, but without the computer inside."
"Now we need to click on erase on the top-level drive."
"Next thing you want to do is take your lovely new updated Dell Precision T 1700 motherboard and just kind of slide it in where it needs to be. Bingo."
"Build your own computer, fix your own computer."
"It's like Steve Jobs saying, you know, that a computer is like a bicycle for the mind, right?"
"...the iPad Pro is actually a computer...I want to walk you guys through my personal workflow when it comes to using my iPad Pro as my main computer."
"Why should you muddle around in the dark making mistakes when answers are as close as your computer?"
"So much RAM clearance, you've got tons."
"What happens is that this order is not on your computer. So, you can shut down your TradeStation assured that the order will be executed the way that you have specified."
"It actually posted with 128 gigs of RAM, all of it showed up."
"But it's a critical thing to have in your toolkit, you should absolutely have one even if you're a layman, very useful to have lying around."
"But unlike a computer, there were no chips or anything on the inside, just potatoes, brothers."
"So given that, it shouldn't be that big of a leap to turn the SVI 328 into an MSX compatible machine."
"...I'll say it before and I'll say it again, Mac OS 10.4 is an awesome operating system. The iMac G4 is a worthy successor to the iMac G3."
"The steam deck is a computer and there is a full desktop computer experience waiting for you to explore in your deck."
"Your legs should be at a 90-degree angle when sitting at your computer."
"Uninstall unneeded software to prevent bloatware."
"If you're crazy like me you have way too many browsers open more than like hundreds of tabs multiple programs running in the background then definitely just get more RAM to start out with."
"It is a fun, kinda neat, almost like operating system hidden inside of your computer that most people haven't taken a look at."
"Enough of the blah blah blah, let's just switch over to my desktop and take a look."
"...the other thing is that in modern computers when you grab something from RAM you don't just get the thing that you grabbed you also get other values."
"And then number four: to prevent the need to access the computer, right?"
"It's being put into a way that the computer can understand."
"Permissions, permissions, permissions. We've got to check them and make sure we're giving people only the rights they need to this computer, and no more and no less."
"I always want a computer that doesn't inhibit me from creativity."
"This is super critical because we don't want our computer's color management system to interfere."
"I fixed her computer, there was a problem, I fixed it, couldn't have been that hard, I was eight."
"You do not need to have a super powerful rig super powerful computer you don't need to expand ten thousand dollars in a computer."
"He's working on your computer because, because, Amy, because you are the punching bag in this operation."
"An output device is hardware that converts computer data into human-readable form."
"A storage device retains digital data for later use."
"Software refers to the instructions and data that make the computer work."
"Are you in front of the computer?"
"I'm so cold but right now I'm going to be doing some editing on my computer and going through some emails, all that fun stuff."
"I am relatively impressed with this machine, I like this computer, it's cool."
"You got your standard Dell Optiplex."
"Think about it as your computer, and you're just organizing things in different folders."
"I wish I could upgrade the memory but at least they've given me eight gig by default and I love that CPU overall."
"The CPU is essentially the brains of the computer."
"If you have the means, I highly recommend it. It is my dream computer to DJ with."
"When I see a computer, to me, it just represents the level of freedom."
"The buffer size is one of the most important factors that dictates how well your computer performs."
"The longer the buffer size, the more time you're giving your computer to process, which makes it more reliable."
"Dante Virtual Soundcard will turn your computer into a Dante audio interface."
"I really need a new computer too, and that's cheap, $599.99."
"This PC is something that I can absolutely see a lot of grandparents and parents buying for their children."
"A human brain is the most efficient and durable computer known to man."
"Now we'll go ahead and put the heatsink back on."
"Computer is running hot, overheating, cause: poor airflow, not enough system fans, dust or dirt accumulation."
"It's a very nicely put together computer."
"I have released a comprehensive guide on how to calibrate any computer with a built-in display."
"The brain is the body's computer; it controls breathing, speech, and all other body functions."
"My computer isn't working today, what happened?"
"An audio interface is the bridge between the real world and your computer."
"It's literally like a mini computer."
"A CPU is the brains of your computer."
"Thankfully, this computer does an excellent job getting rid of heat up the back exhaust fan and two top exhaust fans."
"Anything that you can do with your computer system first is going to be beneficial to you."
"The infamous blue screen of death basically means that there's an issue with one of the lines on the CPU or the RAM."
"I'm actually very impressed with this PC."
"We're going to play rock, paper, and scissors against the computer."
"So, how cool that this computer is fully functional."
"This effectively is an extension of your computer; it works as a sound card."
"On the internet, nobody knows you're a computer."
"I'm a computer geek, really, I know the information."
"Remember it's Ctrl S to save, by the way. Get used to that hotkey; you're gonna use it all the time."
"CPU can be considered as the brain of the computer."
"That's about it for the clear command."
"Quick tip: you can also do Control S for saving."
"This is no ordinary computer, that's for sure."
"This is just flat-out a great computer."
"It feels much more like a real computer."