
Divine Perspective Quotes

There are 280 quotes

"What does God say about you? Let's just respond out of that."
"The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
"God is not counting you out. Just because you've made mistakes, God is not counting you out."
"If you thought half of what God thought of you, you would not be in the position you're in today."
"With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."
"In God's world, there is no past, present, future. That reality does not exist."
"As I live, says the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked."
"No matter how much we learn, compared to the knowledge of God, [it's] so little."
"When God looks at your soul, he doesn't look at it with judgment; God looks at your soul with compassion."
"In God's eyes, kindness is synonymous with greatness."
"It doesn't matter what others think of us, what God thinks of us is the key."
"God does not see us through our worst moment; God sees us through the lens of Jesus."
"Your labor is good when it is seen as from the hand of God."
"God sees things very differently than we do."
"God is not colorblind. He's just not blinded by color."
"Trust the God who sees Israel as a nation in the last days."
"Treat sickness and disease like a rattlesnake... it's not of God's kingdom." - Rod Parsley
"What matters is God's attitude, what He means by that term, and its effect upon all of us."
"God is gonna ground you and establish you in his perspectives."
"How God thinks of us is not only more important but is infinitely more important indeed how we think of him is of no importance except insofar as it is related to how he thinks of us." - C.S. Lewis
"God looks at you as a Christian today in the person of Jesus Christ."
"You can try to deconstruct the world if you want to, but truth is, God's going to be laughing at you."
"The aggregate value of all those human beings combined doesn't even amount to a drop in the ocean compared to the value of God."
"It's not working because God sees something you don't."
"God isn't worried about your resume, He's focusing on your potential."
"Remember Allah judges you and he's the only one who has the right to judge you but he judges you not based on your sin but based on your repentance."
"When they reject me just because of me, that's probably my fault. But when they reject me purely because I was sharing the truth of Christ, they're rejecting God."
"Justice in the worldly sense has to do with outcome, but for God, justice has nothing to do with outcome."
"God sees us in a different way than the way we view ourselves. And what is more important at the end of the day? How we view ourselves or how God views us?"
"God hates abuse, but God does not hate the abuser."
"God views time, especially a thousand years, as really irrelevant."
"And there's something really beautiful to be said about God seeing us how we are right now but ultimately knowing that the person he's called us to be is different."
"God wants to empower and equip us to see how big He is."
"Everything done apart from love has no value in the sight of God."
"Every member has value... everyone has an incredible inestimable worth in the sight of almighty God."
"Sometimes I think God's just looking at us going, 'Well, it's been in front of your face your whole life, so welcome to the party.'"
"I cannot wait till you see yourself the way God and I see you."
"God absolutely hates sickness, and we should hate it as much as He does."
"From her great vantage point, the vastest problems of our Earthly mindsets are so small in the hands of a greater being even your deepest trials will succumb to Divine Victory."
"Thank the Lord for his word. He is indeed the truth in a world saturated with lies and deception."
"You are precious in my sight and I know you."
"God does not see time as we do... He can breach our past... and cause it to have happened already."
"God wants to see what you give, not just what you get."
"God reveals that he is not a talisman or a therapist, but a father."
"There should be no difference made between us and the foreigner, especially in the eyes of God."
"We're not just having visions and experiences for their own sake... we're seeing things the way he sees them."
"We better listen to God's side of the story."
"Our God is a God of second chances and new beginnings. He doesn't see you like the world sees you; He sees you like He created you to be."
"For the lives of gods... weigh only years to mortals, and gods forever."
"Jason tells him promise me one thing whatever happens when you get back to olympus when you're a god again remember remember what it's like to be human."
"Racism is a pernicious sin that stinks in the nostrils of God."
"God sees humility over heroics in your situation."
"For you and I, life is a sequence of events in time, but God is not in time. He can see the past, present, and future simultaneously."
"Job listen, you have the human perspective, but you don't have the God's perspective."
"Mark my timeline's different than yours, God transcends time."
"I believe and I know the truth. This isn't my opinion, this is God's opinion, this is God's truth."
"How can I refocus my love for myself on God? Receive God's love and see yourself through the lens of his love for you."
"The blood of Jesus is permanently in heaven, so when God looks at you, He looks with mercy and love."
"God's ways are not our ways his thoughts are not our thoughts and he knows that's why he has Grace."
"I love him from the perspective of the divine but I'm not for him."
"For me, Sozo was an opportunity for God to tell his side of the story, to set the record straight."
"Most of the things that I prayed for him, I didn't have to pray for anyone."
"It's time for you to see yourself as God sees you."
"I finally love myself because I see myself through the eyes of God."
"If we would think of ourselves the way God thinks of us, this should be the most normal thing in the world."
"God sees the world through your eyes."
"Let's not make God laugh, let us laugh."
"You may not feel important in this world, but to God you matter."
"As long as you're something in the eyes of God, that's what matters."
"'Sometimes, my children, what appears to be evil is truly just the absence of love. Lucifer thought that when I created humanity, that I abandoned my love for him. However, nothing could have been further from the truth.'"
"God will make immortality awesome, you know?"
"In the midst of our hopelessness, when we forget God our only hope and begin to look elsewhere, it's because we forget that God sees us."
"...you are reading the words and the thoughts of God and so you are able to enter into what he sees and to grasp it for yourself."
"It's not how you see yourself, it's how God sees you. How do God sees you? If Jesus is living you, thank God. God can't see you defeated because Jesus lives in you. Thank God, God sees you limitless."
"God sees, evaluates, and responds accordingly."
"If the matter concerns you, it concerns God."
"How does God think about his enemies? The Bible says, 'And God will sit in the heaven and laugh.'"
"When God looks at it, looks at it with the eyes of Mercy."
"One thing that I had to get was I'm not more heartbroken than God."
"My life has essentially become one big reality TV show for a bunch of gods."
"God sees answers where there are no answers."
"God sees something concerning you... even when you're ready to give up on yourself."
"To God, every one of us is as individual as if no one else existed because He's God."
"Wisdom is concerned with how God sees what we do."
"He's terrified of you seeing yourself for who you really are, how God sees you."
"God always sees our faith weighing it with tens of thousands of things."
"When God looks at you, he sees Christ in you."
"God looks beyond... to a time when he's going to extend his mercy and His grace."
"God isn't afraid. God isn't confused. God isn't depressed about the opposition of man. God laughs at it."
"God sits in the heavens and he laughs at the rebellion against man."
"The derisive laughter of God is the comfort of all those who love righteousness."
"God laughs because he sits in the heavens."
"Looking through the eyes of unity is like looking through the eyes of God."
"Long before anyone saw us, we were seen by God's loving eyes."
"God sees the end at the beginning."
"The almighty God has not created us for this world; this world is just a Transit Hall."
"What will others think? Can I call you back to a more important question: What does God think?"
"God sees us holy, completely separated unto him."
"So, if you have wisdom, you are able to apply the mind of God to the things that you're seeing around you."
"God imputes His righteousness on our behalf. God doesn't look at Les Feldick. God looks at the righteousness of God. And the same way with you. God doesn't look at you, the person, He sees Jesus Christ."
"And who God says we are. We'd never need someone to validate. We would know who we are."
"God gave us time. That's on a debit card. But he doesn't allow us to check the balance. He doesn't allow us to see how much time. Don't know if a six-year-old is going to make it to six and die or if they're going to make it to 60 and live."
"God sees the picture of your life."
"When God looks at you, God does not see you in your sin. God sees you in your righteousness in Christ."
"If you could see yourself the way that God sees you, you would be more inclined to do what God says."
"Is it possible that God could look at you and not look at you through the filter of what you've done?"
"Allah doesn't look at your appearances nor does he look at your wealth."
"The Lord shall hold them in derision. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh."
"Allah sees things human beings can't see. What everybody else saw as a loss, the Quran commented was, in fact, a victory."
"Lord, help me to see myself the way that you see me and less of how others see me."
"Now if you all can see what God can see about you your worship would change."
"In the midst of opposition, God sits in heaven and laughs."
"He wants you to see yourself how he sees you."
"God sees the best in you. He chooses to see the best in you."
"It's the heart that God looks at, not about the jewelry."
"If God could just give you a quick flash of how much you've done."
"He sees, and He's the only one that matters who sees. He sees, and He says thank you."
"From a higher perspective, it's all Source, it's all God; in three words, all that is."
"Everybody is beautiful in the sight of the Lord."
"Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
"All sin against that person is first, foremost, and exclusively sin against God."
"We get to come to you just the way we are; we may have done wrong, but we are not wrong, we are made perfect in your sight."
"God doesn't see you as your seed form; He sees you as crop maturity."
"Spirituality is not based on winning and losing; the world is, not God."
"God doesn't mind you failing. Every one of us fail."
"My thoughts are not your thoughts, says the Lord, neither are my ways your ways."
"The only person who could judge me is God, so you need to chill."
"God sees you in terms of what you're to become, He sees you in terms of your full potential."
"How does Jesus see this? What does the Lord want us to do?"
"My ways are not your ways, and my thoughts are not your thoughts."
"Man looks at outward appearance, God sees the heart."
"What that heart do, baby, because that's what God be looking at."
"Wisdom sees things the way God sees it, understands the way God thinks, the way He sees, and the way He likes to do things."
"Seeing only what God says will produce and increase faith."
"What matters is not what other people say about you, but what God says about you."
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways," declares the Lord.
"God does not get fatigued, God does not get weary, God is not mad at you."
"God doesn't just see you for what you are at the moment, He sees you for what you can become."
"Allah does not look to the size and the amount; He's looking to the class and the benefit which come from it."
"I wish we could see ourselves the way God sees us."
"No trial is a waste in the eyes of God."
"God is not like man because man looks at the outward, but God looks at the heart."
"Allah sees the past, the present, the future instantaneously because Allah is above time."
"The soul of a man and a woman... that is what's important in the sight of God."
"The world and all that have been created therein may appear before me as a fleeting day which thou hast not deigned to create."
"You are not impure... you are a child of the Living God, you are pure in His eyes."
"What we call potential is what God calls the reality about who we are."
"Love is not about finding a perfect person, it's about seeing an imperfect person perfectly through the eyes of God."
"With God, a thousand years is like a day."
"God saw that all things how he made them and that they were good."
"When He looks at you, He sees you with eyes of love; He sees you in Him."
"God alone is uniquely capacitated and qualified to see the full cost of sin."
"God does not live in the realm of good or bad, he lives in the realm of chain reaction."
"From God's perspective, judgment is to reward. He rewards the good and the bad."
"God does not see as man sees; man sees the outward man, God sees the Inner Man."
"A day in the sight of God is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."
"We just don't see things the way God sees them sometimes."
"We want to get into God's brain, into God's mind, so that we see what He sees."
"God knows the worst about you and still thinks the best of you."
"God sees the good, he sees the potential."
"Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart."
"The eyes of God and the ways of God are definitely not like men."
"God looks not at outward appearances but at the heart."
"Jesus is like the ultimate novelist, that He can walk up to any person, no matter how despicable, and look at that person and love them."
"God sees your problems through your eyes because He loves you."
"God is not concerned with our past."
"God is not being as hard on you as you're being on yourself."
"Only our God, only the Almighty Himself, can look upon the passing of infinite time and say, 'That's enough with the Eternity examples already.'"
"I believe that God wants to open up your eyes to see and see like He sees."
"Until we see God the way He is, we'll never see ourselves the way we are."
"God's ways are not our ways; His thoughts are not our thoughts."
"Every epoch was equal in the sight of God."
"Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."
"The only way you can effectively love a child that's not your own or even your own is if you know that they're God's child."
"There is a God. He sits high but he looks low."
"I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts."
"God measures differently than we measure."
"For God does not see as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks upon the heart."
"What does God think about it? That's the only thing that matters."
"If you can see as God sees, then you will do as God says."
"God's ahead of you right now, looking back on your life, your future is a memory to him."
"We have to think of forever because we serve a god of forever."
"God saw the bigger picture behind your sin."
"The higher our view of God, the more impassioned our heart will be."
"God's ways are bigger than our ways, his thoughts are bigger than our thoughts."
"What you see as vacillation, God sees as a process of maturation."
"The old gods... cannot see our reality the same way that we can."
"One human being is more precious to God than the entire cosmos."
"For the wisdom of this world is foolish to God."
"There's no more perversion, there's no more lies, there's no more darkness, there's no more sin against Him in His eyes."
"Man looks on the outward, but Lord, you look on the heart."
"Help us to see ourselves as you see us, that we are the victors and the enemy is the underdog."
"Seeing things from God's perspective."
"Once we accept that our debt is paid in full, and God sees us like Jesus, like there's no sin."
"Allah does not look at how you look or what is your body shape look like; He looks at the hearts."
"People look at the outside, but God looks at the heart; God sees the inside of you, and it's beautiful."
"Who can estimate the value of a soul in the eyes of God?"
"Everyone that doeth evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and he delighteth in them; or, where is the God of judgment?"
"The purpose of the great controversy is to allow every sentient being in the universe opportunity to see in Satan and his principles what God has seen all along."
"One day with the Lord is as a thousand years with us."