
Personal Use Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"I'm going to use this money and go on a vacation with Matt."
"Had the pilots of FlashAir 604 received a formal CRM training program the outcome of this flight may have been substantially different."
"It's like having your own little drone right."
"It works. I'm just gonna have to adapt to it."
"I've been living with this camera, using it commercially as a studio photographer, using it casually as my day-to-day camera with my kids and family and dog."
"I would give this a buy rating of five. Not only for myself, but this would be a cute little present to give people."
"Money in a leadership pack can be used for the personal use of the candidate."
"Money in a campaign account cannot be used for the personal use of the candidate or anybody else."
"I love it, I really really like it, I'm going to start trying to use it in my everyday kind of design work."
"More money means more power for your personal use."
"I will probably use it mostly for sketchbook paintings because I really love to do portraits."
"It makes beautiful gifts. Or if you just want to keep it for yourself, it is super warm and super soft."
"God uses what he has and he wants to use you too."
"I could literally wear this to train somebody."
"Since the end of support for Windows 7, I've personally been using Linux Mint for a lot of my everyday computing activities."
"You're an Evernote guy... Evernote's awesome isn't it? Yes, Evernote is awesome. But Evernote is not a great personal note-taking app."
"This thing is so comfortable and so perfect."
"He used me, he married me just to be on a TV show so that people would recognize his name to sell his music."
"This is a hugely powerful program and I use it on every single video I make."
"The Nintendo switch just really does meet all of my needs."
"Urban Decay all nighter setting spray was my water no late and always has been."
"Definitely a pretty cool little device, um, I haven't done a full review on it but I have this in a video, uh, but yeah, it's the cool little gadget that I have here to keep me motivated and going when I'm filming and stuff."
"I use this everywhere, it is so rich, it feels kind of like a whipped butter."
"I just love these, you can use these for so many different things, and I have loads of them."
"I think it's an honor for God to choose to use your gifts, whatever they are."
"This is my new daily right here, this is a daily case."
"It's just very a very nice sig is how I would use describe it."
"I think I would pay that money for this printer for my particular application."
"Using the anomalous object for her own purposes... she found a way to save her daughter."
"You make everything sound amazing, from movies, games, music to phone calls to Nana."
"Invest in something that you're looking at and going 'I will use that, I will love it.'"
"Um, and the salve was very helpful for my, if you can believe it, my eczema, but I've given it to people for, you know, back pain."
"You said that I've helped you build the time machine. We'd use it for whatever I want to do. No do-overs."
"I want to personally thank our sponsor Shady Rays. I now wear my Shady Rays every day."
"ExpressVPN is an extremely useful service that I have used myself many a time."
"Your soulmate does not always have to be the one who's snatching your soul." - Peyton
"It looks really awesome, I mean it's not something that everybody's going to use but it is something cool."
"Straight up real talk, before they even reached out to me, I literally already used Honey."
"I've used my Switch probably more than any device I own, besides my computer, and that shows no signs of stopping anytime soon."
"Honestly, I use that [bar cart] so much in my personal household because in my household that I play with off-camera, I use that and it's honestly... it's so, I feel like it's such a key thing."
"A product which I am literally using in my personal life right now so this video is brought to you by ExpressVPN."
"This is by far the fanciest tool that I may have ever owned."
"I actually have these and I use them and love them. They semi make me feel organized when everything's tidy."
"Breeze Comforter has changed my life and not only do I use it every night, I'll walk around the house with it like a robe. It looks like I'm not doing well, but I love it."
"It's a birthday gift, I'd be mad if you weren't using it, so I'm glad you're having fun with it. You deserve it."
"Energy is a spectrum, and you can all use it however you want to. People can use the same energy just like you two are doing but in different ways."
"If I'm gonna go through it, I might as well use it."
"It's just going to be exactly what I need and where I need it."
"You know what time it is? It is time for me to try on all of Preston's new items."
"I'd like to take a moment and thank today's sponsor Factor, a service I have used for all of 2022 personally knowing my schedule."
"I can definitely see myself using this more in the future."
"Your Netflix account is for you and the people you live with your household you can easily watch Netflix on the go and when you travel either on your personal devices or at a TV at a hotel or at a vacation home."
"I think this is going to be something I'm going to wear a lot."
"I use the app myself which is why I was happy for them to sponsor this video because I was already going to recommend their app."
"I trust it and I use it and it makes my everyday carry."
"I always end up reaching for this to complete my eye look."
"I'm going to wear these in the shower and for a while to test their durability."
"I could use this for weeks and turn out a different look every day."
"I never once tried to sell you a product that I didn't use myself."
"As long as people are hearing the music and using it in their own lives the way that they want to, that's all I ask for."
"I'm going to walk you through everything that I use."
"I didn't go overboard, I got things that I know I'm gonna use."
"I got the sunburst titanium ridge wallet and I absolutely loved it it was one of the best purchases that I've made this year I promise you guys I don't put my name to something that I do not use and I do not believe in."
"I really liked the items in here. I used most of the items in here."
"Astrology just shows you what's possible; it's up to you how you want to use it."
"I'm definitely gonna be wearing this quite a lot."
"I've been using this Harry Potter notebook for my lecture notes for two of my modules at university this year and I love these notebooks."
"This one actually feels like something that I would wanna use even when I'm not wearing makeup."
"They underestimated whoever this queen of cups is, this is sad. It's like somebody thought that they were going to use you so that person would not change if you spoke the truth."
"I charge my computer, I charge my camera batteries, and it just fits my lifestyle perfectly."
"I can totally see myself using this, this is really cute."
"This is really stuff that I like, that I use, and that I would recommend to others."
"I won't ever tell you to buy something or recommend something that I won't personally use myself."
"She paid herself when that money was deposited into her personal account. Once it's there, she can use it however she wants."
"So one could be for personal use and the other one could be for business use."
"My social media is for my personal use and enjoyment."
"With this year's money for myself."
"Well, that was fun. Our total spend was 77, and I feel like a bulk of that was the pumpkins, which I am more than likely going to be keeping for myself."
"Do I use the product? That's a big thing for me."
"Both are free forever for personal use."
"I use 220 connor bears they're legal in my state."
"...this seat will absolutely come with me on all the family trips that we're going to be taking."
"I have been using for myself. It's great for keeping everything."
"This one edges it out just because I wear it more often."
"...I wear everything that I have if I stop wearing it I at that point I don't really need to keep it too much because you know my story with it stops."
"A lot of people don't want to be used. I say it's okay to be used, just don't be misused."
"But I also don't necessarily like using pens that eight million other people in the doctor's office have used."
"I'm really excited though, I used your palette twice already."
"Whether you're a filmmaker looking to pick something up for yourself or you're the significant other of a filmmaker, all of these items are things that I use on a regular basis that directly ties to the filmmaking process."
"We all have a little bit of narcissism. So, the question is, can you effectively use it? Can you capitalize it?"
"We only sell what I use. So if I use it myself, I'll sell it or I'll put it on some jobs."
"This bike is perfect for what I want to do and what I want to use it for."
"These are tools that I use myself and that I think you should strongly consider."
"I would potentially sleep in this because of how comfortable it is."
"I think I'm going to use mine in my office."
"I use this all the time, and I find it so practical."
"We will never recommend a product or service that we don't use ourselves."
"This is a camera I'm taking with me everywhere and I'm using it for quick documentary style stuff of my daily life with my family."
"That's a really good use case of AI if you ask me, and it's working pretty well for me."
"I rate this a 10 out of 10 because I'm gonna use this."
"I recommend it, I've got it, I'm wearing it right now."
"Ultimately, I want to create ceramics that I can imagine myself living with and using."
"The Sony A95K is in my bedroom now, it is my SDR nighttime TV, excellent TV, I love that TV."
"There will probably never be another car in my life that I own that I will put through the same amount of abuse."
"I can actually see myself using this helmet."
"A NAS has opened up so many use cases for me as a power user."
"This is what I use personally and I think it's been wonderfully meeting my needs."
"Whatever cards you were dealt in your life, you're supposed to use them."
"Well, I think I still use certain qualities of it in certain phases of it; it's very helpful to me."
"It is the most comfortable laptop that I've personally used to date for this."
"First find products and services that you yourself would use and that you vouch for."
"It's delicious, like I absolutely will wear this myself, but if a man puts this on, it's over."
"I could absolutely see myself using this head sculpt with the hoodie and the churro in the display."
"I love this thing, and truthfully, this is going to be dominating my pocket."
"It's such a balanced beautiful product, it's what I have on my face today."
"These are the ones I'm currently using on my desk right now."
"I wouldn't let a company sponsor something that I'm going to put and use in my own daily life."
"The nice thing about printing my own pages is that I can use the things I want to use when I want to use them."
"It's a bit of dope for personal use, it's no big deal."
"This is actually very handy though."
"I can definitely see myself using this for many years to come."
"I ended up taking this home to kind of try it on myself and see if I like it as just a normal person."
"This is something that I use pretty much every single day."
"I really hope you wear these socks and enjoy them every time you bust them out to wear them around."
"I'm a huge fan of this; I do actually have one myself, and I've used it non-stop since I got it."
"I now use it as I feel I need it as a tool to manage not yo-yoing."
"I've been using the prototypes of these and I just love them."
"Everybody has and uses their vehicle for a completely different purpose."
"It's really nice, however you use the book, whether to read it every day or use it as an oracle like I do."
"If God was anything, it would be a gift, in order for you to use and create the life you want."
"My other bag was getting pretty worn out, so I think this will be my new go-to bag for a while."
"This has now become my EDC bag; I use this every single day."
"The thing I love about these jeans is that I can use them for multiple purposes."
"I can use this as a multi-purpose tool for my needs."
"I wear these to work; they last me so long."
"I really wanted to create products that I want to use every single day."
"This is a gift card from me to you; use it for something that benefits you."
"We build products that we want to use."
"I'm so excited, I'm gonna use this tonight."
"I'm going to use it for a little while and see how I get on with it."
"The Psalms can be so useful in our personal worship."
"Sync.com is probably the most secure cloud storage service, at least for personal use."
"Recording programs off-air for personal use qualified as fair use."
"Would you use this product on your own fishing days? Yes, I would."
"I'm going to be using this all of the freaking time, I love it."
"I'm not going to promote a company if I don't use their products."
"Recommend things that you actually use and love."
"If I talk about it, it's because I use it on a regular basis and I believe in the products."
"This is so comfy, I've already worn this like three times."
"I've been using something like this for a year now and I really, really enjoy it."
"After having worn this bag for four months, I think that this was a great purchase. I have no regrets, I'm enjoying this bag a lot, and I'm wearing it a lot as well."
"It's nice to finally have it in here since I do drive this truck every single day."
"I'm so happy that I ended up getting it because I use it every day and it just is one of the best things that has happened to me."
"Having these amenities in place can make your own personal use of the home that much easier."
"I just want to use what serves me best at the time and what brings me joy."
"You rely on your intuition, so do I. The difference is in how we channel it or how we use it."
"Once you figure out the way that you like to use this, I actually really do enjoy this product."
"Would you gift it, or would you use it for decorations in your own home?"
"I love this technique; I use it a lot."
"I'm really excited to kind of live in this sweater and see how it lives and how it adapts."
"I think I could see some like pajamas in here, some lightweight clothing, a nice scarf."
"I'm obsessed with these leather gloves; I'm totally going to use them in a bunch of other looks."
"They're just fun, and they're good, and they're useful, and I use them, so I know they're good."
"I would use it personally, and I think that's always a good test for any of us."
"It's a headphone that I find myself using quite a bit throughout the week."
"It's completely free to use for personal use, so that's really cool."
"I love these personally; I use these myself for all kinds of growth like grocery lists, to-do lists."
"I've been getting a lot of use out of my handknit sweaters."
"Anything that I talk to you guys about, I use all the time."
"I've been enjoying the heck out of this knife and I think you will too."
"People seem to like it a lot. It is a really great functional unit. I use mine all the time. I love it so much."
"I bought one, it's actually in our house, my wife uses it all the time."
"The camera system that I have is mostly for me to be able to review the footage."
"That sounds absolutely amazing for me and I'm super excited to use that in my personal projects."
"It is extremely accurate, I know I use it myself and I'm super, super happy with it."
"This is terrific, okay I'm gonna use it."
"It's using it to have that relief in your own life."
"If you're a home user like me, you might want to just set this up for yourself."
"Only do ads for a product you enjoy and a product you love and you use all the time."
"I still love it and it's still my actual current router that I run."
"I try to be selective about the guitars I play in the sense of I don't really want guitars sitting around that I don't play."
"I'm so glad I got it; I definitely will be using this."
"We want to launch a product where the consumer can install a small scale wind turbine that they can personally use."
"I only endorse products I actually use and have tested."
"It's free to sign up for personal use."
"I am sure I will be enjoying this."
"Active reach is a function that is very awesome, I use it quite a bit."
"This is the one that I probably use the most personally."
"I'll definitely be using this; it is so beautiful."
"I'm not sure my husband is gonna get his little ukulele back in a rush; it's fantastic to play."
"I would not sell anything that I do not use myself."
"I want brand deals that are things that I actually use."
"Linux is more for personal use and it's used in service too, but Solaris is pretty much used for servers, enterprise, and commercial use."
"I'm going to eat my own dog food and make the Mirage my daily driver."
"I'm really excited for these, I think I might use them for like signing prints or decorating shoes."
"I've been wearing this one pretty much every day."
"I'm only going to share things on any of my socials if it's something that I use."
"It's something I would personally use all the time."
"Perfect for a gift to a family member or for you to use yourself."
"Not all planners or notebooks have to have some kind of work purpose; it can just be for fun."