
Interfaces Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"A functional interface is an interface that just has one single method."
"Even the evolution by natural selection and quantum field theory could be interfaces into something that doesn't look anything like we expected."
"Interfaces: When a class implements an interface, it promises to implement its methods, enhancing flexibility."
"Interfaces and polymorphism inside of Go: kind of neat."
"That's another benefit of interfaces - you're not tied specifically to a certain type."
"Keep your interfaces as thin as possible."
"In the war of interfaces, it's clear the graphic interface has defeated the old command line interface."
"Here in a file are your network interfaces and they're assigned IP addresses."
"...so now we have that if we do a show name if we'll see that we have multiple interfaces and both of the additional interfaces outside in MPLS have values of zero for their security levels."
"React is good for all sorts of different interfaces not just ones that you use on the web."
"The DF Robot board uses a gigabit PCI Express interface while the Seedboard uses a gigabit to USB 3.0 bridge."
"Interfaces specify a set of methods that an object has to have to be able to interact with other objects."
"Interfaces define the behavior of your types."
"Interfaces are implicitly satisfied in Go."
"Interfaces in Go tend to be small."
"Fragments can interact using interfaces."
"By running different functions in response to different events, the result is that we can begin to build much more dynamic user interfaces."
"Having implicit satisfaction of interfaces allows you to write really good code which is completely independent of one another and still works."
"It's so important to make sure that all of the interface function signatures match what you're actually trying to interface with."
"Interfaces are a special type in Go that defines a set of method signatures."
"There's going to be a large language model interface for computers."
"Tabs are window containers, windows are buffer viewports, and buffers are file proxies."
"Brain computer interfaces are the next step in connecting our physical bodies in reality to the world within virtual reality."
"Identify the interfaces based on the functionality."
"We want to ensure that the things that we produce are usable, that people understand what you mean when you write out an interface."
"You get a degree of locality where you know what's going in and you know what's coming out because it's explicit in interfaces."
"The advantage of programming to an interface is it makes the application flexible."
"Clean architecture is that the inner layers define interfaces."
"When you get your names right, interfaces get narrower, they get sharper, they get more precise."
"We're just at the beginning, and I think that the interfaces will get more sophisticated."
"Knowing when to use inheritance and when to use an interface is important."
"It's a really nice way of creating reusable interfaces or definitions of what these classes are going to be."
"You can test these interface methods and properties inside of your unit test without having to construct objects."
"Virtual reality has some really cool 3D interfaces."
"IEnumerable and IEnumerator. Similar names but doing slightly different parts of the job of allowing us to have foreach loops."
"I mentioned putting a touchscreen in so we can configure different interfaces."
"The Go standard library contains numerous thoughtful pieces; my favorite examples are the interfaces in the io package: io.Reader and io.Writer."
"The interfaces to our digital systems of the future are no longer going to be machine-driven; they're completely human-centric."
"The advantage of using interface again is basically this because the implementation of this functionality will be only known by this class here."
"Graphical user interfaces make easy tasks easier, while command line interfaces make difficult tasks possible."
"Interfaces are really important because they're mocking points."
"They've brought some standardization to that spaghetti wire... these interfaces... they're really, really important connections."
"The package that contains your domain types should also very clearly define the interfaces between those domain types and the rest of the world."
"The main reason why the interface came into picture is... we can make multiple inheritance possible in C# using interfaces."
"We're going to be using Qt Designer to design our interfaces."
"The parent should be defining the interfaces and children should actually implement those interfaces."
"This is the way we should build apps, and you can rely on the interfaces."
"The shell works really well for that because although the pieces are speaking the same interface, they read from standard input and they write to standard output."
"It's very much statically typed and you can use interfaces to make it feel much more dynamic."
"An object in Go satisfies an interface just by implementing the methods that the interface defines."
"In Go, you can use as many wrappers as you like because the type can satisfy many interfaces."
"Interfaces are often small and very precise and nimble, and often even ad hoc."
"Object-oriented programming focuses on interfaces and the way that different objects interact with each other in the system."
"If you've coded to interfaces and contracts, it will make life a lot easier for you when things need to change."
"Graphical user interfaces are processes. They're things that evolve over time."
"Go's approach to interfaces, support for reflection on types and values, and support for concurrency are essential to it being fast, fun, and productive."
"Package fmt defines an interface called Stringer."
"The main interfaces used in Reactive Extensions are IObservable and IObserver."
"We need to specify interfaces in terms of general concepts so that we can improve the implementations without affecting the users."
"Make your interfaces impossible to use incorrectly whenever that's possible."
"Always check for the interfaces defined in those packages because very often those interfaces are going to help you modify the behavior."
"I always recommend to watch movies when you want to get inspired for futuristic interfaces."
"Futuristic user interfaces have always fascinated me."
"This gives you the ability to build really powerful chat or voice based interfaces without having to run any servers."
"Protocols can define constraints or an interface on objects that conform to them."
"A good design should have small interfaces that are more modular."
"APIs are user interfaces; they just have a different user in mind."
"Your class can serve multiple purposes; it can implement multiple interfaces to serve specific portions of the code's needs."
"React is essentially a JavaScript library for building user interfaces."
"Doing this actually helps you derive better design from your system because the process forces you to think in terms of interfaces."
"If you get your head around this stuff, you find that it really clarifies how you think about interfaces and sharing and communication and composing systems."
"The essence of programming has nothing to do with programs; the essence of programming is making interfaces and functionality."
"A functional interface in Java is an interface that contains only a single unimplemented abstract method."
"A functional interface can contain default and static methods which do not have an implementation in addition to a single unimplemented method."
"Prefer using standard functional interfaces."
"Annotate your functional interface with @FunctionalInterface annotation."
"Interfaces bring along the concept of multiple inheritance."
"Go's interface model gives you a bit of the feel of duck typing you'll find in Python or other dynamic languages."
"Every popular library in .NET will give you an interface to play with."
"You have access to all the native APIs and access to native user interfaces."
"The boundary just represents the interface between our system and what's outside of the system."
"How can published interfaces be evolved without breaking existing implementations?"
"The only thing we can do for substitution is with interfaces based on behavior based on methods that these various types define."
"With both of those, we can create beautiful fluid interfaces."
"Text user interface was just a step in the evolution of graphical user interface."
"If you implement an interface, you know that that class has to implement all those functions that the interface specifies."
"Everything is done through abstract interfaces."
"Given sufficient use, there actually isn't any such thing as a private interface."