
Visual Aesthetics Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"Visually, it's really pleasing and I think it gets the essence of what The Great Gatsby is about."
"Toddler portraits are so much more difficult than normal portraits because the proportions have to be very round and soft. Otherwise, you can age the image and make it look like somebody that it's not."
"Visual beauty is often prioritized first in many people's minds, though I often find it to be the least important of the three."
"Control with contrast is essential if you want a mature image that still pops off the frame."
"The color scheme of all of those photos fits perfectly into the whole aesthetic she's known since at least then."
"The Pirates Trilogy are some of the best-looking blockbuster films of all time, right up there with the Lord of the Rings at the top of the mountain."
"The animation in Blade of the Guardians truly stands out with how gorgeous the entire battle looked."
"The visuals of this film are honestly breathtaking. There are stunning visuals throughout this film so see this on the best screen possible."
"It's worth noting the difference in color—the color of the flames surrounding Breath of the Wild spirits..."
"The character design looks great, including the hair."
"The artwork does not hurt that game, it's a fantastic looking game."
"How dare they make the ending so sad but then actually make the actual ending super beautiful looking."
"Adding some RGB lights... will really just level up, add some depth and separate them from the background."
"Stars are complementary colors they are opposite to each other on the color wheel and when put beside each other they really pop and create a special aesthetic."
"I think the game looks totally fine for the most part."
"It’s the visually rich scenery, it’s the vibrant colors, it’s how ALIVE the world looks."
"The art style is absolutely beautiful with this game."
"Winter is incredibly beautiful and it also has such a range of gameplay." - Ralph
"The color gradients are gorgeous especially in a clear day it's colorful and vibrant really popping when using HDR."
"Gameplay and charm are more important to me than raw visual pageantry, and those are qualities sword and shield have in spades."
"I really like the significant feel to designs that Blizzard have done."
"Visually sumptuous Aquaman is everything a movie is supposed to be. When you put down your two bits or 10 bucks or 20 depending on where you go, you want to escape, take me somewhere, show me some [ __ ] I had never seen before."
"Obsidian is glistening right now. This looks crazy."
"If it's not visible enough, you don't have drama, we want drama but if it's too visible it looks completely fake."
"Not only did the film's imagery look astounding, but the trailer boasts music and sound designed to match. Just goes to show what a powerful impact this trailer had."
"Bitters is the idea behind those styles so that once you start a project, you throw bitters in there and it gives you a nice-looking site right from the start."
"I love the design of the aesthetic in general actually for this game it's really, really nice."
"CRT fans tend to be very fond of scanlines and many consider them an integral part of the retro gaming experience."
"Each location has a great sense of scale and offers strikingly different visuals all of which possess such fine attention to detail." - Reviewer
"It really helps, too. The game is gorgeous and the soundtrack is beautiful."
"But what has me most excited about this shot or this scene is the color selection, the depth of fields, and the overall atmosphere that they have created here."
"It's character dynamics, the political tensions, superpowers, drama, a little comedy, and some gorgeous color work."
"The visual style of the game looks absolutely amazing."
"The unique art direction and visual aesthetic are a refreshing change of pace in an era where Mario games now repeat the same nostalgic cliches over and over again."
"That movie is glorious despite the suit not being the best."
"Elden Ring is so full of really visually striking and unique moments that are completely missable."
"Most paintings are viewed from a distance. If it doesn't look good from a distance, then you know what's going to make."
"It's movement amongst static objects, so it looks pretty cool."
"Every piece of this film's science fiction visual language is stunning, mixing post-apocalypse with bright futuristic tech like there's hope under the surface."
"How do you feel about Genshin Impact? I personally feel that the game has top tier anime boy designs."
"Every single frame in that movie looks like it could be the poster."
"Bokeh is always circles, at least that's my understanding of bokeh. It's always circles."
"This game is beautiful. Some people have been asking me how it runs..."
"The Northman is a Norse myth tale that is just full of rage and anger and yet it is gorgeous."
"The world is absolutely beautiful, stunning, and completely unlike anything I've ever seen in The Sims 4 so far."
"SLR Magic lenses: beautiful bokeh, beautiful images."
"This charlie and the chocolate factory looks absolutely gorgeous."
"Manta SeaWorld Orlando... it's an absolutely beautiful ride to just watch and those elements are amazing gotta love a good pretzel loop and of course the way it interacts with the water fantastic."
"Annihilation: 'How do you explain that?' Visually striking, thematically bold, deeply odd."
"Choose color schemes effectively. You don't know how many designs I've seen with bright contrasting colors that are hard to look at."
"Interlocking shapes are very good. Find letters that have contrasting lines to create something that interlocks with each other."
"Oh my god, the visuals by the way - oh so pretty."
"They look really great in this elf form especially at night."
"Watch Dogs 2's lighting is too bright and vibrant and it really doesn't paint the most realistic picture of San Francisco."
"This map looks incredible, fierce fighting, CTF runs, genuinely amazing."
"Nope feels like this complete Mastery of Aesthetics and message and filmmaking, the type of movie that personally makes me love movies."
"One of the most gorgeous games I've ever played."
"Just an absolutely breathtaking looking game."
"The colors look great the graphics look fantastic I am excited I'm looking forward to it quite a bit."
"The framing makes superb use of the world's eye candy."
"Visuals matter, but they're overrated... It can be a distraction."
"Blade Runner 2049 was like an absolute masterpiece and this movie is just spectacular looking like from beginning to end every shot is a piece of art."
"In terms of visuals, I think it just looks epic."
"I always find it a bit hard to make text and titles look really cool and cinematic, but I think this is one of those sure ways to make it really cool and natural and cinematic at the same time."
"It's those tiny details that enhance him so much more just like the wrap in the skull."
"Minecraft Legends: A visually beautiful game developed over 5 years promising to involve action, adventure, and strategy in an almost open-world-like environment."
"This is pretty damn good guys...the visuals are just insane in this game. It's so beautiful to look at."
"It stands as honest-to-god the prettiest Kirby game out there with a gorgeously orchestrated soundtrack that I just keep coming back to..."
"Elden Ring is a gorgeous game and a spectacular feast for the eyes."
"Halo 2 Anniversary is, for me, the best looking and sounding Halo 2 has ever been as a game."
"It's one of the most detailed and gorgeous looking games I've ever seen."
"Why can't we have practical wire work and practical destruction? It looks so much better."
"Look at the pretty colors, it's like fireworks in there."
"It's not about having a million different font types, it actually looks better to just keep it simple."
"This game visually looks appealing, and I think with just more content stuff, the game could be amazing."
"The reflections look excellent in this cyberpunk ninja assassin slaying world... and I really liked it."
"How do you make your image more pleasing, natural, and telling a story, right?"
"You can feel the Matrix's fingerprints all over this thing, not just in its presentation of action and fashion but just the cool framing and colors throughout most of the run."
"There's a full system-wide dark and light mode now, with a dynamic wallpaper that changes color based on the time of day."
"This is still one of the most visually stunning games I've played in recent memory."
"The gameplay on these screenshots looks phenomenal, looks really good for a mobile game."
"Colors are very important and it can make or break your builds."
"Barbie at the bus stop is one of the most beautiful and vital scenes of the film."
"I think it's undeniable, this is the best looking movie ever."
"This might be the best looking game graphically I've ever seen."
"Golden ratio over rule of thirds for framing landscapes."
"A case could be made that this is the most stylish looking turtles game that has ever been produced."
"My goodness, that looks amazing! Holy, I can't tell, is that blue or white? Why does it look like this, boys?"
"I just love the deep colors and the contrast that you get from this image generator; they all look really really good."
"The artistic design of a lot of titles which does matter it's not just how many polygons you can throw at the screen"
"Graphically, Ghosts of Tsushima is one of the most beautiful games on console ever."
"The Sienna's new front end design reminds me a little bit of the rear end design on BMW 5 series and 7 series from a few generations ago."
"It may not look like much, the graphics are pretty bland and the music is nothing to get too excited about."
"God of War may very well be the most beautiful video game I have ever laid eyes on both from a technical and artistic standpoint."
"This looks pretty freaking cool aesthetically."
"Look at how ornate and gorgeous and elegant and beautiful and luxurious these are."
"This is absolutely gorgeous... she is gorgeous."
"Baron at night, you'll see it lit up subtly. It looks amazing."
"Calling it a masterpiece of a master ranked game might not be uncalled for because simply from quality of life to how gorgeous everything looks."
"Natural lighting can be your best friend or your worst enemy."
"Extraordinary RPG by Level Five, beautiful graphics, excellent combat, great music. A fantastic game and one that I highly recommend."
"The void is amazing... stylistically even outside of my own personal love for this kind of edgy crap."
"Whether you're making a film in utter darkness or broad daylight, the goal is always to make something beautiful."
"The actual outfit itself though I think looks amazing."
"The game looks great with a lot of good color usage and flashy set pieces."
"Overall, New World is a visually beautiful MMORPG with decent foundations to build upon in the future."
"Uncharted 4, visually impressive, just looks really good."
"Regardless of if you like it or not, you can't deny that it's a super creative level filled with tons of interesting ideas and a very pretty visual style."
"In general the cinematography and the way it was shot it was beautiful."
"The rain and reflections on the puddles complement the lighting beautifully."
"Galaxy is just perfect that game looks great."
"Stray: between the gorgeous neon lighting and the adorable cat animations, this is a world we can't wait to stick our nose into."
"Final Fantasy XV's visuals don't just lie in its raw graphical fidelity."
"The cinematography is just immaculate throughout this entire movie."
"If you haven't seen Dune part two yet, it is visually stunning."
"It's literally just regular footage that has an aggressive, dare I say, terrible looking iMovie filter slapped right on it."
"I love the colors used. I love just... I don't know, there's... I think they did a really good job crafting the movie just in terms of visuals."
"You can basically make yourself an x6m just on the visual base."
"This show is shot really well, the cinematography and visual choices for the most part are killer killer I hardly know her."
"it's the best looking animated movie I've seen in years like years and years and years it'll be in the conversation for one of the best animated movies ever from a visual perspective"
"By adding a little specular highlight, it actually just does bring your eyes. It does, it does, it does."
"I love the visuals, it looks like something out of Spirited Away and I appreciate the Mario Kart references."
"The channel influenced not only what people heard but also what they saw, shaping the preferences and styles of a whole generation."
"By limiting the amount of open shelves you have, it will help with visual clutter."
"You can make these little kind of lighter areas that'll make it look like it is like little pieces of fur almost overlapping."
"What a colorful and exciting visual."
"The cinematography of this film is so beautiful aesthetically."
"I think they've excelled in this regard by giving each location a different color for its lighting."
"Visually, I cannot speak highly enough about the visuals... they were just breathtaking."
"Giving room to breathe, separating elements, not having things clustered together can really, really help in composition."
"Infinity Train as a show feels like a moving painting and every single frame could probably be used as a screensaver."
"It is your film, it is your vision, and if you come on set and your set is looking horrible, you will not shoot."
"This thing completely captures the look of Batman from his first fight where he was defeated by the mutant leader."
"The visuals in this special are very, very, very good."
"Mesmerizing array of stunning visuals."
"Album artwork was always a huge thing, those record covers, because they were part of what the album was inside."
"Rounder, smoother, creamier bokeh."
"A movie that just is so visually striking, so interesting, like right out of the kid, I was like I don't think I've ever seen anything like this."
"HDRIs make your scenes look a lot nicer."
"In person folks, this looks incredible."
"I found myself actually preferring the smeary a7S III shots just because the colour was much more pleasing in those extreme situations."
"Now a darkish blueish purple. Oh my god, just the use of color in this movie is so good."
"It's just kind of an own decorating trick that odd numbers are more visually pleasing."
"It's like living out a montage in an amazing film. Visually striking."
"It adds a more choppy look to the animation, but it's what nearly all other anime has been animated in."
"It's just a wonderful flick; it's written wonderfully, it's acted wonderfully, it looks wonderful, it sounds wonderful."
"The stained glass windows, the blue candles, the throne for Neymar Rim, and the astronomy tower provide a nice variation in color."
"Grain is generally thought to be more aesthetically pleasing because it doesn't break up the image."
"I really like how the coloring comes together with this one."
"24 frames per second is dreaming, is otherworldly, it's just got a buttery look to it."
"This one was inspired by some 80s architecture, so it is playing on lines and shapes."
"In this room, it's a classic example of that gold, yellow, and blue hues—a real nice combination."
"My favorite color is white, red, and black."
"It looks better to be underexposed than overexposed."
"I love it when shows use color coordination, and it's so visually pleasing."
"Kirby looks outstanding, very vibrant palettes, looks adorable as Kirby typically does."
"I just like the airy white like vibes... the sun is coming through them right now, it's like making it glow, it looks good, I love them."
"We want to keep all of the beautiful highlights and soft gradations of our lighting."
"That's the palette there, so you can see the swampy greens and a black and some sort of greeny golds which are beautiful."
"I love it when idols pose with something like a fruit."