
Chores Quotes

There are 499 quotes

"I just find it funny that I now also have to clean up my virtual world as well as my actual house."
"Cooking and chores can improve one's mental health."
"The kids can do the chores. 'I'm a great seamstress,' you know?"
"Dishwashing affirmations: The dishes are more scared of you than you're scared of them."
"Mowing the lawn, kind of like shaving your house."
"You're not going to play video games until this whole place is spotless."
"The bathroom is my enemy I just hate cleaning the bathroom."
"Chores are one of the most important parts of a relationship."
"My relief was short-lived the next day as I got out of my house to clean some of the decorations."
"Once they feel like chores that they're being forced to do, they will most certainly not want to do them anymore, and you do not want to squash that innate interest that they have."
"Shout out to future husband, you're gonna be doing dishes."
"Somebody's having a little too much fun cleaning her room."
"Remember that kids need age-appropriate chores."
"My life is just an endless cycle of moving my laundry pile."
"Consider the act of washing the hands... each humble necessary chore can become a symbol."
"You're the greatest trash taker outer ever... you should do it every Tuesday."
"No matter where you go, you're gonna have to get your laundry done, no matter where you go, you're gonna have to do your homework."
"I just genuinely, I cannot stand having to go to the gas station."
"I just think of all the loads and loads of laundry and the sink after sink full of dishes that my mom and dad did back in the day really before any of us were old enough to help out."
"Doing the laundry is honestly one of my favorite chores."
"I feel so much better after doing all of these things and I highly recommend you do the same."
"What chore do I absolutely hate doing? Laundry, dishes."
"Assign different chores to different days of the week."
"Every morning after it's rained... I need to pick up all the flowers."
"Apologies if you can hear the washing machine as well but um I do have to have clean clothes."
"Let me just, I'll water this real quick no sweat let's go clean some poop now."
"As you grow, so do your chores. The life of a peasant is not an easy one, but your days are full and your nights are quiet."
"Time flies when you're doing chores at camp."
"Everybody hates making dispensers, I don't think it's just me."
"What am I living in the future? Money for 100 just got that used to take 50 weeks and a day's worth of chores."
"Fishes don't do dishes and neither should you."
"Once thoroughly wrung out, the laundry is laid on the grass to dry."
"Saturday's gotta be fun, even if there are chores to do."
"When you get paid for doing chores: 'My money.' When you help your siblings with chores but they get the money: 'Our money.'"
"If you clean as you go, you won't have a sink of dishes. And you'll have a lot of smiles. And you'll grant a lot of wishes."
"I do the dishes without being asked."
"I still secretly think of my chores as Ellie's."
"One thing that I like to do to make these around the house chores a little bit more tolerable and fun is to listen to an audiobook."
"I helped out around the house, I did dishes, I even mowed the lawn."
"This summer I will be wearing these Raycon earbuds when I'm mowing the lawn, doing chores, spraying fields for food plots, planting food plots."
"It's like me versus the laundry and I just don't want to do it."
"That lockdown life, and apparently cleaning some toilets along the way."
"I'm gonna clean my damn floor, clean this damn table."
"Have you ever been asked to do the dishes and you've done a really bad job just so you don't get asked again."
"I'm about to eat this chicken I got a half a chicken for 70 Rand so I'm about to eat that take me a shower and then I'mma probably just edit I need to start editing so that's what I'm going to do for the next couple hours."
"Any 10-year-old child can learn to clear out the dinner table and fill up the dishwasher in minutes."
"Do you ever dream of the day when you'll get paid for doing all the household chores that you hate to do like laundry?"
"Are you doing the dishes? No, I'm playing with water."
"Isn't making the bed the worst task as an adult? No laundry, please."
"I have literally spent the entire morning this morning and all last night washing sheets."
"Time to get some cleaning done around here."
"Dishes are pretty set. Like you do a load of dishes, you get them in the dishwasher, and like you don't have to make more decisions. That's just the routine."
"I am always very grateful for how much he can do around the house."
"It's like whenever you have a chore to do and you just think about it and you dread it and you dread it, but then when you actually start on it you realize it's not actually that bad."
"Can you finish your bike before you come inside?"
"I need to get out of cleaning the garage."
"My brother cleaned out the pond again yesterday, got rid of all the weeds on the little island."
"I spent the first day cleaning and taking a trip into town to keep my food stocked up."
"This next planning tip is for those with kids: earning Mickey money is an awesome way to get your kids helping around the house and learn the value of a dollar."
"That's kind of how our life has ended up with like random chores we have to do."
"It's time to go lights out. We're going to be up plenty of times filling the wood and the stove just so it can stay warm at night."
"Sink so full of dishes you got to go outside to take a leak."
"My family just welcomed me home with 'Hey, take the garbage out.'"
"Are you ready to clean? You've got the vacuum out, I really appreciate it. Thank you."
"The best life is one with loved ones and chores."
"You need some help clearing the dishes?"
"And each time that you're doing it's helping to brighten your mind. But if you can, one, do chores and do it mindfully, so secondly, incorporate it into your daily habit, daily practice as a training for yourself to access this space. But chores are so powerful."
"Cinderella, scrub the terrace sweep the halls of the stairs clean the chimneys and of course there's the mending and the sewing and the laundry."
"I ain't going to lie I got some stuff that's you know I, I, I got the clothes over here that I took out the dryer because you know Quita she folds and I washes but she didn't fold them so that's why the clothes still over there."
"Laundry is never super super fun it's not my least favorite chore to do that would definitely be dishes but with three now four people in the house to keep organized and like separated it's getting a little bit more overwhelming."
"Try wodoku. Wedoku will give you Zen while you do the dishes."
"Always the right time to mow the grass."
"Once was chores is now therapy for me."
"It's called chores, and they do chores to earn pocket money. Let me know, does any of you do chores around the house?"
"Honestly, my favorite part about life on the farm is getting up every morning and doing chores."
"I love this. Come back from a dog walk and she's ironing our clothes. This is growing up."
"Unloading the dishwasher is one of those tasks that I used to avoid at all costs."
"Gretch it, the dishes, the cleaning, whatever it is, just do it and it's done."
"Cleaning up dinner is a task in itself. It's like after eating dinner especially at the end of the day the last thing you want to do is clean. It's a whole process."
"All of these chores we do can be a constant prayer and an act of gratitude for what God has given us."
"All day long she's been doing dishes you can do it you can do it all day it's possible"
"I hope you are able to enjoy your laundry going into this week and that you use it as a time to just be so thankful that you have clothes that your kids are wearing."
"Just little things, all right, let's do a little thing like vacuuming this thing out."
"Everybody's busy just everybody like laundry and [__] like me even till now this day like like right now I got a load of laundry going on right now at the house."
"Audible makes it super easy to listen to audiobooks while you're doing chores or maybe on your commute."
"Cleaning is not as bad as I thought."
"Cleaning the bathrooms is definitely one of my least favorite tasks to do."
"The first thing that surprised me was the amount of time I spent washing clothes."
"We just fill up one side of the sink with hot soapy water, put all the dirty dishes in there, scrub them down, put them in the other side, rinse them off."
"Sometimes there's work to do, even yard work."
"By the time Monday comes, it's back to editing and back to cleaning, all that stuff."
"I have been putting off some things around my house that I need to do."
"I do the dishes, I make my coffee and he's supposed to go outside and do his thing during that time."
"...it might be fun to clean the house if Loa is present..."
"I don't mind doing dishes at all. I do wear kitchen gloves while I do the dishes, but I actually hate unloading the dishwasher. That is a chore that I just do not like to do, so that's something that Ryan does."
"Cleaning sucks, it's definitely something that we don't always like to do, but you have to do it constantly."
"We had to shovel snow today, and there was about 12 inches of snow on the ground."
"It's not just enough like cleaning the dishes, yeah that's great, that's a form of putting in work, helping the community."
"Save time, invest in appliances for chores you need to do every day."
"You clean the house, you thank them for everything, you apologize."
"What's that even washing the dishes as he did?"
"Remember to take out the trash before you go to bed."
"...and then tackle all of this laundry oh my gosh it just when you don't stay on top of it it really really piles up."
"everyone hates that looks like being a kid and your parents like you have to you makes you don't want to do it"
"Why do you always add dishes when I'm on my last one?"
"Our aim here is to make cooking more enjoyable and less of a chore."
"I hate repotting big plants, but it must be done."
"Am I the butthole for my petty response to my boyfriend's purposeful incompetence about chores?"
"Girls go out and live in an equalitarian world. Guys don't worry about ever having to do your own laundry."
"Well, little half pint, maybe it won't take long," Pa said, reassuring Laura about her chores.
"Making your bed is like the easiest thing in the world, but it seems like an impossible task as a child."
"Y'all got to go back there and get your nest together, everything got to be here, me, I just walk in there, just turn the lights out, lock the door, let the dogs out, let them back in, make sure the perimeter's safe."
"...let's crack on and get some algae done algae done we call it algae in the shop see we call it let's get the algae done that doesn't make sense does it really when you think about it let's clean off some algae."
"Pick one day a week and do each family member's laundry one day a week."
"I wish I would have had Greenlight growing up, I would have done my chores a lot faster."
"Folding laundry after you're done with it in the actual laundry process. So, taking it out of the dryer and actually folding all that [ __ ] up."
"I hate doing dishes so much that I have like plastic wear and like paper plates that we use like on the regular because I'm the one that does dishes in the house and I just hate it."
"The workload itself is very uneven here when looking at everything from actual work to chores."
"So we've been cleaning all morning and working out. Some of us have been working out, some of us have been answering emails. I've been answering emails, they've been working out, and Haley's been cleaning. Haley's been cleaning. So, um, now we're moving on to school."
"I got to come back gather eggs later, I got to get this hay situation handled."
"In the chores, where does the joy come from then if the joy doesn't come from having your own way? Where does the joy come from in marriage?"
"I do have some chores planned this weekend but I also have some things I need to get done for YouTube work."
"So shower is clean, hallelujah, that was my most dreaded task of the weekend."
"Our entire driveway is ice and Tyler has been shoveling."
"It's not necessarily fun to do these things but I get so much joy and satisfaction out of just keeping my home clean and tidy."
"And because of that, they always leave the dishes dirty."
"Your job as a man isn't just to go to school. Exactly, your job growing up, like job was to take out trash, mow the lawn, go do the shopping, the heavy duty things."
"Wow, I feel like such an adult getting things dry cleaned."
"I'm just creating little bits of breakdown content to keep you company while you do laundry and wash your dishes."
"Still, it's a good thing some of the members can cook. Good. It's a relief. I'm only good at doing the dishes."
"Anyway, I just finished vacuuming up the room. It's looking pretty good in here."
"Queer couples split chores way more equally than straight couples do."
"There is just something lovely about being able to put your washing out on the washing line and get it dry, give the tumble dryer a little rest."
"I wanted to get these potatoes and stuff cut up."
"I still mop the floors and clean the toilet, we're average people."
"I actually really enjoy the process of washing the diapers folding the diapers getting them all organized."
"Kind of looking at those things with gratitude instead of seeing them as chores has been helpful."
"If you're living in my house, you gotta do your chores first."
"My stepdad's coming by to drop off eggs."
"Cleaning the kitchen is so satisfying because there's always a million crumbs around."
"Cleaning glass is one of my favorite things to do because of how satisfying it is."
"So today Miss we decided that we starting blocks wow because this month I've not done like uh something constructive at home here know it's been repair repair repair cleaning repairing things which is not which doesn't want to be repaired guys like the roof is giving us hectic."
"Adding some pretty decor beside your sink makes doing the dishes a little bit more enjoyable."
"Some of the best ideas come when doing chores like washing dishes."
"You made a chore I don't love doing a little bit more enjoyable."
"Feeling very grateful and now we're gonna finish cleaning actually first I need a dinner break I need to eat and then we're gonna finish cleaning."
"I consider the laundry to be done when it's totally done."
"That's a lot of dishes I'm gonna have to go ahead and wash after they're done."
"I like doing dishes and I think I know why."
"There's something about this simple kind of repetitious quality of doing the dishes."
"Doing the dishes is similar to that for me, it's simple, kind of mindless repetitive work."
"If you want to have more sex with your wife, you should do the laundry."
"...I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day and I'm going to do some plant chores now um you know I think I have a good start to plant chore day um and I hope I get to see you soon bye."
"Just because the grilling is done doesn't mean the beer has to be done I mean I still need to clean the grill and prep the burgers and there's a lot of work left to be done that requires some assistance."
"Whatever it is that you need to get done, do it. Maybe you need to clean your house, maybe you need to do laundry, maybe you need to garden, maybe you need to paint your swatch sticks."
"Dishes are always going to be there, laundry's always gonna be there, there's always going to be something to clean."
"I'm never going to finish washing all of these dishes."
"I was doing house chores and just trying to catch up on spending time with family."
"We're going to get together tonight as a family and mow the lawn and take care of the yard like a guy do."
"Why am I going to pay my kid to do something that they will have to do for the rest of their life and not get paid for it?"
"I did clean up obviously but I didn't like wipe everything down like I should I really need to that's like what's on my to-do list for like you know over my break is to dust everything."
"I'm out here doing morning chicken chores. I'm just going to feed them and give them fresh water and clean out under their roosting bars."
"I try and do one load of laundry a day to keep the mountain away."
"Y'all see y'all seen what I was doing, yeah y'all ain't seen me watch all them loads of clothes."
"...now we're headed into the laundry room."
"I need you to get some information. Good food. Can you put that in there? You could cook food for me, clean the house."
"We still have pumpkin pie and apple pie to go but we need to do some chores."
"That's the worst when you come home with a headache and then parents gonna be like, 'So are you gonna do the dishes?' But in this case, it's like, 'Are you gonna make me more money?'"
"Whoever is doing the dishes is the woman."
"I love helping and like whatever, doing the kitchen and the dishes and all that stuff, and I want you to relax."
"There is nothing more satisfying than unclogging a drain. It is a very satisfying feeling."
"Stop being lazy. Do the loads of laundry."
"Dishes math means that one day's worth of dishes takes 15 to 20 minutes to do, often even when you are handwashing."
"If you ain't got dirty dishes, you ain't cooking are you?"
"Here's the goal: I want to mow the lawn, clean off the deck, the locust tree that's over the deck is just shedding leaves like crazy so we'll blow that off."
"Well we have to put them from the sink into the dishwasher well who put them in the sink well then we have to put them from the table to the dishwasher well who set the table like it just like it keeps going back and back into these more mundane and mundane tasks."
"My husband always makes fun that I say 'we' should cut the grass."
"Most people don't want to see a pile of dishes when they're done cleaning."
"That's always a good feeling I've got some like clean dishes I need to like hand dry I'm probably just going to let air dry honestly but it's always a good feeling."
"One rule in my house is I do not put away the clean dishes."
"Nothing beats being able to do your own laundry because then each time you set out in the morning you can have all your clothes clean."
"First of all, work out. Then I'm gonna come home and clean my room."
"Love washes the dishes, love takes out the garbage."
"You can even take a paper towel and kind of wipe out the inside of the bowl."
"Wash is gonna bust out like a triple wash, you know, soapy cycle on all for one's ass."
"Let's do a little bit of clean clean and then I'll catch you up on more."
"Happy laundry day! It's the happiest day of the week."
"Hopefully, I don't have anything damaged, and maybe I don't even have to wash all of this. I have so much laundry to do now."
"I've never had it, I mean, I don't love folding, I listen, I don't love doing any chore."
"Considering it's only my mom, my sister, and me here, we all are pretty good about washing our own dishes so it doesn't tend to turn into too much of a problem."
"I hate doing the dishes. I say this every time I do the dishes, but I do. I can't stand it. It is the worst chore that I could possibly be doing."
"Let's just wash those dishes. But that would be cheating."
"I just got back from the grocery store, cleaned the inside of the fridge."
"Thank you so much for spring cleaning with me today."
"Everybody keeps fighting each other like, 'You don't wash your dishes, and I wash my dishes!'"
"Oh, I'm doing laundry, guys. Today's gonna be a busy day for me."
"My son is supposed to help with the chores but, as you witnessed, he'd rather be doing anything else."
"They want me to do some gardening, which I wouldn't normally do until the weekend, but you know what? I'll do it now."
"I got laundry done, my friends, this is a problem... Clogs... Mountain. This is a... to the laundry, got chores done, that sort of stuff around the house, but overall, just took it easy and relaxed."
"She's a good sister, she kept on pushing us, she washed up, she did everything."