
Regular Expressions Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The beauty of regular expressions is that they can match patterns in text with a level of flexibility and precision that's hard to achieve with simple string comparison."
"Keep it simple. If you can't do it without using regular expressions in an amount of code that's not insane, don't use regular expressions."
"Regular expressions can be expensive, but they're not nearly as inefficient as you thought."
"Regular expressions are incredibly powerful."
"Regular expressions can be used to find patterns in text."
"From JSON serialization to regular expressions, source generators are becoming an integral part of .NET development."
"The awesome thing about regular expressions is they almost always work exactly the same in every single programming language."
"A regular expression is a string of characters and symbols that defines a pattern you want to match against your string value."
"This is it for this video we looked at how to use regular expressions in Perl, how to capture and replace parts of strings, how to match on patterns."
"Regular expressions help us define patterns that we can then find, test if they exist, and extract them."
"We're going to write a larger regular expression, nothing crazy but a little longer, which we'll use to help us find times in a 24-hour clock time format."
"Pretty much every programming language out there has support for regular expressions built-in."
"A regular expression stands for all the strings that begin with a certain sequence and follow a specific pattern."
"Regular expressions are not designed for parsing programming languages."
"Regular expressions come with a special character which is the dot character and the dot character will match one of any character."
"You can use your newfound regular expression powers not just to filter data for viewing but filter data for editing."
"Well, regular expressions are patterns that we can build to match against a specific series of characters."
"And so HTML5 adds support for validating input fields based on regular expressions."
"We're going to write a regular expression that not only detects the phone numbers in this block of text but outputs how many there are and then actually lists them."
"This is an example of when a regular expression can be very helpful."
"Create a regular expression here that does the following."
"Okay, so we've got our regular expression."
"We use a regular expression to dynamically count how many matches of phone numbers there are."
"In programming, regular expressions are a universal way to match patterns."
"Regular expressions can be super useful in data cleaning."
"To really get a hang of regular expressions, you need practice."
"In regular expressions, the top precedence is star, followed by concatenation, and then union."
"The real magic of using regular expressions in JavaScript is what I have shown you is regular expression and the string that you intend to substitute."
"The history of regular expression is that it came from a number of other languages, primarily Perl."
"The asterisk means the preceding character is repeated zero or more times."
"The plus sign means the preceding character is repeated at least once."
"Period represents a single occurrence of any character except newline."
"I'm gonna show you how to do a regular expression check to verify that what is inside of there is actually a number."
"Regular expressions are powerful and also dangerous but very powerful."
"Regular expressions are a set of characters that specify a pattern and are used to search for or find patterns in a string."
"Regular expressions are extremely useful while creating URLs but at the same time they can often get complex."
"To write these regular expressions for pattern matching, we need some wildcard characters."
"Regular expression is a sequence of characters which define a search pattern used to match character combinations in a text."
"This regular expression is very powerful as it is supported in all scripting languages."
"Quantifiers indicate that the preceding token must be matched a certain number of times."
"Once the basics are clear, regular expressions are very helpful and easy to be worked on."
"Regular expressions can be a great way to accomplish sophisticated searches."
"Regular expression is simply a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern."
"Regular expressions are a general idea that applies to many different programming languages, not just R."
"The simplest pattern that you can create using regular expressions is a literal."
"Regular expressions start to show their strength when you want to look for something that's slightly more complicated."
"Meta characters come into play to express things like white space, word boundaries, sets of literals, and alternatives."
"The star meta character is greedy and will always match the longest possible string that satisfies the regular expression."
"Regular expressions are not really that challenging, but if you've never worked with them before, they are pretty challenging because they kind of look strange."
"Regular expressions are something that you may or may not use a whole lot, but when it comes to doing web scraping, you end up having to use regular expressions from time to time."
"Assuming that we can guarantee some kind of consistency in the way the first and last name is separated, this little set of expressions works beautifully."