
Spiritual Priorities Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"God has no problem with your possessions. His only problem is when the possessions own you."
"Once he speaks with Allah Subhana WA Ta'ala, then he may go and do other things."
"At the end of the day, for a man, it's to honor God first, and when you do that, everything else falls into place."
"Don't seek healing, seek Jesus; don't seek Deliverance, seek Jesus; don't seek prophetic encounters, seek Jesus."
"I'm not seeking my own, I'm living first for the kingdom of God."
"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all of these things shall be added unto you."
"You're spiritually sleeping with whatever you've promoted to the top place in your life."
"Do I want the approval of man or the approval of God?"
"Seek first the kingdom of God, and the rest will be added to you."
"Chick-fil-A is so well run and everybody there so enthusiastic and happy that it can almost have cultish vibes."
"If you seek him first and make him a priority in your life, then all other things will be added unto you."
"If you seek the Lord first, all these other things will be added to you as well."
"You gotta make up your mind on whether you're trying to gain God's approval, are you trying to make God happy, or other people happy, or yourself?"
"My mom was just this whole lesson about your family being first priority, staying humble, keeping God first."
"Amen your greatest concern, that's right what God thinks."
"If God gives you a dream... it may be that God wants to see what is more important to you: the dream or him."
"Desire to follow Jesus more than you desire to get many followers or to please people."
"Chase God first and always be content and joyful with him."
"I'd rather throw money away chasing God then chasing all of this other stuff."
"Everyone worships something, so there's something of highest value."
"Our goal is not to impress people on Instagram, but to shake the devil."
"That's who Jesus cares about, that's who Jesus heals."
"If God is not the number one priority, religion says that you can have God somewhere on the totem pole of priorities but revival says that God has to be number one."
"Serve the Lord your God seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added on to you."
"On the highest level of our priority is our chanting process."
"Put God first. Let that be the standard and anything else that doesn't fit with it has to go."
"Loving God is more important than loving man."
"Prioritize God, prioritize God, prioritize God."
"Aligning with the love of heaven can be as simple as putting spiritual goals and mutual love first, looking in the end to serve rather than exclusively be served."
"The affection for Jesus is supposed to drive out every other worldly affection."
"There's a freedom from greed and a freedom from worry that you can experience if you will learn to put or prioritize my kingdom first."
"But whatever former things there were, I consider those things as garbage today, that I may know Him and be found in Him."
"Materialism is not having materials; it's the influence of materials on your relationship with Jesus."
"The pleasure of Allah is greater than anything else."
"May our priorities always be within the works of God."
"Lose your spiritual life; don't lose your finances, don't lose your relationships, don't lose your courage. Everything that started that journey should arrive also."
"God's main priority for you and I is not our happiness."
"God first, nobody else. God ain't first with your husband, God ain't first with your wife. No. God is first alone."
"This is an exciting time for the church because we're awakening to what's important to Him."
"Life is too short to hold on to anything that's not God."
"God as number one, family number two, so we make sure to have that as the foundation for everything that's number one."
"Good decisions with finances don't end with, but begin with a God-first lifestyle."
"The Bible isn't about your goals and your ideas. Fundamentally, it's about God's goals and God's ideas."
"God is far more interested in your development than your destination."
"The Lord will not ask how much money you made, He won't ask how many friends you made or even how many good works you did."
"Our spiritual life is the most important part of our life."
"Are we valuing the gospel and are we sharing the gospel?"
"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness... and all these other things will be given to you as well."
"You need to make sure that the desire is a healthy desire. Be married to the Lord first, and then you can be married to somebody else."
"He desires that we cherish Him and not the things of this world. We are not to have anything in the place of God. He is to be number one."
"Most important thing in my life is my walk or maybe in my case I should say run with Jesus Christ."
"If your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out. It's better to go to heaven with one eye than to go to hell with both your eyes."
"God was more interested in protecting the man than the material."
"The only thing that will matter in the end is Jesus and not that car you are working so hard for or the size of your house."
"Whatever is number one in your heart, if it's not the real God, it's just a hamster on a wheel and chaos ensues with a bunch of illusions."
"Jesus wants the man not the money; prosperity preachers want the money not the man."
"When the prophet saws calls them to something, they prefer what the prophet saws calls them to."
"The most important thing I think a Christian can do is right there: win souls."
"Their spiritual growth takes precedence over romantic pursuits."
"Count the cost and you will see that what you gain is worth far more than anything you could give up."
"Anything can be an idol that takes the place of God in our life. Anything we spend more time on, more energy on, more thought on, we give priority to. God will definitely not take second place in people's life."
"You wanna please man who ain't got no eternity for you, or you wanna be pleasing unto your maker who holds your eternity in his hand?"
"Apply that rule to Allah: Don't worship money, worship Allah."
"Give as the Lord leads you...seek first the kingdom of God."
"Live righteously, seek the kingdom of God above all else, and He will provide everything that you need."
"The message of Matthew chapter six is to seek God first."
"Anything that displaces God from being most important is an idol."
"If you're willing to do something that is forbidden by God for the sake of this thing, then that's another good indication that it's in the wrong compartment."
"Make sure you're right with God and you put Jesus Christ before Hollywood."
"I regret just not getting to know God first."
"You'll never come in second putting God first."
"Giving preference to what Allah loves over what you love."
"Don't take anything for granted. Live today like it was your last, but don't live it to the fullest. Live your life according to loving God first and foremost and loving your neighbor."
"God loves you more than God loves his commandments."
"I love the Lord more than my reputation and what people think of me."
"I count it all as dung, as loss, so that I might win Him."
"For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and I regard them as rubbish in order that I may gain Christ."
"The priority of God is: God, you and God relationship, you and your family, then you and your ministry."
"Care about the things God cares about and don't compromise on those things."
"Before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God."
"He doesn't care about your wealth, your houses, and cars."
"God is concerned with what kind of a person you are; what you do is of little interest."
"Set your mind on things above, not on things that are on the earth."
"I don't want your burnt offerings, I want you to love."
"Seeking validation from God first, seeking love from God first."
"Oh friends, abandon not the everlasting beauty for a beauty that must die."
"If you're married, it's supposed to be God, your spouse, then your kids."
"Decisions become easier when your will to please God outweighs your will to please the world."
"We really try to put God first, but when you get around someone like that, it refreshes you as to what's really important."
"Simplifying your life will not only give you more time with God but it will also give you more time."
"I don't want to have a fear of missing out on hanging with a crowd; I want to have the fear of missing out on hanging with the King of Kings."
"Can you stop seeking fame and seek Jesus?"
"Jesus wants to give you nations, He will give you money too, but after bodies."
"By fasting and praying, you are proving to God that your physical appetites will not be greater than your spiritual appetites."
"Surrender it all today, and let Him change around the issues and priorities of your life."