
Legal Strategy Quotes

There are 658 quotes

"Judge, you don't actually have to find that they actually did lie, you just need to find that you have grave concerns about the fact that maybe they lied."
"The most important thing is we have to get these cases to trial. Trump sees that that's important as well, which is why he's doing everything he can to not allow that to happen."
"The reason why the feds win most of their cases isn't necessarily because they cripple you financially; it's because they've done their investigation for a long period of time."
"Trump is undermining his own lawyers; this is why Trump has trouble finding counsel."
"He's using the due process against itself to generate diversions, distractions, and delays."
"Cardi B is winning all these defamation suits. Cardi B is teaching some teach us, creating a great path for me, and I'm following right in her footsteps."
"They're forcing an agency to write a regulation with more strength than the laws that are already in place, and they're not going to have any dirty hands when this is over."
"Every lawsuit like this has two different types of courts: the court of public opinion and the court of law."
"Our networks are Emmy award-nominated and Emmy award-winning, but I have to be able to sue you to show the judge that."
"Motions in limine are essentially objections you can predict in advance."
"The system was set up to induce the guilty to confess, thus securing criminal justice in cases where a lack of reliable evidence or witnesses meant that the guilty may have otherwise profited from their crime."
"Not surprised they pled guilty after all this evidence; it would have been very tough to defend."
"My standard litigation advice is: avoid litigation."
"Does he risk it and try to take an appeal to the United States Supreme Court through Chief Justice Roberts?"
"This is why he became a lawyer, for days like this where you know that you've got them, they know that you've got them, and they still have to sit there and let you get them."
"His tactics were deplorable and that made him in some opinions a good lawyer but in others a dubious character and damaged his reputation."
"Anything a criminal defendant can do to kind of humanize themselves... make themselves more appealing to a jury."
"Conservatives must wield power, engage in lawfare, and have backbone."
"You open up Pandora's box if you call one witness."
"Some scummy lawyers encourage their clients to claim DV to increase their benefits from divorce. This is another reason why you do not get married."
"The odds are against the SEC significantly, you need a false statement."
"If you're trying to moot a $44 billion sale because Elon Musk tweeted something vaguely critical of the company's top lawyer, good luck with that."
"I wouldn't be surprised if these individuals end up in a situation where Giuliani claims to have some kind of mental health issue."
"Kudos to the lawyers for finding an issue that a lot of criminal lawyers wouldn't even necessarily think about at first."
"Hell no you're gonna take this one to trial bam it's beautiful beautiful thing."
"An injunction is a material non-zero chance that they might just wait to gather a few more pieces of uh interviews or potential things that they might do."
"Arresting both parties may actually be beneficial for the victim."
"When you create a burden for yourself at trial, you've just made your job so much harder."
"They're going to turn this into who can prove to the jury that their client is the victim."
"We're going to see recordings, we are going to see text messages and emails."
"If you and I represented Donald Trump... we would file that within a month of the indictment."
"It would be a perfect timing now and we're only in the third week of a trial..."
"They're going to try their very best to present their case and try to go away with a conviction."
"It was a great strategy. It was a sound legal strategy if only Mike Pence had the stones to go through with it."
"If Donald Trump struck a deal with the prosecutor, he could have avoided what's about to happen to him."
"The only way she can settle this case would be to enter into a stipulation."
"Usually when people are innocent the reason why you don't want to talk to the cops is because what happens is especially if you're innocent you want to talk to the cops because you know you didn't do anything wrong."
"This just about makes sure that Trump will have his lawyers file a complete order of dismissal and it'll probably be granted."
"You have to aggressively enforce your copyright. If you don't, not only will you lose your right to do so in the future, but you'll also be showing the authoritarian woke left an effective attack vector."
"After the creation of this rule Kaku refers to the rule itself as insurance which makes sense but it's also an interesting choice of words."
"Every act by Mr. Spears and his counsel has been antithetical to their professed goal."
"All you had to do was know there was a very high chance it was pure entrapment."
"It's a good route for the lawyer to do this, it all depends on how the jury sees it bro."
"We made our case in the time that was available to us."
"If there is not enough time for Depp's side to do that forensic analysis, I would expect the judge to delay trial."
"Criminal defendants don't like to just chill as criminal defendants... if your goal is anything other than delay."
"I think even though there will be a contributory negligence argument, I don't think it will win the day."
"They're taking each piece of strong evidence and trying to dismantle it."
"The undoing of the plaintiffs was that they filed a due process claim and not a civil rights violation claim."
"Maybe it wasn’t the best idea, but the lawyer took the judge at his word and they left the courtroom."
"He paid numerous lawyers to visit the jail for up to 12 hours a day, giving him the right to meet them in a private room."
"It's a classic class action lawsuit, I mean it's a very good case."
"I will be taking this to trial, there will be no deals."
"Ask yourself why Mr. Depp would put himself through this, exposing every embarrassing detail of his life on national television if he was guilty of anything."
"Defendants are intentionally attempting to mislead this court."
"It is really difficult to, it's, I rarely see a witness, uh, crushed as hard as, you know, as Amber was."
"I wanted the smartest jury I could find... because I knew that if they were just lazy not smart people, they wouldn't spend the time to understand the science."
"Direct examinations are a show... I'll actually ask some pretty harsh questions to my own witness... it creates so much credibility."
"If you're starting a side hustle, let's start as an LLC and then we can graduate to an S corp when the time's right."
"As Bloomberg and NBC and Rachel have been reporting, Pecker may have played himself here and blown up his own immunity deal."
"Shaw's defense will lean into these other dudes did it, it wasn't me."
"I mean that's a pretty bold stat which is also backed up by evidence for the prosecution to make that the jury needs to be protected from Donald Trump."
"The only way to secure David's freedom now is to find new evidence and make new arguments."
"It's basically trying to accomplish what a RICO case would accomplish without actually proving a RICO case. It's insane."
"The defense for some reason did not enter that into the evidence, and this silly-string video apparently was a huge thing for the jurors when they were deliberating."
"I should have represented myself because I couldn't have done worse than they did."
"If you're innocent, why the hell did you plead the fifth for four hours?"
"You gotta go on the offense like Judicial Watch."
"Get every person who is a potential witness or could be a witness, it's going to look too obvious if everybody just disappears."
"This is crazy! If I sold assets and then won the appeal, the assets would be forever gone."
"The president asserting privileges is not a game, it's been done by every single president."
"I don't understand how it impacts what he is far afield from the issue at hand."
"Could the judge appoint Shadow Council despite the defendant's wishes?"
"Judge Deary has painted Trump's lawyers into a corner."
"When you have a prosecutor who's asking the same question 50 times, you now give the media the opportunity to say he couldn't answer." - Commentator
"Michael Cohen is going to be a fantastic witness because he's going to show the world exactly who Donald Trump is."
"All you have to say in your opening to the jury is we didn't pick the Witnesses in this case, Donald Trump picked the Witnesses."
"Amber was attempting to secure a premature financial resolution by alleging abuse."
"Putting Rittenhouse on the stand was a bad, bad idea."
"The defense had found its final weapon for casting doubt on the prosecution's case. It played the race card."
"We made the right decision to reindite him, we made the right decision to take it to trial, and we got a verdict that is obviously a resounding success for us."
"I mean, why would you lie to your own lawyers if you really feel like you don’t have anything to hide?"
"BLM have decided to sue themselves which is the biggest brain move I could have thought."
"This is a near slam-dunk case legally and is only yours to lose if you have video proof."
"Trump's path to legal victory involves freezing certification in multiple states to prevent Biden from reaching 270 electoral votes."
"I think Johnny Depp went for 50 million damages because he would have also made money on the back end of P6 atop the 25 million salary."
"They had to make Michael Peterson completely unlikable, to make the jury hate him."
"He's going to just shred it from day one say with executive privilege he has the right to do this and if you want take it to the sue me let's take it to the Supreme Court."
"Fanny Willis is going after Donald Trump for his tweets, seems like this could absolutely Boomerang and could potentially hit big."
"That means something to pull a Clarence Thomas."
"You hold the key. It's in the evidence. Compare the witness's testimony to the evidence at hand. There's bound to be a contradiction in there."
"Suing victims or even alleged victims is never a good route to go down if you're trying to defend yourself because it does just come off like silencing."
"Even a mediocre legal team like we saw in the recent case can result in acquittals if the facts are strong enough."
"Josh and Jim Bob are arrogant, not expecting a plea deal."
"The back pocket Biden strategy is that this indictment presents leverage for him to get away with pardoning himself and his allies, his family."
"Plausible deniability is being able to say, 'Well hey, you can get this, you can open up the wallet and there's nothing in there.'"
"Johnny Depp will be called by Amber Heard's defense on Monday"
"Equal protection clause might be the strongest legal footing."
"Actively worked to dispel the officer's suspicions and respectfully challenge the conduct of the officers."
"It would probably just be like a, you know, can you submit an affidavit that, you know, that I wasn't in cahoots with the jury for some reason?"
"So then she's like I will tell you everything if you give me full immunity."
"Objections are strategic, there is so much that you can object to choosing when to object matters."
"Smith moves on there's a sidebar and we get a lot more sidebars here's another sidebar and here's let's we'll go on a little bit more says Smith is now eliciting that she interviewed Bertino."
"The aggressive and personal nature of Mr. Wood's communication appears to be aimed more at harassing, intimidating me than at any legitimate legal strategy."
"And if she lets the trial go ahead, Donald Trump could file for a Rule 29 motion."
"If we go to trial and then we find out that Fanny needs to go, then we will have essentially been prejudiced."
"A Reliance on attorneys doesn't work because he's never relied on his attorneys."
"Now what's the advantage of the prosecutor it sounds great we keep talking about Rico what's the advantage it's easier for her to prove her case."
"They know she'll be vindicated... so they're going to make the trial itself the punishment."
"And then lastly they decided to hey we'll put on in the fence and what's the defense gonna be they're gonna try to say I've been framed by somebody whether that be the US government or another hacker out in the world."
"A good criminal defense lawyer always starts with a presumption of guilt, not a presumption of innocence."
"I feel that Taylor will try and claim insanity but to me this just showed the level of manipulation that she is willing to go through."
"They know they don't have anything to charge these people with conspiracy with, and so they're begging for it, they're jumping into their chats."
"Juries like things like this, they like to see it, they like to feel it, they like to be there."
"As long as that gun's on that line, it fits with what you're saying, your mathematics is saying."
"The defense needs to show they did a more comprehensive analysis than the state – that's a reasonable doubt right there."
"Every claim that was filed in this lawsuit was frivolous, most barred by settled law, well-established existing law. These were political grievances masquerading as legal claims."
"Steve's sad, desperate attempt to shift suspicion has failed."
"I think she's scared and this is her chance to try to put on her best act, put her best heirs and try to get out of trouble."
"It's a great way of going, 'Look, highest authority says I didn't do this.'"
"It's literally like they're just playing a game with each other, and it's sparring, and it's like they can see sometimes sometimes the better attorney wins."
"When things aren't going well for your side because you have no case, smear the judge."
"You don't win by swinging at officers and fighting with them, you win through the legal process and through strategy intact."
"President Trump plotted with a lawyer named John Eastman and others to overturn the outcome of the election on January 6th."
"The defense counsel has been forced to divert their attention to ensure notes and other materials are hidden from prying eyes."
"As lawyers all too often we see cases as battles to be won but for judges cases are problems to be solved so help the judge solve the problem."
"I really feel like not just Brian Coburger's team but the legal community as a whole is missing the boat on something big."
"NFL teams hide behind the league to avoid Kaepernick's collusion charges."
"It seemed obvious to people that the reason they wanted these transcripts was so they could get their story straight before being questioned again."
"From start to finish, a clown show on the part of the Trump lawyers."
"These preemptive pardon requests could be an effort to induce those involved, or are witnesses to criminal conduct to remain silent."
"This attack... really designed to bankrupt the firearms industry and prevent you from exercising your right to acquire arms that you can keep and bear."
"If she wasn't culpable why would she fight so hard while her defense attorney fight so hard to get her use immunity bro?"
"There is good cause to expedite this appeal for several reasons."
"What Donald Trump's team needs to do is they need to show significant harm, something that is massive collusion, that's multiple parties, multiple people involved."
"For Donald Trump's team, this is a win and I think it's a fairly significant win."
"The defense does not need to prove anything here. It just needs to muddy the waters enough to create Reasonable Doubt."
"I hope that between the section 230 announcement by Thomas and the Justice Department's antitrust suit, that does produce a legal roadmap to go after him."
"Your job as his attorney is not to fight against him, it's to work with him."
"You need to walk into court and say, 'Hey, hey, let's negotiate, Cardi. Let's negotiate.' Because, hey, hey, right now the attorney should have said, 'Listen, what we're doing, Tasha, is this BS right here.'"
"The real beauty of the game isn't seeing what random places you could put items in but it's more how much Story the game can portray just by unpacking someone else's belongings."
"We decided to hold up on our lawsuit because we thought it was a very pivotal time."
"You can be a great lawyer and a great negotiator but if you don't understand how to get the public's opinion on your side I think you're always going to lose."
"JJ called Davis to complain and to see what they'd get on tape."
"Dominion went out of its way to prove that it could inflict a lot of pain on everyone at the network."
"Raising exposure now is going to be the best way to benefit this case."
"Your Honor, I'm about to switch gears a little bit."
"The jury does not going to believe that because what happened to her would not have happened if it had been on."
"Pretend to have a heart attack when he did not want to answer a question about the case."
"It takes a good deal of time to assemble that little piece of evidence into a fabric that can be arguably proved Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"Trump is flexing maximum wingspan, opening up those wingspan and just using his free speech to the maximum ability."
"Trump as the moving party gets the last word."
"Building a racketeering case that proved Carl Cooper was the leader of a criminal organization."
"The truth is on our side and we will continue our investigation."
"Every time he talks, he's putting himself into a bigger criminal hole. But that's not his objective. His objective is purely political at this point. Because that is the only mechanism that exists in a democracy."
"They don't want to look mean in front of the jury or whatever."
"Your motion has all your arguments in it so you look into your lawyer crystal ball and you go what are they probably going to argue."
"Part two of any plaintiff's lawsuit is this is how much you owe me for doing me wrong."
"There's a lot at stake, there's a lot to be focusing on, I think in terms of courtroom decorum, courtroom behavior because it's such a... creative which really means weak case..."
"You never want to say something in opening that is going to turn out not to be true in trial."
"No prosecutor would like this to be released because if it does get released the defendants will likely in the future say I did not get a fair trial."
"There are creative ways to resolve cases. Could Tati say, 'Okay, well, you can't pay it. These are the other things I want'?"
"A Cold War setting would offer entirely new environments for players."
"It's about putting it out in court and showing the evidence, and then dragging them out in the light with Discovery."
"The defendants have raised an affirmative defense. What does that mean? An affirmative defense means, 'Hey, even if.'"
"If the evidence shows a sincere good faith attempt to evaluate fair use, a misrepresentation claim won't succeed."
"That's a great way to build a bond between your witness and the jury."
"We're looking for the minimum effective dose of punishment."
"It's less about the crime and more about the target." - Bill Cassidy
"In a RICO case, if you can charge one of the conspirators with a felony, charge them all. That was the legal breakthrough."
"I don't think I've ever said this before, but I really led them down the primrose path, making them believe that I would cooperate with them but never intending to cooperate."
"The defense only has to make it that believable that they didn't do it to where they'll go against it."
"They attracted an anonymous person to the case who offered up fifty thousand dollars as a reverse ransom."
"They changed the group that they are defending from the employees of Activision Blizzard to a group that includes temporary workers, contract workers at Activision Blizzard."
"Every single piece of evidence will show that the committee and Bannon's lawyers were willing to negotiate."
"He's not suing for the children, that is in Criminal Court, he is suing on behalf of him but arguing that some of why he needs the money is that it will go to the children."
"The strongest cases are built on multiple forms of evidence."
"My focus as a prosecutor was protect my Witnesses protect my case and by protecting the case that includes protecting the rights of the defendant protecting the case from undue influence from outside influence protecting the potential jury pool."
"You're here to determine if there even was a conspiracy. Cases again can be solved with evidence, they can be solved with lack of evidence."
"So bring that up in court, ask the officer what was your angle deflection when you actually caught me on your radar gun and see if you can answer it I'm probably guessing he probably won't."
"The only court that Dead Matter is going to at least for now is the court of public opinion."
"The idea that his attorney would not have been dragging a wheelbarrow full of stuff out of his house is shocking."
"This is the kind of accusation that you really wish you could deliver more often in filings."
"You have two choices: lower your expectations or go whole hog and start throwing grenades with an attorney."
"We must fight through the courts, politically, and in every way we can. Facts still matter."
"If AM didn't do this, why does it hurt the defense to have multiple theories?"
"You are at the crossroads faced by every person on trial for a crime."
"He took a plea deal to avoid the death penalty and was rendered a life sentence without the possibility of parole."
"The only way that he could keep his life was if he pled guilty."
"If Trump and his lawyers open the door and make some type of statement like they've never made comments like this before, he's always supported free and fair elections, if they make any arguments like that, then all of that can be led in."
"An attorney who devised and attempted to implement a strategy to leverage the vice president's ceremonial role."
"An attorney who assisted in devising and attempting to implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential electors."
"It allows prosecutors to delve into whether he might be publicly lying because he has a consciousness of guilt."
"You got to bring the state claims in state court."
"their best chance for a legal resolution went up in smoke when we took their best lawyers off the field."
"The second school of thought on this is that Manafort is angling for a Presidential pardon."
"At the end of the day, that is what this was about, he's building that file, and it's not a very light file."
"Trump's lawyers probing deep into the prospective jurors' social media posts."
"Presenting this much evidence with no defense is going to make people convict him even more in the court of public opinion."