
Deliberation Quotes

There are 330 quotes

"After much deliberation and research into this, I have come to the conclusion that I don't fucking know."
"Civic virtue... meant people who were willing to engage with others in public deliberation."
"Meaningful choices matter. I want to deliberate for 10 minutes over a choice because it matters."
"You should be taking your time to consider everything before you come to a conclusion."
"The Senate has always been a place where the structure and rules permit fast-moving partisan agendas to be slowed down."
"It is the only deliberative structure we have in our government, and at a time when institutions are being consumed let us not consume another."
"The General Assembly must remain the main deliberative policy-making organ of the United Nations."
"It's important that you wait to have heard all the evidence in the case before you begin deliberations."
"What we really want is a personality characteristic that allows people to be slow at critical things."
"I think the reality is it was probably like what was that movie where all the jurors are in the room and the one guy's there like, 'He's guilty!' 12 Angry Men, yeah, it was like that."
"Wise people are deliberative and thoughtful."
"Every action is deliberate and with purpose."
"Someone is taking their time and really weighing their options."
"Saturn's causing us to slow down, take the slow way, do things the right way."
"The jury deliberated for only four hours and they came back with a verdict of not guilty."
"Saturn is there to say, 'Alright, hold on, slow down, and think before you act.'"
"Deliberation is one of the qualities of leadership. It's not just an emotional response."
"Make haste slowly; things are improving by time. Draw up your Proclamation carefully, and if you please, let me see it before issuing." - President Abraham Lincoln
"Deliberate your goals for a deeper sense of productivity."
"We'll continue to refine it... as deliberately and carefully as we can."
"I thought it was good they took time to deliberate."
"Action needs to be taken here but... intentional, deliberate thought out action."
"The use of a tactical nuke would be a deliberate Act made in Cold Blood."
"My favorite album from the South is probably... I said 'might be,' though. I'm not sure about that, I never thought about it."
"Any reason is a good reason to get tattooed... as long as you're sure about it, you've thought about it for a hot second, then it's all good."
"I think something through and then I take action."
"Being unhurried, like being slow to do something, but being very deliberate and doing it at your own time."
"The good life is cultivating our human faculties for reason and judgment. And that means we have to practice by deliberating with other human beings."
"The best way to live is to share in a common life with fellow citizens, deliberating with them about the best way to live."
"But I think the important thing is just being deliberate about what model you're using and not necessarily taking things for granted."
"It's important for James to weigh the potential risks and benefits of any actions he takes."
"When you add each individual piece, you're thinking about it like a decision."
"The hasty stroke goes oft astray."
"Painstaking deliberation... we should not disturb that painstaking deliberation."
"It's hard to argue about justice without first arguing about the purpose of social institutions and about what qualities are worthy of honor and recognition."
"You really just want to take your time with this."
"In every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations."
"You're a man of action which is fine. I take a more slow deliberate cerebral approach."
"It just requires a little bit more thought."
"The jury deliberated for three hours and 22 minutes before coming back with a verdict of guilty."
"You must not discuss this case with anyone until you retire to deliberate. This includes family, friends, and even your fellow jurors."
"Everything I've said in this video has been at length considered by me."
"They're definitely slow moving. They're very much about, 'Okay, I've seen a lot of crappy things, I don't want that to seep into this.'"
"There is an advantage in taking things slowly."
"I have a lot of notes here I have a lot of talking points that I want to go over and I wanted time did you sit and ponder what I was going to talk about this morning."
"The jury went into deliberation and it only took them nine hours to come back with a guilty verdict for Jeremy."
"Currently the knee-jerk reaction by everyone is they ruined it, blah. So we decided to do the opposite of a knee-jerk reaction, which is a slow leg movement."
"Take your time with things instead of rushing into things, you know?"
"Perhaps the most difficult part of deliberation for a justice is demonstrating a capacity to change that point of view when faced with the views of others."
"Libra moons are not impulsive in making their decisions at all."
"They may be a little bit of a slow mover, needing time and space to reflect."
"To say someone came from a bad background or whatever, therefore it's less deliberate? No, it might be even more deliberate. I mean, who knows? It's the background doesn't speak to the question of how deliberate was it."
"Everything that you do will require a lot of thought and there's no rush."
"Take things slowly. Reflect, take stock."
"So much for the careful deliberations of Lady Justice."
"I just want to say, all the books on this list I have not read, and that was a deliberate choice of mine."
"You take your time and you don't rush things."
"12 Angry Men who didn't want their freedom to be taken."
"I think that has been mentioned the the saying you heard about the fence."
"I believe there are no other issues to take up before the jurors are brought in."
"The evidence confirms that this was not a spontaneous call to action but rather was a deliberate strategy decided upon in advance by the president."
"You don't need to rush into anything."
"We don't have time for anything but a lot more active public discussion, public deliberation, and public education on these issues."
"I thought I took a long time to go with these things."
"It's important to have that process so that people can be thoughtful and really think through what the implications are of each of their choices."
"I invite you to take your time, speak slowly, clearly, and pause before responding."
"I urge you to deliberate honestly and thoughtfully."
"The worthwhile life is the considered life, the life thought about, the life chosen."
"Blake was found not guilty after some 30 hours of deliberation."
"Put some thought behind it. Put some thought behind it."
"There's never a rush, we always have a lot of time to discuss these big changes."
"To me and the sense I got from the rest of my jurors was that his acts were deliberate, not necessarily planned, but definitely he knew what he was doing."
"We've got time. We're not in a rush to put this out because we want to be very deliberate for this refresh before we're rolling it out."
"You have to live with stuff for a few days before you can really make an informed decision."
"Deliberation is the act of choosing; to live deliberately is to realize that we have choices."
"Act slow to ensure that the decisions that you're making are not being driven by emotional impulses."
"Don't do anything in haste take your time."
"Go slow, take some time. You don't need to rush anything."
"So yeah that's Montreal like I said I didn't go didn't go I was kind of like hungry a little bit debating if I should make a smoothie I'm always a baiting on a smoothie I was debating on that earlier this morning but ended up making Avo toast for breakfast."
"He's intelligent, he's deliberate, he's purposeful."
"We have to stretch. We have to choose our life. And to choose our life, we have to be deliberate and go, 'What kind of life do I want?'"
"These guys are very deliberate, I know that. More deliberate than I am."
"When we are explicit about it, to do this and to think about this variety of things when we make our decisions, it's a give and take."
"We're going to get four or two tires I'm still debating."
"Action should be founded on contemplation."
"He gets excited about this and starts to think carefully to choose something meaningful."
"I do like to take my time though and decide what goes where because I like the Aesthetics."
"You have to be very considered and very deliberate about the decisions that you make."
"With um, some careful deliberation and coming in under way under what they're asking, I think the house we're going to pick is the house on Worcester Street, it's a home, it's great."
"I was super deliberate with all of the gear that I brought on this trip."
"And the way it approaches it, 11 say he's guilty, one man Henry Fonda says well let's talk about this a little."
"We come home from the challenge and now we got to figure out who are we going to vote out at the round table."
"We need to protect the deliberative process. Not everything should be public. Thank you both."
"We spent three years very deliberately like making every musical choice on that album."
"Just the fact that you're taking this long couple to determine how to respond to me suggestion."
"...don't be in a hurry, slow it down."
"I hear you, I hear you guys yelling at me through the screen going, 'Danny, don't forget you said you're gonna be picky.' I know, I know. This is what I do."
"It is much more so that I leave it open and very flexible during the process of deliberation to which norm we together probably should bind us together."
"Each of you must decide this case for yourself, but you should do so only after a discussion and consideration of the case with your fellow jurors."
"Deliberations will begin again with that alternate."
"They thought these things very carefully."
"I don't do things on impulse anymore."
"I just want to make the most educated decision that I can."
"A verdict must represent the individual consideration of each juror."
"We need time to deliberate and contemplate to feel human."
"With the weight of the evidence and the gravity of the crime before them, the jury was left to determine the fate of Jones."
"Just ask yourself this: if you're on this jury, don't you want to see it all? I'm so curious, I'm nosy. I want to see it all."
"To go specifically to what you were saying there, they would have had to deliberately pick this out."
"Since the law is based around reasonable suspicion and being a reasonable doubt you have to assume that between 12 people hopefully the reasonableness would average out."
"They always take their time, move slowly, methodically."
"Take your time and I think that once you do that, the evidence is going to point to the one direction that you all know it should be pointing."
"The most trustworthy virtue is that which long and carefully considers itself, controls itself, and slowly and deliberately brings itself to the front."
"We're all members of a single moral community and that we have to deliberate together because we're in this together"
"Contemplating not only what he should do next, but what is the right choice for the well-being of his wife, Padme."
"...as much as they saw it up close they can see it even closer during deliberations."
"Make it carefully, decide slowly."
"Have an education, research, think, discuss, then offer your opinion."
"I think about decisions before implementing them."
"Before voting comes deliberation, debate. That's essential to self-government."
"After three long uninterrupted days of deliberation, I decide upon a design for the base."
"Investigating situations rather than acting on impulse reduces your chances of making a poor choice."
"It's not like a complete green light, it's more like a flashing yellow light, a real slow flashing yellow light."
"The slowness of inspection parallel to the immense deliberation which he brought to the act of painting."
"God created you in His image, with the faculty of deliberation, ability to think and reason, and conscience."
"Look, there's a lot of deliberation, and if it is true that it's not because of the fact that one has kids and the other doesn't, then I don't know."
"In reaching your verdict, examine the evidence with care and caution; act with judgment, reason, and prudence."
"Sit down, really look at what your options are, and make sure it is really what you want to do."
"The great seraphic lords and cherubim in close recess and secret conclave sat."
"I thought long and hard about each and every pick."
"They're thinking very in a very deliberate way... how are we going to make use of this time for maximum effect."
"Live on less than you make, think very deliberately about every decision you make, especially the big ones."
"Take time to make clear decisions, bring awareness and light to the situation."
"The jury deliberated for just 30 minutes before announcing their verdict: not proven."
"Think long and hard before actually making one of these large purchases."
"Part of what it means to be a democratic citizen is to deliberate to reason together even in the face of disagreements about big ethical questions that matter."
"It's a very, very dangerous time into which to where we should not rush; we should move very carefully indeed."
"It is not just a matter of imagination; it is done quite deliberately."
"Before you make any major move, breathe, sleep on it if you need to, think about it, really be intentional, clear, and connected."
"Take your time and think about it, of course."
"We must not rush into conclusions."
"A gentleman wants to be slow in conversation and quick in action to prove his strength."
"The behavioral risk audit is designed to encourage deliberative thinking."
"It's not to create a disruption, it's not to make this a very bad process, it is to say, 'Majority, give us time to do our work so that we can have a positive and comprehensive hearing on the man who may well be the deciding vote for many of America's futures.'"
"The best way to do that is in conversation with justices across the court and taking the deliberative process very seriously."
"Please think carefully about your answers before you give them."
"Take your time, ponder your perspective, ponder what you're going to do, make a decision, take it gently, take it steady."
"Remember, you're the judges in this case, and what you're asked to bring into this courtroom is common sense."
"Quiet, calm deliberation disentangles every knot."
"Savannah, we debated for quite a while about calling this baby Savannah because we love the name so much."
"...I think one of the good things in my life is that losing everything at 15 has meant that I have to be very deliberate about every single thing in my life."
"With COVID travel today, you have to be far more deliberate in your choices and in how you plan your vacation."
"It is vital that this body, the so-called most deliberative body on the planet, stands united and speaks with moral clarity on this issue."
"Think long and hard before you make this decision."
"He literally slows time down when it comes to the decision-making process."
"The jury is probably thinking a lot of the same things, like why are we here? What is going on?"
"We deliberated over colors for months and months until we finally settled on this one."
"The Electoral College was originally supposed to be a deliberative body."
"I'm interested in deliberation and a democracy where people are thinking in an evidence-based way."
"This is one of the most important decisions of my life, and I definitely couldn't rush through it."
"...the Israeli government stopped and deliberated at length, painfully, whether or not to send these paratroopers into the old city of Jerusalem."
"I've been kind of taking my time trying to come up with topics that I just think are worth everybody's time."
"Reach your decision only during your final deliberations."
"It's been talked about so much, it's like, is it even worth doing? I think it is."
"You have a choice right now, you get to repeat the things you've always done or you can evolve them and become more deliberate."
"A divorce is never done in haste, a divorce is never done in anger."
"I am very obviously, as you will come to learn, deliberate, level-headed, and very much in control of my own actions."
"What I have learned is go slow and take your time."
"Reforming this world's greatest superhero team seems like something important enough that they should take their time and do it right."
"We are back and after consulting with the judges."
"Every single word, thought of and thought of and thought of again, all together in one place."
"The Art of War then is governed by five constant factors to be taken into account in one's deliberations when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field."
"I like to take my time with things."
"It is a call to slow things down, to think rationally before we decide on a course of action."
"The strictures of poetry... force the poet to choose language more deliberately than one normally would."
"For you will hardly find a man who is asked about an issue pausing to consider carefully before answering."
"I kind of like going through things slower, I don't really rush anything."
"Be sure of every single step that you make."
"The ghost bear way lies on the path of intellectual deliberation and prudent action."
"I don't flip boats every year, so when I pick a boat, I put a lot of thought into it."
"The minds of the jurors after the entire comparison and consideration of all the evidence are in such a condition that they can say they feel an abiding conviction of the truth of the charge."
"I am not precipitate; I do not leap in unnecessarily."
"Choose your next words carefully."
"The kind of thing we want to deliberate on and put more thought into is like the plot and character."
"When people are given time and independent information, and they're enabled to deliberate, they come up with policies that are far more ambitious than any government ever does."
"I think a thing to death before I make a decision, but I think that's probably helped me more than it's hurt me."
"This is a very serious issue, and therefore it warrants making a very careful, fully informed decision."
"We have a very delicate situation in which we must weigh and balance a great many considerations."
"Emphatic statement by certain jurors early in their deliberations does not disclose any improper conduct on their part."
"It is for your country that you are consulting; that you have not more than one, and upon this one deliberation depends its prosperity or ruin."
"We have nine people who sit down every month and say what's the right thing to do here by the country, even if it's unpopular."
"Keep an open mind during the trial; form your final opinions only after you have had an opportunity to discuss the case with each other in the jury room at the end of the trial."
"We're going to think about it a little bit longer because once you make a decision, you know, you need to make sure it's what you want to do."
"You're at this choice point in your life, making a deliberate change of course."
"The identity of the self and Brahman, taught in the Upanishads, is confirmed by Manana, deliberation."
"Take your time, don't rush into it."
"This goes to show, slow down, take your time, really think about it."
"Consider the cost, consider the cost."
"There's no reason you need to make a decision in a vacuum."
"Sleep on it at least one night, at least if it's an important decision."
"Deliberation is an effective method for addressing open questions– questions to which there is not an immediately obvious answer."