
Research Challenges Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"It's very hard also to survey people who committed suicide."
"It's hard enough to get people to exercise at the level and at the time that you need for your study."
"NASA and other space agencies are already conducting experiments around long term isolation of crews, but a solution to this problem is still a long way away."
"Finding out the truth of what happened in the past is hard enough, especially in a topic like this where biases are impossible to avoid."
"Your family tree is a little bit more like a jigsaw puzzle where you don't have the box, you have no idea what the completed picture is going to look like, and there are all these pieces out there that you have to find and put together."
"UFO researchers historically have always many of them have tried to be ultra conservative for that reason."
"The better data you have, the better these results will be... the problems come up with the data."
"Maybe it'll figure it out before we do, but hey, it wouldn't be science if it didn't bring up just as many questions as it answers."
"First, it's overwhelming when you do research. There's gonna be unlimited ways to do this."
"Somehow the bones just went missing about 50-60 years ago. We've never seen them since."
"Very little new science gets done during chaos."
"How are we going to find out what's happening at this Planck level? This is just one of the many challenges for physicists of tomorrow."
"Good research is going to ask you to do both and everything in between."
"If this conclusion that America is so unique in this mass shooting regard is so obvious, show me another study to that effect."
"The culture of ridicule has seriously impeded research on the topic."
"Never before have experts been confronted with a supernova lasting years."
"There is almost nobody working on the original problems that motivated people to seek grant unification or unification of particle physics and gravity."
"Remember everything is in service of the audience and I actually have the misfortune of working on three genes, all of which have names that end in two and none of which are memorable by anyone who doesn't work on them."
"The road to lost media becoming found media is paved in unprovable information."
"When it comes to ancient history, it's very rare that we can be 100% certain about anything."
"It's part of what makes it exciting, like it's harder in a field like this to get a killer result."
"Imagine trying to get that past an ethics committee today."
"The fact that you see nothing in the center is actually quite significant."
"Confirmation bias is a big problem in science."
"Finding them has been the archaeological equivalent of finding a needle in a five hundred thousand year old haystack."
"It's a very difficult word to write down, hard to research here on wiki or on the Google."
"Would you believe that for almost a century researchers were baffled as to what the carvings entail?"
"I wanted to work on problems where you don't even know if there's a solution."
"Doing your own research is a good way to end up being wrong."
"Sorry, I can't find any sources online, it's been like two years but it stuck in my mind."
"The Perry race map continues to baffle researchers and its curious inconsistencies and remarkable accuracy bear witness to the complexity of history and the depth of knowledge of our ancestors."
"Each time we find something new, it brings out many questions, most of them remain unanswered."
"He just... to get into it briefly he... there's not a lot out there on tip it either."
"It was overwhelming where do you even start usually I would go down there and spend two weeks to study five fossils."
"It can be frustrating at times when experiments don't work, which is quite a lot of the times, believe it or not, but it is incredibly rewarding, and I have learned a lot."
"Every all these wonderful ways we've found to discover what's going on inside a planet just fail when you get to Venus."
"It's really hard to get this type of research funded and approved."
"Many researchers find referencing difficult... the best practice is to recognize the source you got that idea from, and this is called referencing."
"This is the constant problem with archaeology; even when you think you've come up with an answer, it leads to more questions."
"We're struggling to fully understand the physics in this phase diagram because theory is limited in how much they can calculate exactly."
"Unobservables are variables or characteristics that we do not have data on and cannot be easily measured."
"Reinforcement learning results are tricky to reproduce, performance is very noisy, algorithms have many moving parts which allow for subtle bugs."
"The problem is virtually all molecular biological kits that are used these days, they are all contaminated."
"It's very difficult to find the exact data, so in this scenario, the population is unknown for me."