
Gaming Challenges Quotes

There are 388 quotes

"Every game suffers this; some more than others."
"The fact it took so long to get to that point is pretty insane, and it's why Absolute Virtue has to stand as pretty much the hardest boss in video game history."
"Well, kinda. You see, Minecraft has three different types of achievements: normal advancements, goals, and challenges. Even though I got a bunch of them, I didn't get every goal and every challenge."
"This might be one of the most frustrated times I've had in a Pokemon run ever."
"Oh my gosh, what a level. Very tough one for sure, but we figured it out."
"Pac-Man's Hydrant is obnoxious to deal with, and if you can't deal with it, you automatically lose the matchup."
"Surviving 100 days in a Minecraft natural disaster-filled world with everything from tornadoes"
"We've never had more difficult stages to test characters out in."
"A prohibitive issue Yu-Gi-Oh continues to deal with."
"Impulse is a very, very, very annoying attack and is one of the most difficult counterattacks to deal with in the entire game."
"These types of asymmetrical battles with genuine consequences and unpredictable outcomes provide many of the campaign's best moments."
"All these different elements at play make Nemesis easily the hardest enemy I have ever tried to consistently beat in any game I've ever played."
"One hit means you're dead. But there's a select group of gamers who can do even better."
"Solo runs and Nuzlockes: different challenges, same dedication."
"Just never give up, guys. That's the most important part of Roblox or anything challenging in life. Just never ever give up."
"These are the hardest Spot the Difference games we've ever looked at."
"Bix's train escape: A run that shouldn't have completed, but did."
"I couldn't do it with raccoon Mario, and you know what? After suffering through this, you are now small Mario."
"Passing a trial will gain us a jewel and combining all the jewels will allow us to take on the champion of dark."
"Sigma in this game is one of the hardest encounters with them in the series."
"This place was so stacked, but with great loot comes great inventory problems because I was once again struggling to stuff all of these shiny things into my inventory. I was like a caveman."
"Let's test it on that mob. Oh yo, the hunters are here and I am not ready for this."
"This card looks super scary. That means Rachel can now be casting stuff for free every single turn. This is really bad news."
"Failure is not losing progress, it's making horizontal progress."
"It feels like a really nice balance between the actual weapons that you have and the actual enemies and how much they're going to take."
"To this day not one player has been able to complete this challenge until now."
"Gigantic expects players to earn their kills."
"I'm just soggy and sad man, and so why, if I fail this challenge, I'm gonna be supremely pissed."
"We're almost at 30 killed; we still need to kill one more elder guardian; we need to clear up some of these guardians first."
"I've always loved extremely hard gaming challenges whether it's simply a hard game or a self-inflicted challenge like a Pokemon Nuzlocke I can never seem to get enough of this stuff."
"Some of the most fulfilling experiences challenged me to learn my class, coordinate with my group, and give an awesome sense of achievement."
"The different challenges that these characters are going to have to overcome in Overwatch 2 are things that they haven't ever dealt with before or dealt with on this scale."
"So what did I end up doing? Well, the only option I had left was to at least get all the purple coins and get 500 power moons to unlock all the levels."
"Life is good, we have mending, man, we finally got it!"
"It's about how hard it actually is to be really good at this game and how much one little mistake can easily be punished."
"Hope you like doing photo investigations because this game throws one in every mission."
"I definitely get lazy when I have to scream for like a month straight without playing games."
"All bets are off oh man oh man well lookie here you actually pulled it off but you've made me lose a bet and for that you ain't see the boss just yet we're gonna play a little game first"
"Riding clouds used to be fun but now obstacles spawn in right in front of us."
"Trust me I know there's nothing more frustrating than getting third partied by a Rev Octane Bloodhound."
"One of the ways you can do that is you can not eat any meat or any animal based products... inside minecraft."
"The biggest threat to the players was poverty. Dying due to lack of rations was the big motivator to going into the dungeon."
"There's definitely... a few bad ones... you have to play it."
"Fatal Frame 3, boy was this a nightmare to try and record."
"Buttons are hard. Three more years of hearing about bugs exactly. Z-bat exactly."
"In the early stages of 3D gaming, no other genre had a tougher transition to the third dimension than the platformer games."
"For those who have challenges or have that actually harm their experience, no, this is an important thing."
"This challenge is everything I thought I knew about changelings and widow mines. My world is shaken."
"Escalation contracts... force you out of your comfort zone."
"Alright, now for the meaty part of this guide: combat tips. Combat in Elden Wren is challenging but not impossible."
"There's a 1 in 256 chance that any move can just miss and if it happens it can lose a lot of time."
"Impossible levels are a staple of many games, with creators trying to push the human limits of what can be theoretically achieved."
"If you are the type of player that likes to get number one ranked for a specific character this is a big problem."
"Another iconic easter egg quest in all of zombies history has to be on the map nine there are so many elements to this easter egg which I believe put this in one of the 20 greatest."
"Every game is hard and frustrating, you still play them because you enjoy them."
"It's gonna be hard with only two cards to be good, right?"
"The game has challenges... There are tons of these."
"If I'm struggling at these two quarters and I can't get past and I'm."
"Super Mario 64 was never designed to be beaten with zero a presses."
"Licensed games tend to come with their own issues."
"This is the final challenge so it is very difficult, I don't know if Milo will even be able to beat this parkour."
"If you preorder the game so they can play it first and a lot of those people are not able to play it first because of the server issues that are out of their control, that's not their fault."
"Composition sucks ass... you're gonna have to hard carry."
"There's a problem when it comes to the end game for me versus the end game for a lot of other players."
"This is a death trap dungeon meant to murder your players."
"There will always be a boogeyman with older formats."
"Residence Massacre: Night 2 - This game is hard. It's really cool, it's just kind of convoluted."
"Every time you kill one, it kills two at the time that you're killing it."
"It's a good thing too because the constrained controls basically result in you having to brute force your way through the later stages that just overload the room." - Table Tanks
"I got killed by the weakest item in the game."
"There are simply too many semi-complex moves in this game to execute without a standard controller."
"Starting from scratch isn't the problem, starting behind everyone else is."
"It's very hard to slow a format down once it's sped up."
"Get ready for the toughest side quest in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild!"
"How hard is it to find rabbits? It's reasonable to assume you could get hold of a bundle within the first hour of a new Minecraft world."
"I'm getting bricked; I don't even have Electric Furnace learned."
"You cannot get through a tomb king campaign if you don't focus on your technology properly."
"All the tourist demons in the world can't screw over a Dark Souls player as thoroughly or as miserably as a Dark Souls player can screw over themselves."
"I think we're gonna see content droughts. Yeah, that's a double-edged sword."
"Almost every enemy, even the mid-sized ones, has a stronger defense, pushing you to get better with the mechanics."
"It's not really my only shot of having them develop any immunity."
"The essence of Hardcore WoW is that death equals delete."
"The best set of bosses in the series by some distance."
"Nothing's ever simple when it comes to this game."
"You lose, creme early, trims coming off a very difficult tough map for."
"He is still very difficult for him to get in on characters that can wall him out."
"Stay positive, keep a smile on your face, and just know that I appreciate each and every one of you."
"Do you want to know why Zygar's broken? Because there is no clear answer to it."
"It felt like the pinnacle of what Monster Hunter strives to be: an uphill battle for hunters versus monsters that you can overcome through persistence, learning, grinding, and skill."
"That's pretty rough there for the old time gating."
"In Mario Kart, sometimes you just do your best and still fail."
"Can you beat Payday 2 without committing a criminal offense? After thinking about it for about 10 seconds I realized the answer was a hard no."
"The platinum is a joke, I'ma get it because it's just so easy."
"It always makes me so sad when I read stuff like that 'cause I know how long it takes to just grind out six stars in this game."
"Introducing job 57 yet another level that wants us to collect evil coins to beat it a hundred of those to be exact it's not possible either."
"Hero pools is like the last straw that breaks the camel's back with all the travel and home stands going on already."
"It's very hard to [alpha game] in this game."
"This is very, very difficult level and also one of the most punishing."
"That's two mentally crushing rounds in a row. That's the scary thing about Tekken."
"I am the best gamer in the world, is what you will feel when you beat one of these challenges."
"Starcraft 1 pathing is bad. Units are constantly lost and confused. Ramps are a nightmare, stairs require an actual PhD, and even microing around corners is a full-time job."
"The game is split into levels with 16 in total that spans seven different worlds, each of them requiring the player to complete a series of objectives before moving on."
"The pinnacle challenge this game throws at you are the dungeons."
"It seems like Lana’s Trial is to calm whatever Pokémon this may be."
"Nightmare dungeons provide you with frequently cycling world objectives."
"Sniper Elite VR properly translates difficulty from the base series and it's pretty hard to brute force your way through with an SMG or an assault rifle."
"I hope I've accurately portrayed why this is the hardest game I've ever played."
"The arena mode pits Kirby on a marathon of 19 boss fights with only one life and a few health resources to keep you going."
"Geo has many problems with breaking elemental shields."
"This is ultimate difficulty, you're gonna concede a lot of these goals. The AI just plays so well."
"The Nuzlocke forces you to give a nickname to each and every Pokémon you catch, forcing an emotional attachment to them all. So when Butterfree dies, you just murdered Jeremy and that blood is on your hands."
"One problem with lethality Fiora is tanks, but luckily our player does have a solution."
"Games are challenging enough, you want to add your own layer."
"RNG will always be our greatest enemy and our bestest friend."
"We only have like the last 10 left which are only like 100 coin stars in like DDD and stuff so only the really painful ones."
"He's a level 99 boss and you're just a level 10 rookie."
"Categories like any percent and any percent glitchless offer diverse challenges."
"Is it possible to beat New Super Mario Bros U while being Mini Mario at all times? Well yes, it is."
"I'm just trying to give us a little bit of a challenge, you know, making Dream Island spicy."
"Here are seven times video games did just that: busting you right back down to scum-sucking noob for reasons that we think are pretty flimsy."
"Every so often there comes a moment in otherwise good or popular games where things are suddenly so tedious, hard, scary, or unpleasant they make you go, 'you know what, eff this game.'" - Relatable frustrations.
"100 in Payday 2 is in the top percentile of difficulty when it comes to the classic completionist challenge in gaming."
"Clearing every milestone and earning every potential reward is harder in Payday than 99% of games on the market."
"Overwatch has never really been in such a weird place."
"Practice makes perfect, but even then, new players will get wiped out early on."
"The quirky controls of GTA 5: this mission's hardest [expletive] console."
"The novelty of playing on any screen may not be enough to look past Stadia's shortcomings."
"The barrier to entry for new players might be a smidgen high."
"The game plan for Alar to Little Mac, you can genuinely be playing against a weakness of the character."
"I want to broaden it to interesting and silly challenges that you guys can come up with because I think you guys can come up with really weird challenges for games."
"More mountains, more mental roads, switchbacks, and certainly, this game delivers them."
"You should not be struggling in greater rifts until you're powerful, until you've augmented your character and you're ready to push."
"People act like retail WoW is really easy... but it's very difficult."
"That's a rule in the category, is it really 100 if you don't Cannon?"
"As soon as you end up getting overwhelmed I mean there's not really any way to pick and choose your target as the Fate trickster."
"For everyone who played the game, you know how hard it was to catch Abra."
"The struggle of Twitch Plays Pokemon: trolls, glitches, and unexpected challenges."
"Part of the challenge is not just how quickly it can complete it but about how many points you can gather by doing all sorts of special events and training the dogs up."
"Anti-cheat is just an unattractive thing to work on when people aren't mad about it."
"Being a little mermaid isn't good because I only have five hearts of HP right now."
"Playing a necromancer can be a bit more challenging than some of the other classes available in the game."
"Okay, another Lynel, can't get enough of them."
"The lag almost killed me, but I just managed to get out of there and make it."
"Every 10 days there will be a new event in the game to make the game slightly more difficult. I hope you enjoy."
"If you can't beat my world, you gotta donate a thousand dollars to a charity of my choosing."
"For those who are free to play players, can you please let me know in the comment section below if you are having some trouble on doing the raids?"
"Number 7: Lord Wu [ __ ] [ __ ] Banjo-Tooie - 'But Jolly Roger Lagoon and the beast at its center will forever be cemented in my memory as an agonizing ordeal.'"
"There are four red coins hidden in every level."
"Hunters are typically given every annoying or difficult mechanic in a Range setting."
"Piracy will always be a problem, especially when you're dealing with say open software, the budget for Triple A games, the graphical requirements, the escalation in all respects is getting out of control."
"There has to be a distance that the player has to the item that they know that they can actually go and obtain it because if that distance is too far then nobody is going to take the journey to begin with."
"Warzone's Foundation of a frustrating map and laughable anti-cheat are definitely major contributing factors."
"There's a lot of backtracking in this chapter."
"Chrono V has been pretty on point with his challenges so far."
"The reason why people aren't playing the game and the reason why they quit is because they can't play alts."
"Zero gives people some issues... it becomes a cat and mouse game."
"Thank you guys for camping out with me and going through these challenges with me."
"Emotional damage in Chinese accent: 'This game is too hard for me, it gives me too much emotional damage.'"
"Shadowlands is probably going to be ropey at the start. Get a damn guild try to play with people if you're playing with a good group of people then a bunch of the problems that could arise in this expansion will impact you less."
"The rewards of Marvel Future Fight are much less than the difficulty."
"Our only goal is to beat this death game and make it out alive."
"When expansions collide, we're gonna see some wibbly-wobbly shit going on."
"Revoker was the most annoying to play against for me since it just rewarded missing and led to snipers being a menace in the crucible."
"Don't get discouraged if you're losing a lot of your fights, it's okay, it happened to me, it still happens to me."
"More live enemy that throws grenades, shoots you in the face and gives you the big shock."
"Melee is hard, man. Melee is seriously one of the most mentally demanding and high octane competitive games out there."
"I genuinely enjoy being creative, whether it's drawing, singing, or dancing."
"You shouldn't feel like you can't do it or you're not a good enough player."
"And that was only one dungeon left and we need 20 levels to get there it's come to mining zoom in iam I'm such a weak man here we go"
"The deadliest encounters I've ever run were deadly by accident." - Unpredictable outcomes.
"This is really hard, like hitting superheroes is not easy. It's not superheroes, okay? Superpower people, humans, superhumans, crazy people."
"Having full control over the character being a separate entity from full control over the camera was one of early 3D's biggest problems."
"Being a gamer is hard work. It doesn't matter if you're a modern or retro gamer, you just haven't got the money to play or buy them all."
"Welcome to the challenge battles - it uses a scoring system that judges you based on a number of factors unique to each fight."
"Everybody, and I mean everybody, loves some conduit challenges."
"Facing off against a vampire and its bosses getting more and more difficult is a test of ability depending on the level of difficulty you chose."
"One small slip-up could cost you the entire run."
"Many have made it this far only to come a cropper due to the difficulty that this boss poses."
"We endure the worst of Yu-Gi-Oh so that we can experience the best of Yu-Gi-Oh."
"The worst thing in the world is wiping your team because of poor communication."
"Congrats, you're done with the caretaker. It's very damage heavy so you have to be on your A-game here."
"You will die a lot. When you get better, you'll still die a lot but less. Every time you die, learn from the experience."
"The game pretty much expects you to be using them."
"This might be impossible, I just counted up how many shinies are missing - 27."
"The game throws you into some tough situations... each level is fun to play and there are many types of enemies in each stage."
"That was a very clean and good Yhorm fight I struggle with Yhorm for a long time in the speedruns."
"Fortnite was not necessarily understandable or inviting to the casual player."
"Incorporating pop culture skins into Fortnite can be surprisingly complicated."
"Collaboration and trust will be needed to sneak past guards, hack through laser grids, crack safes, and much more. Challenge accepted? Yeah, it sounds a lot of fun to me."
"Quantum physics be easier than playing Isaac sometimes."
"This nightfall is like more on the difficult side as just so many things will wreck you and they will wreck you so damn fast."
"This might be a little bit tough to beat with the Leviathan."
"This is just incredible, ladies and gentlemen. I hope that you go give him some love on his Twitch stream. Tell him to go do the dribbling challenge, a dribble only."
"2021 for those of you that are single is also going to bring in someone new that can just be so much more fulfilling to your needs and your desires."
"The game was going to make me work for this last Pokemon."
"If you're an under farmed assassin, there's just no point. Absolutely no point to that because then you're just gonna, you know, you can't kill anyone, you can't tank anything, you can't do anything."
"It's a very dangerous Pokemon and it requires very specific counter play."
"The game is on a knife edge like that. It forces you to make these very important decisions all the time."
"That reflections got off to such a weird start, I thought we were in big trouble."
"I would like to thank adventurers everywhere for challenging me, for defying me, and for making life worth killing."