
High School Quotes

There are 526 quotes

"Together they've unearthed a gem far more precious than before, beloved high school memories."
"This anime will take you back to your high school days and give you a good dose of nostalgia."
"I was a very strange high school kid. I mean, very strange. I was so wrapped up in ballet that I was out of touch with everything around me."
"Tony Darko is a story about a wide-eyed, naive, and neurotic high school teenager called Donny who struggles to fit in with his surroundings."
"You don't have to think about high school or your old classmates ever again."
"High School is definitely not the end-all-be-all."
"Imagine you're in high school for a minute and think back and try to picture what every morning felt like."
"Oh my God, when you're in high school, planning for the prom is almost as important as planning for your wedding, your funeral, your divorce."
"My best advice for high school: Not to take it too seriously because there's so much more life to live than in high school."
"Most people are gonna have great experiences in high school that they can look back on."
"This was a huge moment for Trish being voted homecoming queen."
"I got homecoming queen at the lip sync bonfire thing."
"If high school was the best four years of your life, I'm not trying to diss on you."
"Listen 18 years old fighting at that level it's incredible if you're still in high school it's insane."
"When you're pregnant in high school, that's not easy." - Highlighting challenges in a relatable way.
"Being cool or popular in high school is overrated."
"Some really incorrect assumptions and informations are still being perpetuated and taught in high schools and everything."
"K-On! portrays high school graduation, friendship, and moving on better than any anime I've seen. And it's not even close."
"It's like high school it is literally like [ __ ] high school."
"It's a small detail but I really love the fact that Anne and Sasha fell into different friend groups in high school."
"We've made it official, and I've already asked her to go with me to prom."
"Our prom that we went to our senior year, it's been immortalized in this Youtooz Collectible."
"Jinju shares with a heavy heart that all she wanted was to live a normal high school life."
"High schools spend so much time on various subjects you'll probably never use, ignoring basics like mortgages, insurance, or buying your first car or home."
"Although Buffy Summers wanted to have a normal high school experience, when the show began, it quickly became clear that she couldn't avoid her calling to be a Slayer of evil."
"21 Jump Street brilliantly weaves together elements of detective mysteries, teen high school comedies, and cop movie bombast."
"Popularity in high school doesn't mean anything in life. Just ask Isaac."
"I think it'd be fun to help out some... high school kids."
"Florida is genius: mandatory personal finance requirement for high school graduation."
"Prom night represents a culmination of hard work, friendships, and memories made throughout their High School Journey."
"I'm Kent Honda, a typical high school student facing the biggest crisis of my whole life."
"It's like when you're in high school and you're still figuring yourself out... suddenly you're moving and you're shaking and you are who you dreamt of being."
"He was a talented varsity wrestler and the art director of the yearbook."
"I got caught up in the high school teenage romance."
"High School is easy. It's like riding a bike, and the bike is on fire, and the ground is on fire, and everything's on fire because you're in Hell."
"Don't be a cheater, pass high school without cheating."
"It's not any different than bullying when you were in high school."
"I initiated the goddamn relationship in high school."
"We're legends at this school, no one comes up with schemes like us, exactly."
"All I'm saying is if you showed up at my door to pick me up from high school graduation looking like this, I would definitely be impressed." - Robbie
"Just a basic high school feeling play out at this level."
"This is my first party ever. I'm in high school now."
"Inspired by the events of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Easy A stars Emma Stone as a high schooler who lies about losing her virginity."
"I wonder what he'd say if he found out she used to be the leader of a gang in high school."
"This is what happened. So back in high school, I was in PE class playing kickball."
"It's okay to make and lose friends. People are changing in high school."
"Back in high school, you were friends with everyone – your warmth draws people close."
"It's time to kick back, relax, and well, just try and live an ordinary high school life."
"There were plenty of other reasons to be an outsider in high school, not knowing why everyone was talking about Angus but not talking about Stakes didn't need to be one of them."
"The movie used high school popularity to highlight social dynamics and politics."
"One outta five girls in this school is pregnant with a demon baby."
"Absolutely nobody wanted to date me... my high school woes revolve around romance."
"The opportunity to play in high school and still get your education, so you can focus, you can do both."
"What a trip, what a trip. I can't even believe I made it through high school."
"High school isn't forever, so the last thing you want to do in high school is peak."
"All you want to do is fit in, especially in high school. The last thing you want to do is be different than everybody else."
"Those days in high school, those house parties and things like that are some of the greatest memories."
"High school is a lot about making memories, and you don't want to regret not doing what you want to do just because you're scared somebody's gonna bully you."
"I love the stereotypes too, because stereotypes really do play into high school in a very big way."
"Guys we're literally seniors this year, not like that what the I don't want to be huh like I do because I don't want to."
"The biggest thing that ever happened to Rydell High and we don't have dates."
"Being the queen bee in high school doesn't mean a successful life."
"I always advise people to take every single art class in high school that they have available to you."
"Popularity and high school doesn't last forever, and that the real people who like you for who you are will gravitate toward you, and be by your side."
"High school is brutal, especially for someone like Elle."
"Oh man, high school's gonna be crazy."
"There's a hierarchy in high school; they rank you on their own based on your looks, grace, and personality."
"That's how it is in high school though right like kids get so [ __ ] put in their box and they believe that's like the only way to look at everything and high school just everybody kids man."
"That love that only happens in high school, that love that is not attached to materialism."
"High school girls can be so toxic. It's never okay to make fun of somebody because of their body."
"You're 16, you should be going to like prom in high school."
"I wish I had been popular in high school. It probably felt like this."
"The movie you loved in high school?" - Ben
"I procrastinated in high school too, but this is some next-level."
"High school has been scary and like good at the same time."
"I promise to film a lot of senior Vlogs of my last semester of high school just cuz I really want to capture all the moments even if they're not the greatest or I'm going through it like this week."
"Your girl is officially on her last quarter of high school."
"Heathers, Jawbreaker, and Mean Girls are different in their approach to the subject matter, but all of them are about high school girl world, social cliques, and how the exclusion or inclusion of said cliques can affect individuals."
"...everything changed right as we were in our second year of high school..."
"Everything I learned in high school was wrong."
"That's hopeful it was hopeful to see high school kids in the Emerald Triangle that is a cannabis consumptive sanctioned you know it's kind of the weed Capital within the weed state capital of the world."
"You don't have to be the jockey and you don't have to be the cool person in high school to be yourself."
"On the first day of freshman you were no one welcome you into my world I would have given a [__] about you."
"Calling someone stupid doesn't make you smarter, right? Like, and that idea I thought was like, well, that's actually really cool because a lot of high school people need to hear that."
"This is going to be great. My kids are always nagging, saying how hard high school is, and I'm just going to be here to prove that it's not that bad."
"...she's not as appealing as she was back in high school but the guys, they're going to come after you."
"I made it a point to get involved in FBLA, Future Business Leaders of America, I was trying to keep myself busy so that I wouldn't fall into like the trap of high school drama."
"I'm not saying that we didn't fight in high school."
"We met back in high school or High School sweethearts and I was 17 and Melena was 15 at the time."
"You were in an 80s movie in high school."
"Enjoy your senior year of high school, you're not gonna ever have it again unless you get held back."
"High School, a time where connections are made and some of those linger for years, even long past the days of their youths, a place where chaos meets order resulting in a beautiful thing we call Controlled Chaos."
"For the students of Hollywood High, they have a lot more to worry about than exams and social status."
"We were all nerds in high school and I think in the end we just wanna look cool."
"I graduated high school back in 1995 yes I am also old and was heavily into the drama program at my school I was the lighting and sound tech during my years in the program I did all the miscellaneous things around the set and was pretty good at my job."
"I think high school resonates a lot... when you're the thumb of your parents is getting lifted off of you for the first time."
"People always think you're either or, and not in a weird braggy way or anything like that, but like high school, I was prom queen."
"Life after high school isn't what you think it is. They don't tell you everything. They don't tell you the real secret of the world, of society, what life is truly about."
"Albert had an all-state baseball career while attending Huntington High School."
"I just wish that I knew that high school literally is 95% of the population's worst four years of their life."
"The last part to this little prom series is next video and that is prom itself."
"I felt out of place at prom because I was the only one who didn't have product in the hair, it's fluffy, and I was the only one wearing a purple shirt."
"I don't have any High School photos. It's so sad."
"I strongly believe that if you dress up for spirit week, you are participating in the fun of high school."
"As a high school freshman, a science nerd and a video game lover, I wasn't exactly popular in school. I didn’t have a lot of friends, and I only hung out with the other science nerds."
"The E92 M3 was my dream car in high school."
"Now it's no secret that when I was in high school, I rapped under the name, 'Mustang Shawty.'"
"The best part of high school is summer vacation."
"I felt like I was back in high school just Leslie just probably pulling me back because I was being a bit of a ham because I was having so much fun."
"There is no bigger community activity than high school football Friday night life."
"Season 2 became about navigating the struggles, emotions, and complexities of growing up as a teenager in high school."
"I want to feel like the high school version of myself again."
"Life sort of takes people in different directions after high school, right? So I don't want to lose you guys."
"I think it's unfortunate we live in a country where kids have to actually work instead of just [ __ ] learning and enjoying high school."
"This is my first pick and not only a pick with my first pick six of my entire High School career."
"If you have a state that does not have a whole semester of financial education requirement for high school students, do your part. Reach out to your representatives and ask them to create this bill."
"I was like a kid in middle school high school in the quarterback era, and it was just so fun watching them play football."
"I wish High School been like this because I'd win the Hunger Games as one game I could competed well"
"There's this girl I liked in high school. I was going to say her name, but then I realized I shouldn't."
"He's a versatile athlete. Heck, he played tight end in high school, had 10 touchdowns. Guy's a versatile athlete."
"High school wasn't perfect, but from what I remember it was really amazing."
"High school truly prepares you for life, but the routine prepares you for life."
"I wasn't very cool in high school, I was in the marching band."
"I want to say never graduate high school because I had fun when I had fun."
"...It won't matter if you were the prom queen or the quarterback of the football team or the biggest nerd in school. Let them know that high school does not matter. It really does not matter. Rob, now I know you're not trying to still put up this front. God damn it, Josie."
"I mean, we all had a fun time in high school, but what could they possibly be up to? This... This sh**!"
"High school being like the last time in your life that you're free in Japan."
"How the [__] are you still in high school?"
"The best thing about high school is the fact that it ends."
"The National Federation of State High School Associations urges you to support high school activities which educate boys and girls with unmatched economic efficiency."
"Did you ever have to do like the high school thing where they would like buzz your hair for playoffs?"
"You can't really dispel a rumor in high school, no matter where you address it. The more people believe it."
"High school can be a weird and wonderful time, a horror show, a wasteland of isolation and alienation, while being expected to learn [__] and you know why they say these are the best years of your life because it's all downhill from here."
"You only get to say goodbye to high school once; it needs to be enjoyed."
"I wore it all throughout high school, so badass."
"I've always known that you were the one for me, all the way back in high school."
"Varsity Blues: A movie that reminds me of high school."
"It's easy in high school to be very self-conscious, but then you realize nobody gives a [ __ ]."
"High school is a super rough time, I feel like for everybody."
"In grade 12 one of the best things I ever did was have a really good sleep schedule."
"No one cares what anyone else is doing. In high school, everyone's all up in each other's business, but in college, you just don't know anyone and you don't know anyone enough to care."
"Mean Girls is the new dork loser trying to fit in in high school. Can she take down the Plastics or will she become one of them?"
"High school is terrifying from an outsider from either end. If you're coming from... if you're looking back or looking forward, it's horrifying."
"I was on the state championship golf team for my high school."
"He was in high school pottery class and he made a very bad attempt to make a bong, that was me, that was my culture."
"I would tell my high school self to relax... Just keep making things."
"If you're in college or high school you've been hacking on projects with friends maybe you've been building things at hackathons."
"Savannah and her friends get invited to sit with the football boys at lunch."
"I rickrolled my whole high school."
"At some stage in high school, we've all had to face a bully."
"If I saw me dress like that, then in my Junior and Senior year, I made more friends."
"Make sure to really enjoy your high school life, it goes by really fast."
"I just put it on right now and I'm just like, high school on me."
"...high school was the best time for me. I had a really, really good time."
"Every kid in high school should go through an EMT course."
"Who you are internally in high school is the same. It translates in the real world."
"Do the things that you really enjoy in high school because it just doesn't make sense not to."
"What was my senior prank at my high school? Sticky notes? No, we did cups of water everywhere."
"We co-created the Anime Club in my high school. Everybody was like, 'You stupid [__], you're gonna get your ass beat!'"
"But I love to wrench on cars; it's something I just started when I was in high school."
"I feel like, the whole 'doing what you want to do after high school' is one thing that teen rom-coms have done well!"
"I love that the relationships that were built in this weren't your typical caddy High School relationships."
"High school kids who remain virgins may not have more fun but they end up making more money."
"Remember these old labels from high school? Takes me back."
"99% of you will not talk to 99% of the people you met and befriended in high school past a week after high school ends."
"Moments in time, these checkpoints in your high school life as you're going off to college right they're finally showing us."
"Life never really changes from what it is in high school."
"It's so fun because you just get to have like a group of friends for your senior year."
"High school shouldn't be the best years of your life because if so babe you've got a long road ahead of you."
"The film is about a high school senior who has everything going for him."
"Fred and Jean went to the same high school but they met for the first time at the Christmas dance."
"The breakfast of high school students: chocolate pancake, fruit, bacon, scrambled eggs."
"The biggest nights of any year are the Friday nights of high school football"
"Stride, an extreme sport that combines parkour, free-running, relay, and sprinting, is what made first-year high school student Nana Sakurai enroll in Honan Academy."
"A dramatic series that amps up the high school level stories with powerful messages."
"These kids are already in high school, and we see them having fun and relaxing and enjoying themselves all the time."
"A lot of kids go to college and don't win the way they did in high school."
"I would say yeah I guess yeah what about a 16 year old and 18 year old that are in high."
"Another reason why I like these is because my first ever ever Jordan 4 back when I was in high school was the pine green Jordan 4."
"LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Tracy McGrady, Kevin Garnett, and Moses Malone - there's a reason all these guys were taken out of high school and never even had to go to college because they were NBA ready at 17 and more than lived up to all the hype they had at even that age."
"I was checked out high school this point I had my scholarship I knew I was going to college like whatever."
"People having a... they're existing, living a fantasy. Prom 2018."
"I never played sports in high school. I went out for basketball one year."
"And it's like, especially in high school because you're so insecure and you actually care what people think, exactly. If you want to pretend you don't, but right exactly, definitely."
"Yeah, exactly it's like really hard. And I think too like I since I did like kind of blow up when I was like a senior in high school, yeah it was like people were watching me."
"I love this movie. I haven't seen it since I was in high school and frankly I thought it really held up."
"So what, you're in high school, you go to the beach, and someone's like, 'We really gotta listen to Red Hot Chili Peppers,' and you're like, 'What?'"
"Do they be having high school narcs like that?"
"In high school, I didn't know anything about tech really. I didn't know you could be a cybersecurity engineer, I didn't know about network engineering, I didn't even really know about coding at the time."
"Number one advice to anyone going into high school: focus on yourself."
"As if high school isn't bad enough, teenager Sydney Prescott has to deal with the terror of a killer targeting her and her friends."
"If my high school yearbook was like Wheel of Fortune, you'd go broke buying vowels."
"Imagine this: You are an average high school freshman making one of the biggest transitions in your life."
"High school, I had a good... uh, however many years I was in high school, I forgot. Probably four, but I had a good four years in high school."
"Hopin' uh, for my high school experience, I played sports, I did, uh, football and basketball. So that was always fun, kept me busy for sure."
"I was like oh my God like that's when I dropped out of school dude I was like [ __ ] this [ __ ] dude I was a sophomore in high school."
"I'm officially a junior in high school. I'm so hyped."
"My favorite hustle all time was high school... we set up a desk in my high school... and started autographing."
"I couldn't have asked for a different high school. It's in history now. I remember coming up to senior year and being like, 'Man, I gotta make this year memorable, like senior year, I gotta make this the best year of all the good memories this year.'"
"Prom night everything is all right."