
Selection Process Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"But I am looking to find hopefully a little bit of maybe a combination of consistency and upside with this selection."
"Good choice, she seemed to be the best candidate as Spring Man was already an assist trophy."
"As a guy with a wife what's your advice for men looking for a genuine woman there you go I have a vision for what you really want and when you know what you want the wrong girls are gonna lose your attention pretty fast."
"I don't even have the ability so I don't know why the moment we got into final selection I had the ability."
"You know, it's not about who was most talented, it was about finding that person."
"The building chooses you, you don't choose the building."
"Every time I go to pick someone, he just goes."
"Let's see who shows up alright, so we're gonna divide people into heats. Top finishers in each heat will get selected for the finals."
"Screen out the wrong ones and let the right ones in."
"Oh, look at the names, not a single true here. Here we go, round one, the first selection belongs to Dominique Wilkins. Michael Jordan, okay."
"Started with research went online looked for warehouses look for a bunch of them and they these are the four that they liked the most."
"I will typically do now, is we're going to pick what we think are the best of the best, pit them against each other in the true test of the prime animal on earth."
"The important thing about tidying is not choosing things to discard but choosing things to keep."
"Don't feel like you need to read everything."
"You get the idea like they had to go way down the list to find someone dude."
"We always try to go through 'em and figure out what's at least the most interesting."
"Congratulations, the october labor lottery is complete."
"Eric ten Hag was the unanimous choice after what is being called a rigorous process." - Reporter
"Only jurors who can fairly and impartially assess the evidence are seated on the jury."
"They pick those people, contracts are signed."
"As much as people want to think that humans are created equally I think you and I can agree based off of our own experience in selection courses they are not."
"I saw eight people before I chose my union analyst, and he was really, really good but the others were not that good. So shop around."
"I didn't still know if I was being picked."
"The Washington commanders select Jazon Newton, defensive tackle. Again, not a glaring need, but you know, they're going with best available."
"All I did was play characters left to right from the top and I just got a couple dudes I liked, that's all."
"JP Morgan goes through a very intensive coffee chat process."
"That's how you know that you found the right person."
"the reason that the girls even got on the show is that they were some of the most interesting people"
"Around 80% of applications are decided by the software."
"500 applications were sent in for this role, but congratulations, four of you were picked."
"Just that easy. I get to buy something, I might pick you."
"I am fascinated by how novelists and biographers select their subject, how they meet, like dating, first impressions count, but you have to stick around for a little while, might not be quite like your first impression."
"Take your time finding the right person."
"The first step in crafting a great recommendation letter is to pick the right people to write you letters of recommendation."
"Picking people to be guests on this show isn't easy. I do it myself. It's a tough job."
"...the one thing that I missed the most was that sort of energy and excitement that you get when you're making a selection..."
"In a country with a billion people and hundreds of millions that play cricket seriously, to get to the India team, you know there's a kind of Darwinian process if you want to call it here."
"I just think like the whole the whole the whole thing they like do a really good job of selecting who actually wants to be there and who needs to to graduate to go and treat casualties."
"It's tough to pick just 12 characters to feature on the deck."
"Only a little over 1,000 women were able to complete the tough training and selection process."
"For every two songs I make that get put out, there'll be like one that gets scrapped."
"It's very common to go through different ones and kind of figure out which ones might be the ones you want to keep long term."
"Have fun picking your next arrow."
"Pick the ones that you've done well or make sure to pick the one that's important for storytelling."
"We are literally doing everything we possibly can to help you get selected."
"From over 10,000 original applicants, we've seen 36 contestants through nine heats and three group finals."
"Judge Jackson will be an exemplary Justice both because of the qualities that she possesses and because she did not undergo a secret pre-selection process to get here."
"Finally, he had reached the long-awaited moment: the selection of visiting witches."
"The selection this time around, it's so meticulous, chef's kiss, it's so meticulous. I have no complaints whatsoever."
"The test is a very important predictor of who gets selected to come up for interviews."
"Pick elements that you like from each sketch to move forward with."
"When you say strategy, put everything inside the strategy scope, you're selecting this strategy saying it's the current strategy."
"Their team actually goes through hundreds of book picks every single month."