
Business Idea Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"I have to tell you about this new idea I have for a business."
"He wants to make a chain so normies can walk in, get coffee, and hear alternative news that they normally wouldn't. Damn good coffee too, that's actually a really good idea."
"That needs to be sold somewhere and marketed in same flavor combinations."
"I think a Disney owned art store... would be an awesome addition to Disney springs."
"A great business that you guys can start if you're good at cooking."
"Could this become even bigger? Tesla rentals at airports. Could this become a whole new business?"
"People would pay a lot of money for that, that's a damn good idea."
"My business adventure is going to be a trivia shop... the questions are gonna be so damn difficult that I'm just gonna absolutely obliterate everyone."
"We're gonna kill the yogurt. As a coffee bar with sandwiches and pastries, you guys could really make a killer app."
"That's what I say, Reese's Pieces. Reese's pcs. Reese's pcs. They should. Oh man, I should start a computer store and call it Reese's pcs. Less confusing."
"I have this really cool business idea and all I have to do is like keep moving forward with it."
"I always had the idea that somebody out there should make a chicken sandwich store that's only available on Sundays."
"That's just an idea what actually inspired turning this full time into a business."
"Let's bake a bake shop open one, no like theas, I need a business, a business, a business."
"This seems like such a clever idea. How come this isn't Nationwide?"
"I'm gonna open a new movie theater, buddy. We should do that. It's called Buttery Seats Movie Theater."
"Give us an actual business idea that one can start today and make a ton of money."
"I think if you made a shop dedicated to custom pet products it could do quite well."
"I'm going to basically start a chain of putt-putts indoor miniature golf courses."
"You could steal this idea but imagine if your whole business model was just essentially studying YouTube intros. You ask YouTubers, 'Can I study your intros?' and in exchange, I'll give you some feedback on how you're doing with them."
"Holy crap, let's just sell this at the movies, million-dollar idea right here."
"My Zeal is like, it's like, if I call you today, I have a business idea, we have to do it. We have to do it. I don't, that's what I mean by if I'm being impatient with work and all. So, what really breaks me down, it has to do with work."
"Challenging them to set up a supper club with a fixed price set menu could create regular local business in the long run."
"I'm gonna sell specific nail polishes."
"You have an idea for a business and you start asking people, you start doing research."
"It's really fun, it's very interactive, it's awesome, I think it's a great business idea."
"I'm not even joking. You could just buy one of them and just open a hot chocolate business."
"Let's actually build this thing and charge people to spend the night like a super exclusive experience."
"Yeah, we should open instead of like lemonade, say we should open a pancake stand."
"You might have a million-dollar business idea right there, Donovan."
"Wow, this is like a million dollar idea."
"I think I'm going to lose it. I have a business idea for you. You should start a chicken sweater knitting business and you can make sweaters for chickens and sell them to the farmers of Colorado so their chickens don't freeze."
"If I open a hotel chain, I call it AC and water pressure, that's it, that's all you need."
"Have I ever told you about Jasmine's hot chocolate explosion? It would be a delivery service for hot chocolate."
"You know how bad that would be if I actually did sell like worn T-shirts from the streams? I think it's a great idea."
"The only circumstances under which I'd be prepared to move to Shitterton is if I could move to Shitterton with the sole intention of setting up a business that dealt in one-ton units and one-ton units only of manure."
"We're going to save this, we're going to bottle it up and sell it."
"Success smoothies, feel like you should trademark that."
"A better donut doesn't exist. It's actually so true. Why don't we team up? There is no I in team. There's no eye in Krispy Kreme and make this a One-Stop shop."
"I feel like there is a market for this. People are crazy for the holidays, especially like Christmas. This style like small-style Resort would be really popular."
"Grow some lemons and sell some lemonade."
"It's a startup; I think the idea is sound."
"It's a business I think we got to get into."
"The quickest way to make 5,000 pounds without actually owning an ice cream van."
"If you had a food truck with these, you'd kill it."
"I've got one that's gonna blow your mind, okay? Popeyes, Little Caesars."
"We should really do that and see how that would influence the business I'm in because I think it's a very good idea."
"I was thinking about starting a dating service for country folk called 'He Harmony'."
"Let's make a business out of this, and we can start freeze all this stuff up."
"You guys should open a restaurant and just have people listen to your conversations because they're wild."
"We're going to build Uber, but for boat rides."
"Did I just come up with a billion-dollar idea?"
"It's a fish and chip shop, what an awesome idea!"
"I'm thinking about selling these online."