
Gun Rights Quotes

There are 396 quotes

"I love guns, and I don't think anybody should mess with them, but... there are probably more people on the planet that want healthcare and a good education for them and their children than people that want to own guns to protect themselves."
"For the greater good, we should remain an armed people and in doing so will be a safer people, protecting the freedoms of future generations."
"You've got to be active. If you're not, you're going to lose your guns. And I'm not fear-mongering."
"The most pro-Second Amendment position is the most ardently responsible position."
"The good guy with a gun theory is not a myth. Citizens use legally owned guns in self-defense or to stop crimes every day."
"Training and because we still want to continue to exercise these rights of ours, make sure you're supporting organizations like Gun Owners of America and Firearms Policy Coalition who are actually actively fighting to defend our rights."
"The point of the Second Amendment was that to secure a free state, the people need to bear arms."
"I believe in making sure we can protect the Second Amendment and protect second graders."
"I think allowing these people to carry in a place where... people are sitting ducks is a step in the right direction."
"Should you be able to own a gun to defend yourself if you're a law-abiding citizen?"
"Gun rights were extended broadly across America in the Second Amendment in a great opinion penned by... Justice Clarence Thomas."
"The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
"No American has the right to own an effective firearm—a firearm that does what Firearms are supposed to."
"The text of the Second Amendment is very simple: 'A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'"
"To confine the right to bear arms to the home would nullify half of the Second Amendment's protections."
"I'm not always going on about the Second Amendment, but Americans love to talk about the Second Amendment."
"If you are a law-abiding citizen, you have the right to own that gun, correct? And everything else. The government has no authority to infringe upon that right."
"The Second Amendment guarantees your right to be armed for your protection or the protection of your loved ones."
"I think everybody should have guns that's just me men or women are supposed to be in Partnership and they have traits to balance each other."
"If you carry a gun like I carry a gun so you're hard to kill. My family is hard to kill. Then you also owe it to your family to make sure you know the law so you're hard to convict."
"I'm getting very, very sick of the notion that everybody who is in favor of gun rights is responsible for Parkland."
"We're in unknown waters. History's in the making. Gun ownership in the US will be permanently altered."
"I actually do have a very simple proposal that will maintain the Second Amendment rights and reduce these shootings: father is in the home."
"Let it be known... states that have constitutional carry will see substantially less rioting."
"The second amendment doesn't grant us a right, but rather acknowledges an already existing right."
"We do not need to punish law-abiding citizens, instead we should cherish and protect this right that we are so blessed to have."
"You couldn't own any weapon you wanted to own, that's a lie."
"If somebody wants to carry, if they've proven that they're able to be responsible and that they have demonstrated a certain level of proficiency with a firearm."
"I believe in the Constitution including the Second Amendment... I'm not going to take people's guns away."
"Our founding fathers used their personal guns to overthrow their own government"
"The Second Amendment is a universal right, regardless of politics or beliefs."
"It's just a pure trampling of Second Amendment rights."
"The ATF is a tyrannical dysfunctional bureaucracy led by committed anti-gunners who want to eliminate the Second Amendment. It should be defunded, shut down."
"I support the Constitution and that includes the Second Amendment."
"Gun rights is the barometer of freedom, is it not?"
"They want you to have no place to shoot, including gun ranges."
"We can't sit on the sidelines, it's not fair for me to essentially make a living on the Second Amendment but not support the Second Amendment."
"Training is absolutely important...but to say that you have to go through some sort of government mandated training as a condition precedent to you exercising your right to keep and bear arms again is not constitutionally supported."
"People are warming to the idea of owning Firearms."
"We live in an exceptionally free country with a right to firearm... and we do not trust each other."
"This is their attempt to create law without actually having to ever write a law."
"A well-armed population is a polite and hard to oppress population."
"This is not about Kyle Rittenhouse in the bigger picture it is about your right to keep and bear arms."
"The Second Amendment is going nowhere, I guarantee it."
"Law-abiding citizens ought to have guns to protect themselves from criminals and those who'd violate their rights."
"The Second Amendment protects an individual right to carry a gun in public places."
"It's an attack on your speech and property rights too by restricting your speech as a qualification to access your gun rights."
"What business is it of the States to declare my property a restricted zone where no guns are allowed?"
"I think the strongest argument to put forth when somebody says, 'Oh, I'm gonna vote for Trump because of the Second Amendment,' I would point out that the Obama Biden administration was more pro-gun than Trump ever was."
"People don't just start spontaneously shooting each other when you allow people to carry fire...what happens to the crime rates? They go down."
"America will always uphold our Second Amendment."
"The truth is, it's our Second Amendment rights that protect Americans."
"Once there is a past a certain number, whatever that number is, they're in common use and you cannot ban them."
"If Americans are commonly using it for lawful purposes, it's protected, period. Full stop."
"There are already so many restrictions on our right to exercise that second amendment."
"The AR-15 is a tool of freedom that many people choose."
"The NRA is very powerful not just because it has a lot of money but because it has a lot of sway with single-issue pro-gun voters."
"To the anti-Gunners out there who have kind of had a change of heart about their outlook on the Second Amendment and gun owners as a whole, you know, thanks for coming over to the side of common sense more or less."
"The people who are denying this are the ones who want to take your guns."
"The American dream... will destroy America... your private right to own a firearm will be totally eliminated."
"We should be encouraging responsible gun ownership, not demonizing it."
"Gun ownership is the great equalizer that can keep all of your other freedoms in check and keep them pure and consistent."
"Owning a firearm is not about just going target shooting or going hunting, it is about protecting yourself, protecting your rights."
"So, next year, Alabama constitutional carry; that's cool. So next year, but this is what, half the country now, constitutional carry?"
"You realize one thing it's not that you love guns it's that you love life."
"Celebrating the Second Amendment: Understanding why it's so important that American citizens can own guns and own them responsibly."
"I would also urge you to please join the Gun Owners of America because they're one of the few gun rights organizations out there that are zero compromise."
"The second amendment protects the rights to keep a handgun in the home for self-defense."
"Never trust a government that doesn't trust its own citizens with guns." - Benjamin Franklin
"This has got to make the anti-gun movement very upset because all their efforts in these legislators to violate second amendment rights are basically going up in Flames."
"The trend is the friend of the Second Amendment as well it should be because it's a textual based constitutional right and a fundamental right..."
"This is honestly to me an attack on our Second Amendment rights and our rights to self-defense."
"In a dangerous world, the Second Amendment is often all we have."
"The aftermath of the Supreme Court's ruling has given rise to unforeseen consequences, shaping legal battles and stirring debates surrounding the delicate balance between gun rights and Public Safety."
"I do consider myself a Second Amendment absolutist... all gun laws preemptively applied to law-abiding mentally sound American citizens are facially unconstitutional under the Second Amendment."
"The assault on gun rights is the one area of the culture war where the left has consistently failed."
"The Second Amendment did not countenance a complete prohibition on the use of the most popular weapon chosen by Americans for self-defense in the home."
"Oregon's mag ban just got slammed with a one-punch and knocked out cold."
"Oregon's mag ban is officially out of the game, declared unconstitutional and slapped with a permanent injunction."
"The judge's ruling was a resounding victory for those advocating the right to bear arms without unnecessary restrictions."
"A firearm, a platform for artistic expression, yes absolutely."
"The gun represents such an important aspect of our system that has to be preserved absolutely."
"I have the right to protect my family and myself."
"When you have armed citizenry and they try to do evil, they get shot quickly, they get punished fast."
"The second amendment protects the right of the people to possess firearms."
"There's a gun behind every blade of grass in the United States and that makes it impossible for foreign armies to actually invade."
"Unlike England or other countries, we have a specific constitutional amendment specifically dealing with the gun issue."
"It's necessary to let people from red America lead the way and to show respect to gun owners at all points."
"As much as the government hates that we keep and bear arms, that's the only thing that keeps us free at this point." - Spawndog
"If you don't have the ability to defend yourself and only the government has firearms, it's no longer a fair fight. You might as well just submit to their will."
"We're all in this together us people who love the Second Amendment and love our firearms."
"You are not doing anything wrong to go purchase a gun."
"National reciprocity, my rights don't end at the state line, that's very true they don't end at the state lines."
"Gun ownership is essential for a free society."
"I stand up for Second Amendment rights. I don't think it conflicts with the need I feel we also need to have sensible gun safety regulation."
"This is a sea change because you now have somebody who's working on behalf of shooters, not against them."
"No more deference to the executive branch... no more expansion of second amendment rights."
"Ammunition is clearly part of the Second Amendment right to bear arms."
"Over 700 million magazines with greater than 10 rounds that are absolutely in common use in the civilian Market boom we like to call that Checkmate for those of you who play chess."
"The gun is at the protection of all freedom."
"Guns are not evil, people do harm to people."
"The Second Amendment guarantees all the rest."
"This is a very major victory for the Second Amendment. It took all those silly gun control laws that New York passed in a hissy fit and basically dramatically shrunk them already."
"There's no doubt this is a dramatic victory for the Second Amendment because it took New York and it slapped them down dramatically."
"It's an American tradition, it's an American responsibility to be armed."
"Opponents of Biden's gun reform agenda argue that the amendment guarantees an individual's right to possess firearms for self-defense and other lawful purposes."
"If the left gains power, they will demolish the suburbs, confiscate your guns, and appoint justices who will wipe away your Second Amendment and other constitutional freedoms."
"You guys be safe stay vigilant carry a gun to keep you your friends or family your community safe that's what it's for it's not going anywhere it doesn't matter with the ATF and their merry men think."
"There's a misconception that because I'm pro-gun...that means I don't care about safety. Nothing could be further from the truth."
"These never-ending attacks on your firearm rights, on your free speech rights..."
"The Heller ruling remains a pillar in establishing the legal framework governing weapons in the U.S."
"Our Second Amendment: it's a hell no to government trampling on our freedoms."
"This attack... really designed to bankrupt the firearms industry and prevent you from exercising your right to acquire arms that you can keep and bear."
"If you're open carrying a gun... you have a moral obligation to not let people disarm you."
"The second amendment prohibits any state from criminalizing self-defense period."
"If we live in a society that cannot respect Elmer Fudd owns a gun, then what's even the point?"
"There is no human freedom on this Earth that man is unwilling to defend with a gun." - Jason Whitlock
"Legal, law-abiding gun owners are not the problem, and they've never really been the problem."
"When people yell freedom in America, it's only the freedom to have a gun and telegraph what you can do with everybody."
"The bottom line is this, and this is the good news: Judge Benitez has held that California's 10-round magazine limit violates the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms."
"The Second Amendment protects ancillary rights necessary to the realization of the core right to possess a firearm for self-defense."
"Gun control is a crazy overreach and expansion of government power."
"Expanding gun rights for personal protection enhances individual autonomy and provides a deterrent against Crime."
"I'd rather a good guy with a gun than a bad guy with a gun."
"The corruption involved with the issuing of guns is that everyone should be able to protect themselves."
"I support every American owning firearms and sufficient training to defend themselves, their family, their community, and their constitution."
"The fact is, the anti-gun community and politicians are saying there's too many guns in America, admitting these items are in common use by Americans for lawful purposes."
"We've got truth on our side, which is the text of the Constitution and our history that says we as Americans get various things, including but not limited to the right to keep arms."
"The whole idea of the Second Amendment gets distorted by mass shootings or by terrible people murdering people and doing terrible things."
"Blaming guns for crime is like blaming spoons for fat people."
"They are declaring war on the Second Amendment, period. They are coming after our Second Amendment."
"Understand what a gun is, its value, and how it can be used safely."
"Texans need to stand up and take action to protect gun rights."
"When you look at what the Second Amendment says it literally says nothing about a personal right to bear arms directly it doesn't say that."
"Freedom is on the march with Firearms Freedom."
"Judge Brett Kavanaugh crush Dianne Feinstein's assault on gun ban arguments."
"The U.S. Constitution just straight up says that right shall not be infringed."
"Racism, you don't acknowledge the problem of the militarization of police... and the need for citizens to defend themselves with the Second Amendment."
"Civilians legally carrying guns have stopped what police say otherwise would have been Mass public shootings."
"Americans need to be on that. If you do not want a firearm, I respect your ability to not want one."
"A good guy with a gun is going to defeat a bad guy with a gun. It's on the bill because here are the statistics."
"We believe in the right to keep and bear arms. That's the right we fight for, like freedom of speech."
"Everyone tries to say 'oh Second Amendment until black people get the guns' it's like black people already have a lot of guys I love this I love it."
"Guns do not kill people, people kill people. Guns are good. I support guns being around."
"Responsible gun ownership is a right and a privilege."
"We need to really be out there, be active in being vocal for supporting the Second Amendment in this country."
"We have a human right in this country to own firearms to defend ourselves from tyranny."
"Lawful and responsible gun ownership is critical to the advancement of the Second Amendment rights."
"A good guy with a gun is going to make sure that either doesn't happen or the good guy with a gun is going to limit the casualties."
"It's so hard to conceive of a world in which that leads to they're gonna take all your guns."
"Every penny that you spend there will go right back into the fight for our right to keep and bear arms."
"Practice your Second Amendment rights, or you'll lose them."
"There is no American tradition of limiting ammunition capacity, and the 10 round limit has no historical pedigree. It is arbitrary and capricious."
"The Second Amendment is the amendment that protects all the other amendments."
"They were very much pro-gun, pro-liberty, pro-each other's rights, and both the white guy and the black guy recognized each other as respecting the rights of the individual."
"Our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
"The gun is the symbol of America, the gun is a symbol of white supremacy."
"You're not gonna pry their gun out of my dead hand."
"Historically, the battle for gun rights is actually the most fruitful when we have a democratic president."
"So I appreciate you guys joining me out here talking about appendix inside the waistband carry agree with me or don't I don't really care."
"Self-defense is a natural right, and this is one of the reasons why our constitution recognizes the right to keep and bear arms."
"What did white folk do before it was even that serious? They showed up to capitals with ak-47s, ak-15s and whatnot military-grade weapons talking about bondage and slavery."
"A thought came to mind when he was hiding during the shooting... we're not allowed to conceal carry, we're not allowed to carry guns, and we could have stopped what that person was doing."
"The only thing stopping this is the Second Amendment."
"The only person who is responsible for stopping a crime against you is you and guns are the great equalizer for it."
"You need to have the Second Amendment to preserve the first."
"Bakeria: 'Laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature, they disarm those only who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.'"
"We're going to stand on the side of the law-abiding duck hunters, farmers, and sport shooters, aren't we?"
"The Second Amendment is one of the most essential human rights we have."
"The idea of, hey, people here might be carrying, if I try to hurt someone, I'm gonna get likely to have somebody fire back at me."
"The second amendment wasn't just about hunt... it's about defending this country from enemies both foreign and domestic."
"Guns are good gun-free zones equal death pay that what I'm saying is that you are embolden predators of society."
"Constitutional carry needs to be across all 50 states."
"Two-way protects you, not the government." - Liberty doll's perspective on gun rights
"At what point does a person's right to bear arms start infringing on his neighbor's right to live safely and freely?" - Chuck Todd
"The Second Amendment is not about a technocratic judgment about maximizing or minimizing the number of people who were killed."
"The United States will always have a Second Amendment."
"I'm asking for the right to choose, not having my kids shot up in school."
"We must make the choices now to make sure that [victory] becomes reality."
"Samuel Adams: 'Congress should not prevent the people from keeping their arms.'"
"This man is determined to defend the freedom of speech with the right to bear arms at any cost."
"Gun owners are not the problem, guns aren't the problem. It's bad people that are the problem."
"Guarantee the right to bear arms, easy win for Trump."
"If Joe Biden becomes president, what changes do you think would happen related to the Second Amendment?"
"This is not a gun-free zone and gun-free zones are the most dangerous places on the planet."
"America is such a great country that not only do you have the right to own a gun and use it to defend yourself, but thousands of Americans will offer you free advice on how to use it."
"Guns are not the problem. Most people in this country can be trusted with an AR-15, just as we can be trusted with cars and light aircraft."
"The NRA doesn't need to convince people the government is coming for their guns. They can turn on the news and see it."
"The ability for free, law-abiding citizenry to maintain and enjoy those rights shall not be infringed."
"Buy it when you see it because if you dig this, this gun could be banned in the future."
"A free State is one in which everyone possesses their own firearms, opposes every attempt to disarm them, and fulfills their duties to provide security."
"An armed citizenry is the absolute best defense."
"Second amendment is for everyone including black men with long guns but it's epping time for us white liberal men to stand up for our brothers and sisters." - Tom Arnold
"The Second Amendment is only as good as we are."
"The statistics show that more lives are saved due to guns being in the picture rather than guns being taken away."
"The second amendment works and it's working."
"He's unwilling to do it and it's because the democrats when it comes to crime and mass shootings they have one political objective and that's taking away the second amendment rights of law-abiding citizens."
"Responsible gun owners should continue to enjoy the right to bear arms subject to licensing and education requirements."
"The only thing keeping us a country right now is our second amendment."
"Every time when they try to confiscate or there's a ban or they're just trying to get guns all right out of the hands of the public, it never turns out well."