
Textual Analysis Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"The process of adapting one text into another and producing something that makes sense, that feels like its source material, that feels real, it's super complicated and tricky."
"Misquoting Jesus: an overview of the changes found in the surviving copies of the New Testament and of the scribes who produced them."
"Jesus the stone mason, that really does seem to be the best interpretation of the original text."
"It's interesting to see why scribes changed the text...what kind of theological motivations were there?"
"The emergence of manuscripts has closed the door on the idea that the Quran crystallized far after the death of the Prophet."
"The quickest way to get into heresy is to take a text out of context."
"We have several lines of transmission; it's not oral, it's written."
"Historically, that's what you find in the Christian tradition: exegesis. Go to the text, draw out from the text its meaning."
"The Bible is not just a book; it's put in book form, but it's not like any other book."
"Notice he does not have one of these back references when he talks about Jesus Christ which means that there probably was not."
"It's what did Allah say? Did Allah say that Muhammad was shocked or did Allah say, 'I was shocked'? Both. It would only make sense to say both if Allah said it in two different occasions."
"I think the meaning of these words Elohim, Elion, Yahweh invite us to return to the texts to look again and to realize that many of the stories we have assumed were God's stories are actually stories about something quite different."
"Former President Trump's interpretation runs counter to the text and force of any negative implication."
"The Gospel authors seem to affirm the canon of their day by quoting Jesus directly."
"There is something in Islam that if you read it a particular way you're only going to get a violent response and a violent output."
"The Bible is a library, a collection of texts from a wide variety of different eras, written by a wide variety of different authors."
"The coherence of the Quran, the cohesion of it as a text, is the ultimate proof to the contrary."
"Glory in every verse, Jesus in every line, and blessing in each chapter."
"I think we should include it in our Bibles with footnotes and hopefully a careful and helpful explanation for why there is some question about it."
"The point for Vaticanus is the longer ending's not there."
"This intermediate part, that's questionable, but the longer reading is solid."
"Scholars assert that The Gospel account of Marchion was the source material for Matthew, Mark, and Luke."
"There's both truth and nonsense in every text. Everything should be discerned."
"Understanding the Dead Sea scroll scribes allows us to better understand the cultural evolution of the Hebrew Bible."
"Amid a diversity of texts, there is a stable text."
"Many of these differences not only change the text but in some cases even change the theology."
"Dr. Dan Brubaker... has done the most general work on this."
"They just wrote over top of them which helps us because we can see what they've changed."
"Which makes more sense: the idea that these conflicting verses were either a mistake or the result of multiple authors?"
"There are more similarities in the wordings, brief sentences, brief phrases."
"Classic textual criticism, what every textual critic should do."
"You can make through selection the book say almost whatever you want but the truth is all of that is originating from a human mind engaging in thought and empathy."
"How do you support a Quran that has this many problems?"
"The Q plus Papias hypothesis posits that Q was written before Mark and Mark had access to it."
"My big point is this where is the church in chapters 4 through 22?"
"Coming up with a convincing reason for why it happened isn't necessary to observing that it happened, right? Like the literary evidence right of the flood story or any of it is like, um, like it's there in the text for us."
"The whole of this text is designed to demonstrate how wicked man has become."
"You do not have to know Hebrew and Greek to examine the Hebrew and Greek of the original texts."
"It was applying those basic tools to some of the anomalies in the stories we tell from out of the Bible that signaled to me there was another layer of story in our familiar texts."
"Exegesis versus eisegesis: draw out of the text, not read into the passage."
"The Bible can never say what it's never said; it can never mean what's never meant."
"The key question, of course, is: has this come from reading things into the text or saying, actually, I read this passage and noticed this for the first time, it's been there."
"Modern scholarship is showing then that the Old Testament was a human and highly partisan construct. This does not, however, take away its power or enduring moral force."
"Data-driven study: Examining archaeological and textual evidence to establish the timeline of Judaism's emergence."
"They're both written in Greek that's too sophisticated and they're written by different authors."
"Everything that was written here was deliberately done."
"If all you have is the religious literature, it's a lot harder to do because you don't know what they're making up."
"The baseline is always the right established in the text."
"For someone to be wrong, they have to be making a claim, and I don't think Matthew is literally claiming these all were given at one occasion on the same day."
"Modern translations based upon the Nestle-Aland 27th edition are in much better shape to defend the deity of Christ than if you're utilizing the Byzantine text."
"Again, let me contrast translations: The NIV of verse 27 says, 'Whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner.' That's a single Greek adverb which we could render 'unworthily,' in an unworthy manner."
"The fact that the author of Matthew copied the origin story of the disciple named Matthew word for word out of Mark probably means that Matthew himself did not write the gospel named for him."
"Anything true in the New Testament isn't new, but anything new in the New Testament isn't true."
"The answer has to be in the text. We should be creating all the content based on what we find in the text, not some artificial thing on the outside happening in culture."
"New Testament books are in the right place right time closest to the data to be taken seriously as Greco-Roman biography."
"It's pretty evident that John is not talking about Zeus here. He's talking about the God of Israel."
"So we're not reading that into the text, we're trying to take out of the text what's already there."
"The critical edition of Q offers a tool for people to use, allowing them to see Matthew, Mark, Luke, Thomas, and anything else that seems parallel."
"Twenty-one out of 27 books of the New Testament have not got even a red dot or a dash or a doodle."
"The manuscript tradition, especially in the Greek side, does not support it. Many of the manuscripts that do have it marginalize it, put it in the margin."
"In jesus's sayings it turns out that we have lots of alternate versions of what are probably the same saying in the various texts we have that survive."
"From Qumran, even there are texts like 1Q Isaiah B. So there's a famous Dead Sea Scroll of the book of Isaiah, but Scholars look at 1Q Isaiah B and say, 'Wow, this is like the prototype for the later Masoretic copy of the book of Isaiah.'"
"If you wanted to question somebody who's translated the Quran and said, 'Where did you get this from?' and he will simply say, 'Al-Quran,' he won't say, 'I've got it from such and such manuscripts, such as that oral tradition.'"
"...when we look at the translation... there seems to be a need to try and explain each passage in its own terms."
"I would argue very blatantly that if you harmonize, you destroy the text because if you put them all together, you no longer have Mark."
"There is no linguistic distinction between angel of the Lord in the Masoretic text, the Septuagint, and the New Testament."
"By establishing a firm example of this type of borrowing and reworking of an earlier text particularly for the theological purposes, this will set up to understand more clearly how the biblical authors are constructing many of their stories."
"The reality is with Buddhism for the last 2500 years, that was Buddhism: people looking at texts, coming up with their own interpretations."
"The author of Matthew and Luke did have the Book of Mark in front of them."
"The text is an artifact that creates meaning through patterns, through contrasts. It creates a sense of unity."
"Let's put all the external evidence and internal evidence together and think through how we look at a particular textual problem."
"Firstly, the writer powerfully uses keywords from the question."
"We want to read in its own context."
"The smallest group of textual variants are those that are both meaningful and viable."
"Consider different interpretations of the text, it strengthens your argument."
"Every question in this paper is answerable using evidence in the text."
"Analysis of the evidence has led me to conclude that the text of the Old Testament in content, arrangement, and stability was fixed probably at the beginning of the 4th century BC by Ezra and Nehemiah."
"You got to give it up to James White for his work on textual criticism."
"The classical Islamic tradition, in treating the Quran as a coherent text by a single author, has been much closer to examining the text as it arose within its original historical context."
"We really have a wealth of evidence of textual evidence when it comes to the New Testament."
"The task of The Interpreter is to get in touch with the original and intended sense of the text."
"For the new critics, a text is like a living organism."
"Everyone is applying principles of reason and logic and cause and effect to the text in order to understand what it really means."
"More effective evaluation tended to challenge some ideas in the text rather than reproduce them."
"Don't read your presuppositions into the text; let the text speak for itself."
"I'm a text guy, that is, I analyze texts whether it's Hebrew texts or texts of the ancient Near East, and I try to bring those together to help us understand the Bible better."
"We're to carefully study, keep looking, looking, looking at the text to see what's there."
"Science literally continues to confirm the textual authenticity of the Bible."
"Whatever action this text presents to us is clearly psychological."
"Do not be detained by this consideration of whether this text approximates something called history."
"The most interesting and maybe complex verse in all of Shem Tov’s Hebrew Matthew is Matthew chapter 3 verse 10."
"This paper aims to show not only that all the early Quran manuscripts descend from a single written archetype, but also that the text was clearly spread through the copying of a written exemplar."
"Ruthless determination to let the text take me where it wants me to go."
"Appreciation of context is linked to the understanding of the text as a conscious construct."
"...reasonable people can disagree about how they interpret a text, but if you're saying like this text has been changed, that's something where you can just sort of take here's an old copy, here's five later copies..."
"...if you have a text coming out of a specific historical context, pay attention to that context."