
Artistic Appreciation Quotes

There are 655 quotes

"This image probably makes me want to quit photography more than any other picture on the website because it's so awesome."
"His work is incredibly stunning... Ansel's work is meant to be seen."
"Paolo Patchouli knows how to do Couture, and we are forever grateful that Valentino lets him do it."
"I'm just a lover of all music and try to respect as much culture as I possibly can, regardless of what it is."
"I personally love the flow of this arm, the line here going into the hand, it captures that gesture of the character really well."
"Arcane is a singularly beautiful piece of art, and I'm lucky to be a part of it."
"Trust me, this thing is a MASTERPIECE, I could go on about it forever."
"This game's awesome, I love it, I love the art, you know what I mean?"
"Just look at it! The framing, the composition, the striking use of color, even ignoring the smooth animation and the breathtaking effects work, this show is beautiful."
"Karen Carpenter, truly one of the greatest vocalists interpreters of song."
"Just because you don't relate to what she has to say doesn't mean that you can completely ignore her talent."
"I don't experience that as often because if it isn't in the realm of being like so bad then I will always try to consider its artistic merit."
"Most of the music that touches me the most deeply is just very, very simple."
"A singer of that quality not only exists but a singer of that quality is, it makes you overlook the fact of how difficult it is." - That's the scary bit.
"I have such a respect and fascination for dance and how your body can become a vehicle and a channel for your emotions."
"If you want the love of the art form to be the thing that's still here when the dust settles, spend more time on the love of the art form than the parts of it that you hate."
"I can't gush enough about how beautiful these are and both they're there their design their execution your puppeteering and what you're doing with your property."
"It's a good big flawed godly record with some of Kanye's best material in a long time."
"What a legacy, what an icon of like just visual representation is glorious."
"The public rediscovered the magic of Buster Keaton."
"It's a beautiful drawing, this is one of the best ones I've done."
"It really does keep the wheels turning around here, we really appreciate it. Um, and another way to support all of our content is by purchasing products from Ultra Pro, you know Ultra Pro really does make the best stuff to protect your stuff."
"Make sure you guys go check out their Twitter, go follow them, go shoot them a tweet and like thank them for creating this beautiful work."
"Toby's composition is excellent, itokihana's vocals are great, it was an overall great work experience."
"This is a great map, I really like the way it looks overall, it's just beautiful, no geographical complete impossibilities here."
"The art and the music are also just beautiful in this show."
"I loved it, it sent chills up and down my arms and my spine. I absolutely adored it."
"His dedication to his craft and his contributions to the arts are admired by those who appreciate nuanced performances and thoughtful storytelling."
"Beautiful work...a 3/4 punch combination." - Florian
"His flawless voice is equal parts soul power and range, his sense of melody as a singer, it's unmatched."
"I knew from the beginning that it was going to be an instant masterpiece."
"As soon as I opened it up... I was really taken back by how impressive this piece has come together."
"I feel like we should be able to support the art from the artist and if he has been products and he has an amazing and astonishing resume accolades I think it's perfectly fine to give him his credit."
"I still love me some art Kelly music I still step in the name but I feel like he deserves all the smoke for all the [ __ ] up and whooping things that he has done and it's really that simple."
"I respect the creativity that's been put into this production."
"You don't need it if you listen to this album and you like this album and you recognize that it's good that's the success that's it."
"This is a brilliant film, and I'm sure you can tell I loved it."
"Your good taste in beautiful execution is winning over the world. It is a much-needed example. Thank you very much."
"It's people just need to respect creativity."
"I just love everything that clipping does in terms of just like the stories they tell and the production behind it."
"This does not look like Minecraft. This looks like a work of art."
"Each one of those is so appreciating how much work they put into the visual aspect."
"I love the design of the natives I love the look and feel of everything in this game from an artistic standpoint."
"Animation is tough, always give animators more credit."
"Some of the best animation I have ever seen."
"Wow these are original sketches it's amazing"
"This one was created by American designer Peter Bristol and is called the Cut Chair. Clearly, Peter is a godlike magician, and we should all bow down before him."
"The fact that it's a real picture that was taken is also incredibly impressive. Look at that. So they're underwater, they have this entire like tank underwater bed, everything is like in place. I mean, this is a beautiful freaking image, dude."
"Their fight is gorgeous and it looks so good."
"Those intangibles in performances is what I was really, you know, it's everything to me."
"Each act is distinct and lovely in its own way, and they each deserve their moment in the sun."
"There's so many things about this movie that are just mind-blowing."
"As a movie overall, as a piece of artwork, as a you know as the piece of writing I think this movie I was more invested in this movie story from the beginning to the end."
"When you look at some of these pictures, you may just feel something come alive in you."
"Oh man, I would eat that in a heartbeat. All right, oh, who are they gonna make next? Bro, that is so good. Come on, wow."
"Phenomenal work, y’all. Shame on me for sleeping on this studio’s work."
"It adds another element of experiencing the work of art that movies, paintings, any other medium doesn't yet."
"You really really understood what I was going for and I'm so happy with how they look."
"The artwork is really, really unusual; it definitely isn't everyone's cup of tea but I really, really enjoy it."
"The music, my gosh, guys, don't even get me started on this game's music."
"Who the [ __ ] are you to completely invalidate our appreciation of the craft of storytelling?"
"This style of tattoo, I don't exactly know the name for this style of art, I like it a lot."
"And at the end of the day, what's so beautiful is that all these things that we've been talking about, what works so well, doesn't only work on a narrative level, but also works on a formal level. It's just an amazing piece of craft."
"This whole first section of the trailer is so beautiful to look at."
"It was the most beautiful, moving, just exquisite show I have ever watched."
"If you truly claim to support and adore these groups... then why aren't you supporting it?"
"There is a real respect for the craft of filmmaking that has taken hold."
"It was about life and capturing the essence of life which is a really positive thing, I agree."
"I loved it. King and team, I loved it. It's beautiful and this just, this to me is really, really like artistic growth."
"The Prince of Egypt might actually be the best animated film ever made. It's honestly impossible to do such an unexpectedly majestic work of genius justice with words."
"Some of the entries are some of the ideas and the art styles are just amazing."
"The thing that I noticed right away is the extraordinary treatment of sound."
"It's got everything the franchise is known for: beautiful music, beautiful animation, especially in its best-in-class CGI dance sequences."
"This scene of Miles clearing his throat and getting ready to sing as the camera spins around him, magnifique!"
"I could just go stand in front of it for hours and hours."
"I think Christopher Plummer is excellent... he did something different with this role that we haven't seen."
"I love the artwork in this game, it's amazing."
"A heightened sense of elegance in its line and a perceivable swiftness of foot."
"I had my doubts and then I saw it and I was like, this is a masterpiece."
"Yo yo she is she's art like she's a masterpiece like this is amazing Lake I love it I love it."
"The performances are marvelously understated in such a way that even the slightest spark of humanity jumps out at you, and this attention to nuance makes it the kind of film worth chewing on."
"To be able to watch him make words come to life is just amazing."
"I just love the art style in this game. I've said that before every million times."
"They're like works of art, they really I mean they're so glittery your mind just goes places when you stare at them."
"The main thing I loved about that series were the creature designs."
"This piece is so sick, I love love the shades of kind of jade green and red."
"I'm a sucker for a songwriter who can make me visually see the story that they're trying to convey."
"How the fuck they readin' my mind? Yo, peace to everybody who be lovin' my rhymes."
"There's a lot of like really small touches here that stand out once you pay attention."
"There was a solid agreement that we'd need more content like this in the world."
"I like the colors. I like the art. I like the contrast. I like the composition. I like the characters. I like the music."
"I highly encourage you to go check it out because they are absolutely amazing and so many of them were really noteworthy or hilarious."
"That was brilliant; it really got my face to react when I first saw it."
"Everyone loves art for the idiosyncratic parts, the different parts."
"These lyrics just go so perfect together, oh I love it."
"I thought Donald Glover, I just think he's so good everything."
"That song is probably close to being a masterpiece."
"Certain things are just so good that I get frustrated... mentally can't fathom how you could even... your brain could even get to the point where you could write some of these lines."
"I think this is some of the best character work Oda has ever done for me."
"The most iconic and beloved characters from Sandman... her design was pure brilliance in its simplicity and people love her and how she looks in the comic." - Herbert Watt
"It's so dense, it's so dark and mysterious and just looks amazing."
"The graphics are really cool, I love this style. Angry Birds always had a great style and I think they've really translated it nicely."
"Thank you for listening to my whining and my ranting and I hope that it gives you a little bit of a clearer perspective on some of the not so pretty days in teaching."
"I was just like, oh my god... to me it was a masterpiece."
"It's exciting, you want to be a fan of your own work that's a really important thing."
"It's the little details that really start to stand out the most."
"It is utterly dazzling and utterly ingenious."
"He's like high art and fine literature, even musically."
"The arts by Palmer Found is foxy and lavish."
"I love its potential. I love its vibe. I love its cast. I love that all."
"Control, I think both are incredible and captured my imagination a great deal."
"I love this series, love this piece of work."
"Lady's face is a work of art - Capturing beauty through photography."
"I love the way that this piece just screams perfection to me, I love it."
"Heathers is brilliant, I have so much love for both the movie and the musical."
"That's so well made. Look in the background, you can see it's like in a factory. Someone really built this, that's insane."
"I think it's beautiful. I think it's intense. I love that kind of fire."
"Your work looks beautiful digitally but... it completely screams to be printed."
"It just shows so much thoughtfulness in this composition overall."
"The drone shot at the beginning with the birds flying by the Neville water tower, it was perfect, perfect. It's so good, I very much adore that shot."
"The poetic justice in the film I thought was wonderful."
"They soon arrive at the first location that Hercule wanted to show Little Miss Manipulator: an art museum dedicated to the greatest works of Lamuan culture."
"In all its richness, its texture, look at this."
"I love James Gunn's use of Music in his movies and shows."
"Your art is really good. It's some of the best Baldy art I've seen thus far."
"The movements are so fluid, the smears are amazing."
"Taylor's stage presence is just so underrated in my opinion."
"The process and the results are beautiful, just take your time."
"She somehow managed to make an actually tremendous film."
"I actually really like the fact that so we had talked about the section of artists that you shouldn't try and emulate because it's like wow their skill is just insane."
"Truly incredible every artist, every writer, every participant involved."
"An absolute goddamn masterpiece and just enjoyable as hell."
"Fluid animation, defined visuals. This is really a work of art."
"Give a thumbs up for Sue and her artistic talent."
"Animation just has that Wonder aspect to it. It also has so so so much more style."
"In short, I look at Nier: Automata as a masterpiece."
"That was a great performance, I mean, really."
"You started to sing and a sound came out of you that nobody expected."
"Cash-grab, ripoff films like what you are about to see are able to be squirted out in junction with popular movies."
"He's got such a vision, such an imagination that yeah he can, he can tell you, you know, 'This is a keeper, this is something we have to have.'"
"Oh my gosh, that looks so good, bro! You nailed it."
"This is Scorsese's best looking film. The cinematography is unbelievable."
"It's hard to recommend 'What Remains of Edith Finch' to everyone, even though it is one of the most beautiful stories I've ever encountered in the interactive medium."
"She's just a genuine talent in a way that I think very few people are."
"It's kind of humbling to watch all of these magnificent roles and these performances."
"My sincere advice to you is ask yourself, are you happy? Ask yourself what are you doing in life?"
"The animations of the characters and the world around them was simply incomparable."
"Ken Burns is really the best of the best in my opinion when it comes to documentary filmmaking."
"Their lyrics are phenomenal, and the videos were deep."
"I was completely convinced that I just witnessed the finale to a masterpiece."
"It seems that the world at large is finally finally starting to appreciate the true genius of kate bush."
"It's monochromatic, but I really like the amount of line work in this one."
"Some of these are hands down the best pieces I've ever seen in my life."
"It's gotta be one of the most artistically gorgeous and truly breathtaking games I've ever played."
"This beautiful amazing piece of work is making me happy to be alive."
"I think in anime in general the amount of frames the artwork the special effects the music composing absolutely everything about this was perfection."
"Thank you guys for that and to thank you guys for that, I send you the best of my work."
"I never had any respect for him as a guitar player until I realized that it was all about songs."
"I just love the art style and the animation and how everything came together."
"Todd Phillips became the elite filmmaker because this is a great film-looking film. Love this movie."
"Such such good writing. Like just starting there, writing was wonderful."
"One of the best performances I've ever seen."
"Damn, that's dope, that's your best work yet."
"I like the flames, the watercolour flames here."
"Why do you gotta wait for people to die to really understand the beauty and skill they've documented?"
"Our vibrant fan art community needs to be protected and that artists need to be appreciated and credited."
"The colors are absolutely superb, the condition, the brightness, the vivacity."
"It's beautifully done, it's absolutely gripping and I don't know it's all about rebirth."
"Some of that [expletive] is undeniably dope."
"I just love her music and everything she does."
"This performance just makes you dream, just makes your imagination go wild."
"If that doesn't make it a masterpiece, I seriously don't know what does."
"Amore is something that'll stick with me for years to come."
"O-Kiku's samurai armor in this chapter looks boss. That is some really, really good art, really cool design."
"It's the best process ever because I get to go through all of your entries and see the amazing talent and it really is inspiring and uplifts me every time."
"I love the artistry of Fantasia more than I love the fun of 'Etsy-freeness' of The Jungle Book."
"This is more of an art piece that I got. It was a Kickstarter and it just had gorgeous art."
"The talent that dude possesses just in his body as a vessel alone, multi-talented. Not even just his music but his music alone."
"I hope you like them. Thank you so much for making me these two vampires. I'm absolutely obsessed with them."
"As you look at this work, you clearly see the depth, the creativity, the boldness."
"Experiencing other people's imagination is raw and amazing."
"The animation style becomes one of the show's greatest aspects."
"Definitely one of the best talents I've seen today."
"To be an artist or even to just appreciate art is to be able to look at it from all sides every angle."
"Whoever did that, you got to rank you up there as one of the top artists in the country man, in the world probably."
"I like the strength that you have in the simplicity."
"This table is just such a work of art on its own."
"This has to be one of the prettiest games ever created since people started existing."
"It's shocking that they made that much great music at that young age."
"There's so much heart in the way he's drawn these buildings."
"It's beautiful and I just don't think, I don't know, man. This movie right here just went to a different place that I never thought it would have gone."
"The drumming on Rhythmeen is one of the greatest drumming performances I've ever heard in my life."
"I think what you contribute to art is amazing, I don't know if you fully grasp how good you really are sometimes."
"That's when you heard it, you truly are a work of art, Mr. Phoenix Wright."
"I love like those those trippy background harmonies I love the fact that Travis is using Futures flow um the Synergy is just perfect between them it's easily one of the best songs on the album."
"This is a masterpiece, like this is actually art."
"Thank you, Concerned A, for gifting the world this masterpiece."
"You probably don't understand what other people like about it or why it's good if it's good."
"I like this a lot, some people struggle with the abstractness of this, actually like it."
"Lyrically I actually think this is one of Lupe's best releases in years he really gets to the heart of some really pressing issues this time around and he does so in a really engaging way with a lot of conviction."