
Historical Reference Quotes

There are 1071 quotes

"Now and then, you got to take a chance, Columbus took a chance, look what it got him."
"We have political prisoners in the United States... Look at Fred Hampton."
"Yes, indeed, Spartans, tonight we dine in Sinjin mana."
"We tried that with the bloody five-year plans of Stalin and Mao. Remember how that turned out?"
"We're building Babel. We are building Babel. And that's not a good thing."
"There was a whole pandemic and an attempted coup and Australia was on fire for a while. Do you remember that?"
"Pepys would later go on to say Wakefield was 'a wanker and a fraud.'"
"This is the nation that came through the Blitz... but we didn't give in."
"I say I have faith in the human spirit; that something noble enough to have created Gaudí's Cathedral in Barcelona is noble enough not to have to go to war over sheep in the Falklands."
"Slavery was legal. Why are we talking about laws? Bad laws."
"The great bell of Big Ben, one of the most powerful symbols of our nation throughout the world and housed within the Elizabeth Tower also named for my mother's diamond jubilee will mark the passage of the late queen's progress."
"We have to remember those words of Benjamin Franklin—'It's a republic if you can keep it.'"
"I am the muffins. I know so many things. I was there three thousand years ago when the spirit of men failed."
"Michael Moore got it right in 2016 when he said people were gonna go out and vote for Trump as the biggest FU to the establishment."
"I just don't get it. It's so... you know, it's so Mexican, right? What's that? It's Nixon. Nixon, yeah, created the DEA in 1973."
"We need to stand on the founding fathers' principles and not move, not budge, be like trees planted by the water."
"Cancel culture has been here since the very beginning canceled abel and guess what it wasn't with a big scary ar-15 it was with a rock."
"The best social policy as Ronald Reagan said was a job."
"Russia’s offensive will awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with terrible resolve."
"The Molotov cocktail, of course, is also a very famous desperate measure."
"Germany is doing the Anschluss, we want to fight them as soon as they demand."
"That's the address that set the standard for no presidents or Kings because everybody wanted Washington to stay in office and he said no it's better for the Republic."
"The party of Abraham Lincoln don't ever you know I say it all the time."
"That statement to the Nazgul king, 'You fool! No man can kill me,' would still hold true, because this new Castilian ruler wasn't a man but a woman. And her name, in case you're wondering, was Isabella."
"If you're not still slave catchers, why'd they give you the same badge?"
"You're giving them the power by telling you not to react... Martin Luther King got a lot of things done by being peaceful."
"This was a ruse all along. The time has come to join forces with de Gaulle, or we will answer this insult with steel and fire."
"Death by a thousand cuts...Chinese torture technique."
"How long did it take for the pony express to be out of business? One day. Things can happen awfully fast."
"A Dark Ages scenario is possible if we continue unchecked."
"Can't you all just dump a bunch of tea in the English Channel already?"
"We are one body and stand to fight as modern-day Maccabees."
"Our founding fathers didn't fight for tyrants just for us to give the government undying loyalty while the police hurt people, that is facts."
"Let them say I lived in the time of Hector, breaker of horses. Let them say I lived in the time of Achilles."
"Boy, I gotta tell you, the founding fathers, they really knew how to throw a party."
"I think the CCP understands that the notice from the West is that in Japan and others, the world is not prepared to accept another Tiananmen Square."
"The speed with which the daily crime beat operates leads to one of the biggest issues in crime coverage."
"Nell Irvin Painter, a proud and brilliant black woman pointed the way."
"In order to achieve change, you have to sit in the front of the bus."
"The desantises will never be Camelot. Jackie and JFK symbolized the opposite of vulgar pettiness."
"The reason it worked in Russia and Soviet Germany was because everybody knew there was a secret police."
"Wash thy hands, wear thy mask, and don't summon any French monarchs at a lantern show."
"The bridge was originally called Nala se 2 as we have seen later the people out of their admiration and veneration for Rama started calling it Rama Saito."
"This is 1776 and we the people will never give up."
"It's the reversal of the opium wars. It is the opium wars. We're still in them."
"We will quickly rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world, like we had it just four years ago."
"And hey, as I recall, everything worked out pretty well in the end anyway for these guys, right? So it's a perfect plan."
"Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided—that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849—but by iron and blood."
"Churchill called it the front line of freedom."
"We aren't going to let any dogs or water hoses turn us around."
"There's an argument to say that there is such a thing as the Sudetenland moment... you intervene at a point where they realize that okay we're not going to get away with this."
"Even in the 20th century, with space and just cause, David would still beat Goliath."
"Bernie's whole campaign was built on FDR's second bill of rights."
"Theodora, the woman he would fall swiftly in love with and make his wife."
"Countless decrees he issued refer to Theodora as our most pious consort given us by god."
"They realized that society is going to reach a point where they're going to have the luxury of renouncing the very person who was very instrumental in them sort of what Henry Kissinger said."
"Maybe Nolan is suggesting that the Sator square from history was a relic from the future."
"The Republican Party is the party of the American worker, the American family, the American dream, and of course, the late great Abraham Lincoln."
"Pazuzu is from real Mesopotamian history and was used to keep evil entities at bay."
"Did not mean to offend by quoting Churchill."
"This movie's title is Alien Romulus, and in Roman mythology, Romulus was the legendary founder of Rome."
"That's a lovely piece of sheathing there, copper and that's where they're saying copper bottomed comes from."
"Absolutely wrecking their navy, the mandate of heaven, hail to the Ching, achievement unlocked."
"Happy Days Are Here Again as they said in the 1920s uh, this is the 2020s and my roaring 2020 scenario is almost on steroids here."
"Robin Hood would have to be involved with a Nottingham based town in some way."
"You don't have to hearken back to our ancestors; you can look at Trayvon Martin, George Floyd, Tamir Rice."
"Pope Urban II himself cited the Book of Daniel stating that God had indeed 'changed the times' and offered a new remedy for human sin."
"We're supposed to be a nation where Jefferson and Hamilton can have each other's politics."
"It is fitting that Hynek makes an appearance in the movie as it is he who supplied the classification of UFO sightings, which gave the film its title."
"The real Elvis was a major fan of the Lansky Brothers, which is an influence of all of the 1950s outfits that they created for the movie."
"The looting shall be gentle because I plan on very gently taking Akkad into my bosom."
"Bernays had successfully remixed the Roman’s bread and circuses."
"The banzai charge became a weapon of last resort."
"I think he goes and believes he is having his Crossing the Rubicon moment."
"Don't let the cultists tell you otherwise. They mock and harass you, fine, they've done that to others. They've done that to the best of people. They did that to Jesus."
"The fabled moment which is big among the NPR left in the country which I love, there’s a lot of liberals now who are saying, where is Barry Goldwater when we need him, which is just -- we should all retire when people are saying that."
"When the people have no bread, they eat the rich."
"Thousands of years ago Moses presented the children of Israel with a Timeless and Universal Choice behold I set before you this day a blessing and a curse May We Choose Wisely between the curse and the blessing that stand before us this day."
"What we are dealing with is a body that deals in the Frederick Douglass kind of racism."
"Either we all hang together or we hang separately because that's the way this is gonna work."
"If Timothy Dexter can sell coal to Newcastle you can do [ __ ] anything."
"but the actions the way that these people I'm just following orders I mean we know that was the excuse that the Nazis used in the Nuremberg trials"
"This is about the American people this is for the office of the president what happened at Donald Trump can never happen again."
"We are the children of those who could not be killed because they could have killed us, we'd be dead right now."
"Let’s remember that Bernie Madoff 'The King of the Ponzi Schemers' only promised 12% annual returns."
"Humanity had to avoid absolutely any recurrence of a Tower of Babel moment in human history..."
"It's the very first thing you told me when I met you at the tugboat war: war never changes."
"Buenos Aires was named after the good winds that had brought the sailors safely to the land."
"I'm gonna kick Schindler's ass... I'm gonna save three thousand people."
"I guess we don't [tolerate] the Jews in Germany, hmm?"
"It's like getting I don't know what were like the tiny islands that bush got in uh, you know, the invasion of Iraq and said like oh we have this massive Coalition of the willing."
"This is what the United States was capable in World War one... we can do that again."
"There was a Republican Navy, and they were active and they did what they could do."
"We are bigger than you, and that's the right way to do it according to the Magna Carta."
"If all this makes me sound like some crazy radical to you, consider that Abraham Lincoln, Republicans' favorite guy, agreed that this institution was profoundly undemocratic."
"The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln and the party of more opportunity for all Americans, not nativist dog whistles."
"Gladstone and Disraeli labored long and hard to bring these problems under control."
"What would President Kennedy do about that? I would settle that, or I would negotiate peace immediately."
"Do not mistreat a stranger for you were once a stranger in a strange land."
"Tattoos are a kingly accoutrement. Yes, it was King George the Fifth that is known for having a tattoo."
"The only thing that matters now is the complete and utter destruction of the Soviet Union." - Jadon Co
"The safest job in america in 1995 was blockbuster manager."
"Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution."
"Anime becomes the successor in a technological sense to the failed military endeavor that the original Yamato represented."
"Nixon didn't get indicted... but we know that he obstructed justice."
"I hope we touch it soon because if you guys look back in the history... we then fall right back through it."
"Britain assume a leading role in what Churchill once described as a United States of Europe..."
"Respect seniors, care for the suffering, unlock fortune."
"Even in funny ways, like a sickness can unlock your fortune, as seen with Nikola Tesla."
"It pretty clearly references Poseidon; I wonder if there's any connection with Napoleon here."
"The M14 is very reminiscent of the rifle that preceded it in military service... which was the M1 Garand."
"America is always looking for great leadership... Reagan started pulling the nation together."
"A pre-written speech, his positioning on the balcony suggests a Caesar figure announcing something to his people."
"It's not the critical counts." - Theodore Roosevelt
"Two armies, two fleets, attacking from both land and sea from two directions. Many independent moving pieces with no single point of failure. Classic Agrippa."
"To god, we're going to take you back to slavery again."
"We're like the modern-day knights templar, ready to mobilize."
"Our lady gave us the formula in 1917 for that to happen, it was consecrate Russia first five Sundays and pray the rosary every day."
"Berlin is mine again. How long for capitulation?"
"That's what's amazing. That orange. It's like with Castro whenever we go up against Castro."
"How long until it's not a resignation but a Battle of Athens?"
"The United States was once a great nation for of and by the people."
"Our success is based on stories... Franklin Roosevelt wasn't talking about abstractions, he was talking to people."
"I've given you a republic if you can keep it."
"The ethical principle of free and informed medical consent guaranteed by the Nuremberg Code, the Helsinki Declaration was abandoned."
"There's no collusion on the long side among a small group of actors like in the 70s with the Hunt Brothers or when Warren Buffett squeezed silver in the late 90s." - Reddit User
"They may take our lives but they'll never take our freedom. Remember that you've got your freedom, the Scots."
"I'm saying 1776. Try to take our guns 1776. Try to take our Free Speech 1776. It means political Rebellion. It means an Awakening. It means saying no."
"I believe in the principle of treating people equally under the law... fighting for equality among all people."
"This is improvement. Rome wasn't built in an afternoon."
"You may have seen the first supper and the second supper, but have you seen the Last Supper?"
"I am blatantly having a midlife crisis of the 9th century right now. This is what it looks like."
"The final Buccaneer, the final one carrying the true story of NAA."
"Animals are very important, God made that clear to Noah."
"The founders did not want this, as George Washington said in his farewell address: 'Religion and morality are indispensable supports of our political prosperity.'"
"The die is cast. I despise alike the favor and the fury of Rome."
"The name of Israel with a Divine element of Yahweh."
"That's what started the revolutionary war... the fight for what we call the second amendment is at the very core of the fabric of this nation."
"Confronting coded fascism with a new Nuremberg trial so this never happens again."
"These are the ideals of the American Revolution."
"So we need a new system and you mentioned the founding fathers what's those great quotes by Jefferson and saying how many times there should be revolutions and overthrowing the systems and one after another."
"The Declaration of Independence said that King George the 3rd of Britain had violated the rights of American colonists."
"Let them eat cake. This is our own Marie Antoinette moment."
"We dare not forget that we are the heirs of that first revolution."
"So what do you say to somebody you hate and he wouldn't try to bring trouble your way want to resolve things in a bloody way just study a tape NWA"
"The government will never take the freedom from us if I have to die in the neon lit era of the 1980s." - Jim
"Nobody has done more for the african-american community than the Republican Party and we're also the party of Abraham Lincoln."
"The greatest threat to free speech since the Alien Sedition Act."
"None of this mass-marketed t-shirts and none of these autograph stamps like Joan Crawford used to use in the 20s."
"Protective equipment works. That's why militaries have had NBC gear since World War One."
"As a Jew watching Magneto fight Nazi robots with a train was unbelievable"
"I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love."
"First they came for this group then they came for that group then inevitably they are coming for you."
"Let's give glory to the one that was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago."
"President Trump supposedly said 'John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.'"
"The E-ticket was a type of admission ticket used at Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom Parks before 1982."
"That's a legion crossing the Rubicon. That's a legion on the other side of the river."
"Hawk Moth's mask is a reference to the supervillain Fatih mosque."
"Optimism America has done the right thing before we can do it again."
"Oh the humanity, that line entered into the public lexicon."
"Cannon to the right of them, Cannon to the left of them, cannon in front of them volleyed and thundered."
"Memory cursors of what's coming... China did this in the 60s with their struggle sessions."
"The Queen famously said, 'I'm glad we've been bombed, it makes me feel like I can look the East End in the face.'"
"Big Daddy is at the highest point in his cultural recognition... in Britain 1981."
"We're standing on the shoulders of giants – it's a collective effort."
"It would return us to the sensible process envisioned by the founders."
"The Templars were resilient; the Templars were tenacious."
"Stephen Smith was killed on Sandy Run Road back in July of 2015."
"Louis summed it up best himself with his famous rhyme, 'L'état, c'est moi!' 'The state, that's me!'"
"We need a real cultural revolution, like we had in the 60s."
"The idea of flattening the curve, as you'll remember, remember the old days when the concern was we don't want to overwhelm the hospitals."
"Harriet Tubman couldn't save everybody but I dare say it's time for this generation to save the next generation for black people."
"It is the liberties of the people of England I stand for!"
"The Bible is your history. Read Exodus and Deuteronomy to measure your lifestyle against righteous laws."
"Mao's bible for guerrilla warfare was a 2500 year old book, Sun Tzu's classic The Art of War."
"A nation reveals itself not only by the men and women it produces but by the men and women that it honors." - President Kennedy
"Another reason I really love this arc... it takes heavy references from Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy."
"We've got truth on our side, which is the text of the Constitution and our history that says we as Americans get various things, including but not limited to the right to keep arms."
"He is the embodiment of the mindset which terrified a specific mustachioed philosopher a century ago."
"A minimum entry fee to keep the ruffians out. Madness. Such a Victorian concept."
"Presidents have tried to get away with stuff like this in the past, and they've lost."
"I knew no, I knew that he was shot by Aaron Burr because that first got milk commercial."
"It's interesting that there's a vestige and an arm for Tiamat."
"In any case, the seven dwarfs are identified almost with certainty in the small workers of the German mines of the 17th and 18th centuries."
"Going forward, there's no going back to the Gilded Age."
"The glitch itself was taken note of online as early as the year 2000 and isn't super difficult to encounter."
"That's almost the year Columbus sailed the ocean blue."
"This is basic Nuremberg, Hippocratic Oath stuff."
"They quite literally Christopher Columbus'd that town, and like, I'd be mad too."
"I will flank you. This will not be your Thermopolis."
"Our great Founders did not want and would not condone false and fraudulent elections."
"The possibility of a situation resembling the cultural revolution becoming clearly observable in the near future highlights worries about the return of a time characterized by intense political zeal and broad social unrest."
"If there is a conspiracy... make the Nuremberg code great again."
"Lucifer himself is trying to completely divide America and we forgot about Abraham Lincoln apparently he too he warned us."
"The cure to male loneliness: reconquering Constantinople."
"It just says a lot, yeah, well, and especially with Colonel Corso... he actually worked directly under, basically, President Eisenhower."
"The Roaring 20s... history that deserves to be remembered."
"If you agree on the basic principles of 1776 Free Speech self-governance Merit then you know what we're on the same team."
"This outfit really does look like a Templar uniform, you know, with the gloves and just the general style of the jacket."
"The ultimate proof I have for this are Roger's very last words at his execution."