
Quantification Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Sometimes it's very useful to put numbers to something."
"Moral progress is often the result of moving from our story-driven, protagonist-driven intuitions to something far more quantified."
"Relationships cannot be quantified. They cannot be perfectly balanced."
"This is what gives it a number. This gives it a grade."
"There's a huge loss there that it's even hard to quantify with a dollar amount when it comes to the loss of a human life."
"But man the more things that you can quantify and put a number two and then create that goal is the the more motivated you're going to be and the more clear it's going to be for you to continue on the path."
"The big red flag should be when we put more weight on things that can be counted instead of the things that can't be because the things that can't be counted are the things that make us human."
"It itemizes every single action that you do and turns it into a dollar amount."
"Numbers aren't enough to define an entire person."
"There are a lot and I mean a lot of characters in the game, 245 to be exact."
"It's a useful way to help us think about quantitatively how to locate ourselves in the set of all possible worlds."
"Sensible mathematics involves disregarding a quantity when it is small, not neglecting it just because it is infinitely great." - Dirac
"Several means a few of something, so think of several as higher than a couple or a few but it's not quite at many yet."
"The chances of that are one in 50 quadrillion or less."
"It's like, probably over a billion, then. 'Cause you can't actually see how many stitches and posts."
"It's roughly 10 to 15 percent of what we need."
"It's easier to quantify and whenever you're doing anything that's kind of slightly hard, you always have to, you always have that thing to be like well it's for that I'm doing this for that."
"Don't let anyone ever tell you that sports can always be distilled down to a number."
"Patients are delighted to have something quantifiable."
"Food tracking is a method to quantify what we eat more specifically it can allow us to measure how many calories and how much of each macronutrient we are consuming per day."
"Anything that can be turned into math should be."
"Research quantifies things. I want to know not just that you got better, I want to know, on average, by how much you got better."
"Four, five, ten - those are great numbers."
"How many media composers film TV games composers orchestral composers orchestral programmers users of virtual orchestral instruments are there on the planet today?"
"So there you have it loyal theorists, we have proven definitively the value of a human soul isn't some magical unquantifiable thing."
"Not everything that can be counted kinds, and not everything that counts can be counted."
"If I give that quality a value, I gotta quantify the [__] ones."
"Probability is unitless where it can be used to describe two very different kinds of uncertainty, and to give you an idea of how we found ourselves in this point, now I'm going to give you a brief history of uncertainty quantification."
"...there wasn't really a quantitative way of accounting for uncertainty in data or models."
"The total damages amounted to approximately five hundred thousand pounds."
"What if we could shift out of 'it's a feeling' I don't know what a feeling looks like. I can't quantify someone else's feelings unless there's behaviors attached to it."
"Risk management enables you to quantify the impact and likelihood elements of information security risk and then go on to do something about it."
"Experience can't be measured. Quantified."
"How do you even quantify that sacrifice?"
"It was immediately apparent to Googlers that this was data, right? That what this gave the company access to was a way to quantify instead of just qualifying what it was they were working on."
"If you really want to dive into it you have to really put a number on it he is correct you can't gauge it if you can't measure it."
"That's what you need to look at because in engine building we quantify everything and with this you got to do the same thing."
"You’re really, you’re looking for value. You’re just, you can’t quantify it to the penny because many of the attractions exist in the future."
"Social media, especially Twitter and Facebook, have made it possible to very easily quantify the currency an idea has via engagement and shares."
"Towards the quantifiable. When you're unsure, lean towards the numbers."
"The minimum is always twenty percent, the maximum is one hundred percent."
"It's about numbers and metrics, you guys. Quantify, quantify, and quantify your results."
"He got a total of 56 hugs which is an additional eight hugs compared to the previous record holder."
"We can all quantify Fame now which is the other weird thing before we had a rough guess like oh yeah George Michael he's super famous but now we go who's got more followers yeah you can quantify the happiness quite literally and do a chart of who's the most famous."
"I reckon there's probably about four or five men that's like that."
"The true measure of courage is found in the heart, not in numbers."
"Happiness is something we make for ourselves and then how do we quantify happiness?"
"This is a numbers game and that's what it'll always be."
"You can quantify it, you can show it will reverse."
"Measurement, right? You need to know that your improvement is measurable, can be quantified and demonstrated."
"Perhaps some people don't like the idea of putting a number to the Force."
"Identify risks, quantify the risks, manage the risk."
"Numbers give perspective but they are not everything."
"The final number is 167 gallons of water."
"He quantifies success... by how many Big Macs he's earning every 24 hours."
"It's all numbers, it's all relative, right?"
"Not everything that counts can be counted."
"Everything that can be counted doesn't necessarily count."
"When we talk about risk quantification, we're talking about making good decisions."
"We quantify things, we measure things in order to make better decisions."
"Identify, quantify, and manage the risks."
"...try to quantify your results because that's a good way to impress the recruiter again..."
"The best way that I know how to quantify this is establishing reading goals with page lengths."
"So again, what exactly is psychological assessment? It's this process of taking a variable and somehow trying to quantify it with regard to a mental experience someone is having."
"It's less about relations and more about numbers or colors."
"Intelligence is very hard to quantify."
"The possibilities are endless... False, there are 24 possibilities."
"In statistics, you're going to make use of the information which is quantitative."
"The psychrometric chart allows you to quantify numerous properties of an air mixture by simply identifying only two of its attributes."
"So in total, I can confidently say that I made around a thousand dollars in this two-day period."
"By measure hath he measured the times."
"The kickflip can never equal two points because that makes it sound like, like, all right, skateboarding's done and the winner is...yeah."
"You can't possibly quantify skateboarding."
"Defining materialism: understanding the world in quantitative terms."
"That's a good way to quantify how your beliefs have been updated."
"If you care about something enough to worry about it, you should figure out how you can measure it."
"This can be done to quantify the amount of cFos, a marker of neuronal activation, in specific brain areas."
"By the end of the lecture, we want to be able to quantify the available solar resource relative to human energy needs and other fuel sources."
"We want to list the causes of variation and intermittency of the solar resource and quantify their time constant and magnitude."
"We're trading our life hours for dollars, and that time is quantifiable."
"Each of our slices of pie can tell you how much sales they have."
"Connectivity is a hard thing to quantify."
"We strive to be objective and quantitative as much as possible."
"Art is not a science for you; it cannot be displayed in numbers."
"They looked at something called eTRIMP and TRIMP, which is effectively like a way to use heart rate to try to quantify training load."
"Try and use numbers where possible to quantify the impact you've made."
"Probability is simply trying to quantify the uncertainty in a random process."
"What a quantum computer is good at is telling us quantitatively how quantum systems behave."
"Those things are very difficult to put prices upon and to quantify."
"There is more to experience than the quantities that define it."
"Analytical chemistry focuses on the identification and quantification of chemical substances and their properties."
"Show me numbers to make you stand out."
"The area under the peaks tells us the amount of each substance."
"Doubling the concentration of x, it's actually going to increase the rate by a factor of four."
"Thinking that because you can quantify something, it is important, is a massive blind spot in your thinking."
"Just because things can't be quantified... doesn't mean you can't think about it in meaningful ways."
"You've done a great job of quantifying the impact that you've had."
"It's about time we start quantifying our own planet."
"Our long-term vision is one we call the quantified planet."
"We emphasize the value of 3D quantification because it really does provide you additional information."
"The most powerful number in the whole analysis is simply what is the raw number of moving sperm that you have to start with."
"The correlation coefficient quantifies the linear relationship between two continuous variables."
"You can have what's known as a point estimate, a single value that quantifies the effect that one variable has on another."
"It's a beautiful pattern and becomes even more interesting when I'm able to quantify them."
"If there are two cups on the table, then the number of cups on the table is two."
"It's always nice to put a figure on it."
"The density of states is simply a way to count the number of states between a certain energy and an energy plus dE."
"Assembly Theory explains how you can count that."
"HR analytics is systematic identification and quantification."
"Each of these other pins represents a quantity of ten."
"Microvascular fractal dimension... quantifies the number of the vessels but not just that, also the variability of the vessels in terms of shape and magnitude and the distribution pattern."
"Let's quantify that and see what that is."
"Truth must be determined through the scientific method or mathematical quantification."
"It's fun for me, and I've been nerding out on quantifying this and actually being able to gamify it."
"Numbers aren't everything, right?"
"Variables are things that we can measure."
"The reward is a scalar quantity and it is outside the direct control of the agent."
"If humanity is to deal with this, we should quantify the impact it has on the environment."
"Science is the only area of human intellectual activity where we can quantify our uncertainties."
"Information theory is the scientific study of the quantification, storage, and communication of digital information."
"It's not the numbers that determine whether planets are good or bad; they're quantifying numbers, they indicate the quantity of good or bad as the case may be."
"You can count each plaque and calculate the titer of the virus in plaque forming units per milliliter."
"The challenge of data science is taking that vague, ill-formed question and trying to make it sufficiently precise that you can answer it quantitatively."
"That was to make sense of what you see going on around you, to quantify the beauty that you hear in music."
"NMR spectroscopy is a very quantitative technique."
"The cool thing about PSHA is rather than running away from uncertainty... it acknowledges that we have uncertainty and it tries to quantify it."
"We need to be able to quantify what we mean by reliability through the development phase."
"Uncertainty is the quantification of the doubt about the measurement result."
"The total number of microstates that the system can occupy is 20."
"There's nothing that cannot be shown in the numbers."
"We can also generate quantity in Midas Design Plus and this quantity can be further exported to excel sheets."
"When you understand the relationship between how prices move and the mathematical formulas and price patterns that make up a trading methodology, it quantifies that movement into tradable edges."
"We're going to quantify that today."