
Future-oriented Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"If you're not being defined by a vision of the future, then you're left with the old memories of the past and you will be predictable in your life."
"Never go backwards in life, guys, always go forwards."
"Let's stop talking about the past, full force ahead."
"Courage is about our future and fear is just about anxiety. If you're sick and tired of being an anxious nation, then you have to just be rejecting fear outright."
"Don't look back at the demolition, focus on what you're building."
"Let's set another high target and let's go for it. Let every company in America that wants to associate itself with the future, show us their visions."
"Kenobi argues with Leia and the other passengers who don't want him to go, telling them that they are the future and they are the ones who need to survive."
"We're creating the world we want to live in."
"Lead from the future, don't chase the future."
"I always was looking at the challenge of the future."
"Our future is in our hands. Are you with me?"
"Step into that future now, not in terms of faking it till you make it, but in terms of actually living it from that state of being right now."
"Forgiveness is just releasing your future from the pain of your past."
"You learn from the past and apply to the Future."
"We can't just live in the past. We have to cherish the past, take what is valuable about it into the future, but then we actually have to make the future. And that's going to be a creative act rather than simply an act of preservation."
"He wanted to create a space that inspires people to keep dreaming of the future and celebrate the magic of possibility."
"Consider the future of the game, not just the past or present."
"Join my revolution. If you're like me, you're fighting for the future."
"Raise your children for the future, don't raise them to be slaves of the past."
"Boys live for a moment; A man plans for the future."
"We can't change the past but we can commit today to make the future better."
"The energy that's expressed between you two goes into a different place, a deeper place, a more substantial place in the future."
"I don't ever really think about the past, I'm always thinking about right here and tomorrow."
"Total victory is imagining the future looking at the present like its past."
"It can go up from here if we lay a sturdy enough foundation that can last the centuries, the ages, the generations to come."
"They can't reset this clock because there's too many of us who see a different future and are committed to it."
"Solar Punk has the potential, already partially realized, to motivate action to build the future today."
"It's not about me, it's not about all these other side issues, my sole Focus will be on your future."
"Sight is for people who live in the present. We have vision."
"You can't go back to your family, who you're related to, but you can't relate to your future."
"We're fighting for the future of the planet."
"Help as many people as possible make smart decisions today to protect and grow their wealth tomorrow."
"Bring to a close something not aligned with your future plans."
"Don't underestimate young people, young people care about the future."
"It is selfish to make decisions that do not have posterity in view."
"At least he's looking a hundred years down the road."
"Manifest a bright new beginning in your life."
"A deep commitment to one another, in alignment with future desires."
"This plan would move us into the 21st century... and will create millions of good jobs all across the United States."
"I believe in myself enough, I'm serious about my future."
"The interview, ultimately hinges on their future not your past."
"They see you as someone who transcends challenges and moves towards a bright future."
"Everything we do is future-oriented."
"People view you as someone who doesn't focus on the past but moves forward and focuses on the future."
"...I'm gonna go with Andrea Kimmy Antonelli. I respect her. If I'm thinking five years right, I'm gonna treat this..."
"They're future-oriented, confident, and love to start new things."
"You always got to think about what's best in the future."
"You're just always open to the new, always kind of looking forward to the future."
"This is someone who is always kind of focused on the future."
"Life coaching, and effective life coaching, is where you work with the person's present, maybe a little bit of the past, just to inform the present, but mostly you're working with the future that the person has the possibility to create."
"The cues are bananas so again not relevant you know for you now when you watch it we're relevant for you next year when you're planning on coming."
"You don't treat people based upon their history, but their destiny."
"I've decided my Swanson's going to be looking to the future."
"Taurians are a deceptively future-oriented sign, moving toward a fixed ideal of peace and prosperity while maintaining a steady path toward that goal."
"If you ask me to take care of myself, I don't think about myself in the now, I think about myself in the 10 years from now."
"We serve a fellowship that really has our eye in the future not just in the past."
"You're a guru, no a Herald of the future."
"Everyday hardworking people who believe in the future."
"The believer's concept of deeds is one that pushes them into the future, not the past. They're looking ahead. Their deeds are not like piles of ash; they're not constantly reminiscing about the past. They're striving for what lies ahead."
"The more connected you are to your future self, the better and more productive you will become in the present."
"Can we start looking forward and not talking about the past?"
"People are always looking forward. We're always looking forward."
"Don't dwell on the past. Just focus on the future and the present."
"Don't lag in your past, stay in the future."
"I'm not here to discuss the past, I'm here to be positive about this subject."
"You guys are very much a visionary. You guys are very much future thinkers."
"We're living for the future, not just for the minute."
"Sean is a positive person, he focuses on the hope of a future."
"You must source yourself from the future and not the past."
"Ready resourceful man! Never without resources, never an impasse as he marches on the future."
"You cannot think about that now, you have to think about the future."
"You're not stuck in the past, you're creating things and looking ahead."
"I'm always looking for the future, and I'm thinking how I can win more races."
"And America always comes out stronger and better, as long as we make decisions together that are designed to seize the future instead of run away from it."
"I'm always thinking about the future."
"Choose not just for today, but for the future."
"Our job is all about the future, we're not interested in the past. I think it is important."
"I have always been someone that looks towards the future."
"Live in the future, be and do what you want to become."
"For me, any brand who is environmentally conscious and is actively trying to contribute to a better future for the planet, that is a brand that I want to support."
"A prudent person is one acting with or showing care and thought for the future."
"I'm always looking at the sky, always looking for the future."
"Every day I'm thinking about my future, not just sitting down being lazy."
"I don't live in the past, I want in the future because the future has a meet set in stone yet."
"I think what we ought to do is learn by all the mistakes we've made and look to the future."
"I care about the future more than the present and the past."
"The past is the past, the future is now."
"They're not even interested in that really; they're interested in looking to the future, they're writing for the future in their present community."
"You need to focus on the future, on the things you can change."
"Our job has to be to think about how we step up to address that crisis and find a way forward that is not merely nostalgic, not merely backward looking, but is forward looking in some way."
"I'm a guy who likes to move towards the future."
"Our inspiration never static, they always think about the future and nobody can stop them."
"We cannot forget the past, but at the same time our gaze must be towards the future."
"I live life for the future, there so I'm always thinking about tomorrow, so I'm not remembering yesterday, I remember my mistakes."
"I want a man that is ambitious, conscious of the future, not only living for the present but living for the future."
"We don't focus on the past, we are all about future casting to the future and being present."
"This is someone who is like a light worker, a healer, a visionary, someone very future-thinking."
"Let's begin looking ahead, looking that way, looking forward."
"When we focus on the future, that's why we're here."
"The only way for you to win this race is don't look back, just look forward."
"She's only focusing into the future."
"We're not looking back; we're looking ahead."
"Be in the present moment and dream of the future; when we dream, everything is possible."
"Instead of looking at the past to determine our behavior, why don't we look at the future, see the kind of world we want to build, and move forward, move toward that?"
"You're calm and focused, and you're forward-looking."