
Good Faith Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Diplomacy requires engaging in good faith to de-escalate."
"We get nowhere with a strong echo chamber; all I ask is one thing: good faith."
"To assume good faith of people, even with people like I disagree."
"Very few people are actually... a lot of people who think they're acting in good faith and get very upset if you say no you're about... you're a bad faith actor genuinely don't know or can't tell that that's what they're doing."
"Because they believe their motives to be positive, that's the same thing as acting in good faith. And the problem is it's very easy to rationalize behaviors that are harmful to others and to paint some sort of positive spin on them."
"The sin qua non of good faith is whether actions match stated objectives."
"Liberal populism wants to change the current system in a good faith way."
"Recognizing the many types of ways that critique occurs, even in good faith environments, is valuable."
"If you're good faith with someone who's bad faith, things go very, very, very poorly."
"For a constructive debate, both sides must speak in good faith."
"If the evidence shows a sincere good faith attempt to evaluate fair use, a misrepresentation claim won't succeed."
"Deal with people as if they had the best of intentions."
"The bottom line is the company should have just acted in good faith to begin with."
"What matters is that people are making a good faith effort to engage in their actions and in the community with integrity."
"McConnell simply does not want business owners to be able to get sued by their employees or by their customers as long as they're acting in good faith."
"I will work in good faith to develop this legislation with my colleagues and the administration."
"At the end of the day, we do want to believe that people are operating in good faith."
"These conversations can be uncomfortable, but I think it's appropriate that we should actually have these conversations more and be in good faith."
"You can only steel man a good faith argument, and the problem is we now know that we have not been engaged in opponents who are wielding good faith arguments."
"Everyone forgives its silliness because it's in basically good faith."
"The thing I appreciate about you most is that you operate in good faith, you're honest, you're transparent."
"Good faith implies a number of things: sincerity, honesty, openness, and charity."
"The overwhelming bulk of Wikipedia editors edit in good faith."
"The defense argued that SPF acted in good faith and that bad risk management is not a crime."
"I try to be as good faith as possible."
"My colleagues and I carried out our work in good faith, with integrity, in the spirit of following the facts wherever they lead, without fear or favor."
"You ought not to bring a prosecution unless you believe in good faith that there's sufficient evidence to prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The implied duty of good faith says that even though in normal business operations, companies are allowed to compete with one another, when they form a contract together, they have to moderate that level of competition."
"The court found in favor of Hungry Jack's because what the court said was that Burger King had failed to meet the implied duty of good faith."
"If you make a contract with someone, then you have to deal with that contract in good faith; you have to cooperate in order to make sure that the contract is given effect."
"The duty of good faith along with the duty of cooperation is not intended to get in the way of normal business competitiveness."
"Even within a competitive commercial business environment, there's still a requirement for contracting parties to deal with one another on the basis of cooperation and good faith."
"Collective Bargaining is the performance of the mutual obligation of the employer and the representative of the employees to meet at reasonable times and confer in good faith."
"The duty to bargain is good-faith but it's not to reach an agreement."
"It really was a good faith discussion."
"I come in good faith to break this cycle of hatred."
"We've had disagreements in the past but they've always been in good faith."
"This was like an amazing moment of good faith discourse."
"We have to create an environment where we can talk to each other, grant good faith, listen carefully, make subtle distinctions."
"The public are now relying on each of us to act in their best interests, to serve our whole community with good faith."
"Answer it respectfully and in good faith."
"When we engage in good faith with others, many times our sincerity comes out and people see that."
"What matters is that you conducted the investigation as required by law and that you conducted it in good faith."
"I've been doing so well recently making good faith arguments."
"I'm trying to be as good faith as I can and making sure that I've got a correct recollection of what was said because I don't want to misattribute arguments to you that you didn't make."
"It is a genuine breath of fresh air when you engage with somebody in a one-on-one discussion and they're just good faith online."
"I try to argue in good faith. I try not to just load up ad hominems or anything like that."
"I welcome disagreement, criticism, even argument, as long as it's in good faith."
"You're here in good faith to try and achieve a settlement."
"A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning given to the terms of the treaty in their context and in light of its objective purpose."
"Things done in good faith are deemed to be done honestly, whether done negligently or not."
"My client's entitled to those funds; she has good faith here."
"I just hope people somewhat argue in good faith here."
"We need to argue with each other in good faith and assume that the motives are pure."
"Trustees do still have to act in good faith when exercising that discretion."
"Everyone involved in the discussion has to be willing to believe that the other people in the discussion are operating in good faith."