
Dishonesty Quotes

There are 536 quotes

"The dreariest effect of this war has been to teach me that the left-wing press is every bit as spurious and dishonest as the right."
"The things that I just pointed out to you... why is that a problem? Because one, he's lying; two, he's misrepresenting; or he wasn't prepared."
"Everything that Janelle said about Mountain City, Tennessee, and her life there, it was all a lie."
"Public lies that you are impelled to believe are worse than private ones."
"Dishonesty was clearly a hallmark of Boris Johnson's tenure as Prime Minister."
"Likewise, if you're going to try to dishonestly twist my arguments... you're only showing your own morally degraded state."
"The lies that we're talking about have some not so funny consequences."
"He lies about his whole existence... He does not have a college degree, he is not an electrician or engineer like he may say, he is a real-life bum who uses women for money and lives off of them."
"Someone asking someone else to be dishonest is inherently, in and of itself, dishonest."
"Everything that George Santos said about himself was a lie. He lied to get the nomination, he lied to the electorate, he lied to get elected."
"It's always fascinating to me when a grown-ass adult will make up a giant lie and commit to it hard, and then convince everyone in their life of this lie."
"Engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation."
"We lie to the people, we don't care." - Charlie Chester
"The spectacular level of dishonesty and its breadth and its reach does make me... I am concerned about the level of fiction and what it might imply about other things."
"We know they are lying, and they still continue to lie."
"They'll lie about everything that you've done, they'll misrepresent you, they'll never engage in good faith."
"This is really embarrassing and fact because the fact that they're lying about a lot of shit."
"For a cult that claims to be the most ethical people on the planet, they will lie so much."
"They lie, they lie, that's what I can't stand"
"After he said the last things I heard them say was, 'You lied to us.'"
"The most frustrating part is when squish fake Republicans applaud and go along with it."
"That Trump has a talent for selling without the truth."
"She deleted comments with my name, she turned off comments, she lied about threats, she copied my idea color for color."
"I don't know how, but the blurring of the line between honesty and dishonesty seems to be at its height in a workplace."
"These are dishonest people, these are liars, these are frauds."
"Lying about your War record is one of the lowest things you could ever do."
"When you lie about things like this it is tremendously dangerous."
"People are people. If they cheat, lie, they don't deserve your time. Just walk away."
"At that point you know you know two months three months out from the festival you've sold these [ __ ] tickets this is when the lies get really bad."
"They knew about it and they didn't tell us. That's just like flat out lion, dude."
"She lied, she was a liar, she was the abuser."
"Misleading with misinformation—Flash is just lying to me."
"Maybe it's because of the severe endless Ad nauseam lying that occurred for the last three years from the top down."
"He looked you in the eye and didn't tell you the truth."
"Tucker Carlson is a complete lying white supremacist hack... He's a lying racist hack, that's it."
"The only thing this video has proven is that NBC is very dishonest."
"Claiming you have money that you do not have does not amount to the art of the deal. It's the art of the steal."
"We're dealing with a bunch of whiners and cheaters, and they are blatantly cheating."
"Everything he says is over the top, ridiculous. It's lies. He's a preposterous liar. He's a ridiculous liar."
"They lied, they cheated, they leaked, they got caught, they spied on my campaign."
"Who's the person making this stuff up? Because Mary, she's a pathological liar making stories up."
"Is the fact that Trump was not only -- he was lying to his only -- he was lying to his lawyers."
"I mean, why would you lie to your own lawyers if you really feel like you don’t have anything to hide?"
"Love cannot exist where there is no trust. Dishonest liars and cheaters believe that given the right circumstances everyone would lie and cheat."
"You've got somebody that doesn't involve... She's a very loyal. She doesn't value honesty, she doesn't value communication, she doesn't value commitment."
"I don't trust Menendez. But I gotta be honest, if you've got - you - you - what was the Jack Sparrow quote? He's a dishonest man but you can trust him because you can trust him to be dishonest."
"But no, your garbage person of the week with 53% of the vote is Rupert Murdoch for admitting his Network lies to keep viewers."
"I do have two significant problems I would like to address. The first is I do not like absolute and utter lies being told about me."
"This is just plain old embezzlement, old school."
"Mr. Trump is a cheat... Mr. Trump inflated his total assets when it served his purposes."
"You're not a doctor, you're a little kid, you lie!"
"Pickup artists promote dishonesty and to see dating as a game literally."
"The amount of bald-faced lying that we're seeing here is insane."
"Once you start to realize the amount of dishonesty out there, it's over."
"I think y'all are being dishonest in your critique. I absolutely think there is a critique to be had of the current state of the abolition movement."
"It's literally just you lying over and over and over and over again."
"Lies just build upon other lies and then it becomes so many lies." - Narrator
"My only worry about South Carolina is that my opponents lie, especially Cruz. I mean Cruz is the single worst liar I've ever seen."
"All they do is lie, they lie and they lie some more."
"Aren’t you ashamed of being such a manipulative liar?"
"When there's a disclosure, do not expect it to be a fully honest disclosure, expect there to be spin, expect there to be lies."
"These guys are thieves these guys are cockroaches and when you shine a light on cockroaches scatter."
"Please don't give it to them because they don't love you they don't care about you they are only after the money."
"You're crying over a liar or somebody who can't even be honest with you."
"He's lying... I think it's an indication that he says he's thinking like."
"The most common way people lie is through omission."
"He is incapable of telling the truth at all."
"You're 15 years old. You really do still have a life ahead of you. But the more you lie, the deeper it gets."
"There is nothing funny about hoaxing or faking hate crimes."
"Unexpected technical issues implies either that they didn't even look at the game prior to launch or they're lying."
"He's following the footsteps of Mr. Trump, who has lied and exaggerated about a whole bunch of stuff."
"Eventually the lie will catch up with you." - Speaker 4
"They just lie. I hope we don't go to war, man."
"Everyone knows it's a lie but they perpetuate it."
"When the guy gets everything he wanted and the thing still doesn't get passed that's not an honest actor, Ro, that's not an honest actor at all. That's a guy who was playing you for a fool."
"To be caught in a lie is nothing new for Donald Trump."
"How can a man, a woman lie on the Most High right in your face?"
"But on a day-to-day basis, as these things happen from this president, from this White House, we have just adapted to a new normal of embarrassing incompetence and ignorant dishonesty."
"We as a country are inured to the idea not just that politicians tell lies, right?"
"It's these spineless people who refuse to stand up to this disgusting movement of poisonous lies."
"This isn't some honest ideological disagreement, not even close."
"When you start out with lies, you end up with lies."
"Lefties lie through their teeth with a smile but also establishment Republicans lie through their teeth with a smile."
"He's fully aware of it, he's just lying... that's the unfortunate reality."
"There are a plethora of reasons I can give you to avoid MLMs, they are one small step from pyramid schemes and there is a consistent history of these companies being dishonest, misleading, and manipulative."
"A lie has no legs; it's just like that bridge when you took out that Anchor Point."
"If you can get away with being dishonest about you know the graphical fidelity of a game and probably get away with lying about a lot about your game because we don't have our hands on it yet... all of our pre-orders are locked in."
"Trump retaliates against any government official who doesn't go along with his complete and utter lies."
"Lying is an intentional act. When you lie, you acknowledge the truth and then you subvert it in order to achieve your own personal gains."
"There is honor to be found even in dishonesty."
"YouTube lies, okay? We already know that YouTube is us, right? And they have played favoritism."
"But wait, he is bragging. He literally made it all up."
"It shows that Joe Biden lied when he claimed he had no idea what was going on. Of course he was lying."
"We know Joe Biden is lying, we know he's corrupt."
"The woman is an ignoramus and she's also dishonest and she's also kind of vicious."
"I hate to say this but the cows tell me that my parents have been mixing water in the milk."
"The fact that she was so entertaining is because she was [expletive] lying, and it was hilarious how she was lying."
"A jury unanimously decided that this statement is a [expletive] lie and a malicious lie. Let's be very clear about what the verdict meant here."
"I'm not gonna play these games when Michael Flynn comes out and says this and then lies... this is a very serious problem."
"It's sad that he used this man's death for political gain, misled people."
"The vast majority of the time they are completely lying to you."
"Truly a magnificent specimen of pathological dishonesty."
"When he says he didn't know, that's another of his many lies."
"Opposing unions is one thing, but the lies and the way they go about it, it's insanely dishonest."
"If James O'Keefe truly cared about the dishonesty of the government..."
"It's just the lies are so obvious at this point."
"Trump's unpredictable, he's dishonest, he's volatile."
"Guys definitely always tell their friends about girls that they're talking to. If a guy ever says that he doesn't, he's definitely lying."
"He's leaving the same way he came in: a racist, a bigot, and a cheat."
"People that lie, they admit like a half truth."
"Someone can deny, they can lie, they can hide, but the truth eventually comes out."
"Stay true to yourself. Lie when you need to. Trust me, it creates bad habits."
"The magnitude of the lies you've been spreading are unforgivable and you should face repercussions."
"You can say what you like about Boris Johnson. He is a brilliant liar. He is a world-class liar. He is absolutely superb at lying."
"Modern civil conflict is lying, cheating, stealing, and manipulation."
"So when they tell the public we don't have any evidence for this, that is a bullface lie."
"Stop lying, Skomo. This message here is sponsored by the Minerals Council."
"The lying was one of the most consistent, unending features of Trump's presidency."
"When Donald Trump's lips are moving he is either lying incriminating himself or both."
"Cheaters tend to cheat on the people who they cheat with originally."
"They're actors. They know they're lying to you. They'll lie to you whatever it takes just to make sure they're earning that money."
"If you're going to cheat and lie your way to getting money from the public, you might want to consider being discreet about it."
"But this was just an extraordinary amount of blatant dishonesty in the service of nativist ugliness."
"Over half a century our judges... lied about the law."
"Be cautious of someone trying to fix your problems with material things or lies."
"Straight up lying and while it may work more often than we as consumers would like that's not always the case."
"I just don't like slimy people trying to take advantage of others."
"Politicians lie and misrepresent stuff all the time."
"Putin's central insight is that he doesn't care if he's caught lying or breaking the rules. He's a shameless thug."
"Virtually nothing the liberal says is true, and the lies are not ordinary lies. The lies are so brazen, so aggressive, and unending."
"It's not the lie that is so bad, it's the continued cover up."
"CD Projekt Red lied completely along the way with this version of the game."
"It's a gut punch when you see people who are openly dishonest exploiting something."
"The more true stands up there and says nothing to worry about nothing to see here the more people know hey he's lying..."
"Every time she opens her mouth it's to tell some lie that's like actually so ridiculous it's actually unbelievable."
"None of this, I don't even give a [ __ ] because I know this guy's a piece of [ __ ], but just seeing Jason sit there and let him lie to him... these people just don't give a [ __ ] about nothing but money from."
"It's a lie on a News Network when you know that they know they're lying."
"He lies about everything, everything every little thing every big thing every medium-sized thing go ahead pick your lies the guy is a complete fraud."
"Faulty foundation... established on lies, manipulation, deceit, corruption."
"Alexander Solzhenitsyn: 'We know they are lying, they know they are lying...and they still continue to lie.'"
"Everything that's coming out of your mouth is a lie."
"You are a liar. You are feeding me nothing but falsity's. Movie, you sit upon a throne of lies."
"When you lie, you have to first lie to yourself a little bit before you can conveniently lie to others."
"Donald would cheat his way into the University of Pennsylvania."
"Better for me at this point to just lie so I can get away."
"He comes across as just a serial liar, somebody where you just cannot really believe much that comes out of his mouth."
"The guy is a serial offender and a dishonest person."
"This dude's been lying ever since he was a kid."
"You are frauds you are liars you are damaging our country by deceiving your readers."
"There will always be someone out there that is prepared to try and cheat."
"The power structures today, a lot of them are built on lies."
"Trump's health plan is completely dishonest."
"Where there is one lie, there are usually many more behind it."
"It's so funny too, because liars will stay liars. And when I called this guy a liar a year ago, I knew that he was going to continue lying."
"Simply to pander for votes. That's more off-putting to me than saying I could write a check for a billion dollars is someone lying about being engine."
"He lies to the American people every time he opens his mouth... It's offensive, it's a lie."
"He lied about his Alibi for the day that she went missing."
"In plain English, he lied through his teeth."
"She is brazenly openly shamelessly lying and at this point she knows she is and everyone in the room knows she is."
"Lying enables parasitism which produces a corruption poverty spiral."
"Kevin McCarthy is a liar, he is lying about his dealings with the White House regarding the insurrection."
"He's not just lying to you, he's also lying to every single Republican in his district and around the country."
"Donald Trump was trying to use Mike Pence to weaponize a lie."
"If they lie about themselves, even a tiny one... I started to notice how he lied about everything... compulsive liars are scary people."
"The key is if you're going to follow Donald Trump... you've got to be a liar... you've got to bend reality to whatever Donald Trump says it's going to be."
"You've got to lie if you're following Donald Trump and you've got to be indignant while you lie."
"One of the things that I think people are going to realize is that he just lied the entire time when it came to being under audit for years." - Jimmy Gomez
"When you can't keep your story straight, you're lying."
"You guys are a bunch of little [ __ ], lying to the cops. You guys got no balls."
"She's a world class fantasist, she's a compulsive liar."
"They want you to prop up their dishonest version of who they are."
"Cheating for clout is one thing, but cheating to get your hands on prize money is another level of low."
"There's some sort of cheating going on, a love bombing going on here."
"They will do whatever he wants including lie about an election and undermine the fabric of our democracy."
"That's one of those lies where you know you're full of shit, you know that's not true, but you say it to perpetuate whatever narrative you're trying to push." - Dion
"This is clearly another case of Paul telling big old porcupine eyes... this man simply cannot tell the truth."
"Their lies are like a house of cards, ready to collapse."
"Resentment happens when one person is Faking It."
"They were telling you what you wanted to hear to get sex out of you."
"He lied to us he lied to everyone on social media so now we got to bring out those receipts."
"Boxing is so [__] shady, it's so dirty, so many lies."
"Lied so much about her life and expecting us to believe it thus treating us as stupid and giving us no respect."
"Coping is a problem and what these people do instead of coping is they confabulate, they lie, they create substitutes, they modify, they hide, they reframe."
"Most cheaters don't admit their transgressions; cowardice and selfishness play a role."
"These are such dishonest people... and the American people finally know it."
"I have never seen anybody just lie and like the lie just drip out your mouth like syrup."
"There are a lot of anchors who... knowingly telling lies on their behalf. It's very, very common." - Tucker Carlson
"People are sick and tired of what's going on around us, we're sick and tired of being lied to."
"Many of you politicians sing a good song but when you get in office you are nothing but a bunch of thieves."
"Dishonesty is always proven especially on the internet boys."
"The person who hurts the women that are being abused is the woman who lies about being abused. That's who causes the harm."
"Dishonesty: they have a warped moral compass, a lack of empathy. They don't care about society's norms, right and wrong."
"When you see the news, immediately habitually lying, there is a true ugliness about it."
"When their actions do not support their words, you know they're lying."
"These people rely on telling lies and pulling random anecdotes out of their ass to push a broader narrative."
"You didn't have to lie and say wrong number, but why the hell am I gonna tell this person I don't know who isn't texting me with like my real name?"
"This person is going to continue to lie to you, take advantage of you, cheat on you, whatever they have been doing, it will continue if you don't end it. If you don't end it."
"When you tell one lie, you got to tell another one to cover it up."
"The more you lie, the more you have to lie to maintain the delusion."