
Historical Lessons Quotes

There are 247 quotes

"The message of the Holocaust, at least that we were taught, was 'never again,' but it wasn't just about Jews; it was supposed to be never this type of wholesale slaughter."
"These stories from the past are important... to show us those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
"The greatest thing we can learn from the people that came before us is not just that they went through what we went through. The second is what they did about it."
"If analogies are useful at all, there's certainly not a one-size-fits-all method. We have to ask if we're forgetting the other lessons history has to offer."
"Name a time in which appeasement against autocratic despots has ever worked. It never works. What you learn is deterrence through strength is the only path forward."
"When tyrants say they're going to act, please believe them."
"If you learn from them, you can use it to stop it from happening again and again."
"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
"There are examples of people that came before you that denied... how terrible was my punishment for them."
"Political violence rots republics. Therefore January 6 must not become a precedent for further violence."
"We should learn from the enormous mistakes of this pandemic."
"The choice is ours, it does not have to happen again."
"Humans must work hard to avoid destroying our civilization like some of the other advanced civilizations in our history."
"The worst mistake we can make is to gloss over the hard lessons of history."
"The lesson is never again; that is the task for all opponents of barbarism."
"Look back at history and say something dark in essence is while regulation seems to be oversight seems to be exactly the right thing to do here."
"The United States has to be a world leader. If there's any lesson we learned from World War II, it is that the United States is a world leader."
"What the Holocaust teaches you is very clear that if it could happen in Germany it could happen anywhere."
"You better find your [] otherwise we're going to get conquered like every other [] civilization in the history of [__] humankind."
"If we refuse to learn from our mistakes in the past, we are doomed to suffer an even worse fate in the future."
"Throughout this glorious history lesson, we've learned that legislation is often decades behind when addressing these problems."
"We look to the Past to help us move into the future and there are always little lessons that we can learn from everything."
"Passover says we remember the past, we learn from the past, we remember the lessons of the past."
"We realized then the Great War must never happen again."
"You cannot comply your way out of tyranny it was true during covid it's true now and it's true throughout all of recorded human history."
"King James's book Demonology provoked an ideological war that swept up thousands of innocents. It's a warning from history that we dare not ignore."
"Learning from history is the most important thing."
"If you take aside the military genius what is it that we can learn from the life of Robert E Lee well I believe the most important lesson of robbery Lee's life is that Decisions by individuals matter."
"What is the point of honoring our past if we cannot use these lessons from the past to make this world a better place?"
"I refuse to allow the mistakes of the past to be repeated."
"We must remember the past so we can address the mistakes made then and so we do not repeat them in the future."
"Every time innocent lives have been sacrificed for the greater good, it turns out to be a mistake."
"That combination hurt Jewish people and must never be repeated."
"Humanity had to avoid absolutely any recurrence of a Tower of Babel moment in human history..."
"To learn from the past could prevent a future failure."
"You only need to study history to understand how these things end it never ends well for the groups who are trying to push something that the people simply do not want."
"Are you willing to encourage the mob? Because everything we know about history tells us that once you do that, you may not escape the mob to get great again."
"We may not be able to change the past, but we can learn from it."
"If you don't learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it."
"It's a fascinating situation, it's a cautionary tale."
"As the era of romantic air travel fades into history, the lessons learned from the Grand Canyon disaster remain."
"What can we learn from this? What can we take away from this horrible story?"
"You gotta learn the lessons of yesteryear in order to understand how we supposed to move tomorrow."
"Other nations who failed to learn from history would disappear as dots in the sands of time."
"If there's anything to be learned from the history of the Warring States, it's that the kings of Qin are not to be trusted."
"If European serfdom had taught the pilgrims anything, it taught them that it was essential to own one's own land."
"Life is for learning... the lessons of Woodstock are still being revealed."
"This history does not have to be our nation's future."
"They decided we're not going to do it, we're not waiting, we're not going to do what Stalin did in 1941 and wait for the Nazis to just invade, right?"
"It is about preventing history from repeating itself in the most vicious form."
"The story of Thonis carries a warning: our cities are not eternal."
"One of the lessons of history is, when you detect a potential threat, you need to pay attention and investigate it."
"We cannot ever go through this again, and in order for that not to happen, we need to know the truth."
"When we started this journey almost three years ago it was really wanting to tell a really impactful narrative and a story largely to ensure that this sort of conflict doesn't happen again."
"These are actually the sort of lessons I think are hugely important in history."
"Unless we have a political process... we will see the same sort of results as we've seen in Afghanistan."
"We need to look at this from a wider political point of view to make sure we learn the right lessons... so we get it right next time."
"History teaches us that atrocities from times gone by, such as war, should not be repeated."
"History teaches the dangers of government that overreaches, political control taking precedence over free economic growth."
"I wonder if that is a lesson that humanity has actually more or less learned."
"Anti-Semitism proved what intolerance and bigotry can do."
"Let's remember the lessons learned, even as the pandemic fades into memory."
"Appeasement is how we made the situation much, much more dangerous."
"Learn from the people that came before you who made the mistakes."
"First they came for the communists and I did not speak out because I was not a communist, then they came for me and I there was no one left to speak out for me."
"If you're to draw the right lessons out of it [history], you do avoid making the worst mistakes."
"He said this man would be the worst of all of them because he would study from Hitler and he would learn from his mistakes."
"He had to lose everything but he couldn't allow history to repeat itself."
"We can still learn from the lessons of how our ancestors dealt with war to light our own path of preparedness."
"History tells us that even small changes to routine can lead to catastrophe."
"We should learn from this whole situation in order to avoid repeating those mistakes in the future."
"Actually, some of the old sexual norms were there for a reason and actually there is a lot to be learned from them in a critical way."
"The past will tell you everything you need to know, for example, the past of smoking cigarettes will predict perfectly that people who do it in the future will get lung cancer."
"MKUltra will forever be etched as a dark chapter, a lesson about the potential pitfalls of unchecked power."
"I know you like you said you can't reverse time but yeah history if you don't learn from it you tend to repeat it right."
"If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it."
"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
"History teaches that authoritarian leaders never learn from the experiences of their cronies, but nevertheless, I would like to address Azerbaijani authorities to learn from the destiny of Maduro and Lukashenko."
"We're not learning from the floods of the past."
"I think that's why we have to learn from history and not reproduce it."
"Stay vigilant America, because as history has shown, it's the walls left unbuilt that enemies walk through."
"Given the decades of pain and suffering, has South Korea learned from the past and moved forward?"
"The lessons from the lost city of Herculaneum are too terrifying to ignore."
"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to be heckled by it and then repeat it."
"History has so many lessons for us on the warning signs of fascism." - Jessica Denson
"You know I'm not one to try to advise imperialists on how to do it better but I mean come on guys look what happened with World War One... it's happened before right?"
"To teach that discrimination is justifiable repeats some of the very mistakes that we've made in the past."
"Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it."
"You are ready for love. Release any doubts, shame, or guilt."
"You take the obstacles of history to make it better."
"History proves people don't learn from history."
"History was the best tool to give people advice, information, understanding how to live their lives now."
"We need to focus on the individual because it's individuals working together to create change it's not collectivization that creates changed and we've got 100 million dead people to give us evidence."
"Have they literally learned nothing from their history?"
"We do not need to have an Apollo one type event in order to get us in gear."
"After a half decade, what are the games I've enjoyed the most?"
"Are we starting all over again? Three years ago we didn't pay attention when it first broke out in China. Now we cannot afford to make the same mistake."
"The real lesson of our history is that when you expand the circle, the story of us can also include them."
"History must be examined thoroughly to never again be repeated."
"We must always learn about and understand the worst that mankind has been capable of in history, in order to make sure we never head down that path again."
"Can the human race still learn from the past? Are we still capable?"
"But if history has taught us anything, it's that Alberta will remain ungovernable."
"It's society as a whole that's brought us here and we've learned a lot in our past and we have to use that to help us get to the future."
"History would tell you that maybe you have too much trust in your government."
"The failure of modern western governments to learn or even remember that lesson has been very obvious."
"It's important that the international community understand the mistakes of the past and not repeat them." - Anastasia Sanat
"I don't see colonization occurring again, but in the end of the day, you do need to make sure that you're doing agreements and making treaties that work for the people that are there." - Anastasia Sanat
"The law aims to make sure something like this never happens again."
"What's important moving forward is that governments remember what happened at this pandemic."
"Putin himself said we need to learn the lessons of the Soviet Union...take the best parts and move them forward."
"Reining in the worst impulses of humans with power and in the process avoiding disaster at least for a few decades."
"This prevents things from going off the rails the way they did in the 70s."
"If we don't learn the history lessons, we are doomed to repeat it."
"We're trying to preserve it. We're trying to learn the lessons that other mistakes that other people made and how we've progressed and how we've gotten there."
"When we read history... there will be tremendous examples of what to do and... what not to do."
"Once it's gone, Freedom doesn't come back by itself. The only way you get your freedoms back is it's it's earned with the price of blood."
"Be a student of history and you will see that's never ended well."
"A destiny full of hatred can't build a nation."
"Learning those lessons from the past and how they continue to apply today, I don't think that there is a more and more important project that we could possibly engage in."
"Learn from history, learn from what we ourselves learned from 20 30 years ago from the 80s 90s 2000s, we saw these debates, we saw the ummah breakup and whatnot and we realized this is not healthy."
"We've got to learn from what's been done in our own history."
"One lesson of the French Revolution is that rudeness can be extremely politically useful." - Amber Frost
"Take a lesson from Appalachia. Don't let history repeat itself."
"History has taught us it is not effective to ignore or minimize these kind of ideologies."
"We need to learn from Romania's mistakes of communism." - George Roscoe
"We must use the lessons of the Holocaust to recognize and resist dangerous trends."
"This was proof that social distancing worked."
"If history has taught us anything, it's that these people lose and they lose bad."
"Americans are no wiser than the Europeans who saw democracy yield to fascism, Naziism, communism."
"Never again should tyranny of the kind that produced Nazi Germany be allowed to raise its ugly head."
"We must remember the lesson of the 1930s and aggression must not be rewarded." - Unknown Speaker
"We Christians in the west today, facing many who demand that we give up our values, can learn a lot from Pius the seventh and his allies."
"The Russian experience during the war serves as a stark reminder of the human cost and complexity of global conflicts."
"Summerhall is a warning against the dangers of power, ambition, and dreams, showing how even a good king like Egg, or Stannis, or Daenerys, with the best intentions, can ultimately, tragically, end in atrocity."
"To assume that the same enemy you defeated 20 years earlier will let themselves be defeated in exactly the same manner is foolishness at its worst."
"Those who don't learn the lessons of history tend to repeat it."
"We need to learn from the past to build a better future, and, you know, this is Orwellian stuff, this is not a free society, this is tyranny."
"The most important lesson from 1918 is to tell the truth."
"Let's learn from the mistakes of history and make sure we don't repeat them."
"Don't forget the lessons in the past because if you forget it you're doomed to repeat again."
"We will repeat the same mistakes over and over again because even though it's all there in the history books, you have to go find it."
"Without both reason and compassion, we can see the evidence of what horrors can occur in a community."
"Those who forget the lessons of history are condemned to repeat it."
"If we don't learn from history, we're destined to repeat it."
"The most important lesson of history is that it is as unpredictable and non-linear as sport."
"It makes sense that groups of survivors would come together for protection, companionship, and to keep the memory of the mistakes of the past alive."
"What's more important is learning those lessons of history."
"War will eventually bring destruction, and if people don't learn the lesson, the destruction will not stop."
"What can we as a society learn from the people who came before us?"
"The most important lesson of World War two: if the Holocaust could happen there, it could happen anywhere."
"History repeats itself, and you won't know how to combat it if you don't learn from it."
"Those who don't learn from the past are bound to repeat it."
"It's up to us to learn from these terrible moments in history so that we can recognize and hopefully prevent the next war."
"I hope that we as a people, especially those who are really interested in the Titanic, I hope that we can learn a lot from the Titanic disaster and we can move forward with the hope that something like that will never happen to anyone ever again."
"Never another Gallipoli." - Learning from past mistakes.
"The successes of the past teach us more than mistakes."
"Understanding the past is the key to the future, remaining complacent brings only destruction for future inhabitants of our planet."
"History doesn't exactly repeat itself but certainly those that do not study history are doomed to repeat the failures of the past."
"Every war is only won with a series of lost battles."
"History is recorded so that we can learn from the mistakes and not repeat them."
"Modest solutions to the same big challenges mate could inform our own attempts to deal with what's happening to us now."
"Those Americans have mostly been lost to history, and we do ourselves a service by learning their stories because they left us something that is all but an instruction manual for how to save democracy again."
"You can't change what happened in the 1920s, but you do have to learn from it."
"Once the people have learned something through struggle, never can they forget it."
"So why is it that some societies have succeeded in solving the problems that did in the Easter Islanders and the Maya and many of the other most advanced societies of their times?"
"We didn't learn from our history and still don't. Should've kept the good things and gotten rid of the bad stuff."
"The only thing anyone knows about history is the Nazis and they know that Hitler was bad and therefore don't be Hitler but unfortunately even that is not a strong enough historical it's not a strong enough moral lesson."
"We must do whatever we can to make sure people like Mao, Stalin, and Hitler never come to power again."
"One of the best ways that we can know where we're headed... is so much value in looking back in the history of what's happened before."
"We can use the past to build better today."
"We need to learn from history if we want to build a better future."
"This is the right thing for us to do, and future generations are going to look back at us and say, 'Did we do enough when this country was invaded by a dictator trying to redraw boundaries by force? Did we learn the lessons from history? Did we do enough?'"
"Our sins were that we crushed a very small country and in so doing we learned bad lessons which would come back to haunt us."
"Let us embrace the lessons of the past, the promises of the present, and the hope of the future."
"...what warning we might take from the fate of Easter Island but what its people may have to teach us."
"History can really keep you out of doing something silly."
"If you don't learn from history, it's bound to repeat itself."
"We want to learn from it, and there are a bunch of lessons from this battle that are absolutely relevant to any conflict that might emerge in the Pacific today."
"The need to have wireless, the need to call for assistance which had been so heavily underscored with the loss of Titanic, was now augmented by the burning of Vaulter No and the rescue of so many people."
"History has proved again and again that whenever mankind interferes with a less developed civilization, no matter how well intentioned that interference may be, the results are invariably disastrous."
"The very practices that brought them to power also contributed to their demise."
"Those who don't learn from the past are condemned to repeat it."
"The planning for the invasion and execution taught the Allies many lessons that would be valuable as they planned further amphibious operations in Africa, Europe, and the Pacific."
"History is there to guide us because if we are bound to forget the past, then we are bound to also repeat this mistake over and over again."
"History at that point was all about showing examples of virtuous people and vicious people, showing certain lessons moral lessons that were truer than the truth of fact and fiction."
"There's no question in my mind that there are lessons to be learned from people who were leaders in the past."
"It is up to each of us to learn from the past and be ready to interrupt the forces that may try to exploit the few for the benefit of the majority."
"With the benefit of history, we do not want to repeat, we'll learn from this past moment and come together in a way that we've never come together before."
"History teaches us many things that we can use as building blocks for the future."
"We must stride confidently forward in good faith, building on the lessons of that horrific past and moving purposefully towards a common future."
"It's good to have the memorial... so that never happens again."
"If we don't learn from our past, we're going to let history repeat itself."
"Those who don't learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them."
"And all these years later, it'd be really good if we didn't forget it."
"What history tells us is there are huge unintended consequences."
"If you learn from history, this will be very helpful for you and life-changing."
"Why is it that mankind never seems to learn from the past?"
"It should have been talked about more, how we can recognize warning signs and parallels of similar developments in society today."
"The Reason God gives us history is not only to teach us about the goodness of God but to warn us from making the same mistakes as our forefathers."