
Cryptocurrency Value Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"If this monetization idea is actually true, it completely contradicts the idea that Bitcoin is a waste of the world's resources."
"There's no way ethereum's under 10,000 by the end of this year."
"ETH should be priced at about $7,500 to $10,000."
"Financially, to you, cryptocurrency is more valuable than anything else you'll ever do in your entire life."
"The idea is to reach $1 to $1.5 per token by Q1 of next year."
"Bitcoin as we do this is trading above 11,000 which is a very high value compared to it was you know a year ago."
"So that's what's up with Bitcoin a little bit over $70,000."
"Hard assets like bitcoin are incredibly valuable."
"It's not just about price, it's about the underlying intrinsic value of bitcoin."
"A $10 Cardano is possible if Ethereum gets past $10,000."
"Bitcoin at $55,000? That's cheap bitcoin in my opinion."
"Imagine if we got to a world where all the Bitcoin was dry and it's very difficult to find them. I wonder how high Bitcoin's price would be."
"Bitcoin will be worth a half a million dollars, it'll probably take four to five years, the ride will be rocky but certainly worth it."
"Eth Maxis that have hated Saul for the last three years are now seeing the value of it."
"Technical analysis works. Ethereum rallied to $4888, as predicted."
"Bitcoin cannot be controlled from the outside because governments can make currencies worth zero but governments don't have the power to make bitcoin worth zero."
"Defi can easily capture anywhere from a quarter to over half of all cryptocurrency value."
"Bitcoin touched $58,000 this morning, now down a little bit but that is expected."
"As Bitcoin reaches high value, it'll become more widely distributed, used even by nation-states."
"Bitcoin Cash was currently undervalued... the upside potential... is enormous."
"The cryptocurrency I think has the greatest appreciative value between now and the end of the bull run that is already kind of in the mid cap range is shiba inu."
"Bitcoin is rapidly making its way into the frame as a safe haven asset as part of any smart diversified portfolio."
"It's mind-boggling to think about. If you've been holding hoards of cash in your bank account, you lost 99.993 percent versus Bitcoin only 10 years ago."
"Bitcoin is the best store of value we have today."
"If you find value in Dogecoin, you're gonna hold Dogecoin."
"Bitcoin has only been this cheap four percent of the time relative to its fair value."
"Bitcoin is digital gold. I think it's won that lane."
"If you invested $100 in Safe Moon on March 1st, that would be worth about $8 million today."
"Let's be a little thankful for... Let's be honest, we're not gonna get a chance to buy Bitcoin under $20,000 again."
"I think internet computer, ICP, is poised. I think this is one of the most undervalued, one of the most exciting altcoins."
"One BTC going to 100, 150,000 is considered life-changing wealth for some."
"Hodling is what we all need to embrace in the coming year and present bull market cycle because One dollar invested in Bitcoin at its first market price would be worth $29.8m today."
"And ether has been so severely undervalued, for so long, it is truly mind-boggling."
"I fully expect two to three million dollar Bitcoin."
"Litecoin is a store value so it will be a digital silver to bitcoin's digital gold."
"Bitcoin's value is likely to surpass that of all competing currencies."
"The real value of bitcoin is owning real bitcoin."
"Bitcoin's got value because we all decide it's got value."
"Looking like Bitcoin is still a steal of a deal."
"It's easier for a coin that's 50 cents to double than a coin that's 30 dollars."
"Wake me up when XRP is over a dollar. That's when the true party begins."
"The real price of Bitcoin is actually going up."
"Bitcoin is now at 60.5k, closing in on price discovery mode."
"Cryptocurrency and bitcoin demonstrate real value."
"It's going to be very hard to unseat bitcoin as a store of value asset."
"2023 could very well be the year where xrp explodes in value."
"The majority of bitcoin's value will come from countries and large corporations adding it to their balance sheet."
"I honestly do believe Bitcoin will be a quarter million in a year."
"Ethereum's move towards being ultrasound money is a game-changer."
"One Bitcoin eventually is going to be worth 10 million dollars."
"Bitcoin is looking very very nice right now."
"Bitcoin is this pristine asset, cannot be debased, cannot be censored."
"My XRP is a stored value right now, it's storing my value right now and there's a limited amount just like Bitcoin."
"If this news breaks, it's going to push Bitcoin up to $50,000 and more very easily in my opinion."
"Isn't it odd that we have cryptocurrencies worth more than some of the largest companies in the world?"
"You should not be panicking. I don't know why anyone would be panicking at 54,000 bitcoin."
"As the number of users grow, the value per coin increases."
"I don't think any of the tokens are a store of value."
"Bitcoin continues to thrive, now on its way to twelve thousand dollars."
"The only value of bitcoin is with the other guy I'll pay for it."
"Cryptocurrencies that don't solve a problem are likely just going to disappear or be regulated out of the system."
"Bitcoin is not $24,000. Bitcoin is financial sovereignty valued currently at $24,000."
"You heard it here first, 100K by the end of the year."
"This is not about necessarily only you making money because the price of crypto goes up this is about a moment in time where we have to to seize and to really actually change things."
"Bitcoin is valuable because it is hard, secure, durable, transparent, permissionless, and trustless."
"I think a lot of people are realizing that the underlying use case of bitcoin is stronger now than it ever has been."
"Bitcoin is the scarcest asset and the hardest money the world has ever known."
"It's wild. The last time I looked at Bitcoin like a year ago, it was worth six thousand dollars a Bitcoin. Now it's worth 18,000 for one Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin has value because it has a limited supply backed by decentralization."
"Bitcoin's price topped 52,000 today to mark a new all-time high, however, the top cryptocurrency is selling at 71,000 US dollars."
"If XRP was insignificant or some flop or wasn't going to be worth anything then their over-the-counter sales would be close to zero."
"Bitcoin doesn't go to zero because society collapses."
"I definitely think $3 is totally in the books for 2025, but if we want to see something like $5, $7, $10, we're going to need some awesome things happening."
"We're going to see our utility token gaining more value because it's now being purchased with a stable asset."
"One Bitcoin today will fetch you about 18,000 Ada."