
Narrative Progression Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"Boruto's true character development happens during the Chunin exams and basically everything that happens after that."
"Each major action and choice that a character makes should be tougher than the last."
"Like I said, later storylines improve upon this and even give new life to some of the original cast."
"The only remaining threat in the story is Jobin Higashikata, who had ties to the Domo group."
"In Iron Man, after Tony has escaped captivity and gone back to civilization, he immediately generates two very important new main objectives that he starts driving towards."
"There's a fully voiced story campaign and as you progress through the story you'll be unlocking new zones that you can go through."
"Aging with the characters was a smart move to mature not only the individuals but the plot as well."
"The arrival of aliens that was slowly teased toward the end of chapter two season six and then literally made an appearance physically in the sky all over the place in chapter two season seven."
"Prophecy and Vengeance sets up Itachi as Sasuke's mid-series boss."
"By the time we actually ended up at Hogwarts I was already like halfway through the book."
"A universe that is going somewhere, a game where things are happening."
"This is Sylvanas saying his name for the last time and moving on from the pain."
"Arcanum’s story doesn’t set the world alight, but after starting slowly and predictably, it takes a few twists and turns that I didn’t expect."
"We've set out to tell a focused story with an arc that will move through all the updates and culminate in a compelling conclusion."
"The game doesn't back pedal on anything, it drives the plot forward by using everything that's happened so far."
"Thank you very much for persevering with us through this part of the story."
"Looks like this journey is going to be a lot harder than they thought."
"Sakura did manage to slowly improve and finally showcase her strength as the series ended."
"The prince sees this as an act of desperation and decides to send me to destroy their branch at a hotel here once and for all."
"The great reset is really a series of big geopolitical engineered crises."
"Kisuke is effectively fully reintegrated back into the soul Society."
"Ellie starts as a compassionate kind soul, an echo of what the late Joel becomes, that drains away slowly under the weight of her guilt."
"Sanji has had the most development of any Straw Hat."
"Reluctant heroes should eventually become willing heroes."
"Persona 5's crew, the Phantom Thieves, are great... but the story moved on from their arcs so long ago, it's like their shadows."
"After just a few chapters I went from hating him for kicking Law to loving him for taking care of the sick and dying young doctor."
"There was arguably no going back, and their ship kept getting more and more perfect from there."
"The pact commander squad pushed into Mordremoth's sanctum."
"I thought the demo was ending there, but that's just the beginning."
"This chapter wasn't necessarily the craziest thing ever but it was a step in the right direction."
"Remember what the end goal of the scene is. If you're stuck in a slow bit of dialogue, it can be helpful to remember why you're here and where you're going."
"Luffy's gonna take that title of King of the Pirates seriously."
"His arc has changed. I like that you see his character progression."
"Aaron Yeager has changed so tremendously well as a character his evolution is ridiculous in this chapter someone revisits those stepping stones to reveal to us the final face of Aaron and what he's striving for."
"This is just gonna straight up be an X-Men movie now because there's not really anywhere else for the story to go."
"You see this total perfect 180 between how Zuko was presented to us versus what he is at the end of the show."
"Daenerys' descent into megalomania was always where her story arc was heading."
"It's hope but it's not the end of the story."
"I think having the characters getting stronger in their own unique ways, I think that's the only way honestly it can go."
"Momonosuke's longer character arc really becomes something similar to the realization that Momonosuke can be himself and still be worthy."
"Sanji's recruitment, boy, that man loves his son."
"I'm excited to see where they take these characters next..."
"This starts a series of unfortunate events; Temporary would then visit a ramen shop..."
"Each character's personal journey in Digital Devil Saga 2 completes their character development from the first game."
"So now we're onto the final mission of the game."
"Every little thing should progress the story."
"Persona 4 social links overall are a fantastic progression of the idea from Persona 3 and where that game stumbled Persona 4 enhances the idea tremendously."
"This will be the kickoff, the starting arc of the final saga."
"Love in other words is childhood friends too estranged to lovers."
"This feels like a continuation and growth of a character that never really had a chance to grow."
"Time didn't just stand still... stories have happened."
"The impact reverberated through the air culminating in the monster's defeat as it collapsed under the force of Crest's blow."
"Morty at last achieves some independence from Rick."
"It's a moment that really makes MJ grow as a character and become the girl who would eventually become Peter's partner."
"Anybody who's been reading his Avengers run kind of knew it was coming up to this point."
"Freaking finally Asuna is coming into the underworld!"
"Ultimately, it's the story of Mirabelle taking her place as the new abuela."
"I just love how this sequence began with our fear for the glowing eyes of the jackal and it ends with the jackal being afraid of its prey."
"Shapes Smith have some serious character development."
"L admits Light and him have closed the distance between them, and the game really begins."
"One down, five more to go, including Muzan, which makes six."
"The story progresses based on the choices that you make with your heroes."
"This chapter just did everything right and I gotta say out of everything everything that stood above was Naruto's maturity."
"I would love to see the story move forward... instead of continuously going backwards."
"Part 5 introduced momentum, giving each individual goal a sense of urgency."
"This story is not over, it's just beginning."
"This one is particularly significant since it's part of the Sand Kingdom story. In order to make most moons in a world appear, including those spawned by the moon rock, you must complete that world's story."
"What I love about this fight so much is that battles like these really show how the world of Bleach has progressed since that last major story arc."
"Tony Stark had a really good arc in this movie."
"The queen retracts her claws and points towards the egg allowing ender to take the last hope of their civilization with him."
"Season one felt like moving in the right direction with the Hush storyline, but season two had completely screwed that up."
"The characters were diverse the story took a little while but it soon became a wonderful consecutive story"
"That's so special right there because it just shows the maturation process of Boruto's character."
"Frontiers feels like serial storytelling in motion, the newest chapter of a long narrative."
"Every story starts somewhere and everything that happens from there should build towards whatever happens at the end."
"Everyone here prepares to fight the rest of the administrators, save humanity, and eventually take down the Tempest King."
"They chased Beatrix onto her ship... witnessed the destruction of Clara."
"A destination series is exactly what this has become."
"I think my character has grown quite a lot... she's not quite as sassy and feisty as she was when she first got here."
"But we have other issues… amidst all the commotion during the night the elves stole the stick of truth again."
"What an insane arc with so much progression."
"This main quest is all about advancing the character story."
"Granola says he didn't kill him because he isn't out for revenge anymore."
"Technically sound and the storyline advancement was fantastic."
"Do you want to go on to chapter three? I hope so."
"The problem is that everything smells like we're almost finished, if not with the whole story, certainly this chapter of the story."
"Season five is packed with content, the narrative is moving forward, we've got new perks... it'll switch up the meta."
"We're finally moving the story forward oh yeah."
"I may be evil in this loop, but it doesn't mean maybe the next loop I might be an obstacle."
"Players who've played through the full story know that we're headed towards a final confrontation with Captain Isabella."
"The next chapter in the story is where things begin to get darker."
"In the beginning there were eight... and finally there were none."
"Ishida makes the list for his reiatsu, which balloons to even greater Heights as the story progresses."
"The electro Archon's quest finally gave her the character development she desperately needed."
"Every character of the show except level three grand matriarch oraba goes through some kind of Arc."
"Many years have passed and all the children have grown at the outskirts of New York."
"Toy Story 2 is this beautiful midpoint film that remains true to the series roots but pushes the narrative forward to the end of the story with Andy."
"Until like the final 10 of it where they kind of like start kissing."
"In terms of Thor's character development, I thought it was really good."
"I'm not done, so there's still more story to write."
"After getting run out of the hotel, Dallas and crew decide that it's time to finally check in with fellow Frogman believer George Hail at his countryside home on the outskirts of town."
"Otis actually accomplished something here that he's failed to accomplish with Law for 400 chapters."
"Now gene is instantly an active hero who is actively doing things."
"I like all the characters who were introduced this time I really learned about it was good I feel like I don't have too much to say it was just it's just nice and kind of getting into the into the groove of things."
"Perfect Professor X is dead. Yes, we are moving closer and closer."
"I'm proud of Luffy, but hold up, let the boy fight."
"Beginning up until the time jump is a 10 out of 10."
"As the story of the kids gets worse, season to season, Danny and Johnny's story gets better and better."
"Some time later, Jason finds Marie renting out scooters to tourists on Mykonos, and the two reunite."
"A battle arc can change a character for better or for worse."
"It's getting more and more interesting as we're getting deeper into the story."
"You want characters that are maybe challenged in ways... that push the story forward with their actions."
"As long as your protagonist is doing something to push the story forward, you are usually good to go."
"I'm closing in on act three, and well, at least part three."
"Shady continues his ride but hallucinates further in panics."
"One Piece is a story of progress."
"Richard has had to make a lot of hard choices since that day on Blunt Cliff."
"Even in the most esoteric, language-driven story, the reader brings an expectation of escalation and efficiency."
"We left off with Rand and then we jumped straight into Egwene, Nynaeve, the White Tower, all of that."
"It might make sense that Zorro continues to follow in Ryouma's footsteps and starts being called the king of swordsmen as the story goes on."
"All was going according to plan and they were to be wed."
"The choices your character makes are really difficult, philosophically relevant, and move the story forward."
"We're almost into the final chapter now, it's just the conclusion of the story."
"Every scene needs to have something that propels the story forward."
"I feel an enormous amount of growth, not only from the characters but also from the story."
"Good straw moments and good plot development."
"Conflict is what drives the story forward."
"I love how they can really move a story along and have all these like side things going on."
"They're gonna try and ride that ramp of escalating stakes as rapidly as possible season to season."
"I'm excited to see what happens as this dungeon arc wraps up."
"We're not just moving the in-Island story progression but now we're also moving the global, the world schema story progression in major ways."
"Our first truly tangible piece of hope within this whole Wano mega saga."
"Every match had a point, every match furthered a story."
"We're moving into the next phase of this arc where there will be a showdown."