
Impostor Syndrome Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Prior seemed like he struggled to understand his fame and fortune and perhaps he even suffered from impostor syndrome."
"The underlying problem with impostor syndrome... is that you're comparing yourself to others, and that kind of comparison is not fundamentally productive for your own development."
"Everyone is faking it. The person that you're pitching to is also faking it."
"Impostor syndrome is more a case of being unrealistic about your comparisons. You're choosing to compare yourself to someone really good and say, 'Oh, I'm an imposter; I'm not that good.'"
"I don't think you ever stop feeling impostor syndrome if you're growing."
"Be grateful, be connected, and don't have the impostor syndrome."
"The persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of One's Own ethical skill."
"The only time I've ever had imposter syndrome was the Pokemon stuff because I just did that like no man it would mean Lord I did but like what is this."
"Impostor syndrome's got a bad reputation and it's great... you should feel it every 18 months."
"The first problem of any kind of even limited success is the unshakable conviction that you're getting away with something."
"It's the only thing in the whole world I don't have any imposter syndrome about."
"You'll feel like an impostor because you are."
"I realized that I just felt like an impostor to myself... I actually really loved that about myself."
"Own it, see you were the emperor in reverse back here right that's the impostor syndrome."
"Every time I feel a little bit of impostor syndrome I just think about how Neil Gaiman lied to get his first job."
"If you don't ever want to feel like an impostor then you simply have to stop striving but in my book that cure for impostor syndrome is worse than the disease."
"Impostor syndrome is a feeling of being well, well out of your depth."
"You never beat impostor syndrome. It is a constant work in progress, a commitment, a dedication."
"I had to fake confidence until I actually believed it."
"The impostor's just watching me embarrass myself."
"The only way you can possibly be an impostor is if you're trying to pretend to be somebody else, but not if you're being yourself."
"I've been in show business for about 15 years but I still get impostor syndrome."
"It's not me, you guys, because honestly, I don't think anyone would get imposter twice in the same row."
"I kept waiting for somebody to tap me on the shoulder and say, 'What the [ __ ] are you doing here? Get out of here!'"
"If you're somebody who wants to spend your entire life growing and progressing and learning, which are all things conducive with fulfillment, you should always feel like an imposter."
"Despite feelings of impostor syndrome, I'm going to do that anyway."
"I don't think I have impostor syndrome anymore, or maybe it doesn't rear its head up as often as it used to."
"At the core, we have great self-doubt and impostor syndrome, and we're often driven by perfectionism, meaning that no matter what we do, we rotate around you, we try to get love, we don't. It is never enough, and we are never enough."
"Prioritize your well-being because that's the ultimate way to kill your imposter self."
"Your imposter self might be getting in the way, convincing you that you can't do it."
"Impostor syndrome is a sign that you're in an arena somewhat foreign to you. You're trying something new, playing the student."
"I'm actually a cheap yacht, self-motivated, and suffer from imposter syndrome."
"At some point you're going to kind of be like am I supposed to be here did they like let me in incorrectly... I promise you most people feel that way."
"There are times in your life that you feel you were born to do something, and there are times in your life where you feel like a total sham."
"Everybody's having the same thoughts...we're all having impostor syndrome, we're just not saying it."
"Even therapists don't look at it as imposter syndrome. They look at it as imposter phenomenon. 'Cause syndrome makes it look like a disease, like something that's super bad, and it's actually a good thing."
"Impostor syndrome is a real thing and it takes a long time to get past that if you even get past it at all."
"When you feel like an impostor, it's a sign that others think you're amazing."
"I've had impostor syndrome probably my entire first 45 years of my life. I'm only 30."
"The experience of being offered feedback in one's life that one is doing exceedingly well, and yet feeling internally as though they don't really deserve."
"Everybody just faking it 'til they make it."
"The act of participating means that you will win some and lose some and the results are impostors posing as the real you."
"I am the queen of impostor syndrome."
"You're not an impostor, you're just a beginner."
"Everyone is faking it and pretending like you know what you're doing."
"Don't feel like an imposter because you can't come up with a great story idea immediately."
"...and you're going to mentally feel lacking and like you're an imposter because really, you sort of are an imposter if you have five certifications, no experience at all."
"Impostor syndrome really affects my creativity."
"You've got to continually apply those things... even when you feel like an imposter."
"We all feel like imposters at times."
"If you're regularly trying something that you don't know how to do, you're not an imposter. You're a learner."
"I suspect that a lot of musicians that I really like suffer from impostor syndrome."
"He plays the fool, not because he isn't smart -- he is a great strategist, and he will become through the show a very capable leader--, but because he suffers from an impostor syndrom and compares himself to an unattainable ideal."
"Next year I just want to believe in myself more, take myself more seriously, cut this impostor syndrome thing out."
"If you're trying to invent the future, of course, you're an imposter because you haven't seen the future yet."
"Imposter syndrome gets worse because there's this thing that you're running away from because you don't want to make them know that you're an imposter."
"I also get terrible imposter syndrome all the time."
"Imposter Loose. She must become the imposter."
"Once I stopped white knuckling, there was still the new environment, the new work environment. I'd been in. I always wanted to work in film and television and then I finally got it. And definitely the imposter syndrome kicks in."
"Everyone feels at certain times that they are an imposter."
"I feel as though I have a lot of impostor syndrome at times."
"I walk into a room and know I'm not supposed to be there."
"There is even a syndrome to describe this weight: impostor syndrome."
"Impostor syndrome is very real, big time. I'm always just like, 'This is it, I'm going to get found out and nobody's going to hire me anymore.'"
"I was so anxious the entire time and, you know, I was just waiting for somebody to tap me on the shoulder and say, 'Look, um, we made a really, we made a mistake, we meant a different Davina, and, um, she's here now, so...'"
"Most of my career, most of my life, it generates an imposter complex."
"I kind of think of it as like bank robbers you know like there's just someone who's hot online and we just go in there and they're selling out shows and it's like you just Escape town with the money before anyone realizes that you're a fraud."
"It's hard to kind like got impostor syndrome, like you don't feel like you really deserve to be doing what you're doing."
"After 36 years in this business, I think someday somebody's gonna walk up and say, 'You know, sir, there's been a terrible mistake. You weren't supposed to get in here.'"
"Impostor syndrome is a real thing, and it's certainly something that I think every academic has felt at some point."
"I feel like I get major impostor syndrome during fashion week."
"Impostor syndrome and that sense that maybe everyone else knows things that you don't, it really does happen to everyone."
"Impostor syndrome is not believing that you deserve success or achievement because of your effort or skill."
"Confidence is a big thing when it comes to those impostor feelings."
"Everyone suffers from impostor syndrome every now and then."
"It's hard... I'm having impostor syndrome. I don't feel like I know who the hell I am."
"Don't fall for impostor syndrome, you know more than you think you know."
"Every human being struggles with moments of impostor syndrome."
"I felt like a complete impostor, but I still managed to really enjoy it and have such a great time."
"I always had the impostor syndrome... that causes me to make the biggest mistakes as a CEO."
"Some people should have impostor syndrome."
"I'm a guy who was afraid to be identified as an impostor, so if I say I'm going to do something, I do it."
"I have impostor syndrome; I always think someone is going to knock on the background and say, 'Sorry, what are you doing in this television studio?'"
"Impostor syndrome... the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved."
"Overcome their impostor syndrome, overcome their low self-worth, and their fear of judgment of other women."
"I've got three talks and a pub quiz to do today, and I have woken up with the worst case of impostor syndrome that I've ever had."
"Be aware of your impostor syndrome... when you're aware, you know that something is going on and you can take action towards it."
"Impostor syndrome... refers to this feeling among individuals who are actually reasonably well trained in a particular area... having this feeling that they're inadequate, not good enough."
"When you're an adult but you feel like a kid faking their way through life."
"I've been hearing a lot about impostor syndrome, which is basically when you don't think that you're as good as other people do."
"If you have some impostor syndrome going into this job that you just got, I think that's normal."
"I know that impostor syndrome is real and for me, for a very long time I felt like I couldn't be successful in business because I wasn't an expert."