
Progressivism Quotes

There are 465 quotes

"Do we become a balkanized country of 50 states or are there generic progressive moderate ideals that everybody can agree to and sign up to?"
"We must all stand together; progressivism and class issues are one and the same and they have to be advocated for in tandem."
"In order for it to be progressive, we have to be more collective in our approach to things and tackle things on this systemic level."
"Progressive Christians actually feel closer to atheists and Buddhists and Hindus than they do conservative Christians."
"If you want to be socially progressive and do something interesting, you have to embrace capitalism and you have to embrace technology."
"Developers and gamers are pushing back, affirming that the kind of diversity these people rail against is here to stay."
"The progressive movement has started, it is going, and now it is our job to figure out on a local level how we're going to make it actually work for us."
"Progressivism essentially states that more kinds of people deserve more kinds of rights."
"She is so progressive in such a vibrant real character."
"The civil libertarian ideals of classical liberalism are valuable and inform progressivism, which is to say modern, evolved liberalism, social democracy, democratic socialism."
"A lot of people on the left are progressives have kind of lost the ability to have these conversations."
"Remember that genuine social awareness and progressivism is about more than buzzwords or surface-level activism."
"I think we should just move on and accept people as equals."
"I think a lot of the stuff that wokeness has brought us is actually like a social good... like having cartoons that are upfront about their representation and what they stand for."
"It's hard for progressives to organically appeal to men because a large part of progressivism is addressing oppressive hierarchies, and men are often seen as the oppressors."
"America is one of the most progressive countries in the history of the planet, that has enacted more civil rights law to protect marginalized groups than any other country in the world."
"Biden has set the stage to make sure that doesn't happen to him. He is working to try out ideas that are far more progressive than anything I ever expected from Biden."
"Bernie is winning right now because the Democratic Party is a Progressive Party and progressive ideas are popular ideas."
"Cultural diversity tends to facilitate progressivism, and it is the ideology of progressivism which leads to economic liberation for the workers."
"Conservatism is progressivism driving the speed limit."
"Progressivism is basically a luxury of a bored, safe, and prosperous people who have lost touch with necessity and who face no serious threats."
"Giving small rural communities the ability to economically empower themselves I think usually leans towards people being more progressive."
"Are we at the place where we should all be progressives because progress is absolutely required? I think so."
"This is a victory for progressives, for people who want Medicare for all."
"If you're progressive, if you care about the planet at all, it's a perfect place to put your money."
"People aren't looking for more of the same, they're looking for change."
"Bernie Sanders exemplifies what I think of when I think of progressives."
"Elizabeth Warren has decided to run full-scale hardcore progressive and alienate as many people as she can."
"I believe we should move forward with criminal justice reform."
"I'm a progressive because I believe in progress. I believe we can do better."
"And as you guys know, when good things happen, that freaks out the progressives."
"If cartoons came out with progressive stuff there wasn't like a swerving horde of angry white guys online to seethe over it so people just accepted that it was good."
"The progressive messaging is everywhere Katara arguing with Saka being a misogynist the Kiyoshi warriors."
"I genuinely think believes in her mind that she's the real progressive and everyone else has just gone overboard you know"
"Americans love voting for progressive ballot measures."
"The good news is that there is nothing stopping developers from evolving their gender representations and making more women heroes in their future games."
"Islam was as progressive as the Prophet peace be upon him... there's nothing that was nearly as progressive."
"I vote with the progressive candidate every time...because you don't lose with that vote in the primary."
"AOC is particularly high. She's youthful, she's exuberant, and she's progressive."
"Democrats may in fact take the wrong lesson from NC9 and then run somebody who is radically progressive."
"In my opinion, the world would be a better place if we slowly made steps towards delegitimizing gender as a construct."
"Progressives got us Medicare, Medicaid, Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act. Not just presidents, but activists like Martin Luther King."
"I love the idea of as many people getting involved in progressive talk as possible."
"We have to protect the gains we made with the Affordable Care Act, but it's also time to go further."
"The progressive space hasn't had that courage since Bernie Sanders popped up on the scene."
"The churches have completely bought into whatever the new progressive agenda is."
"Progressive politicians regularly find themselves defanged by their corporate counterparts."
"Academia is tremendously liberal... there is every desire to bring people who do not look like the old white guys."
"Direct debt cancellation is an incredible 180 from neoliberalism."
"For me, it's not just nominating a woman. It is making sure that we have a progressive woman."
"She certainly made it easier for the more modernizing progressive voices in the palace to be heard."
"Progressives have engaged in a tremendous amount of highly effective solution making."
"The left itself, I mean progressives, have engaged in a tremendous amount of highly effective solution making."
"We must put people over profits and progress over special interests."
"The advance of the left has its roots in the spiritual realm."
"If you're on the left, you want politicians to make bold, radical policy proposals."
"We're not dinosaurs; we're never sitting back saying, 'let's just hope it could be as it was 20, 30 years ago and we'd all be good.'"
"The rising generation of young people are also overwhelmingly progressive in their political beliefs and policy objectives."
"The Democrats really are showing us they are the party of progress."
"Progressivism really does seem to believe that if there were no oppression happening, then everyone, every person, every group, every culture would be the same."
"I am most excited about working with a progressive freshman class."
"It's okay to be in favor of a Marketplace of ideas because that is a progressive idea originally."
"Young people are extremely important in every period. It's always the young people who are out in the forefront of new Progressive forms of social struggle."
"The story of liberalism in our time is how mainstream liberalism was overtaken by progressives."
"Ireland was the very first country to legalize same-sex marriage via a popular vote."
"But I still maintain that there is no future for the church that is progressive."
"The progressives will drive the church into the ground the same way that they've driven everything else into the ground that they've gotten control of."
"I guess the the thing is right now is that it feels from a Catholic point of view that the church is being subverted and by by progressives."
"It's good that Schumer and Warren and progressives are continuing to push Biden on this."
"Asking for more is too radical? Today's mainstream ideas were yesterday's radical."
"The policies that are going to help progress us and move us forward... are not with the party that literally wants to see us dead."
"Unions are one of the most progressive inventions in the history of modern times."
"Bernie clearly is more progressive and was correct in terms of history."
"The Biden Administration has earned the benefit of the doubt. They are far more Progressive than even some of those Progressive people could have ever hoped that they would be."
"Your generation is in many ways the most Progressive generation in the modern history of this country."
"He is the essence of everything that we fight against as progressives and ostensibly as Democrats."
"Empathy, non-discrimination, egalitarianism, and honesty were mainly the core values that progressives were very, very fond of."
"If you want to stop the real estate interests, if you want to have a genuine progressive..."
"There's a sort of limited tolerance for these progressive ideas that people will adopt superficially."
"Progressivism seeks to maximize human freedom in order to maximize possible human happiness."
"We need more progressives in Congress to go against America's foreign policy."
"Progressives don't like the media either, you know why? It's the corporate media."
"Free speech is crucial to a progressive flourishing society."
"Traditional gender roles, such as women being homemakers, need to be overcome."
"Progressivism is great, but we need to understand the value of conservatism."
"Joe Biden will be our most progressive president by far."
"I am thrilled by some of the enormous achievements that the left has made in the United States over the last few years."
"Star Trek premiered in the Earth year 1966 and was easily one of the most progressive shows at the time it aired."
"If you go against the grain, you're a conspirator, you're a conspiracy theorist. But I don't know how many times progressives have to be proven right."
"You ain't a progressive if you don't believe that trans rights are human rights."
"That's not fair but you know what I at least would prefer not having the progressives model ourselves out of or model ourselves on the current republican party."
"There's possibility outside for those who want to move in a left direction as well."
"The Labour Party must build a new progressive coalition to put Labour values into practice."
"Underpinning a lot of millennial depictions is the idea that they are a uniquely Progressive forward-thinking generation who are reshaping the world for the better."
"Change coming from people like myself who get out there and make our ideas known, the messaging being changed with time is a good thing, it should be welcomed."
"The progressives are gonna win, mark my words." - Jimmy from Philly
"Going forward, there's no going back to the Gilded Age."
"Reactionaries are gnostics with a hard-line conservative looking mindset that's actually equally Progressive."
"We need adults, we need people on the left who are willing to compromise."
"I want there to be policies that are largely, I think you could say leftist policies."
"We ought to be more progressive. It's quite hard when someone's doing a really good job at something."
"Just because something has been a certain way for centuries doesn't mean it needs to persist."
"Fighting back against that sense of powerlessness is... the most important first step."
"Every church should be that of progressivism, constantly progressing."
"It's really annoying when people watch 20 plus year old movies and try to apply current year progressive buzz words and ideology to them."
"Feminist and gay rights movements were barreling full steam ahead."
"Individuals speaking out against the progressive order are targeted."
"Blaming progressives weak Democrats search scapegoats shows your cowardice."
"Progressives were most concerned with the social problems that revolved around industrial capitalist society."
"I consider myself a progressive and unapologetic progressive that will take on the corporate establishment win or lose but my intent is on winning and I won't give up because I believe that we are worth fighting for."
"He would have been the most Progressive president since FDR."
"Change the world, but when you really look at it, progressives have always changed this world for the better."
"It's easy to be progressive on social issues, but when you get to corporate issues and money, that's where you need the independent Democrats."
"Progressivism is the religion of white North American elites. It's very white, it's very suburban, it's very upper class."
"The progressive wing is not in the position of power yet, and that's a lie."
"Popular opinion, humanity in general, progress... it's all about what mindset is going on."
"Democrats need to do some soul searching and start adopting progressive policies if they want to stay relevant."
"As Progressive forces become more and more influential, they put more and more restrictions on corporations."
"Democrats claim to be the inclusive party, the progressive party, but they're nothing of the sort. The differences between the two parties are small and getting smaller."
"We need to convince progressive media consumers to support progressive media."
"I am actually a socialist...I call myself a progressive socialist."
"The public now expects us to pick a side and articulate a bold, ambitious, and progressive vision for the future."
"Star Wars has always been a very progressive franchise."
"I'm all for smart immigration. Bring in people who will help advance the common good."
"My dad was very progressive, a progressive thinker. He was a photographer in his own dark room."
"Star Trek always started off as a progressive series."
"I mean, look, it's incredibly out of step with the progressive base, as you mentioned. Honestly, it is out of step with what is mainstream in American politics at this point."
"The Biden Administration has been catastrophic because they are too Progressive."
"When you talk about progress, it's about pushing humanity along that progressive train of destroying culture, morality, traditions, beliefs, etc."
"Degrading a woman for confidence in her competence in multiple areas is not progressive."
"Progressivism was founded as state cohort solutions."
"The enforcement mechanism for progressivism is political correctness."
"The Chileans have decided to just completely reject progressivism which is a reason to celebrate, I feel."
"It's time to stop the obsessive Ronald Reagan worship... It's important to move forward and continue to fight relevant ideas in the future."
"People can say stupid... But shutting someone up for different political beliefs is not progressive."
"Progressivism has a problem with over-correction."
"Universal Basic Income is a huge step forward."
"We're gonna need upgrades to Congress... if we get a progressive president in the White House we're gonna want a progressive Congress, we're gonna need one."
"They think we'll beat up the progressives and show how fair we are. No, that's not fair."
"Our state is more Progressive than people think."
"Progressive policies like the Green New Deal."
"A majority of Americans support all of you so-called progressive ideals—they're common sense."
"Cancel culture doesn't account for progress."
"I don't think you could call yourself a progressive if you're willing to block the only progressive left."
"Modern-day progressives instead turned to newer economic models and theories to defend their living wage movement."
"The best way to fight evil is to make progress toward the good."
"I think it's important to have this basically have an all the above strategy when it comes to primary Democratic politicians in attempting to turn the party into a more left-wing party."
"This is going to be a decade that rewards open-mindedness."
"For a long time we have not had progressives in power."
"Progressivism is regressive. It's not Progressive."
"My advice to young people is to be progressive, like I am. Be progressive. Think outside the box."
"If you are challenging the people closest to you on their archaic or exclusive views, you're on the right path."
"You are the most progressive generation in the history of the United States of America."
"The people that won the last election were progressives... they wanted universal health care for people."
"We'd always made a statement that we were a progressive group."
"Demeaning jokes about serious issues undermine any claim of moderation or progressivism."
"The best versions of either a progressive or conservative political project."
"We can think about progressivism... as a package strategy... addressing everything that most Americans care about." - Ana Kasparian
"Progressivism isn't just about being pro-gay or whatever else, it's about a fundamental, unconditional willingness to challenge social norms."
"The Progressive Movement succeeds when there is solidarity."
"Our culture and values are being overrun and progressives are hell-bent on purging traditional values from the media."
"Progressives have to stop... You can't call yourself a progressive and not fight mass layoffs and not fight Wall Street."
"New York was always more progressive even in terms of slavery and giving black people rights. It's always been way ahead of the South."
"Zeta firmly says no to a reactionary backswing to Empire and monarchy."
"It's time to be more progressive, you know? It's just and it's ineffective."
"I'm sitting down for a special combo with Hasan Piker about Karlene, Hasan's journey finding his progressive voice and becoming the woke bae."
"In 1923, the people, mostly the liberal aristocracy and others, committed Afghanistan to a policy of equality between men and women, education, healthcare reform, and so on."
"If a West Virginia senator is going to call the tune for what the party believes in, I refuse to allow progressive purity to be the enemy of progress in the real world."
"Vermont's progressive politics are well known thanks in part to Bernie Sanders, the state's famed senator."
"It's been at the forefront of a number of progressive causes."
"Progressives should be doing everything in their power to limit its adverse consequences for both women and trans people."
"Destiny's key contribution to the political space is not aggression... it's that he aggressively turned gamer bros into left-winging progressives."
"To grasp the Bible, to understand biblical truth, to follow Christ means to be Progressive at its core."
"Christianity is Progressive because God calls us to be Progressive, to think outside the box, to move on."
"We live in a world where progressive liberalism dominates."
"For people who want to be wildly Progressive in the United States the answers to the test are kind of being displayed up there."
"Modern woke Progressive ideology is a form of Mainland prosthetism and it is much more Catholic in its scope and in its efforts than the Catholic church ever was and it's in the I mean Catholic in the sense that it's Universalist right."
"The nature of being Progressive has to be relentless radical hope all the time."
"I do not see any areas in society right now where you can take reasonably anti-stances against certain progressive thought right now and not get completely and totally destroyed."
"Bob Burnquist: 'The goal here is to be progressive till you die and even after that.'"
"Progressives reject the most coherent trans-positive position because trans people are simply their political pawns."
"The Negro Leagues were really progressive in a whole lot of ways beyond just the fact that they were making it possible for black people to play baseball on a professional level."
"Barbie has actually generally been pretty Progressive over the years."
"I hope for us as a nation and particularly in our educational institutions is that we will teach radical openness."
"Socialists and other leftists can have a profound effect on the shape of progressive politics."
"I'm awesome and like progressive."
"We talk about women, we talk about homosexuality, we talk about so many other contemporary modern issues, aiming to bring back the flexibility within the conservative movement."
"The most Progressive self-righteous people right now in 50 years will be ignorant racists and I cannot fucking wait."
"The impulse of progressivism was a strong impulse in American culture."
"...what you do find is progressivism moving towards a state-centered vision..."
"Marfa looks pretty typical for a small town, but amongst its old buildings and its single yellow stoplight, it's a progressive culture unparalleled in small-town Texas."
"Bristol, with its quirky art sphere and politically active populace, is seen as one of the country's most progressive cities."
"I was trying to be so progressive and open-minded... just telling myself the whole time, 'this is fine, this is fine.'"
"Elevating your cause into a big cause for which you demand subordinated groups to sacrifice is not progressive politics."
"Progressive policy almost always raises taxes, expands regulations, increases the size of government, and curtails free speech."
"Instead of saying, 'This is the way humans operate and have operated for Millennia,' we're trying to sit here and tell them, 'That doesn't matter.'"
"Uncontrolled progressivism is a bad thing and it needs to be tempered by conservatism."
"We want a progressive tax system in this country at least most people do."