
Debunking Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"I have a bit of a reputation at this point for debunking creationists."
"My main thing is I always want to be able to debunk them, show you all the truth, back it up with facts and some sass, and try to help you see through the manipulation."
"By the end of the story, I hope I will have debunked the last 30 years of nutrition information in America."
"It eliminates the idea that this was a hoax."
"Each and every one of those stories has been definitively debunked."
"This was debunked as soon as the Nintendo Fusion was shown to be a hoax."
"However, it was debunked when Sun and Moon's first trailer dropped."
"However, they were debunked when Sun and Moon's first trailer dropped."
"It's a lot of fun to debunk a claim like this."
"So many trans people have called and totally debunked Rowling's viewpoints and the evidence that she tries to use to back up her views."
"I don't like debunking stuff I want to keep the magic alive right but sometimes one comes along that's so bad if you don't debunk it it makes all the others look bad."
"This Biden crimes conspiracy stuff continues to just fall apart."
"The humanitarian thing might just be to tell someone the truth. What if the humanitarian is to say, 'You are operating from a false and long debunked premise and you are damaging'?"
"All of these theories have been debunked in some sort of way and neither the aircraft or Frederick himself have ever been found."
"I'm really tired of people blaming things that we've already debunked."
"I just can't let these abominations of escapes go without a wonderful and hilarious debunk video."
"Marilyn Manson did not remove his ribs to suck himself off."
"Debunked: Ben exposes leftist fallacies in 15 minutes or less."
"Not everything is what it seems... sometimes the best way to the truth is by debunking."
"It's not magic, it's not mystical, and it's not psychic capabilities either."
"Hope you had fun debunking the videos with me, really just thinking of a plausible explanation and cracking some jokes."
"It's not that complicated, even a hillbilly can prove these people wrong."
"I did and the utter dismantling of Trey Gowdy's nonsensical appearance on Fox News."
"Particularism is actually the best method of debunking conspiracy theories."
"Acknowledging their points and then breaking them down leaves them with nothing but ash."
"His letter basically debunked all the conspiracy theories."
"When I create debunking videos, either of her response to me or content in general, like an ideology or concept in young Earth creationism or some other kind of pseudoscience, I tend to have two modes."
"Large media networks aren't doing it so one of the things I want to debunk is this right-wing talking point."
"He debunks viral videos that are faked with visual effects and he breaks us down by showing you exactly how the effects were created."
"Number 8: McLaren windshield smash. Well, no, it doesn't show that exactly. People did a lot of digging to prove that this video was fake."
"Kyle then systematically deconstructs and destroys the conspiracy theory through facts and logic."
"I just want people to stop spreading a fake narrative."
"The idea that there's some kind of superior race and inferior race is clearly complete nonsense."
"Randi spends his time these days debunking fraudulent psychics who claim to have supernatural powers."
"We need a healthy institutional and scientific conversation such that good ideas generally survive and bad ideas are generally debunked."
"Myths die hard. It was time to break that myth."
"Hopefully we can debunk that today in this video."
"Well, let's go bust some more summer myths."
"...I just like that it kind of like shattered that myth about him."
"By the end of today's video hopefully we bust a miss and separate fact from fiction."
"Time to modernize your short game, get rid of those myths that you've been told for a bunch of years."
"That doesn't make any sense, please someone debunked that for me."
"You're not just debunking arguments, but you're trying to reason with people."
"If you consider Dr. Sleep to be canon to Kubrick's The Shining, which it is, it debunks nearly every theory on this list."
"The most popular theory from The Shining: Kubrick faked the moon landing."
"It shows that the greatest, the lowest seismic velocities are actually beneath the Sphinx. They're not tunnels and they're not The Hall of Records. And his whole premise is wrong."
"It was a sad truth that dispelled a lot of bunk theories."
"...many hauntings in the United States are caused, at least in part, by vengeful native spirits is perpetuated by tropes found in some of the most popular horror films."
"She hasn't done anything about it that's the easiest thing to debunk."
"It's always good to be able to fall back on findings in science and facts to rebut the falsehoods that are being said."
"Buckle down, get your pens, get your papers, get your fake glasses on because we are going to debunk H.A today. What's the buzz about, honestly?"
"Mr Beast is not in fact afraid of ghosts."
"...the debunking is there it's so easily done you know this idea that women everywhere are lying about rape a man is 230 times more likely to be raped himself in the uk than he is to be falsely accused of rape..."
"We have to confront this ridiculous myth at this point about the bullets bouncing off the girls. The bullets did not bounce off them. They weren't flak jackets."
"That is a lot of moisture left in the burgers when they say you cannot get a juicy Smash Burger it's just not true okay."
"The supruder film proves it: Kennedy's head moves forward and down first, then back—not back and to the left as commonly claimed."
"If we discredit this nonsense as soon as possible, less time will be wasted."
"Has an eight minute YouTube video literally debunked... an argument that's been around for literally thousands of years? The short answer to this question is no. The long answer to this question is no."
"I can't believe we're only a few minutes into this video and we've debunked this religion twice already by accident."
"Does that completely blow up this concept of a safe withdrawal rate? The answer to that is no."
"First up, let’s get the theories out of the way that have been debunked."
"As fun as it’s been to dismantle racist propaganda for the last 25 minutes, I think I’ve proven my point—or at least thoroughly articulated my views."
"The stereotype that we have no school spirit... is completely false."
"It's nice to hear things debunked."
"The Sphinx is a solid rock, and there is nothing underneath."
"Snopes debunked the article about Beanie Babies and spider eggs, saying it was fake news."
"We've broken down a lot of the myths that surrounded men about men being the only ones who are able to be powerful and dominant."
"I'm gonna prove to you that ghosts aren't real."
"Again, we do see the headlines, of course, 'Electric cars cost more than petrol and diesel,' but it's a complete load of nonsense."
"New evidence from a surprising source shows a stereotype to be wrong."
"I dramatically out-earn an absolute living legend in network marketing. So, thank you, take a seat. Debunk all their little stupid rumors, right?"
"I won't be just laughing because, you know, you want to be above that. You just want to debunk with logical reasons."
"Somewhat of a counterculture going on that the earth is flat, but I guarantee you it is round."
"You did it Mr. Campbell. Tracked the curve and needless to say, his skeptics were left destroyed by facts and logic."
"I hate to burst your bubble, but you really didn't invent the concept of the Christmas tree lighting."
"I think we can just call that myth busted and move on with our lives."
"It always takes longer to debunk something than for someone just to make a claim that lacks and support or is illogical."
"We're busting myths and explaining concepts."
"Those myths are being disproved every day."
"Some of the most well-known urban legends aren't legends at all."
"George Washington probably wasn't in the tree when he was."
"...there's been a misconception of like black men they don't care take care of their children they debies they're this they're that and coming to Africa you're like wow that's actually not true."
"Chris is a former lead FBI negotiator and dynamic speaker who debunks the biggest myths of negotiations."
"I am going to uncover the blatant BS that has been put out by a guy who should know better."
"No matter what some famous authors may have led you to believe, the state of Maine is not entirely haunted nor is it full of vampires, demons, cosmic horror, clowns, or any other monsters."
"If this was a lie, there would already be debunked. The wife would say this is not true."
"In the 1770s, French scientist Antoine Lavoisier debunked the theory of phlogiston and laid the foundation for modern chemistry."
"This absolutely shoots down the notion that vegans don't actually see health benefits because of the diet."
"It wasn't magic or demonic power."
"No one has taken more risks, no one has done more to counter the frauds, the charlatans, the fakes, the phonies, the deluded, than James Randi has. No one even comes close."
"Well, that completely debunked my theory."
"She kind of debunks that which I love."
"So hope you enjoyed this there are lots of myths and speed this will help you sort through some of the nonsense that you might hear on TV if you did enjoy this go ahead and click the thumbs up button right now."
I looked at that and I said, "That's complete BS, I have to test it and disprove this BS."
"I'm just trying to dispel as many of these myths and things as possible with real science, real evidence, real data."
"Of all the guitar myths that people have come up with, it's pretty much on this one graphic right here."
"The negative stereotype of aging has been shown to be untrue."
"What a fantastic video attacking the whole tonewood myth."
"Regarding pulmonary embolism, there are a lot of myths in the culture that I would like to debunk."
"There's plenty of proof out there that we landed on the moon."
"I think it's important to address the stuff that is difficult to debunk instead of only addressing the easy stuff."
"This myth is looking more than a little busted."
"Let me debunk one of these silliest downplays about Yami and that is that Dimension slash is slow or that it takes him a long time to cast it."
"At a certain point, the evidence becomes more and more tangential and is just meant to support existing evidence that has already been thoroughly debunked by us."
"You can't let yourself get hungry, it's gonna slow down your metabolism. That's absolute nonsense."
"Let's debunk the public perception myths and give it to you straight. This is the reality of pediatric neurology."
"Drinking fat is not what made you fat. Drinking fat will not make you fat. That's not how human physiology works."
"The possibilities are endless, and it's going to get really crazy. So, the world doesn't get destroyed. It's getting the software to debunk and recognize when something is artificial."
"No nut november is largely anti-science."
"I'm trying to debunk this too. It's like, how would they pull this off if it wasn't real? Like, I mean, I don't see any cuts at all. There's clearly like someone there."
"She was debunking these loaded attempts at trying to create this false dichotomy."
"Disabusing somebody who's struggling because of the consequences of believing a false narrative is just as much a service."
"The best way for a conspiracy theory to die is to not give it any oxygen."
"Literally systematically debunked the wage gap and she refused to accept it and kept saying women are oppressed"
"Debunking this myth I think is really become something big and not just for me but for all people who are on the side of truth."
"All these like all this stuff that people say on the internet like these cars don't last anything like that that's possible let's kill that right now."
"Sovereign citizens claim that it's part of U.S law and it was was it was part of the Articles of Confederation... Sovereign citizens do not exist and haven't for over 200 years."
"You've got to debunk someone, right? If you're fully covering for someone and then we find out later like you knew all along, like how are you supposed to believe any of it at that point?"
"But here's the thing: this is where most websites quote unquote 'Proving' this theory STOP."
"Dispelling the myths about passive income and proving it's possible to generate real 24/7 cash flow from YouTube."
"That's just voodoo economics that's just so totally debunked that it's not even funny."
"We're not going to evaporate the oil in the system that is an old wives tale it's bad information that came across the industry."
"Rice is not a magic secret in how to build muscle."
"Talk about superiority complex you know like what this white boy said what this white man said 200 years ago most of which is just demonstrably false at this point like you know the whole book of scripture is demonstrably false."
"Milk helping your bones. It's not true. It does not. It's calcium, a series of studies found no evidence that cow's milk helps improve bone health"
"Bats are not blind. Bats, in fact, see three times better than human beings"
"I always believed that too. I was like, you get sugar taste in the back of your tongue where all those receptors are. Not true. Not true at all."
"At the James Randi Educational Foundation, we fight astrology, speaking to the dead, and more. It's all nonsense, fraud information."
"Let's demystify all of that because there are a lot of misconceptions and myths online."
"...there are a lot of misconceptions and myths online, and so let's dive into it now."
"There is no proof that Hitler was Jewish."
"I've completely debunked the myth that Swift leather scratches easily."
"Loads of myths that we're going to bust."
"Just letting you know that the moon landing is real."
"The Somme is quite simply too ghastly to be wrapped in a blanket of myths and half-truths, painting the psalmist as some sort of aberration of 20th-century warfare could not be more wrong."
"In the late 60s... they basically debunked the whole notion of TBO in the context of the airline industry..."
"Mixology it's been debunked as a science crap but yeah so don't listen don't."
"Hope you enjoyed this debunking review or article or video, and see you in the next one. Bye."
"Critics of the conspiracy theory are quick to point out that a cover-up would have to include not just hundreds of Navy personnel but also hundreds of civilians involved with the investigation."
"13 lies about the Medieval Era even history Buffs are guilty of believing."
"Myths about domestic violence: Women are passive, don't fight back, like the violence, or would leave if it was really bad."
"We're here to put ancient old myths and questions to rest."
"Every one of them is fundamentally false."
"Literally nothing paranormal happened."
"He was the magician that would go around and debunk people that were claiming supernatural powers."
"If I have the chance to use my nitpicky powers for the greater good, then by god, I'm gonna do it. This is the Pixar theory debunked."
"Luckily, internet users are usually very quick to debunk false claims of the Paranormal despite the fact that they've fooled millions of people."
"What's up, I'm B, and welcome to my channel where we debunk harmful personal development and religious norms."
"This day is going off, I'm stoked, so much for a poor fishing day, I think that myth is well and truly busted."
"Such bold claims of having superpowers are bound to be debunked sooner or later."
"He decided to investigate primarily to debunk it and to reveal information about it that would calm a lot of nerves in the area."
"I've spent most of my life trying to debunk that fallacy."
"MythBusters debunked the 'can a penny falling off the Empire State Building kill you' myth years ago."
"As a debunker, I'm a believer in the paranormal, and I do this for different reasons."
"It was impossible to miss the news that week: the circles had been debunked."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi ended by debunking Liam Neeson's claims that he would only do a Star Wars film by bringing back the Force ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn."
"We take the mystery and the myths out of bass fishing."
"For the last time on debunked, goodbye."
"Vaccines do not cause autism, Al Qaeda did cause 9/11, Americans walked on the moon, and the Queen of England is not a lizard person."
"He really got into debunking spiritualists; he was really going after the psychics and mediums."
"I'm very excited, there's a lot of myths out there and I want to run them down, punish them all."
"We're shredding diet myths one video at a time."
"It's easier for fake news to arise with the internet, but it's also much easier to debunk these things because of the Internet."
"I love that they included that we can debunk it."
"Houdini says no, and proves it. He was such a killjoy."
"The ultimate goal is to debunk the falsehood and introduce the truth."
"I did a video called 'How Dendrochronology Disproves Noah's Flood'."
"I don't just solve mysteries, I bust myths."
"This young fellow, he's here to prove that's a total myth."
"Reading body language has been debunked time and time again by scientists as an inaccurate pseudoscience."
"We take our time to address that lie."
"It takes an order of magnitude more effort to debunk the BS than it took to produce it."
"We can debunk all of the science myths that go around in the house."
"He drove the spiritual seduction out of Ireland because he debunked the superstition of the druid priests."
"I think the notion about Jared Goff not playing good outside we can put it to rest."